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November 26th, 2015
Kaines' Dinner of Doom Event 

To put on the best Thanksgiving dinner ever, Kaine's brilliant scientist mother decided to apply her vast scientific knowledge to her culinary skills but didn't stop to think if she should!

Now the Kaine mansion is awash with various foodstuffs intent on making the Crusaders choke on them. Or more to the point, choke the Crusaders to death.

The limited time Thanksgiving event features four exclusive objectives, a new formation and two new Crusaders to unlock.


Carrying on with tradition, there are two new Crusaders that can join your crusade, once your adventurers survive the objectives. The first of the two, RoboTurkey, won't make it easy though as he debuffs the Crusaders around him in the new pie formation, decreasing their max health by 50%.

Momma Kaine

Momma Kaine is the second of the two new Crusaders. However, separating her from her culinary experimentation and getting her clear of the mansion is going to be tough. As the Crusaders abduct her mid-experiment, she inadvertently freezes adjacent Crusaders every 10 seconds. The affected heroes will have their DPS reduced to 0 for 15 seconds, but thankfully their formation abilities are unharmed.

RoboTurkey shares a formation seat with Princess. His unique ability enables him to increase a random Crusader's DPS by 10% for 30 seconds by zapping them, while absorbing 25% of the DPS for himself.

Momma Kaine, who shares a formation seat with Khouri, is a nurturing sort as well as being a brilliant scientist. She has a number of unique abilities. First, she heals the Crusaders furthest away from her by 20% per second. She also has a ranged power where she can slow the furthest monster from the Crusaders by 25%, perfect for taking down bosses. Finally, she synergizes with RoboTurkey by increasing the DPS of zapped Crusaders by a further 50%.

New for this Event:

Once you've grabbed both RoboTurkey and Momma Kaine, you'll be able to start the Thanksgiving Free Play for 2,500 Pumpkin Pies.

Gravy Train

The remaining two objectives will require having had at least 250 and 500 Idols respectively as well as the event currency of Pumpkin Pie to start. In Gravy Train, a giant train of gravy will block slots in your formation. And the Plaid Friday Deals are too good to be true! Crusaders cost less...but they do much less DPS over the entire 200 areas.

Can you stop the killer food before it's too late? Or will the enhanced tryptophan slow you down?

You have until Monday December 7th at Noon PST to control the madness!
November 20th, 2015
Gobble Down Your Thanksgiving Meal in BW2! 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Thank Goodness for Thanksgiving!

The residents of The Commons are preparing for a massive feast to celebrate the end of harvest season, and of course they need your expertise at finding things in bushes!

First and foremost, it's all about helping the chefs fill their food stations to the brim - and beyond. There's three of them for three types of meals, so you'll be collecting Meat, Veggies and of course Deserts to feed the hungry masses of Bushwhackia! Can you make all the Pristine Food? Keep doing turn-ins to achieve it!

On the subject of food - four of the guests have promised they would bring a dish to share, but they've forgotten ingredients.

And then, there's the problem of the Turkeys. Apparently, they need to be rescued in some fashion, so you'll need to get on that.

New for 2015:

We've added two new quests for this year. One celebrates other harvest festivals around the world and the other involves an inflatable surprise. They'll unlock as the event goes on. And tune in on Thanksgiving (or after if you're enjoying your day off), for a fun show!

Event Achievements - POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT!!

Achievements Returning in 2015:
  • Special Order - You helped all of the people prepare their special dishes.
  • Master of the Ways - You have helped cook each dish excellently for the pristine table.
  • Short Order Cook - You've helped prepare one of each dish.
  • Turkey Lover - You saved enough turkeys to guarantee survival. This year.
  • Historical Detective - You helped Bob the Historian investigate the Pilgrims.
  • Family Matters - You brought all of Brock's family together for Thanksgiving.

Added/Changed for 2015:
  • Thanks For The Stuff - You purchases all the Thanksgiving 2015 items.*
  • Parade Enthusiast - You watched the Thanksgiving Day Parade.

We have 4 achievements from previous years' events, which may be earned by spending some Bush Bucks if a player was not present during the original years:
  • Thankful Decorator - You bought all the house items from the 2012 Thanksgiving Event.
  • Thankful Dresser - You bought all the player items from the 2012 Thanksgiving Event.
  • Thankful Shopper - You bought all the 2013 Turkey Day items.
  • Black Friday - You bought all the 2014 Thanksgiving items.

* The Mini Golf piece (Coming Soon!) is NOT included in the Thanks For The Stuff achievement, and therefore it is not required to purchase it.

Pet Packs:

2015 Pets -- Available in Packs!

Woolly Lamb: Turns up to 30% of your Nothing wins into Gold.
Pilgrim Turkey: Increases your chance to win puzzle pieces by up to 15%.
Pilgrim Hamster: Turns up to 30% of your Nothing wins into Energy.

2014 Pets Available for Bush Bucks

Roboturkey - Increases your chance to win puzzle pieces by up to 15%
Hedgehog - Increases your chance to win quest items by up to 15%
Thanksgiving Goose - Turns up to 25% of your Nothing wins into Mana!

2013 Event Pets available for Bush Bucks:

Pilgrim Kitty - Increases your odds to win Quest Items by up to 15%.
Pilgrim Squirrel - Increases your odds to win Runes by up to 25%.
Turkey Hunter - Increases you odds to win Puzzle Pieces by up to 15%.

The event will run until Friday December 4th at Noon PST!

Give thanks and feedback here!
November 13th, 2015
Grimm's Idle Tales Campaign 

It's time for dark and brooding tales of old crones, malevolent giant wolves, man-sized living straw effigies, blood and guts. Hang on a minute! That can't be correct, can it?

Oh, but it is. With the latest Crusaders of the Lost Idols campaign we are revisiting your favorite fairy tales but darkly rooted in the best traditions of the Brothers Grimm tales with a dash of other worlds.

The settings for the six new objectives will seem eerily familiar to you. Along with the objectives to get to area 200 and 300, are four objectives that will test your formation planning skills and attentiveness as you wander down memory lane.

Not In Kansas Anymore

There's a story of an omnipotent wizard in a big, green city and a rag-tag bunch of misfits requiring an escort to said city in 'Not in Kansas Anymore'. The girl, the scarecrow, the lion, and the tin man will join your party over time as you progress, taking up precious formation slots and debuffing your DPS, gold generation and your health.

What Big Teeth You Have

'What Big Teeth You Have' is an objective that has something to do with wolves; we're sure of it. What else would be able to climb into clothes (albeit the matronly garments your grandmother wears) with the sole purpose of devouring your charge, a small red-caped girl? What's more, the beast will appear randomly without warning throughout the 250 areas you must complete and with a monstrous amount of HP making him a brutal monster if ever we saw one.

Sleeping Beauty

Just so you don't think that narcolepsy is a joke, in 'Sleeping Beauty' half of your Crusaders will randomly fall asleep on the job! Every 25 areas, random Crusaders will nod off and no longer do any damage and be unable to use their buff abilities, forcing you to shuffle your formation.

Down the Rabbit Hole

Finally, you may have noticed we like rabbits here at Codename Entertainment. As if by magic (probably by way of a hat) the objective 'Down the Rabbit Hole' puts your Crusaders in charge of a certain fidgety white rabbit. This bouncing furball will hop between random formation slots every 25 levels buffing adjacent Crusaders by 200% to hurry them along.

All of the objectives will require a mastery of a brand new formation too just to keep you on your toes.
November 13th, 2015
Cook up Thanksgiving for the EBA Monkeys 

Hi Breakers!

It's time to give thanks for all things. And what says "Thank you for being in my life" better than a nice meal? The Pilgrim Monkey is on hand to ensure that the bounty of the fall is harvested, to prepare an epic feast for all the monkeys to enjoy. Help him prepare the Thanksgiving meal by decorating the table and filling it with delicious food stuffs.

Collect wild turkeys to earn trophy room decorations, complete the Challenge Egg challenges for sweet delights, or check out the available Extras in the Pilgrim Monkey's store!

General Event details:

- Collect 18 different types of supplies to prepare for a feast, in ever increasing amounts.

- You'll need to find…
…4 preparation items to advance from the Bronze stage to the Silver stage,

…4 preparation items to advance from the Silver stage to the Gold stage,

…12 preparation items at the Gold stage, as well as having won all 12 prizes to earn the Thanksgiving Event Trophy!

How the Event works:

You get to use the Multiplier buff! Here's how it works:
  • The daily multiplier buff increases each time you feed the Pilgrim Monkey his Thanksgiving Event Tokens, up to a buff of 8x:
    • Feed the monkey once, increase the buff to 2x,
    • Feed the monkey twice, increase the buff to 4x,
    • Feed the monkey three times, the buff increases to 8x - additional feedings past this will not increase the multiplier any further, it will remain capped at 8x
    • If you merely activate the monkey, but do not feed him, the buff will not increase. You must feed the Pilgrim Monkey for the buff to increase.
  • The permanent Base x2 buff only applies to preparation item wins.
    • The graphic for the buff itself will not change, by placing your cursor over the buff icon on the right side of the breaking screen, you can see your buff has leveled up to.
    • All normal buffs are available.
  • The base multiplier will reset every day at Midnight PST.

Let's break down the Pilgrim Monkey's special event stage:

From the Pilgrim Monkey's Special Event Screen, you can:
  • Track how much time is left until the event ends,
  • Visually watch the feast table become crowded with tasty goodness!
  • See your progress towards your current preparation items,
  • See the current cost of the items which you are working towards,
  • Keep count of your Wild Turkey Achievement progression!
  • Easily track your progress towards preparation completed, Prizes collected (Click the Prize button to see which ones you've earned/are missing), Progression Ribbons and the Thanksgiving Trophy!

Rewards and Extras!:

3 successive ribbons for progression, which permanently add additional +5, +10 or +15 hammers respectively.

Trophy: Can be displayed in a Trophy Room.
Ribbon and Trophy (if earned) are awarded after the event finishes on November 27, 2015. The highest ribbon earned will be awarded.

Wild Turkey Achievement:

As you break eggs, wild turkeys appear and wander around the screen. Gently tap the turkey before it's gone! The turkey will try to escape, but one painless tap and magically you have a fragrant, perfectly cooked turkey! At the 1st, 50th and 250th turkey found, you will unlock special decorations for your trophy room. Turkeys will continue to appear after you have earned the last achievement, but you can continue to hit them.

Available in the Pilgrim Monkey's Store:

Consumables Tab:

Thanksgiving Crate Costs 250 Thanksgiving Tokens
- Contains a random selection of hammers, multipliers and star pieces
- Must be used by 11:59:59 PM PST on 2015-11-28!
(We encourage you to use them by the end of the day on November 27th, just in case!)

Extras Tab:

Available for Event Tokens:

From 2014: Pumpkin Pie Hat: 10% more Event Tokens
From 2013: Drumstick Hammer: Slightly more stars

New for 2015: Turkey Neck Hammer: Less Nothings!

Available for Monkey Bucks:

2013 Pilgrim Hat: Increases Holiday/Event Token wins and Star wins by 10%
2013 Turkey Hat: Increases Holiday/Event Token wins and Multiplayer wins by 10%
2014 Chef's Hat: Chance your last Egg Broken was free and 10% more Gold!
2014 Football Helmet: Small chance of a bonus Hammer win and 10% more Event Tokens!

The Thanksgiving Event will run until Friday November 27th @ Noon PST.

Post comments and questions on the forums!
November 9th, 2015
The Idol Shop Opens Its Doors - Slightly! 

As our more veteran players all know, we've been planning to add a way to spend Idols to increase your power since the game first launched. Unfortunately that update is taking more time than we'd like, so we've decided to roll out a few of the more commonly requested features from it prior to the whole system being completed. Without further adieu, we present to you the Crusaders Talent Tree!

Talent Tree Menu

Accessed via a button where the Idol Shop button used to be on the inventory tab, the Talent Tree will eventually contain dozens and dozens of skills and abilities to unlock for increasing numbers of Idols. For now, however, it contains two very valuable and sought after features:

Buy All Button

The Buy All Talent unlocks a new button on the Crusaders UI. With a single click it will immediate spend as much gold as possible to maximize your total Crusader Levels. This button is extremely useful just before you reset, as it will maximize your Idols gained on that run. To unlock the ability to purchase the Buy All talent you must have beaten Area 150 in any campaign. Purchasing this talent will cost you 25 Idols as well. Idols you spend in the Talent Tree will no longer grant their DPS or Gold Find bonuses.

Mass Chest Button

The Mass Chest Talent adds three new buttons to the Chest Opening screen. These new buttons allow you to open 5, 25, or 100 chests all at once, displaying the cumulative contents for your to peruse. This tier 2 Talent requires you to have beaten Area 300 in any campaign, so if you haven't done so yet you may want to start planning to do a deep run into Emo's New Moon or the World's Wake campaign on Free Play! You'll also need to spend 100 of your hard earned Idols to purchase this talent.

Mass Chest Screen

We'll be adding more and more Talents over time, so stay tuned to this blog and the in-game change log for more information about those.

In addition to these two talents we're also updating the functionality of Enchantment Points with today's update. We've received a lot of feedback regarding Holiday Crusaders not feeling as powerful as the classic Crusaders due to an EP differential. Based on this feedback, we've changed it so that 30% of EP is now shared between Crusaders in the same bench slot. This means that Jack O'Lantern now benefits from 30% of Natalie Dragon's EP, and Wendy the Witch benefits from 30% of Prince Sal's EP. This also applies to Crusaders from the Carnival Event and will apply to any new Crusaders we add in the future. We're also planning to add a Talent to the Talent Tree in the future that will increase the percentage of shared EP. This should make Holiday Crusaders much more competitive with the classic Crusaders, especially if you've earned a lot of Enchantment Points!

We hope you enjoy these new features. We'll be releasing more information about new Talents and features in the future, based not only upon our own ideas, but your invaluable feedback! Thank you for your patience and support!
November 6th, 2015
BW2 Explorer's League: Epic Quest 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

It's a tale of epic epicness!

Well, not really. But it's a quest for the ultimate ancient artifact! The Explorer's League is trying to find an ancient item that is rumored to be located somewhere in Bushwhackia. They've heard that clues to the artifact's location were stored in ancient lockboxes and scattered throughout the lands. Since you signed on to help them out, your first task will be tracking down the mysterious lockboxes.

You need to have built the fourth floor of the skyscraper and completed up to the Molten Core in the caves in order to start this new adventure. Can you find them all?

Chat about your adventuring on the forums!
November 6th, 2015
It's Time for Some Intrigue in EBA! 

Greetings Breakers!

The names Kong....George Kong. A debonair and dashing monkey with superb skills and a knack for getting in, and out, of trouble. This handsome primate is the Challenge Fairy's favourite movie spy, so she's put together the all-new Agent 009 Burst Event to celebrate everything about him!

For the duration of the event, special challenge eggs will temporarily replace all normal challenge eggs, and the eggs will appear at a higher than usual rate. Players can earn 12 event prizes of various Spy themed items from cashing in Event Tokens with the Challenge Fairy Monkey.

For the toughest of tough challenges, there are 3 awesome prizes!

The Spy Trillby adds more Multipliers!
The Golden Gun Hammer adds more Multipliers!
The Martini Set makes any trophy room ready for a visit from Agent 009!

Talk about it on the forums!

The event will run until Wednesday, November 11th at Noon PST!