Tired of opening and closing the world map to pick up quests at the Hermit's House, in Cloudland or Sanctuary, or turning in a Lock Pick quest in Port Blackwood, then popping back to the Flux?
Introducing a new and helpful way for you to get around Bushwhackia! The Commons' Teleporter Hub!
If you've built Brock's Masonry shop (to the west of the Town Hall) and are level 100 or higher, you can start building your Teleporter Network by talking to Eunice, the Port-Co representative in the Commons.
When you've completed the first teleporter station in the Commons, you will be able to seek out Eunice's friends around the world, in Quest Hubs and all the Fluxes, so that you can set up a chain of Teleporters to help out in your daily routines. Only one teleporter quest will be available to work on at a time, so it will take a few days to get it fully set up.

One of Eunice's fellow Port Co. employees, out in the wild world (well, just the Hermit's House.)
When you reach level 200, a second teleporter pad can be built in the Commons, and at level 300 you can build your 3rd pad. So depending on what quests you want to do that day, or how you want to get around, you can set a different destination for each of the Commons teleporter pads.
Plus, we've added 6 achievements relating to the Teleporters for you to achieve!
We welcome your comments and feedback on the forums.