Legendary Gear... Coming Soon!
Legendary Gear is coming to Crusaders of the Lost Idols... but how do you get it and what does it do? Keep reading to find out.
Legendary Gear is the ultimate equipment. In addition to a massively enhanced base bonus, twice as big as the epic equivalent, each piece of Legendary Gear comes with a whole new unique Legendary Effect that could completely switch up your formation. What's more, that effect can be leveled up indefinitely as long as you've got the crafting material to do so.
Getting Legendary Gear
There are a couple of things you'll need before you can get a piece of Legendary Gear. The first is the Epic version of the item you want. Crafting will make it easier to get specific Epics, but in general Jeweled Chests are your primary source for Epic items.
The second thing you'll need is a Legendary Catalyst. Legendary Catalysts are new random drops from Jeweled Chests. They can also be obtained via rare Missions. They are consumed when you craft Legendary items. The number of Legendary Catalysts you need depend on how much Legendary Gear you're crafting at once. The first piece of gear will only take one Legendary Catalyst, but each piece of gear after that will take 66% more Catalysts, rounded to the nearest whole number. Every week after your first Legendary craft, the number of Catalysts required will decrease by 80%, to a minimum of one. Basically this is a long-winded way of saying if you want to craft more than one Legendary Item per week, it's going to cost you extra Catalysts.
But that's it! If you've got the Epic item you want to upgrade and the required number of Catalysts, you can simply click a button to upgrade your piece of Epic gear to a piece of Legendary gear, increasing its bonus and gaining access to its Legendary Effect.
Upgrading Legendary Gear
The power spike doesn't stop there. Once you have a piece of Legendary Gear you can upgrade its Legendary Effect by spending Crafting Material. You can choose to use Common, Uncommon, Rare, or Epic material, based on whatever you have lying around. The amount of material it takes increases with each level. It's worth it, however, as the Legendary Effect
doubles with each Legendary Level.
Oh, About Golden Epics...
For those of you with Golden Epics, don't dismay. You won't lose the Golden benefit when you upgrade to Legendary tier. All Golden Epics can be turned into Golden Legendaries for the same cost as upgrading a normal Epic to a Legendary. In addition, if you don't have a Golden Epic and craft a Legendary in its slot, a future flash sale may offer you the Golden Legendary directly.
So... release date?
We anticipate Crafting and Legendary Gear being released sometime in the next month or so, but as always we want to note that things could change unexpectedly, even the design itself. We'll keep you updated as we get closer to the launch!