Learn more about the latest challenging variants to come to Idle Champions below...

Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Variants
- Who Lurks in Lurkwood: Modrons in the Mud
- Two lost modrons have taken up position around your formation. They're interesting, but they don't do much else. Only Champions with CHA of 14 or lower can be used.
- Reach area 350.
- Orcs are Wild: Dino Nightmare
- Illusory dinosaurs spawn in each area. They drop no gold and do not count towards quest progress. Champion base attack cooldowns are increased by 100%. Asharra, Azaka, Birdsong, and Jamilah each deal 400% more damage and are not affected by the base attack cooldown change.
- Reach area 350.

Tomb of Annihilation Variants
- The Forbidden City: Fall From Grace
- Every 15 seconds, the Champion with the highest damage has their damage reduced by 99.9% for 60 seconds. This effect can stack.
- Reach area 350.
- Captured!: Underground Railroad
- Three slots in the formation are taken up by various slaves who happened to be in the Prisoner Pens with you when you were rescued. Get 'em to safety!
- Reach area 350.

Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Variants
- Vault of Dragons: Vault of Poison
- The Zhentarim have poisoned their weapons to properly prepare you for Manshoon's arrival. Anyone hit by a Zhentarim Spy is poisoned for the next 2 minutes. While poisoned, Champions lose a percentage of their max health every second based on their CON score.
- Reach area 300.
- Champions of Waterdeep: Strike!
- Champions are demanding better profit sharing after it was discovered that Jarlaxle is running an entire secret organization on the side! Champions with the Gold Find tag cannot be used. Enemies drop 99% less gold.
- Reach area 300.

Baldur's Gate Descent into Avernus Variants
- Darkness Runs Deeper: Dark Doppelgangers
- Every boss area, a Doppelganger disguised as one of your Champions attacks! You must defeat the Doppelganger to advance.
- Reach area 300.
- Difficult Terrain: Madcap Adventures
- Madcaps arrive in each area. If a Madcap deals damage to a Champion, another Madcap immediately spawns. These bloodspawned Madcaps do not drop gold or count towards quest progress. Each time a Madcap is bloodspawned, Champion damage is reduced by 99% for 3 seconds.
- Reach area 325.
See the in-game Change Log for more information!