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April 23rd, 2021
Idle Champion Spotlight: Shaka 
Posted in Idle Champions.

A puzzle master arrives to help unravel all your mysteries!

Sharafka aka 'Shaka' is a tiefling celestial warlock from the Rivals of Waterdeep, who brings a love of mazes while protecting his friends from monsters. He joins the Champion ranks next week during The Running!

I. Shaka

Dungeons & Dragons Shaka Shareef Jackson

    As a member of Rivals of Waterdeep, Shaka is always looking for the latest adventure and the latest puzzle. His party has encountered mysteries and foes throughout Waterdeep, Candlekeep, Icewind Dale, and Avernus. Their base of operations is located in the Trollskull Manor in Waterdeep where a brain in a jar named Brian stands watch.

Shaka is here to help, using his keen intellect to solve the Celestial Puzzle and bolstering his allies with Celestial Resistance. When you want to add him to your formation, you can swap him with Makos (Slot 9).

II. Shaka’s Stats

Race: Tiefling Alignment: Neutral Good
Class: Warlock (Celestial) Gender: Male
Age: 29 Affiliation: Rivals of Waterdeep

STR: 10 DEX: 16 CON: 15
INT: 16 WIS: 13 CHA: 16

Role: Support & Healing
Eligible for Patrons: Mirt the Moneylender, Vajra Safahr, Strahd von Zarovich, Zariel
Slot: 9 (Makos)

Dungeons & Dragons Shaka

III. Shaka's Design

It’s been truly wonderful to work with Shareef Jackson, a passionate STEM diversity advocate and founder of Math Looks Good LLC, which provides math and physics tutoring services. He’s been featured in the New York Times, the Smithsonian, the Guardian, NPR, Scientific American, and MacLean's talking about science and technology. Shareef has been on Rivals of Waterdeep not just as the tiefling warlock Shaka, but stepping into the Dungeon Master role for two of their seasons!

While helping his adopted family through Avernus, Shaka made a pact with the Celestial Kagoya and now uses those powers to focus on healing and support. He can boost damage with A Celestial Puzzle, provide shielding with Celestial Resistance, and further amplify his abilities through specialization choices.

If more direct action is needed, Shaka can summon a Wall of Light and choose to Blind or Disintegrate enemies. The Blinding Wall of Light will push enemies away from the formation and cause their attacks to miss, while the Disintegrating Wall of Light will kill or damage those attempting to do his friends harm!

IV. Shaka's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Eldritch Blast — A beam of crackling green shoots towards an enemy, dealing damage.

Formation Abilities

  • A Celestial Puzzle — Shaka attempts to solve a celestial puzzle with the potential for great rewards. Four random slots in the formation are assigned a random tag. For each Champion in those slots that match the slot's tag, Shaka buffs the party by 100%, stacking multiplicatively. Tags pull from a fixed set of odds, with two being "easy", one "medium", and one "hard";
    • Easy: male, female (non-binary Champions count in either)
    • Medium: support, dps, gold
    • Hard: human, kobold, elf, dwarf, tiefling
  • Celestial Resistance — Shaka adds 10 temporary hit-points to the entire party when changing areas. This is increased by 25% for each A Celestial Puzzle slot that is filled properly, stacking additively (ie. +100% with 4 slots filled properly). This ability can be buffed by upgrades, equipment, and feats.
  • Feats or Famine — Shaka increases the effect of A Celestial Puzzle by 20% for each puzzle slot he's adjacent to, stacking multiplicatively. This ability can be buffed by equipment and feats. Buffs apply to the post-stack value.

First Specializations

The first set of specializations deal with the ability A Tough Puzzle:
  • Sunday Edition — A fifth slot in the formation is assigned a random tag and can be matched to further increase A Celestial Puzzle.
  • Better Luck Next Time — The slots chosen for A Celestial Puzzle are rerolled. Note that the rerolled slots and tags are consistent for the adventure, so you can't use Potions of Specialization to repeatedly reroll for different slots (if you do respec and pick the other spec will swap back to the original slots/tags).

Second Specializations

Another set of specializations determine how Shaka’s Ultimate works:
  • Blinding Wall of Light — Unlocks the Blinding Wall of Light ultimate, which pushes enemies back and then appears near the formation and causes enemies that pass through it to miss with most of their attacks.
  • Disintegrating Wall of Light — Unlocks the Disintegrating Wall of Light ultimate, which appears close to where enemies spawn and can cause enemies that pass through it to instantly be killed; enemies not killed take additional damage for the next little while.

V. Shaka's Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Global DPS
Slot 3: A Celestial Puzzle
Slot 4: Celestial Resistance
Slot 5: Feast or Famine
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

VI. Conclusion

We’re very excited to have Shaka joining Idle Champions, and excited to see him lending his skills to the rest of the Champions! What do you think about Shaka? If you have feedback, let us know in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

April 21st, 2021
Idle Champions: The Grand Tour, Part 13 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Remember that time we ended up lost in the underdark? Well, it’s time to head to the kuo-toa city of Sloobludop to find our way out, but the underdark can be confusing...

Note: you will need to have completed the previous two Grand Tour Adventures, Into the Unknown and Prisoner of Velkynvelve, in order to access these new Adventures.

Lost in the Underdark

While finding your way to Sloobludop you’ll need to avoid the drow from Velkynvelve that continue to hunt you!
  • Variant: Demons Here, Demons There — Find your way to Sloobludop with a collection of demons standing in your way! Abyssal Chickens, Bulezau, and Quasits will appear in each area, causing havoc and debuffing the Champions while granting a buff to enemies.
    Reach Area 375.

Leemooggoogoon Rises

You’ve arrived in Sloobludop and just need to find a boat, which would be easy if you weren’t continually distracted with requests for assistance!
  • Variant: Stragglers — While helping the Kuo-toa, a few straggler prisoners join the formation while being accompanied to safety. Gold find is reduced by 99%
    Reach Area 375.

See the in-game Change Log for more information!
April 9th, 2021
BW2: Hoppy Easter Event 2021 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Happy Easter Bushwhackers!

The Easter Bunny is back in town to bring the friendly competition of his egg hunt! That's what Easter is all about, right? The yummy chocolate eggs!

Every 8 hours, you can compete against 4 residents of the Commons in the Easter Egg Hunt! Plus, after your first Hunt of the day, you can hide eggs to set-up for the next hunt and whack monsters to keep the fields safe for the children!

Having trouble winning? Why not use some bonuses, available from the shady character in the wizard hat in the Event Area. Boosts are available for purchase for Easter Tokens after you complete your first Egg Hunt of the event.

Help make the eggs with the three turn-in stations! With all the Unpainted Eggs, Dye and Wax, we can make some pretty egg designs!

Chef Elza will have her bevy of recipes for you to help her prepare to have an awesome Easter feast!

Speaking of Easter feasts, lambs are so very cute, aren’t they? Help Lambchop save her fellow fluffy lambs from ending up on Easter feast tables.

Grab Jelly Beans and Peeps every 20 hours for extra Easter progress and tokens! Plus, each of the turn-in station owners will have a bonus quest for you to complete, and you'll get to help the poor confused soul deal with Easter moving around.

You can help one character make a Chocolate Easter Egg, because who doesn't need more sugar? And you'll be able to make a custom hat! This year, you'll be able to get the hats for both genders for completing the quest for Hyatt the Hat Maker!

Finally, don't forget to help a bilby evict some invasive bunnies... a lot of them. It starts at noon on Saturday, Pacific Time, to give you time to finish it.

New for 2021:
If you can complete the event, you'll earn the next Pet Piece! Collect all 2020 holiday pet pieces to craft a unique pet!

Hyatt has a new hat to craft for you, should you bring him the supplies he needs!

There is a new 3 part quest line that unlocks in the last week of the event! Landen has some questions about the Bunnegg you and he hatched last year...

And keep your eyes peeled during the World Wide Egg Hunt starting the second Friday of the event. Not all the eggs are in the same places as last year, so work together to find them all!

Event Achievements -- POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT

There are a total of EIGHTEEN possible achievements to earn in the Easter 2018 event.

Achievements Returning for 2021
Winner, Winner! - Win the Easter Egg Hunt. You can do it!
Greedy! - Win the Easter Egg Hunt with a perfect score.
Easter Feasting - Help the Chef prepare for the Easter feast!
Basket Weaving 101 - Complete the Easter Reeds quest 5 times.
Pro Egg Designer - Help 40 times at each of the Egg Stations.
Lambs against Lamb - Help Lambchop protest certain feast choices.
World Wide Hunter - Find 5 eggs during the World Wide Egg Hunt.
Chocolate Egg Maker - Help Edna make her own chocolate Easter eggs.
Hyatt's Hats Hustler - Help Hyatt unlock his passion for creating hats!
Bunny Invasion! - Help save the bilbies by capturing invasive bunnies during the Easter event Egg Eagle Eye - Find all 90 of the eggs during the World Wide Egg Hunt [HARD!Requires most of the Salt Desert content finished]

Added/Changed for 2021
Pastel Purchases - Purchase all the 2021 Easter custom items.*

We also have 9 achievements from previous years which may be earnable by spending Bush Bucks if you missed getting them the first time around.

Eggspressionism - Purchase all the 2020 Easter custom items.
Easter Earner - Purchase all the 2019 Easter custom items.
Eggregious Purchases - Purchase all the 2018 Easter custom items.
Easter Item Exodus - Purchase all the 2017 Easter custom items.
Easter Decorator - Purchase all the 2016 Easter custom items.
Gone Egg Crazy - Purchase all the 2015 Easter custom items.
Easter Token Finder - Purchase all of the 2014 Easter custom items.
Eggtacular - Purchase all the 2013 Easter custom items.
That's Not Fair! - Win the Egg Hunt while dressed as the Easter Bunny (2013 customization items: Rabbit Hat, Rabbit Nose and Bunny Cape)

*The Easter mini-golf piece is not included in the Pastel Purchases achievement.

Mount Sale:

New 2021 Mount:

The Enbarr is a firy green steed of an Irish sea mythos! It increases your speed by 55% and it's starting bonus increase your Energy wins by 5%!

Get this mount free with the purchase of 100 Bush Bucks or more during the weekend sale running until Monday March 15th @ Noon PDT!

Pet Packs:

New 2021 Pet Packs:

COMING SOON! Keep an eye out for the sale pop-up!

The event will run until Friday April 23rd 2021 @ 12pm PDT.

Plan your attack for finding all the Easter eggs here!


How do I participate in the Easter Egg Hunt?
Talk to the NPC under the Easter Egg Hunt banner to be teleported to the hunting zone.

What do I do in the Easter Egg Hunt zone?
Click on all the crates, barrels, rocks and bushes trying to find as many eggs as you can. There are only 20 eggs hidden in all the doodads.

How do I get a perfect score in the Easter Egg Hunt?
You need to collect all 20 eggs - basically not letting any of the other hunters find any.

I’m too slow at the Hunt. How can I be better?
The NPC with the wizard hat in the event area of the Commons sells boosts for Easter Tokens. Speed up your character and distract the other hunters with his wares. Also, travel in a circle, starting in the area closest to where everyone else is being distracted. And don't click on the searchable items themselves, click beside them. Clicking on the item causes you to walk slower.

When will the last quest unlock?
All quests will be unlocked by the 10th day of the event.

What contributes to my 100% progress?
Turning in the Unpainted Eggs, the Dye and the Wax as well as completing the Easter Egg Hunt and the quests for the folks in the event area.

Why do I want to ask friends for help?
It increases the amount of progress you get from doing a turn-in.

Do I have to do the achievements?
No. Completing the goals for the achievements is totally optional. You get either a large energy pack or a title for your character from them, no event progress.

Where can I see the achievements available and how to get them?
Either on the holiday dialog, the achievements dialog, or on the blog.

When can I do the World Wide Easter Egg Hunt?
The World Wide Easter Egg Hunt starts on Good Friday - April 16th - and lasts for the rest of the event.

Where do I find World Wide Easter Egg Hunt Eggs?
Once the hunt has started, you can find eggs by clicking them in many of the zones in the world. Eggs are hidden behind rocks and trees and in tricky to access locations in normal zones, secret areas, and adventure zones all over the world. Not every area has an egg hidden in it. There are 90 eggs hidden throughout the world in total, but you'll need to be done most of the content in the game to find them all.
April 8th, 2021
COTLI: Grimm's Idle Tales Tier 5 Objectives 

Today's update includes eight new Tier 5 Objectives in the Grimm's Idle Tales campaign! Power up and tell yourself a tale as old as time...

Grimm's Idle Tales Tier 5 Objective Updates

Not in Kansas Anymore
  • Most changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
    • New for Tier 5:
    • All boss areas now have 4 waves of monsters before the boss, and the Bossing Around talent is disabled.
    • All bosses are replaced by the Silver Slipper boss monster.
    • All companions start in the formation in area 1 and rearrange every 50 areas.
    • Areas get harder much more quickly.
    • Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete.
  • Beat area 525.
  • Awards 625 rubies.

What Big Teeth You Have
  • Most changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
    • New for Tier 5:
    • All Crusaders except those with the Magical tag can be used.
    • Gold find is disabled for longer after a wolf is killed.
    • Areas get harder much more quickly.
    • Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete.
  • Beat area 525.
  • Awards 625 rubies.

Sleeping Beauty
  • Most changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
    • New for Tier 5:
    • Starting at area 26, 12 of the first 36 bench seats are put to sleep.
    • Sleeping bench seats now change every 50 areas.
    • Monsters move quicker towards the formation.
    • Areas get harder much more quickly.
    • Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete.
  • Beat area 525.
  • Awards 625 rubies.

Down the Rabbit Hole
  • Most changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
    • New for Tier 5:
    • The White Rabbit and Mad Hatter now change spots every 50 areas.
    • The Mad Hatter supports the Queen of Shades and will disable the upgrades of adjacent Crusaders for every 15 Card monsters killed.
    • Areas get harder much more quickly.
    • Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete.
  • Beat area 575.
  • Awards 675 rubies.

Let It Go
  • Most changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
    • New for Tier 5:
    • The Snow Queen's heart is even colder now.
    • Areas get harder much more quickly.
    • Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete.
  • Beat area 575.
  • Awards 675 rubies.

I Like Potatoes
  • All changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
    • New for Tier 5:
    • All Crusaders except those with a Dragon tag can be used.
  • Reach Area 575.
  • Awards 625 rubies.

The Lion King
  • All changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
    • New for Tier 5:
    • Only Crusaders affected by Artaxes Roar! can do DPS.
    • Areas get harder much more quickly.
    • Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete.
  • Beat area 575.
  • Awards 675 rubies.

Holiday Hoopla
  • Most changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
    • New for Tier 5:
    • The Grinch now moves every 50 areas
    • In addition to Bush Whacker and Nate Dragon, only Tier 2 and Tier 3 event Crusaders can be used.
    • Areas get harder much more quickly.
    • Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete.
  • Beat area 575.
  • Awards 675 rubies.

Enjoy these new challenges!
April 2nd, 2021
Idle Champion Spotlight: Orkira Illdrex 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Orkira Illdrex joins her friends Avren, Penelope, Freely, and Briv Steelmarrow, and Alyndra Sarrbarand.

You may recognize Orkira from Heroes of the Planes and D4. Previously, she starred on D&D Beyond's Silver & Steel, Heroes of the Vale.

We are delighted to welcome her Idle Champions roster with your Year 4 Greengrass event. It's time for the latest Idle Champion Spotlight!

I. Orkira Illdrex

    Orkira Illdrex is a gold dragonborn from the Nentir Vale, where she grew up nurturing a love of healing and fire. Between a strange life filled with monsters, Gods, time and multiplanar travel, death, the destruction of worlds and the saving of others, Orkira has survived and adapted to deal with any situation with a motto of 'One problem at a time.'

Orkira is a Healing and Support Champion who continuously heals non-adjacent damaged Champions with Lesser Restoration, and will Self-Sacrifice if she can prevent the death of one of her companions. She also boosts DPS with Elemental Fire. When you want to add Orkira to your formation, you can swap her with Bruenor (Slot 1).

II. Orkira's Stats

Race: Dragonborn (Gold) Alignment: Chaotic Good
Class: Cleric (Phoenix Domain) Gender: Female
Age: 34 Affiliation: Heroes of the Planes

STR: 13 DEX: 14 CON: 16
INT: 8 WIS: 20 CHA: 18

Role: Healing, Support

Eligible for Patrons: Mirt the Moneylender, Vajra Safahr, Zariel

Slot: 1, (Bruenor)

III. Orkira's Design

We were always excited about the possibility of working with Lauren Urban about bringing her beloved Orkira to Idle Champions, and little did we think many moons ago during our initial planning meetings that we would be welcoming not only Orkira to Idle Champions but also Lauren herself as our Community Manager!

When Lauren isn't working with us at Codename, she's a prolific DM and player on a variety of livestreams and podcasts (Heroes of the Planes, D4, Dungeon Drunks), as well as a professional classical oboist.

Orkira is sweet and straightforward, much like she is on livestream, healing and buffing the party. Orkira continuously heals nonadjacent Champions with Lesser Restoration, like most healing, it's most effective when her allies are damaged. Noble and kind of heart, she will Self-Sacrifice to swap places with a non-adjacent ally when they are about to receive a killing blow. Orkira also aids the party by damaging enemies with Elemental Fire. This is boosted by her Healing Flame.

The Phoenix has played a large role in Orkira's life, and her bond with the Phoenix is explored with her Specializations Breath of the Phoenix to increase damage and Tailfeather of the Phoenix to increase healing.

IV. Orkira's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Burning Hands — Orkira leaps to a random enemy and raises her hands, causing fire to erupt from the tips of her claws in a small area of effect cone.

Formation Abilities

  • Lesser Restoration — Orkira heals all non-adjacent damaged Champions. Buffed by equipment, feats, and upgrades.
  • Elemental Fire — Whenever Orkira damages an enemy, they receive one stack of Elemental Fire, taking 10% of Orkira's damage per second for 15 seconds and receiving 100% additional damage from all attacks. This ability stacks up to 10 times (additively) and attempting to add another stack will reset the cooldown of all stacks. Buffs to this ability increase only the damage debuff bonus (not the damage over time). Buffed by equipment, feats, and upgrades.
  • Healing Flame — Increase the effect of Elemental Fire by 100% for each order of magnitude worth of effective healing done with Lesser Restoration on the current run. Buffed by equipment, feats, and upgrades. Buffs apply to the post-stack value.
  • Self Sacrifice — If a Champion Orkira is able to heal (ie. non-adjacent) is about to take a killing blow, Orkira instantly swaps formation slots with that Champion for 10 seconds and takes the hit for them. During this time Orkira's overwhelm point is set to twice the other Champion's and neither Orkira nor the other Champion can be moved, removed, or swapped out; after the time expires they swap back regardless of whether Orkira and/or the other Champion died during the time. This effect can only occur once every 60 seconds. This ability is not buffed.


  • Breath of the Phoenix — Increase the size of Orkira's Burning Hands area of effect cone and have Elemental Fire apply two stacks instead of one.
  • Tailfeather of the Phoenix — Increase the effect of Lesser Restoration by 100%. Lesser Restoration will now "heal" undamaged Champions and Healing Flame will count 1% of this non-effective healing as well.

Ultimate Ability

  • Radiance of the Phoenix — Orkira flies up over the enemies, grasping The Domain of the Phoenix and uttering a prayer, summoning The Phoenix to rain Elemental Fire down upon the battlefield. This deals damage over time and increases the Elemental Fire stacks of affected enemies by 1 every 2 seconds for 10 seconds.

V. Orkira's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Global DPS
Slot 3:
Lesser Restoration
Slot 4:
Elemental Fire
Slot 5:
Healing Flame
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

VI. Conclusion

We are thrilled Orkira is keeping her friends on the Idle Champions roster alive and we are excited to see how well she fits into the meta. If you have feedback, let us know in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!