- "...He recognized the man at once, though he hadn't seen him in years, by the emerald-encrusted dagger hilt protruding from the sheath on his hip. Regis had often contemplated stealing that beautiful weapon, but even he had a limit to his foolhardiness. The dagger belonged to Artemis Entreri..."
RA Salvatore, The Crystal Shard (1988)
Are you ready to learn more?
A Legendary Assassin...

- Raised by the thieves' guild in Calimport, Artemis Entreri has since become one of the deadliest and most feared assassins in the history of Faerûn. Entreri is completely devoted to mastery of his craft, leaving no room in his life for emotional attachment or even personal pleasures. His fighting skills and tactical brilliance are equalled only by one other - the drow warrior Drizzt Do'Urden.
Artemis is an extremely potent DPS Champion who observes and copies the support abilities granted to other DPS Champions, duplicating them for himself. When you wish to add Artemis to the formation, you can swap him with Nayeli (Slot 3).
II. Artemis' Stats
Race: Human | Alignment: Lawful Evil |
Class: Rogue (Assassin) | Gender: Male |
Age: unknown | Affiliation: none |
STR: 14 | DEX: 20 | CON: 15 |
INT: 16 | WIS: 16 | CHA: 13 |
Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra

III. Artemis Entreri's Design
How do you bring to life Drizzt Do'Urden's ultimate nemesis? A legendary assassin able to match skills with anyone he comes across? As it turns out, you make him do just that!We approached Artemis Entreri as an incredibly capable, observant, and adaptable fighter. When Artemis sees a move in combat, he can immediately duplicate it — and this is also true with formation abilities. If a DPS Champion other than Artemis receives a positional formation buff, Artemis will also receive a portion of the effect of that formation buff as well. This means Artemis is at his most powerful when fighting alongside other DPS Champions, opening up new formation possibilities where a support champion might be substituted for a DPS Champion so Artemis can duplicate multiple formation abilities from them. These stolen formation buff 'fragments' stack multiplicatively with any formation abilities that Artemis himself receives, and with the proper specialization choice, if the buffs are stolen from Drizzt or Catti-brie, this effect is further increased.
In addition to this unique mechanic, Artemis has a unique attack with his Vampiric Dagger. Getting a killing blow causes the dagger to become empowered, increasing Artemis' damage. This effect can stack multiple times, and with each attack there is a chance that the empowered dagger's power will be unleashed, dealing additional damage to whichever enemy was unlucky enough to be hit with the unleashed attack. Vampiric Dagger can cause Artemis' damage to spike randomly whenever he is reliably killing enemies, increasing his BUD-boosting potential.
Finally, Artemis' Ultimate Attack, One Upped, furthers increases his synergy with other DPS Champions by causing his Basic Attack cooldown to become reset whenever another DPS Champion attacks. This increases his damage based on the number of other DPS Champions in the formation, and lasts for the duration.
IV. Artemis Entreri's Abilities
Basic Attack
- Vampiric Dagger — Artemis attacks the nearest enemy with his Vampiric Dagger.
Formation Abilities
- Observance — Artemis observes and copies the positional formation abilities applied to other DPS Champions in the formation and gains a copy of those abilities on himself at 75% of their effectiveness, even if he himself already receives that effect.
- Jeweled Power — Artemis' Vampiric Dagger is empowered. Whenever Artemis kills an enemy, Artemis' damage is increased by 100%, stacking multiplicatively. While this ability has at least 1 stack, there is a 10% chance per stack (additive) that the power will be unleashed when Artemis attacks, dealing 300% additional damage on that attack and resetting the empowered stacks to 0.
- Friend — Observance's effect is increased by 10% for positional formation abilities observed and copied from Champions adjacent to Artemis.
- Foe — Observance's effect is increased by 25% for each positional formation ability observed and copied from either Drizzt Do'Urden or Catti-brie.
Ultimate Ability
- One Upped — For 30 seconds, Artemis concentrates on showing off his martial prowess, increasing his base damage by 300% for each DPS Champion in the formation (including himself), stacking multiplicatively. Artemis' Basic Attack cooldown is reset to 0 whenever another DPS Champion attacks.
V. Artemis Entreri's Equipment

Slot 1: Self DPS |
Slot 2: Self DPS |
Slot 3: Observance |
Slot 4: Jeweled Power |
Slot 5: Ultimate Damage |
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown |
VI. Conclusion
It's been a long time coming, but Artemis Entreri is finally coming to Idle Champions. We had a fantastic time trying to find a way to bring this legendary character to life, and we think we've created a unique and potent DPS Champion with Artemis Entreri -- and more importantly, he really shines when he's stealing the buffs of the Companions of the Hall. We can't wait to see how far players go from here!Feel free to send us feedback on via the Idle Champions Subreddit, Steam forum, or the Idle Champions Discord!