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February 19th, 2020
Idle Champions: Fleetswake 3 
Posted in Idle Champions.

You've been recruited by a merchant guild in Waterdeep to look into a number of mysterious missing ships over the past year. The Fair Seas Festival is a good time to look into this as people are quite open about the dangers of the sea, the fury of Umberlee, and so forth.

Many people blame Umberlee for the missing ships, but the merchant guild isn't so sure...

Fleetswake 3 runs until Monday, March 2nd, 2020 at 12:00pm PST, introduces Sisaspia, a Yuan-Ti Pureblood Circle of Spores Druid and brings back The Black Viper, an infamous Human Rogue from Waterdeep, and Zorbu "Thunderbolt" Natten, the Gnome Ranger!

Dungeons & Dragons Sisaspia

Year 3 Champion: Sisaspia

    An outcast even from her home city of Omu on Chult, Sisaspia does not seek wealth or glory for herself. Instead, she wishes only to hone her powers, and anyone or anything that gets in her way will learn that she has already made great strides towards doing so. A reluctant ally, she joins the Champions solely because they are a means to an end: an endless stream of foes on which to unleash and perfect her sinister machinations.

Sisaspia is a Healer and Support Champion. Her Halo of Spores infects her enemies, forcing them to take more damage. She also uses them to heal her allies - if she has to. When you want to add Sisaspia to your formation, you can swap her with Bruenor (Slot 1).

For more information about Sisaspia check out the Idle Champion Spotlight: Sisaspia dev blog!

Dungeons & Dragons The Black Viper

Year 2 Champion: The Black Viper

    The Black Viper was a notorious burglar, pickpocket, mugger, and assassin who died a century ago, after a long and nefarious career. Esvele Rosznar, a brash young noble, has recently adopted the Black Viper’s persona to lead a secret life of crime. Like many other nobles, Esvele gossips about the Black Viper’s exploits to lend credence to the villain’s mystique.
The Black Viper is a DPS Champion able to take advantage of Distracted Foes and deliver powerful Sneak Attacks for extra damage. Her Jewel Thief ability improves with every boss kill across all adventures.

When you want to add The Black Viper to your formation, you can swap her with Minsc (Slot 7). For more information about our latest Champion, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight: The Black Viper dev blog!

Dungeons & Dragons Zorbu Natten

Year 1 Champion: Zorbu "Thunderbolt" Natten

    Zorbu grew up in a small village on the slopes of the mountains south of Yartar. He lived a typical gnomish childhood: tinkering with mechanical toys, pulling pranks on unsuspecting neighbors, and exploring the woodlands covering the mountains in the company of a local dwarf ranger, Galor Rockshield.

    A grizzled veteran of many battles, Galor was waging a secret battle against a clan of drow who were holed up in some deep caves near the village. He carefully struck from the shadows, attempting to drive them back into the Underdark. One night, after a particularly prolonged encounter, a drow scout followed Galor home, and on the night of the next new moon the drow and their minions descended upon the village in force. Galor saved Zorbu's life, but many others were killed, including Zorbu's parents. From that day forth, Zorbu trained under Galor as a ranger, vowing revenge upon the drow and any who claim allegiance to them.

    Cunning and imaginative, Zorbu makes use of his tinkering skills to wield an impossibly large crossbow (named Thunderbolt, which is also Zorbu's nickname) and unleash clever mechanical traps against his foes.

Zorbu is a DPS and Support Champion. He increases damage against Favored Enemies for all Champions and deals extra damage to injured or hordes of enemies. When you want to add Zorbu to your party, you can swap him with Arkhan (Slot 12).

Balance Update: Zorbu's Hunter's Pack ability now targets himself in addition to adjacent champions, and the effect has been increased.

Dungeons & Dragons Fleetswake 3 Variants

Year Three Variants

  • Shattered Shields — Umberlee's curse has broken all shields and heavy armor, rendering tanking Champions useless! The shattered remnants have been stolen by some fiendish creatures and co-opted for their own nefarious use. Champions with the tanking role can not be used. Random enemies spawn with 5 armored hit points. Reach Area 75.

  • The Suspicious Shipment — A strange shipment takes up slot 5 in the formation. It's so distracting that Champions in adjacent slots deal no damage with their attacks. Reach Area 125.

  • Seas of Sickness — Sisaspia takes up slot 5 in the formation and can not be moved, removed, or swapped out, and starts out with Halo of Spores unlocked. Enemies move 5x faster and deal 5x damage unless they are infected by one of Sisaspia's spores. Reach Area 175.

Dungeons & Dragons Fleetswake 2 Variants

Year Two Variants

  • Umberlee's Deluge — Sea Spawn monsters appear and attack the formation, growing in number the further you progress. These Sea Spawn monsters drop no gold and do not count towards quest progress. Reach Area 75.

  • Tightfisted Foes — The Black Viper starts in the formation. Only enemies killed by The Black Viper drop gold. Reach Area 125.

  • Extra DEXterous — Champions are augmented based on their Dexterity (DEX) scores:
    • 10 or less: Global DPS reduced by 50% (stacks).
    • 11–12: Enemies move 2x faster (stacks).
    • 13–14: Gold Find increased by 25% (stacks).
    • 15–16: Global DPS increased by 50% (stacks).
    • 17–20: Increases Champion's damage by 300%.
    Reach Area 175.
Dungeons & Dragons Fleetswake Variants

Year One Variants

  • Thunder and Lightning — A crazy storm blows in, affecting all outdoor areas. In addition to the wind and rain, lightning strikes your formation every 5 seconds, dealing 90% of max health unavoidable damage to a random Champion. When Zorbu "Thunderbolt" Natten is hit by the effect, his next normal attack does 10x damage. Reach Area 75.

  • Crashing Waves — Only two of your formation's columns do damage at a time. Columns change every 10 areas. Start with back two (slots 4-9), then middle two (slots 2-6), then front two (slots 0-3), then front and back (0-1 & 7-9), then repeat. Reach Area 125.

  • The Shipwright's Ball — Two Shipwrights take up slots (2, 9) in the formation. The Shipwrights dance with adjacent Champions, swapping the position of two random adjacent Champions every 15 seconds (the one in slot 9 swaps 6 and 8, while the one in slot 2 swaps two of 0, 3, and 4).
  • Reach Area 175.

See the in-game FAQ for more information!

February 18th, 2020
Idle Champion Spotlight: Sisaspia 
Posted in Idle Champions.

We've received many requests for more evil champions, as well as an evil healer.This Fleetswake we are pleased to debut another Codename Entertainment Original — a Circle of Spores Druid and Yuan-ti Pureblood, Sisaspia.

I. A Sinister Start

Dungeons & Dragons Sisaspia

    An outcast even from her home city of Omu on Chult, Sisaspia does not seek wealth or glory for herself. Instead, she wishes only to hone her powers, and anyone or anything that gets in her way will learn that she has already made great strides towards doing so. A reluctant ally, she joins the Champions solely because they are a means to an end: an endless stream of foes on which to unleash and perfect her sinister machinations.

Sisaspia is a Healer and Support Champion. Her Halo of Spores infects her enemies, forcing them to take more damage. She also uses them to heal her allies - if she has to. When you want to add Sisaspia to your formation, you can swap her with Bruenor (Slot 1).

II. Sisaspia's Stats

Race: Yuan-ti Pureblood Alignment: Neutral Evil
Class: Druid Gender: Female
Age: 37 Affiliation: none

STR: 11 DEX: 13 CON: 15
INT: 14 WIS: 18 CHA: 16

Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra

Dungeons & Dragons Sisaspia Portrait

III. Sisaspia's Design

Sisaspia is a CNE Original Champion, meaning we didn't draw from streams or podcasts or existing lore characters when designing her. These types of Champions are always exciting for us, as we get to create something entirely new, and we wanted to provide players with as many new options as we could. She's our first Yuan-ti Pureblood, our first evil healer, and our only evil, healing, or female champion in slot 1.

Sisaspia is a healing and support druid who leans heavily on the Circle of Spores Druid Circle from D&D 5e. She slowly builds up a supply of spores over time and uses them to infect enemies as they approach, which causes those enemies to take additional damage over time whenever they're attacked. She uses any spores she has in reserve to buff and heal nearby Champions.

These mechanics allow her to focus her energy based on how your formation is doing. If you're insta-killing enemies, she'll buff nearby Champions to help them do that better. Once enemies start to survive the initial barrage and reach your formation, she'll shift her attention to debuffing enemies, resulting in an even bigger damage boost. Eventually, once only a boss and a few trash mobs remain, she'll naturally settle into both roles, providing a big static buff, some healing, AND a debuff as her spore reserve slowly refills.

IV. Sisaspia's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Blight — Sisaspia unleashes a wave of necrotic energy which damages a random enemy. If the enemy is a Plant this attack deals 300% more damage, however if it's an Undead or Construct it deals no damage.

Formation Abilities

  • Halo of Spores — Sisaspia is surrounded by a continuous yet finite torus of necrotic spores. When enemies approach the formation and if Sisaspia has spores available, one of her spores shoots out and attaches itself to a valid enemy every second. When enemies are damaged, they take 50% additional damage over 5 seconds for each spore affecting them. Normal enemies can only be affected by one spore at a time, while bosses can have up to 4 spores affecting them. Sisaspia regenerates a spore every 4 seconds and can have up to 20 spores in her reserve. Note that due to the nature of this debuff, the additional damage done over time does not contribute to your formation's BUD.
  • Symbiotic Infection — Sisaspia uses her reserve of necrotic spores to empower a subtle infection she maintains upon her "companions", goading them forward and hopefully assisting her in her own selfish goals. This infection increase the damage of all Champions within 2 slots of herself by 10% for each spore she has in reserve.
  • Symbiotic Healing — Sisaspia's subtle infection heals damaged Champions within 2 slots of herself for 1hp per second for each spore she has in reserve.


  • Simple Infection — Increase the effect of Symbiotic Infection by 100%.
  • Spreading Spores — Halo of Spores now generates a new spore every 3 seconds, instead of every 4 seconds, and Sisaspia's maximum spore count is increased to 30.
  • Fungal Body — The effects of Symbiotic Infection and Symbiotic Healing are increased by 200% when Sisaspia's spore reserve is full.

Ultimate Ability

  • Fungal Infestation — Sisaspia causes all the spores affecting her enemies to delve deep into their targets and tear them apart from the inside, dealing massive damage. The amount of damage each spore deals is increased based on the total number of spores affecting all her enemies (20% per active spore, stacking additively). Note that bosses with more than 1 spore infecting them take damage from each spore they have. This consumes all the spores affecting her enemies, so there is no additional damage from Halo of Spores, and she must reapply her spores to all surviving enemies in range.

V. Sisaspia's Equipment

Dungeons & Dragons Sisaspia Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Halo of Spores
Slot 3: Symbiotic Infection
Slot 4: Symbiotic Healing
Slot 5: Ultimate Damage
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

VI. Conclusion

We're really excited to add an evil healer to the game, and to introduce an evil and female champion to Slot 1. We can't wait to see what delightfully sinister formation options are introduced with Sisaspia. Feel free to send us feedback on via the Idle Champions Subreddit, Steam forum, or the Idle Champions Discord!.

February 11th, 2020
Idle Champions: Variants Update (February 2020) 
Posted in Idle Champions.

    "Looking for a new challenge? We can arrange that!"

Our latest Idle Champions update introduces eight new variants for the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast, Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, Tomb of Annihilation, and Descent into Avernus campaigns. You will need to have completed the original adventures in order to unlock these variants.

Variants for everybody! You get a variant, you get a variant, and you get a variant!

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Waterdeep: Dragon Heist

Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Variants

  • Excavating History: Frantic Excavation
    • Monsters move twice as fast.
    • Only Champions with a base attack cooldown of 5 seconds or lower can be used.
    • Reach area 300.

  • Towering Expectations: Careful Consideration
    • Only Champions with a WIS score of 13 or higher can be used.
    • Reach area 325.

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Waterdeep: Dragon Heist

Tomb of Annihilation Variants

  • Homecoming: Wagon Train
    • A Wagon takes up a slot in the formation in slot 6
    • Every 100 areas, another wagon joins your train.
    • Reach area 350.

  • The Lost Heir of Omu: Taking Responsibility
    • Asharra starts in the formation and can not be removed.
    • Only Asharra and Champions that match Asharra's chosen bond deal damage; other Champions can be placed and will provide formation buffs and other effects, but do 0 damage when they attack (can still proc stuns, slows, etc. with their attacks).
    • Reach area 350.

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Waterdeep: Dragon Heist

Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Variants

  • Lair of the Xanathar: Feigned Weakness
    • Only Champions with a STR score of 13 or lower can be used.
    • Reach area 275.

  • Waterdeep Under Siege: Sober Up
    • Blurry Pink Elephants attack the formation at random in non-boss areas.
    • Every time a Pink Elephant spawns, all Champion damage is reduced by 10%; For each 15 minutes that passes the total number of stacks is reduced by 25%. Using bounty contracts can also reduce the stack amount as if the amount of time on the contract had passed.
    • Reach area 275.

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Waterdeep: Dragon Heist

Baldur's Gate Descent into Avernus

  • A Tale of Two Cities: A Tale of Two Champions
    • You can only field two champions at a time.
    • Reach area 250.

  • The Dead Three: A Hero's Entourage
    • Minsc starts in the formation in slot 3 (he can be moved but not removed from the formation)
    • Champions can only be placed adjacent to Minsc. If Minsc is moved, any Champions that are not adjacent to him after the move are removed from the formation.
    • Reach area 275.

See the in-game Change Log for more information!