Highharvestide 3 sees the beginning of Year 3 Events and the introduction of one of the fiercest and most loyal allies to the Companions of the Hall: Thibbledorf Pwent, Dwarven Battlerager! Our first Y3 Event also brings back the Y2 and Y1 Champions to unlock: Stoki, the Rock Gnome Monk, and Farideh, the Tiefling Warlock. For more information about how Y3 Events work, check out our Year 3 Events Dev Blog.
Players have until Monday, October 7th at 12PM Pacific to complete their Highharvestide 3 unlocks and objectives.

New Champion: Thibbledorf Pwent
- Despite a reputation as a loud, gruff, and stinky dwarf who hates bathing, Thibbledorf Pwent is a loyal and beloved member of Clan Battlehammer. Known as 'Pwent' to his friends, he leads the Gutbusters of Mithral Hall, a dwarven battlerager squad focused on direct combat with little regard for their own safety. He wears armor completely covered in spikes to help rend the flesh of his enemies, and in the midst of battle Pwent often falls into a bloodrage, doing anything to protect his allies.
While not an official member of the Companions of the Hall, Pwent will always aid his King when possible — even beyond death...
For more information about our latest Champion, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight: Thibbledorf Pwent dev blog!

Year 2 Champion: Farideh
- Abandoned as an infant and adopted by an outcast dragonborn warrior, Farideh grew to adulthood acutely aware of the drawbacks of being a tiefling. Despite doing everything she could to reassure her neighbors, including keeping her wild twin sister, Havilar, out of trouble, the villagers focused on Farideh as the one who would embrace the dark side of herself. They weren’t wrong.
When Havilar tried to summon an imp to practice her blade on, she drew the attention of Lorcan, a cambion looking to make warlock pacts with the descendants of one of the first Infernal warlocks, the Brimstone Angel. But Havilar was always meant for the glaive--and Farideh would do anything to keep her sister safe. While Lorcan, Asmodeus, and the Nine Hells do their utmost to corrupt her, Farideh isn’t interested in power so much as defending the world from demons, the undead, and any other villains trying to bring trouble or drag her friends and family into danger. Even being made the Chosen of Asmodeus--something Asmodeus isn’t going to explain to Farideh or anybody else--just means she has more magic to turn against the powers of evil.
For more information about Farideh, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight: Farideh dev blog!

Year 1 Champion: Stoki
- Born Stami Gackle, she fled her home after a terrible accident at a young age and joined a monastery of the Even Hand to study ki. An adept monk and extremely capable adventurer, her thoughtful approach to problems has earned her a reputation as an uncommonly stoic Rock Gnome.

Year Three Variants
- Underdark Reinforcements — Drow cultists appear alongside the enemies in each area, seeking to further Loth's dominion. Each cultist deals double damage. Additionally, they can only be damaged once they have been bled by Thibbledorf.
Reach Area 75. - The Plague Cometh — Cursed Cows spawn randomly in each area. If any of them reach the formation, the Champion they damage becomes cursed. Cursed Champions deal no damage and have max health halved. After 5 seconds, the curse spreads to adjacent Champions.
Reach Area 125. - Somebody's Poisoned the Well! — The bandits have poisoned the well! Luckily, Thibbledorf has some Gutbuster flasks to help. Champions lose health every time they attack. Thibbledorf is not affected by the poison.
Reach Area 175.

Year Two Variants
- Asmodeus is Watching — Cultists of Asmodeus randomly spawn alongside the normal monster waves. They drop no gold when killed.
Reach Area 75. - It's Quite A Puzzle — Only champions with Intelligence/INT score of 12 or higher are allowed in the formation.
Reach Area 125. - Time to Step Up — Asmodeus is testing Farideh. You start with Farideh in your formation, however, she is the only Champion that can deal damage. All other Champions' damage is reduced to 0, but they continue to grant buffs.
Reach Area 175.

Year One Variants
- The Farmer's Kids — The Farmer's Daughter and Son block two slots in the formation.
Reach Area 75. - Due Diligence — Quest requirements are doubled.
Reach Area 125. - Wanton Necromancy — Undead enemies randomly spawn alongside the normal monsters. These additional enemies drop no gold.
Reach Area 175.