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March 30th, 2020
Idle Champions Coloring Sheets 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Coloring in pictures are a surprisingly pleasant to way to relax. We've seen time and again at different conventions that attending fans love to stop by our booth and take 10 minutes to fill in one of our many sheets.

However, we haven't had a good way to release the sheets to all of you who aren't lucky enough to meet-up with us at a convention. That is, until now: below you will find our entire collection of available coloring sheets as of today. However, we're going to be releasing more in the coming weeks!

Starting this week, we will release a community chest code for every 100 examples of completed coloring sheets you share!

All you have to do is post your examples to our Facebook page, post to your Twitter or Instagram feed and tag @idlechampions on Twitter or @idle_champions on Instagram, and include the hashtag #idlecoloring.

Or if you prefer to you can submit your creation to fan_art on our Discord server or upload to our subreddit.

We can't wait to see what you come up with!

Click the Thumbnails to Download the PDF

March 25th, 2020
Idle Champions: v1.0 & Spring Extravaganza 
Posted in Idle Champions.

    Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
    “With your help we expect to go to full launch in three to six months from Early Access launch.”

~Idle Champions, September 2017

Looking back, we were pretty ambitious in thinking that we would be able to fully develop all the features we were planning for Idle Champions within six months of launching on Steam. Since then we have expanded upon our vision, developing features that are the foundation for a long term live service game. It has been a long journey to get to this point, and we are eternally thankful to the community and the team here at CNE for helping us to get to this point. Thank you!

The time has come to leave Early Access, and to officially launch Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms v1.0!

If you're interested in learning more about what's coming with today's update, you've come to the right place...

Table of Contents

Dungeons & Dragons Spring Extravaganza

Spring Extravaganza

With the launch of Idle Champions v1.0 we wanted to have a bit of a celebration. We decided upon doing something similar to our Second Anniversary Celebration, with daily rewards you can claim once each 24-hours. Players who claim rewards on at least four days will be able to earn exclusive rewards!

Dungeons & Dragons Spring Extravaganza Daily Rewards

Daily Rewards

Each daily chest grants you four awesome items, hand-picked by the team here at Codename Entertainment to help you in your adventures.

These rewards are unlocked once you have claimed at least four days worth of rewards during the Spring Extravaganza.

  • Exclusive "Champion Minsc" Skin
  • A Rare "+1 CON" Feat for Celeste
  • 5 Gold Chests

Dungeons & Dragons Spring Extravaganza General Updates

General Updates

Today's update includes a number of changes to Idle Champions, some of which we expect to create significant changes to the meta, including: a Formation Saves update, changes to Ultimate ability balance, a Champion Balance update, and a Level Soft Cap Increase.

Dungeons & Dragons Spring Extravaganza Formation Saves

Formation Saves Update

For a while now, we received requests to expand the ability to save formations from our current three save slots to reflect the changes in formations needed over the course of a run, and also allow for more flexibility to try new formation combinations.

Today we have increased the number of formations you can save from 3 to 50(!), and included an updated UI to allow players to better track individual saved formations for each of their campaigns.

For more information, including our Formation Saves FAQ, check out our Formation Saves Update Dev Blog.

Dungeons & Dragons Spring Extravaganza Ultimate Balance

Ultimate Balance Changes

Ultimate attacks will no longer have their damage increased by debuffs on enemies.

Affected abilities include, but may not be limited to: Minsc's "Go for the Eyes!" (ultimate debuff portion), Gromma's "Spiked Shell", Strix's "Poor Hygiene", Catti-brie's "Mark for Death", Donaar's "Command: Flee", Warden's "Hex", Aila's "Storm Soul/Storm Aura", Spurt's "Wa-speration: Skunky", Krull's "Plague: Pain", Minsc's "Favored Enemies", and Regis' "Ruby Weakness".

For information on the rationale behind these changes, check out our Champion Balance Update (March 2020) Dev Blog or the in-game Change Log.

Dungeons & Dragons Spring Extravaganza Champion Balance

Champion Balance Update

Today's update sees updates to the remaining Champions not included in last year's update to Year One Champion Balance update. Champions included in this review are Deekin Scalesinger, Ishi Snaggletooth, Dhadius the Scarlet, Krond, Hitch, Birdsong, Barrowin Undurr, Strix Beestinger, and Azaka Stormfang. Two of these Champions, Gromma and Azaka, received little-to-no changes; we are keeping our eyes on how the anticipated meta shift with this update affects these two, and we may make changes to them in the future.

For Detailed information on these changes, check out our Champion Balance Update (March 2020) Dev Blog or the in-game Change Log.

Dungeons & Dragons Spring Extravaganza New Patron Strahd von Zarovich

New Patron: Strahd von Zarovich

Another Patron has arrived! Count Strahd von Zarovich joins Mirt the Moneylender and The Blackstaff, Vajra Safahr, as the third Patron in Idle Champions. Those seeking to serve the Lord of Castle Ravenloft will need to unlock at least 40 Champions (including Core and Evergreen Champions) and complete the Towering Expectations adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign. Once these criteria are met, players can spend 10 Rare Bounty Contracts and 20 Silver Chests to unlock Strahd von Zarovich as a Patron!

Strahd suffers no fools to run his errands. With Strahd as your Patron, only Champions with an INT score of 13+ can be used.

Dungeons & Dragons Spring Extravaganza New Patron Strahd von Zarovich Familiars

New Patron Familiars

New Familiars have appeared in the Patron Shops! Complete weekly challenges and Patron variants for Mirt the Moneylender, Vajra Safahr, or Strahd von Zarovich to earn your Flameskull, Spider, or Toy Werewolf Familiars.

Dungeons & Dragons Spring Extravaganza New Patron Strahd von Zarovich Skins

New Patron Skins

Champions who find themselves in service of Strahd von Zarovich will have access to unique rewards, including the Vistani Regis Skin and the Vampire Catti-brie Skin through the Patron Shop.

Dungeons & Dragons Spring Extravaganza New DLC

New DLC Packs

Two new DLC Packs are now available!

The Shade Artemis Skin & Feat Pack unlocks the Artemis Shade Skin, the ‘Part Shade’ Epic Feat, 7 Gold Artemis Chests, and a Potion of Polish. It will also unlock the Artemis Entreri Champion if you don't already have them.

The Iron Pup Familiar Pack will unlock the Iron Pup Familiar, an assortment of epic potions and contracts, and two Potions of Polish.

Feedback Wanted!

These changes are scheduled to go live at approximately 9:00AM PDT on Wednesday, March 25th. We very much look forward to your feedback, so please let us know what you think in a Community Q&A or feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, a post on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

Enjoy :)
March 10th, 2020
Idle Champion Spotlight: Briv Steelmarrow 
Posted in Idle Champions.

It's time for the latest Idle Champion Spotlight, and this time around we're talking about a Tanking, Support, and Healing Champion who can create heavy armor with Netherese Steel stored in his very bones!

And did we mention that this Half-Orc Champion has his very own flumph ally?

Read on and learn all about Briv Steelmarrow...

I. Savage Paladin

    Relentlessly brave but markedly uncouth, Briv Steelmarrow is a stalwart champion of the weak, innocent, downtrodden, and oppressed. Centuries ago, a cabal of Netherese mages experimented on Briv’s clan, gifting him with a magical metal inside his bones that he can pull through his skin and shape for attack or defense. Once a slaver, Briv sought atonement by joining the Order of the Lost Cause, an elite group of knights that travel across Faerûn, taking on quests that only fools would pursue.

Briv is a Tank, Support, and Healing Champion. He uses his Unnatural Haste ability to speed up area progression, and his Steelbones boosts his defense while buffing Champions behind him. When you want to add Briv to your formation, you can swap him with Calliope (Slot 5).

II. Briv's Stats

Race: Half-Orc Alignment: Chaotic Good
Class: Paladin (Oath of Heroism) Gender: Male
Age: 42 Affiliation: none

STR: 16 DEX: 14 CON: 16
INT: 10 WIS: 8 CHA: 18

Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra

III. Briv's Design

It's always a joy to work with a passionate creator to bring their character to life as a Champion in our game, and working with D&D Beyond's Adam Bradford was no exception. Adam was quick to provide numerous examples of Briv character art, including the official art by Max Dunbar, which really went a long ways towards helping to paint the visual picture of Briv Steelmarrow.

Art by Max Dunbar

Briv's abilities were an interesting challenge. With Netherese Steel in his bones, Briv has the ability to shoot it out of his pores to create heavy armor at will — or even violently expel it as a kind of shrapnel weapon, pulling it back into his body afterwards. These abilities became Steelbones, the core of Briv's design where he gains stacks of Steelbones when he is attacked, Netherese Steel, where Briv increases the damage of Champions behind him based how many stacks of Steelbones he has, and Netherese Explosion, where he uses the steel in his body to create an explosion out from him.

With Unnatural Haste we gave Briv a unique new ability that allows you to actually skip areas(!), consuming stacks of Sprint in the process. There is a minimum number of stacks needed for this ability to be able to proc (50), and each time it triggers it will consume a percentage of your stacks. How do you get Sprint stacks, you ask? When you reset, all stacks of Steelbones you have are converted into Sprint stacks, which persist through resets until they're consumed by Unnatural Haste. This will offer players quite the boost through those early levels after you complete a long Free Play. Don't worry about missing out on gems or loot — you will still earn anything you may have missed from areas you skip!

A pet flumph named Phlo accompanies Briv wherever he goes, and he has a unique ability, Healing Phlo, where Phlo stores healing power whenever Briv is struck by an attack. After 10 hits or 10 seconds, whichever comes first, Phlo heals all Champions in the party for 50% of the damage that Briv received during that time!

Flumphs really are the best.

IV. Briv's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Mocking Cleave — Briv leaps out and attacks a random enemy with his greatsword, cleaving all nearby enemies as well. On each enemy hit, there is a 20% chance that they will stop attacking another Champion and attack Briv if possible..

Formation Abilities

  • Steelbones — Whenever Briv comes under attack, metal shoots out of his pores, covering him in heavy armor. This effect persists as long as Briv remains under attack, and for an additional five seconds afterwards. While armored, Briv takes 10% less damage and gains a stack of Steelbones whenever he is hit by an enemy attack.
  • Netherese Steel — Briv increases the damage of all Champions behind him by 0.01% for each stack of Steelbones he has gained.
  • Unnatural Haste — Briv has a 25% chance of sprinting forward quickly on steel-springs after completing a new area, skipping the next area entirely. This action consumes 4% of his Sprint stacks, and requires at least 50 stacks to occur. When you reset the adventure, all stacks of Steelbones that Briv has gained convert into stacks of Sprint, which persist between resets until they are used by this ability.

    Note: if the chance of springing forward surpasses 100%, it is divided by 2 and becomes a 50%+ chance to spring forward 2 areas. Likewise for surpassing 200%, 300%, etc.
    • 100% / 2 -> 50% chance to skip 2 areas
    • 200% / 4 -> 50% chance to skip 3 areas
    • 300% / 6 -> 50% chance to skip 4 areas
    • If you skip a boss area in this way, the gems, chests, red jewels, etc. from it are collected automatically.
  • Healing Phlo — Briv's pet flumph Phlo appears next to Briv and telepathically stores healing power whenever Briv is hit. After 10 hits or 10 seconds, whichever comes first, Phlo heals all Champions in the party for 50% of the damage Briv took during that time. The 10 second timer only starts when Briv takes a hit and does not fire if the healing is triggered by taking 10 hits. It would start again at 10 seconds on the next hit after healing triggers.
  • Oath of Heroism — Briv increases the max health of all other Champions by 25% of his max health.


  • Metalborn — Unnatural Haste uses 20% less Sprint stacks whenever it activates.
  • Tempered Steel — Increase the effect of Netherese Steel by 100%.
  • Go With The Phlo — Increase the heal of Healing Phlo by 50%.

Ultimate Ability

  • Netherese Explosion — Briv forces all of his remaining Netherese Metal out of his body, shooting it in all directions in an arc in front of him, damaging enemies that it passes through. He then draws it back into himself, dealing double damage to enemies it hits on its way back to him.

V. Briv's Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Max Health
Slot 3: Netherese Steel
Slot 4: Unnatural Haste
Slot 5: Ultimate Damage
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

VI. Conclusion

Briv Steelmarrow is an absolute beast of a Champion, a savage paladin who can offer tanking, healing, and support, all in one package. We are excited to see how well he fits in to the Idle Champions meta. If you have feedback, let us know in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!
March 3rd, 2020
Idle Champions: Baby Spurt and Game to Grow 
Posted in Idle Champions.

We are very proud to announce that we have partnered with Game to Grow for the release of the Baby Spurt Familiar Pack!

Dungeons & Dragons Spurt Game to Grow

Net proceeds from all Baby Spurt Familiar sales through March 17, 2020 will be donated to Game to Grow, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to the use of games of all kinds for therapeutic, educational, and community growth. Game to Grow's game-based therapy groups help kids and teens build real-world skills and develop lasting friendships in a setting that is safe, supportive and fun. It's a cause we are proud to support.

Familiars are NPCs that players can assign to specific tasks, such as clicking enemies, leveling up Champions, or using ultimate abilities. Familiars will click at different rates depending on the task they are assigned to. For more information, see our Introducing Familiars Dev Blog.

When we first wished Spurt a Happy Birthday back in January, we could not have anticipated the community response to that lovable kobold. It is our pleasure to have our latest Charity DLC honor Spurt's memory with proceeds going to such a worthy cause.

The Baby Spurt Familiar is available now in the in-game shop on PC and Mac on Steam and web, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, iPad, iPhone, and on all Android devices.