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August 28th, 2024
Turn of Fortune's Wheel Part 7 & New Blessings! 
Posted in Idle Champions.

This week, the Turn of Fortune's Wheel campaign continues as the Champions find themselves in the Mausoleum of Chronepsis. They must help Eonstaryx clear out the undead infestation and clear the dragon gods mind! After that, they make their way to Glorium - the final gate-town - and face off against the the Giant Whirlwyrm!

Additionally, today's update includes Tier 4 Blessings for Fortune's Favor! Read on to learn more!

Note: You will need to have completed the previous two Turn of Fortune's Wheel adventures, Soul's Mirage and Titan on the Town, in order to access these new adventures.

Dungeons & Dragons Turn of Fortune's Wheel Variants

Time's Mausoleum

Help Eonstaryx with dragon memory problem while you face an old foe.

As the Walking Castle continues its trek across the Outlands and, possibly by chance, it passes the Mausoleum of Chronepsis. Eonstaryx says he remembers something bad happening there and asks the Champions to go with him to check it out. As they cross the dunes leading up to the mausoleum, the sands begin to move, and the dead begin to rise! The Champions must clear out the undead and traverse the memories of dragons if they are to save the Mausoleum of Chronepsis!


    Chronepsis's Legacy - Help Eonstaryx with a dragon memory problem using your draconic heroes.

    • You may only use (True) Neutral Champions and/or Dragonborn Champions.
    • Dragonborn Champions attack more often as their (normal) attack cooldown is 2 seconds faster.
    • Complete area 950

Heroes of the Day

The Champions venture into the mountains of the Outlands and discover what being a hero really means.

The Champions have finally reached the last of gate-town the need to visit in order to restore the Mosaic Mimir's memory. As they make their way there, Wren questions if she really knows what it means to be a hero because of recent revelations. Freely and Orkira do their best to help her figure this out, but nothing seems to work. Luckily, the gate-town of Glorium is in need of heroes! And the Champions are ready to answer the call.


    Glory to Glorium - The Champions venture into the mountains of the Outlands and discover what it means to be a free spirit.

    • You may only use Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral and/or Neutral Good Champions.
    • All non-boss area requirements are increased by 25%. If Freely is in the formation, this restriction does not apply.
    • Complete area 1000

Turn of Fortune's Wheel Tier 4 Blessings

  • The Forge of Mount Celestia - Local: Increase the damage of all Human, Gnome, and Dwarf Champions by 100%.
  • Favor of the Wheel - Local: Increase the favor gained from Fortune's Wheel adventures by 100%.
  • Recruit Wren - Local: Increase the damage of all Champions by 100% and Wren by an additional 100%.
  • The Great Lords - Global: Increase the damage of all Champions by 2% for each Patron Variant completed, stacking additively.

We would love to hear about your experiences in the Outlands! Join our community and start a conversation:
July 24th, 2024
Turn of Fortune's Wheel Part 6 & An Emergence! 
Posted in Idle Champions.

This week, the Turn of Fortune's Wheel campaign continues, and denizens of Sigil invade the Sword Coast in the Planescape Emergence! Fight your way through familiar dreams in Soul's Mirage and help an empyrean face her troubles in Titan on the Town. After that, put your formations to the test with new Adventure Variants!

Read on to learn more about these adventures, and scroll below to find info on the Planescape Emergence and the updates to the Thayan Enclave Shop!

Note: You will need to have completed the previous two Turn of Fortune's Wheel adventures, The Witch and The Wyrmling and Inversion, in order to access these new adventures.

Dungeons & Dragons Turn of Fortune's Wheel Variants

Soul's Mirage

Fight your way through familiar dreams and discover the truth of who Wren was.

Dungeons & Dragons The Soul's Mirage

The Champions find themselves in a place they do not know fighting foes they do not recognize. Soon, they find themselves back in the Walking Castle - but was it all really just a dream? Before too long they are locked inside another dream and learn of a man named Somnus, who claims to be guiding them through memories they do not remember. But, can Somnus be trusted? And what happens if they die in a dream? Find out in Soul's Mirage!


    Dessert in the Desert - Get lost in the desert, and encounter some interesting dreams from your past.
    • You may only use Good Champions.
    • Every 5 seconds, a scoop of ice cream hits a random Champion, stunning them for 10 seconds.
    • Complete area 850

Titan on the Town

The Champions must hunt down Sylvania's moving gate through a sea of chaotic celebrations.

Dungeons & Dragons Green Slaad

The Champions arrive in Sylvania - a gate-town full of constant parties and celebrations. They quickly learn that the gate they seek is constantly moving locations within Sylvania, and if they want to find it, they'll need to do something for the people in charge first. They are charged with tracking down an empyrean named Kopoah - who is causing problems at every party she goes to because of a bad day she is having. It is up to the Champions to find Kopoah, help her work through her problems, and bring good spirits back to the celebrations of Sylvania.


    Clockwise Through the Great Wheel - The Champions must hunt down Sylvania's moving gate with heroes of every alignment!
    • This variant will not be available for Mirt
    • You may only use Neutral Champions and Champions of the alignment(s) specified below.
    • For the first 100 areas, you may use Lawful Good champions. Every 100 areas, this restriction changes: Neutral Good for area 101-200, Chaotic Good for area 201-300, and so forth. This restriction is linked to your highest area completed, not your current area.
    • Every 100 areas, all Champions in the formation are removed and can't be used for the rest of the adventure.
    • Champions can't otherwise be removed from the formation once they've been added.
    • Complete area 900

Planescape Emergence

Denizens from Sigil are finding their way onto the material plane and wreaking havoc! Harmonium Peacekeepers are arresting people in the streets, Heralds of Dust are trying to take charge of graveyards, and Cakers are trying to turn anyone and everyone into baked goods!

The Planescape Emergence starts today and runs through Friday, August 2nd at Noon PDT.

Dungeons & Dragons Planescape Emergence

New Items Added to the Thayan Enclave!

  • Two Golden Epics
    • Aeon Slot 3 - Bigby's Beneficent Bracelet (20,000 Corrupted Gems)
    • Ulkoria Slot 2 - Volo's Guide to the Weave (20,000 Corrupted Gems)
  • Four Feats
    • Valentine - Air Genasi Glitch (10,000 Corrupted Gems)
    • Duke Ravengard - Heart of Battle (10,000 Corrupted Gems)
    • Umberto - Woken the Hive (10,000 Corrupted Gems)
    • Ulkoria - Better Every Day (10,000 Corrupted Gems)
  • Two Skins
    • Tabaxi Glitch Shandie (10,000 Corrupted Gems)
    • Secret Agent Maan Hew Maan (10,000 Corrupted Gems)
  • 10x Marvelous Support Pigments (7,000 Corrupted Gems)
  • 8x Modron Component Chests (2,500 Corrupted Gems)
  • 8x Supply Chests (2,500 Corrupted Gems)
  • Unlimited Planescape Emergence Chests (2,500 Corrupted Gems)
    • Contains gear for: Aeon, Duke Ravengard, Hew Maan, Shandie, Ulkoria, Umberto, and Valentine.

  • We would love to hear about your experiences in the Outlands! Join our community and start a conversation:
    April 24th, 2024
    Idle Champions: Turn of Fortune's Wheel Part 5 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    This week the Turn of Fortune's Wheel campaign continues! Help a witch find her lost pet in The Witch and the Wyrmling and journey into a town of modrons in Inversion. After that, put your formations to the test with new Adventure Variants! This update also includes Tier 3 Blessings!

    Read on to learn more about these adventures.

    Note: You will need to have completed the previous two Turn of Fortune's Wheel adventures, Welcome to the Outlands and Crystalwork, in order to access these new adventures.

    Dungeons & Dragons Turn of Fortune's Wheel Variants

    The Witch and The Wyrmling

    Assist a witch with a time dragon problem. Assist a time dragon with a witch problem.

    Dungeons & Dragons The Witch and the Wyrmling

    The Champions are adjusting to life on the Walking Castle as it makes its way towards Automata - their first gate-town stop. Along the way, they are visited by an ancient time dragon that seems to know all of them, and before they can ask too many questions, flies off into the Outlands. But things aren't quiet for too long because a witch on a flying broomstick crash lands in the castle next! She needs the Champions' help and they're ready for adventure!


      The Lion, the Witch, and the Wyrmling - Assist a witch/time dragon problem with some Tabaxi help.
      • A global debuff is applied that increases monster health by 1000%, monster speed by 100%, and area requirements by 100%. This debuff stacks multiplicatively three times, with one stack being removed for each Tabaxi Champion in the formation.
      • Complete area 750


    Enter the town of modrons, with modrons on top of modrons.

    Dungeons & Dragons Green Slaad

    The Champions arrive in the gate-town of Automata - a town full of modrons! But, not all is well as they quickly realize that their multiversal glitch is not only noticeable by the modrons, it causes them to attack the Champions! Fighting their way through the town they find the entrance to the gate blocked, but a local in the government has offered to help in exchange for tracking down a thief. Now, the Champions must descend into the depths of Automata - a place called Inverse - and find the stolen goods!


      Time Inversion - Enter the town of modrons, with a dragon by your side.
      • You may not use Chaotic champions.
      • Eonstaryx joins the formation. Champions next to Eonstaryx attack faster as their (normal) attack cooldown is 2 seconds faster, while everyone else has an attack cooldown that takes 10 seconds longer.
      • Complete area 800

    Turn of Fortune's Wheel Tier 3 Blessings

    • Armor of Acheron - Local: Increase the health and healing received for Tanking Champions by 25% for each Champion with a Ranged base attack in the formation.
    • Heroes of Arcadia - Local: Increase the damage of Champions with total ability scores of 78 or higher by 50%.
    • It's Pandemonium! - Local: Increase the damage of all Chaotic Champions by 100%.
    • The Gift of Mechanus - Global: Increase Modron XP earned by 10%,

    We would love to hear about your experiences in the Outlands! Join our community and start a conversation:
    March 27th, 2024
    Idle Champions: Turn of Fortune's Wheel Part 4 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    This week the Turn of Fortune's Wheel continues! Explore the Outlands in Welcome to the Outlands and defeat Dragonborn Glitch Strongheart in Crystalwork. After that, put your formations to the test with new Adventure Variants! Read on to learn more!

    Note: You will need to have completed the previous two Turn of Fortune's Wheel adventures, The Fortune's Wheel and A Glitch in the Mortuary, in order to access these new adventures.

    Dungeons & Dragons Turn of Fortune's Wheel Variants

    Welcome to the Outlands

    Begin to explore the Outlands, and find a walking castle!

    Dungeons & Dragons Welcome to the Outlands

    With the help of Mrs. Fox, you set off into the Outlands in search of information about the lost modron R04M! The Outlands is a disk-shaped plane home to the gate towns that connect to each of the Outer Planes. At the center of the Outlands sits the Spire, with Sigil floating above it. Near the Spire is where Mrs. Fox drops you off and it's time to start exploring from there. But, what's that in the distance? It looks like... a castle? Better check it out!


      We've Got Swords and Flames - Begin to explore the Outlands, and find a walking castle and running enemies!
      • You may not use Champions with ranged (normal) attacks.
      • Each enemy wave that spawns increases the speed and damage of all enemies by 100%, stacking additively and reset with each area change.
      • Complete area 650


    Explore more of the Walking Castle and help get it moving again!

    Dungeons & Dragons Dragonborn Glitch Strongheart

    Another glitched Champion has appeared! Like our group of Champions, Strongheart has no memory of who he is - but he does have a sense of what he thinks is right! Unfortunately, that's not good news for the Champions and their new friend. In his new, shining, gold dragonborn form, Strongheart is threatening to undo the only lead you have for finding R04M - stop him before it's too late!


      Lawfulwork - Explore more of the Walking Castle with some lawful Champions in a hurry.
      • You may only use Lawful Champions.
      • Champions' normal attack cooldown is increased by 2 seconds.
      • Complete area 700

    We would love to hear about your experiences in the Outlands! Join our community and start a conversation:
    February 14th, 2024
    Idle Champions: Turn of Fortune's Wheel Part 3 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    This week the Turn of Fortune's Wheel continues! With the help of Farrow, the Champions find themselves in the titular Fortune's Wheel - a casino in Sigil. There they meet the owner, Shemeshka, and get more information about their glitch situation. After that, they must delve deeper into the Mortuary to find another glitched Champion and make it out with their souls intact!

    Note: You will need to have completed the previous two Turn of Fortune's Wheel adventures, Welcome to Sigil and Fast Food, in order to access these new adventures.

    The Fortune's Wheel

    The Champions are kept on their toes with the pandemonium at the Fortune's Wheel casino!
    Play Reward: Gnome Avren Skin
    • Variant: The Misfortune's Wheel - The Champions deal with the chaos of the Fortune's Wheel casino while broke!
      • Gold Find is reduced by 99%.
      • You may not use Champions with the Gold Find role.
      • Complete area 550

    A Glitch in the Mortuary

    Descend further into the Mortuary and find another glitched Champion!
    Play Reward: Gnome Glitch Avren Feat
    • A Gnome in the Mortuary - Explore the depths of the Mortuary with Gnome Avren!
    • Prerequisites: Must have Avren unlocked.
      • You may only use Champions that are partially or totally neutral.
      • Avren joins the formation.
      • Complete area 600

    We would love to hear about your experiences in the Outlands on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

    November 22nd, 2023
    Idle Champions: The Glitches are Coming!  
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Turn of Fortune's Wheel continues! The Champions find themselves in Sigil - the City of Doors - and with the help of Mrs. Fox discover they are Glitches in the Multiverse. Under her advice, the Champions set out into Sigil to find out who they are and why this is happening to them. But other forces are moving in Sigil, and they soon find themselves on the run for their lives!

    Also starting today is the Glitch Emergence Event along with Glitch Skins & Feats for many Champions! Read on to learn more!

    Note: you will need to have completed the previous two Turn of Fortune's Wheel adventures, The Beginning is the End and The End Is The Beginning, in order to access these new adventures.

    Welcome to Sigil

    Explore Sigil and learn more about the predicament you find yourself in.
    • Variant: Misaligned in Sigil - Explore Sigil with a diverse set of Champions!
      • All Champion damage is reduced by 99% for each Champion in the formation that shares an exact alignment with another Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
      • Two fools join the formation. They just get in the way.
      • Complete area 400

    Fast Food

    Elude the Harmonium Peacekeepers while you try to stock up on rations and gear.
    • Adventure Variant: Chaos Theory - Elude the Harmonium Peacekeepers with a group of chaotic lawbreakers!
      • You may only use Chaotic Champions.
      • 1-2 additional Harmonium Peacekeepers spawn with each wave. They don't drop gold or count towards quest progress.
      • Complete area 450

    When the Champions were brought to Sigil in the second Turn of Fortune's Wheel adventure, they had lost their memory, and they each looked a bit different!

    With the release of Fortune's Wheel 2, we're debuting the first batch of Glitch Skins & Feats! The 5 main speakers from Turn of Fortune's Wheel (Calliope, Freely, Havilar, Nayeli, and Orkira) now have their Glitch Skins & Feats available via Skin & Feat Packs in the in-game shop. Hitch & Sentry also have Glitch Skins and Feats available via the Thayan Enclave (see the Glitch Emergence below).

    Equipping a Glitch Feat will allow a Champion to also count as the race matching their Glitch Skin (whether or not the Skin is active), and also grant a boost based (normally) on the number of Champions of that race in your formation! We hope these Glitch Feats will create new formation options for you to enjoy!

    Glitch Feat
    Nayeli Githyanki Glitch Feat
    • Calliope: Calliope counts as a Harengon. Increases the effect of Calliope's Bardic Inspiration ability by 20% (additively) for each Bard in the formation.
    • Freely: Freely counts as an Aasimar. Increases the effect of Freely's Unlucky for Them Ability by 20% (additively) for each Aasimar in the formation.
    • Havilar: Havilar counts as a Half-Elf. Increases the effect of Havilar's Battlemaster Ability by 20% (additively) for each Half-Elf in the formation.
    • Nayeli: Nayeli counts as a Githyanki. Increases the effect of Nayeli's Aura of Courage ability by 20% (additively) for each unique race in the formation.
    • Orkira: Orkira counts as a Half-Elf. Increases the effect of Elemental Fire by 20% (additively) for each Half-Elf in the formation.
    • Hitch: Hitch counts as a Centaur. Increases the effect of Hitch's Natural Performer Ability by 20% (additively) for each unique race in the formation.
    • Sentry: Sentry counts as a Half-Elf. Increases the effect of Sentry's Guardian of Solwynn ability by 20% (additively) for each Half-Elf in the formation.

    There's a problem in the Multiverse and it's spilling into Faerûn! Glitched versions of multiple Champions are causing all sorts of trouble - it's up to you and your formations to stop them! Protect the Forgotten Realms and unlock exclusive rewards in the Thayan Enclave Shop during the Glitch Emergence Event, which runs from November 22nd at noon Pacific until Friday, December 1st at noon Pacific!

    During Emergence Events, Corrupted Gems can be collected from the designated monsters (in this case Glitched Champions), and by completing a daily quest visible in the Emergence Event dialog. Use the Corrupted Gems in the Thayan Enclave Shop to collect any of the items below and the remaining items from the Mind Flayer Emergence.

    New Items Added to the Thayan Enclave!

  • Two Golden Epics
    • Jang Sao Slot 5 - Lunation (20,000 Corrupted Gems)
    • Sisaspia Slot 5 - Scimitar of Dendar (20,000 Corrupted Gems)
  • Four Feats
    • Hitch - Centaur Glitch (10,000 Corrupted Gems)
    • Sentry - Half-Elf Glitch (10,000 Corrupted Gems)
    • Warden - Gibbous Script (10,000 Corrupted Gems)
    • Warden - Specter of Aeons (10,000 Corrupted Gems)
  • Two Skins
    • Centaur Glitch Hitch (10,000 Corrupted Gems)
    • Half-Elf Glitch Sentry (10,000 Corrupted Gems)
  • 10x Marvelous Support Pigments (7,000 Corrupted Gems)
  • 8x Modron Component Chests (2,500 Corrupted Gems)
  • 8x Supply Chests (2,500 Corrupted Gems)
  • Unlimited Glitch Emergence Chests (2,500 Corrupted Gems)
    • Contains gear for: Jang Sao, Sisaspia, Hitch, Sentry, and Warden

  • You can find all this information, and even more details, in-game!

    We would love to hear about your experiences in the Outlands on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!