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February 16th, 2024
Idle Champion Spotlight: Dynaheir 
Posted in Idle Champions.

"Any protection would be courtesy, not necessity. My power is no less than thine!"

Folks native to Rashemen have proven themselves to be fierce individuals displaying great bravery and tremendous arcane power, and Dynaheir is no exception. She's confident in her abilities, and will not hesitate to use her archaic speech to be critical of others. But her faithful bodyguard Minsc has earned her loyalty and respect as they have traveled together across the Sword Coast.

I. Dynaheir

    Dynaheir is a Wychlaran Invoker hailing from the distant land of Rashemen, who travels with her stalwart bodyguard, Minsc. She carries a deep-seated animosity toward the Red Wizards of Thay, and the mere mention of these hated adversaries sparks a fiery determination in her eyes and a steely edge to her voice.
Dynaheir the Invoker is a Support and Speed Champion who buffs hardy Champions while helping increase quest progress. This human wizard can be found in Seat 3 opposite of Nayeli once she is unlocked.

II. Dynaheir's Stats

Race: Human Alignment: Lawful Good
Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 28 Affiliation: Heroes of Baldur's Gate Class: Wizard

STR: 11 DEX: 13 CON: 16
INT: 17 WIS: 15 CHA: 12

Role: Support, Speed

Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, Strahd

Seat: 3 (Nayeli)

III. Dynaheir's Design

There is no greater enemy to the Red Wizards of Thay than this powerful wizard from Rashemen. Dynaheir goes out of her way to hunt them down wherever she goes, while also helping the rest of the formation go after their chosen targets. Humanoid enemies, like those Red Wizards, are her Favored Foe. Thanks to her support, all Favored Foes of ANY Champion in the formation will have a bigger chance of dropping double quest items or counting for double quest progress.

The formation won't get far on their mission without healthy Champions, so Dynaheir increases the Overwhelm of Champions in the front-most column in the formation. She also increases the damage of Champions with a high Constitution, and that bonus grows as her allies are attacked. She can boost that even further if she specializes in Circle Magic. Otherwise she can put extra focus on dealing damage to Favored Foes with the Iron Lord's Justice, or support her Loyal Bodyguard Minsc by giving him the Tanking role and all of the buffs needed to fulfill his task!

Dynaheir uses An Old School Sling most of the time, but when necessary she can call upon two different Ultimate elemental attacks! She will alternate between a gigantic Fireball that damages and knocks back enemies, and a Lightning Bolt that will injure and stun a line of creatures.

The ranks of the Heroes of Baldur's Gate are bolstered with Dynaheir joining them, and she's ready to show just how powerful a Wychlaran Invoker can be!

IV. Dynaheir's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • An Old School Sling - Dynaheir attacks the closest enemy with her sling, dealing 1 hit.

Formation Abilities

  • The Resolve of Rashemen - Dynaheir increases the damage of all Champions in the formation with a CON of 15+ by 400% for each Champion affected by this ability, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Enemy of Thay - Humanoid enemies are Dynaheir's Favored Foe. There is a 50% chance that an additional Red Wizard spawns with each wave in non-boss areas.
  • Spoils of War - All Favored Foes have a 25% chance to drop double quest items or count for double quest progress.
  • Defensive Position - Dynaheir increases the bonus of The Resolve of Rashemen by 20% each time an ally is attacked, up to a maximum of 100 stacks. If Minsc is in the formation, the base effect is increased to 44%. Stacks apply multiplicatively and reset when changing areas.
  • The Unapproachable East - Champions in the front-most column of the formation have their Overwhelm increased to 25, if it wasn't already higher.


  • Circle Magic - Champions that are adjacent to Dynaheir get +1 CON and the base effect of The Resolve of Rashemen is increased by 10%.
  • Iron Lord's Justice - Champions deal 1000% more damage against all Favored Foes.
  • Loyal Bodyguard - Minsc gains the Tanking role and is now eligible for this adventure regardless of other restrictions. Dynaheir increases Minsc's base health by 200%, and then further increases his health by 75% for every 50 areas completed in the current adventure, up to area 600. She also increases the health of all Champions, other than Minsc, by 25% of Minsc's max health.

Ultimate Ability

Dynaheir alternates between two different Ultimate attacks, Fireball and Lightning bolt:

  • Fireball - Dynaheir casts a gigantic fireball that engulfs the entire enemy's side of the screen, dealing 1 ultimate hit to all enemies and knocking them back a short distance.
  • Lightning Bolt - Dynaheir casts a lightning bolt through the target with the most health remaining, dealing 1 ultimate hit to all creatures in a wide line and stunning them for 5 seconds.

V. Dynaheir's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: The Resolve of Rashemen
Slot 3: Spoils of War
Slot 4: Defensive Position
Slot 5: Specializations
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

VI. Conclusion

Are you excited to another familiar Champion from Baldur's Gate? Let us know:
April 28th, 2021
Idle Champions: The Running 4 
Posted in Idle Champions.

A young elven wizard is on a pilgrimage to the Grandfather Tree, and she has hired the Champions to escort her.

The wizard has foreseen an acorn falling from the tree - an extraordinary and truly rare occurrence - and she hopes to collect the holy relic to take to Silverymoon.

Yet as the party ventures forth, the very forest itself resists them, while elves from the Feywild and the Underdark seek to claim the acorn for themselves...

The Running 4 introduces Shaka, Tiefling Celestial Warlock of Rivals of Waterdeep, and brings back Krydle, the charismatic half-elf rogue of the Heroes of Baldur's Gate, Spurt, the beloved shortlived Kobold. Players have until Monday, May 10th at 12PM Pacific to complete their The Running 4 unlocks and objectives.

For more information about Year 4 Events and how they work, please check out our Year 4 Events Dev Blog.

I. New Champion: Shaka

Dungeons & Dragons Shaka Shareef Jackson

    As a member of Rivals of Waterdeep, Shaka is always looking for the latest adventure and the latest puzzle. His party has encountered mysteries and foes throughout Waterdeep, Candlekeep, Icewind Dale, and Avernus. Their base of operations is located in the Trollskull Manor in Waterdeep where a brain in a jar named Brian stands watch.

Shaka is here to help, using his keen intellect to solve the Celestial Puzzle and bolstering his allies with Celestial Resistance. When you want to add him to your formation, you can swap him with Makos (Slot 9).

II. Shaka’s Stats

Race: Tiefling Alignment: Neutral Good
Class: Warlock (Celestial) Gender: Male
Age: 29 Affiliation: Rivals of Waterdeep

STR: 10 DEX: 16 CON: 15
INT: 16 WIS: 13 CHA: 16

Role: Support & Healing
Eligible for Patrons: Mirt the Moneylender, Vajra Safahr, Strahd von Zarovich, Zariel
Slot: 9 (Makos)

Shaka's Abilities

Shaka is a Support and Healing Champion. He can boost damage with A Celestial Puzzle, provide shielding with Celestial Resistance, and further amplify his abilities through specialization choices.

If more direct action is needed, Shaka can summon a Wall of Light as his Ultimate Ability and choose to Blind or Disintegrate enemies. The Blinding Wall of Light will push enemies away from the formation and cause their attacks to miss, while the Disintegrating Wall of Light will kill or damage those attempting to do his friends harm!

For more information on Shaka and his abilities, check out his Champion Spotlight!

Year Four Variants

  • The Web Was On The Wall — Giant Spiders appear in each area. Whenever a Champion destroys a Giant Spider, they become webbed (stunned) for 3 seconds. Gold Find is reduced by 99%.
  • Reach Area 75.
  • Shaka's Puzzle — Shaka starts in the formation, he can be moved. Only Shaka and the Champions who match the tag for their slot from Shaka's A Celestial Puzzle ability can deal damage; Shaka's A Celestial Puzzle starts out unlocked.
      Getting to know Shaka: Shaka's main ability is A Celestial Puzzle. It will tag 4 random slots with a specific tag. When you solve the puzzle and place a Champion that matches the tag, A Celestial Puzzle buffs the damage of the entire party by 100%. Match all the tags to give your party the biggest boost.
  • Reach Area 125.
  • Lolth's Blessing — A Drow Wizard spawns in each area, with the Blessing of Lolth: 8 armored hit points that must be cleared before they can be killed. While the Drow Wizard is alive, all Drow enemies deal 300% additional damage and move 100% faster.
  • Reach Area 175.
For information on previous years' variants, check out the The Running 3 blog.
April 22nd, 2020
Idle Champions: The Running 3 
Posted in Idle Champions.

A young elven wizard is on a pilgrimage to the Grandfather Tree, and she has hired the Champions to escort her.

The wizard has foreseen an acorn falling from the tree - an extraordinary and truly rare occurrence - and she hopes to collect the holy relic to take to Silverymoon.

Yet as the party ventures forth, the very forest itself resists them, while elves from the Feywild and the Underdark seek to claim the acorn for themselves...

The Running 3 introduces Krydle, the charismatic half-elf rogue of the Heroes of Baldur's Gate, and brings back Spurt and Catti-brie. Players have until Monday, May 4th at 12PM Pacific to complete their event unlocks and objectives.

Dungeons & Dragons Krydle Jim Zub

Year 3 Champion: Krydle

    A Charismatic Leader, a dashing thief and poet, Krydle is the quintessential rogue with a heart of gold. A resident of Baldur's Gate, Krydle rejects the upper city political machinations of his estranged father Coran, but nevertheless has familiarity of the city's nobles and their schemes, as well those of the city's criminal network. Certainly a handy chap to know...

Krydle is a DPS and Support Champion. His legendary charm buffs other Champions based on their charisma, and his Thieves Cant ability amplifies this buff for each rogue in the party. When you want to add Krydle to your formation, you can swap him with Celeste (Slot 2).

For more information about Krydle, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight: Krydle dev blog!

Dungeons & Dragons Spurt Chris Perkins

Year 2 Champion: Spurt

    Spurt the Kobold Inventor is crafty and quick with his hands. He builds improvised weapons in the hope of gaining some new advantage in combat. Spurt never knew he would have such lasting appeal when he met a mighty group of adventurers in a cave, but here we are. Packed to the gills with his "awesome" inventions this clever kobold brings his 11-days of life experiences to the Champions, along with a really cool 'Centi-pult'!
Spurt is a Kobold Inventor and Support Champion. He buffs the formation through his Centipede Net, Wa-spiration, and Pack Tactics abilities. Spurt can also perform a Heroic Sacrifice to boost his buffs! When you want to add Spurt to your formation, you can swap him with Nayeli (Slot 3).

For more information about Spurt, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight: Spurt dev blog!

Dungeons & Dragons Catti-brie RA Salvatore

Year 1 Champion: Catti-brie

    "When I first laid eyes on Catti-brie, she had just punched a rather menacing fellow who was threatening to break every bone in my body. She hit the lout with such surprising force that he flopped to the floor like a sackful of mullet. Over the years, I’ve come to call her a friend. Underneath Catti-brie’s rough exterior lies a heart of gold. She cares deeply for her friends and will protect what she holds dear without fail. If she takes a shine to you, be sure to count your lucky pennies, because her enemies rarely fare well for long."
    ~Volothamp Geddarm
Catti-brie is a DPS and Support Champion. Her Powerful Draw and Critical Hit abilities help her deal damage at long range, while her Mark for Death weakens enemies. When you want to add Catti-brie to your formation, you can swap her with Minsc (Slot 7).

Year Three Variants

  • Split Up — Champions cannot be placed adjacent to each other.
    Reach Area 75.

  • The Early Bird Gets The Acorn — Only Champions in slots 1-7 can be used.
    Reach Area 125.

  • Krydle's Posse — Krydle starts out in slot 4 and can not be moved, removed, or swapped out. Only Champions with a Charisma (CHA) score of 12-16 can be used.
    Reach Area 175.

Year Two Variants

  • Delusions of Grandeur — Spurt and his Centipult start in the formation, taking up two slots. The Centipult launches centipedes at random enemies, enraging them and increasing their speed and damage.
    Reach Area 75.

  • Elves are Wild — All Elves (Elf, Eladrin, Drow) & Half-Elves in the formation have their attack speed increased. Drow enemies now have armor. Additional Eladrin spawn in each area, and they are immune to damage until after they attack.
    Reach Area 125.

  • Alignment Askew — Champions are all affected by different debuffs based on the formation's alignment.
    Reach Area 175.

Year One Variants

  • The Wolves in the Woods — Werewolves randomly spawn and attack the party, each with special abilities. Catti-brie's silver arrows deal double damage/hits to these creatures.
    Reach Area 75.

  • Critter Companions — Two forest critters take up slots in the formation, increasing the damage of adjacent Champions by 400% moving around every 25 areas.
    Reach Area 125.

  • Catti-alone — Catti-brie is the only Champion available for this mission. Her damage increases by 40% per area, stacking multiplicatively, her attack speed is greatly increased, and her Ultimate ability cooldown is reduced to 10 seconds.
    Reach Area 175.

See the in-game FAQ for more information!