Not only do you have to tackle the obstacles introduced in the previous three tiers, but we've added these extra layers of diabolic blockers!
Idols Through Time Tier 4 Objectives
- Don't Blink - A literal doctor takes up a slot in the formation and reduces the DPS of adjacent Crusaders by 100% while you travel to area 1000.
- Lost In Time - The relics blocking the slots now move around the formation every 50 areas and the reductions in DPS and Gold are increased to 90%. Reach area 1000.
- Time-Lost Bosses - When a boss is killed, now FOUR Crusaders have their DPS and Formation Abilities disabled for 15 seconds. Reach area 1050.
- Nostalgia Trip - Only the first 10 Crusaders are available to use. The reset ability is moved to Artaxes, the Lion. Reach area 1050.
- Echoes - Reach area 1100 with only 2 formation slots available at the end, due to the ever increasing amount of Echoes in your formation.
- Hamstrung - You cannot use Crusaders with the Supernatural tag, in addition to the other restricted tags, as you reach area 1100.
- The Lost World - A sedated T-rex takes up a slot in your formation and must be escorted safely to the end. Unfortunately, if you don't beat an area in under 30 seconds, he goes on a rampage and kills all your Crusaders, sending you back one area. Reach area 1150 with your cranky guest.
- Atrophy - The damage and gold reduction is now 4% per second, as you strive to reach area 1200.