The Lost Woods

This year's update includes:- Added new 100% completion ranch item
- Added new tier reward costume items
- Added year 3 sequel quest for Hyah!
- A new fairy waits at the final area
- Added last year's rewards are to "Ye Items Lost in the Woods" prior items store
- Added a spring forest subzone
- Increased Rupee reward for Hyah!'s quests and removed Gold reward
- Rebalanced Saria's satchel Rupee costs
- Can now turn in the main quest at the Skull Boy in the event area after completing all 8 tiers
What is a Dungeon?
'Endless Dungeon' is the technical term for a new system, where you enter the dungeon, complete puzzles in a series of small areas, and collect a special reward at the end, where you return to the entrance and can enter again. When you click the entrance of a dungeon, you'll see the following popup with some details about your progress in the dungeon. Click the big arrow/doorway button to enter the dungeon!
Runs and Tiers
Each of these can be called a "run". Each run requires you complete an increasing number of areas to complete. The first might be 3 areas, the next 6, then 9, etc. These goals are called "Tiers" of the dungeon. You start at Tier 1, complete its 3 areas, and claim its reward to complete it. You can then enter it again at Tier 2. Each area has a small reward in a silver chest, and each tier has a more unique or greater reward. Some dungeons will have a maximum tier (like the Lost Woods), and some will not. And some dungeons will have increasing bush whacking costs (bush energy and mana whack), and some will not (like the Lost Woods).Areas and Effects
Each area of a dungeon is randomly generated. The field, the decorations, visitors, where you enter and leave, and the 'Area Effects'. What are Area Effects? There modifiers like what your trinkets, pets, mounts, and runes give you, but apply only when you're in the area. These could be positive or negative. Maybe increase energy odds, decreased power odds, or maybe something more weird. If an area has effects, you can see what the area effect is by mousing over the 'E' star near your mana bar.