'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring...apart from a horde of unrelenting monsters intent on your destruction.
The Nate Before Christmas campaign will run from today until December 29th at Noon PST. In a fit of festive enthusiasm, Nate decided to find a some holiday decorations for his house. Unfortunately, Nate was kicked out of his village for a drunken incident involving an axe and the town Christmas tree in the main square.
Now Nate finds himself and his fellow Crusaders wandering the snowy winterland searching for redemption.

As luck would have it, on his travels he'll have the chance to recruit two brand new Crusaders.
RoboSanta and Frosty the Snowman will "bring the heat" to the gang of Crusaders once you complete their objectives. However, they are going to make it hard going.
RoboSanta has a bolt loose and instead of the generous, jovial Saint Nick, we get a rotund, avaricious dude who debuffs his fellow Crusader's gold generation by 20% up to a total of 80%.
Frosty, the Snowman

Frosty puts his fellow Crusaders 'on ice', literally freezing a random Crusader and debuffing their DPS by 100% every 15 seconds. He'll also chill all adjacent teammates' DPS by 20%.
The remaining two objectives are Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and Milk and Cookie Run. Rudolph will lead you on a mission to find the remaining eight reindeer and leave you with four slots for Crusaders by the end of the objective.
Rudolph, the Rednose Reindeer

In Milk and Cookie Run, you have to help Santa complete his present deliveries within 60 minutes. However, every 25 areas you'll gain more energy in the form of the "Milk and Cookies" buff that will accelerate monster spawn speeds for a few minutes.
Happy Holidays one and all!