Nate's Candy Conundrum Easter event introduces two brand new Crusaders who again are obtainable when you complete the first two objectives.
Alan the Archangel is kind of a big deal in certain circles. As a top level executive in his organization, he brings the big guns when it comes to his powers. Once added to your roster, you can power him up and at level 75 he'll use some of his divine power to potentially resurrect fallen Crusaders with full health while simultaneously doing 25% damage to all enemies and forcing them back.
New Crusader: Alan the Archangel

If you've ever wondered how the Easter Bunny manages to distribute all those eggs, now you know: Automation. RoboRabbit is the mechanical workhorse of the holiday season. Rated at an impressive 1,000 candy eggs per second, he's able to cover the globe with treats for kids in every garden in the world.
New Crusader: RoboRabbit

His particular skills are as unique as he is. At level 50, RoboRabbit will store up part of your DPS and then disburse it as bonus click damage when you put your clicking to the test. At level 100, he'll boost your DPS for a whopping 15 minutes, from just making one little click! Get up to 25% bonus DPS without any gear from 25 clicks, or up to 63% DPS with his Golden Epic! Just don't let him die!
There are three other objectives for the event. You need to transport all your candy haul and the 'Candy Train' is the perfect solution. However, the train takes up four slots in your formation as you battle your way to area 150.
New Objective: Candy Train

'Hurry! Hurry!' features the real Easter Bunny, who requires an escort to area 200. However, given that he's largely unemployed because of the RoboRabbit, he's somewhat impatient and will decrease your DPS by 1% for each monster killed in an area. The longer you're in the area, the more anxious he becomes up to a max debuff of 99%!
The final new objective is 'Easter Egg Hunt'. A giant egg takes over a slot in your formation and then every 25 areas another egg will appear to commandeer a slot until nearly all the slots are occupied. It'll make reaching area 250 more than a little challenging to complete.