Here's a glimpse at some of the Tier 2 additions:
Invisibility Cloak Tier 2

Beat area 550 with the invisible monsters attacking you, and two teachers taking up formation slots!
Accio Monsters Tier 2

Beat 650 areas of rushing monsters eager to attack you while their buffed health keeps them alive longer.
Fantastic Beasts Tier 2

Survive the Fantastic Beasts while escorting the Wizard to area 750, this time with the addition of two familiars along for the hunt in your formation.
To help you through the tough new Tier 2 objectives, there's a weekend buff. Starting today, the five Crusaders below will receive boosts until Monday, November 7 at Noon PST.
- Jim, the Lumberjack - Sharpen Party ability +200%
- Dark Gryphon - All DPS +100%
- Gold Panda - All Gold Find +100%
- King Reginald IV - Royal Grail ability +200%
- Bubba, the Swimming Orc - Synchronized Swimming ability +200%

Also, check out the limited-time Tiered Jeweled Chests that contain equipment for the five Crusaders above! (Please note: The chest will only contain gear for Bubba if you've unlocked him.)