Since the e308 cap increase touches a lot of the game's code, if you notice anything out of the ordinary, please don't hesitate to report it — thanks!
World's Wake: Awaken the Dragon
- A Knight takes up a slot in the formation.
- A Dragon attacks the formation at random.
- Each time the Dragon is killed, party DPS and Gold Find is permanently lowered by 5% (stacking multiplicatively).
- Every 15 minutes, the Knight reduces the number of Dragon's debuff stacks by 10% (time warps count towards this time).
- Reach area 1100
- Reward: Unlock Bonus Idols in Event Free Plays
Descent Into Darkness: Corrupting Darkness
- Every 15 seconds, a random Crusader is corrupted by the Darkness for 5 to 15 seconds.
- All positive DPS effects from corrupted Crusaders become negative, and vice versa
- Reach area 1200
- Reward: Double Non-Bonus Idol Rewards
Ghostbeard's Greed: To Infinity and Beyond!
- A rickety pirate rocket ship takes up a slot in the formation.
- Every 200 kills the rocket blasts off, instantly killing all adjacent Crusaders.
- The rocket moves around in the formation every 25 areas.
- Reach area 1300
- Reward: Maximum number cap raised to 1e400