January 25th, 2019
BW2: Jan 25th, 2019 Release Notes
Limited Time Tribute Quest (January 4th, 2019)
- 10 new pets are now in rotation for Misty’s pet raising quests!
- Added 8 new unique variations of the gen 10 pets to the PAGAS egg store.
- Can now filter your runes by effect in the Blacksmith, Disenchant, and Combine dialogs!
- Mounts with skins now show properly on your ranch!
- Can now send gifts while doing quests to build Sasha’s house.
- Fixed the yellow exclamation/question mark hiding after you accept/turn in a Mayoral Duties quest or your Mayoral Stipend when the other is still available.
- Changed the name of the ranch item store to “Ye Incredible IDEA Outletâ€
- Changed the name of the Crops store to “Ye Capacious Crop Shoppeâ€
- Added Leonard companion to the wandering pet salesperson.
- 6 different coloured Ribbon Board ranch items to wandering furniture salesperson, to better display event ribbons.
- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!
January 11th, 2019
BW2: Jan 11th, 2019 Release Notes
Nate's Birthday Event Update (December 11th, 2019)
- Updated Nate’s Birthday Event
- Added new customization and ranch items
- Added new ribbons and 100% reward
- Added 3 new pets available from Jan 18th to Jan 21st
- A new challenging quest
- Can now send Dynamite Gifts to friends, which contains random energy, mana, power, and something special for the duration of the event. These items do not expire and function like the Wrapped Presents from Christmas
- Added Serpent Dragon Mount promo (free with BB purchase over $10; 30% more BBs over $5)
- On platforms that have zone blockers that must be staffed, you can now add one staff to a blocker for free every 20 hours.
- Can no longer use a Pristine Feed on a mount with the max of 8 bonuses when that Pristine Feed isn’t one of the existing bonuses. Before this, you could use the Pristine Feed but the bonus would be removed afterwards.
- Frosted Cake NPC in Salty Settlement now has a yellow exclamation mark to indicate they have something for you. It goes away after you talk to them.
- Fixed Investigator Kaine staying in the Summer Village after you’ve completed the mystery there.
- Fixed wandering merchants sometimes overlapping.
- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!