September 25th, 2020
BW2: September 25th, 2020 Release Notes
Mannequins & Explorer’s League Epic Quest Part 6! (September 24th, 2020)
- Added the next part of the Explorer’s League Epic Quest!
- Added Mannequin Ranch Items, which can be set to display your current outfit and a custom label. You can easily equip the style from a mannequin. Click a mannequin on your ranch to see how you can interact with it.
- Mannequin ranch items are bought with a Base, which the mannequin stands on. There are bases without visible display labels, and deluxe bases with them.
- Different mannequins are added to the following stores: Ye Olde Island Exchange, Tailor, Ye Knavish Burglary Boutique, Ye VIP Premium Emporium, and Ye Glitchy Flux Shoppe.
- The Tailor will be in on Amicus until Monday Sept 28th so you can pick up their coloured mannequins!
- Can buy multiple Starfish and White Beach Chair ranch items from the ranch store.
- Potentially fixed some issues where the Desktop Launcher would get into a state where the server wouldn’t commit any modifications made by its calls. Like buying a store item, but nothing happens.
- Fixed being able to load multiple instances of the same account.
- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!