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January 3rd, 2024
Idle Champions: Season 7 Overview 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Season 7: The Rivals

Season 7 focuses on Champions from the Rivals of Waterdeep affiliation! There are six Champions that are a part of this affiliation, and three of them were targeted for reworks: Shaka (Seat 9), Selise (Seat 12), and D'hani (Seat 1). Read below to learn more about these Champions, and the details you need to know about Season 7!

The focus of Season 7's redesigns is to fix some of the most glaring issues with the targeted Champions. These are Champions with solid bones, but each had an issue or issues that prevented them from rising to greatness. Synergies between the Rivals of Waterdeep Champions already existed, so we haven't focused too much on improving those.

Season 7 begins on Wednesday, January 3rd, 2024, and to celebrate we're going to have a special day of streaming on our Twitch Channel starting at noon Pacific. The day will be capped off by an extraordinary D&D one shot adventure featuring the return of the Rivals of Waterdeep! We're thrilled to have Jasmine Bhullar as the Dungeon Master and players Tanya DePass as Selise, Masood Haque as Gazrick, Shareef Jackson as Shaka, LaTia Jacquise as D'hani, Eugenio Vargas as Kent, and Brian Gray as Virgil. Join us in your fanciest attire at 4pm Pacific for this one night only special reunion event!

The Rivals one shot

Table of Contents

Season 7 The Rivals

Champion Overview

Shaka (Seat 9)

Shaka's Celestial Puzzle ability is one of the most unique buffs in the game, but it could be confusing to use and the juice wasn't worth the squeeze in many cases. We have added several quality of life changes and buffed the base values to really reward people who take the time and effort to build a unique formation for their Shaka-centric run.

Celestial Puzzle is Shaka's main support ability, which buffs the whole formation. When you unlock it, five slots in the formation are highlighted. Four of these slots have tags assigned to them, while one is hidden and associated with Shaka's specialization. If you place a Champion into a slot that has a tag matching that slot, Celestial Puzzle's buff is increased. Celestial Resistance periodically provides a temporary hit point shield to everyone in the formation, where the size of the shield is buffed by the number of successfully filled Celestial Puzzle slots. If Shaka is adjacent to any of his Celestial Puzzle slots, Feast or Famine further increases the base effect of that buff. Finally, Riddling Rivals increases the base effect of Celestial Puzzle for each other Rival in the formation.

Specializations: Three of Shaka's specializations unlock his previously secret fifth Celestial Puzzle slot, each one with a different target tag (and a small buff to Celestial Puzzle based on how difficult the target tag would be to fulfill). Since you can see which slot is going to be added and what tag it's going to target, you have plenty of information to pick the right choice for the formation you've built. A final specialization increases the effect of Celestial Resistance.

Using Shaka: Place Shaka in your formation and unlock his Celestial Puzzle ability, then find your best Champions for the tag targets in his Celestial Puzzle slots. Build a custom formation that fulfills as many puzzle slots as you can to get the biggest buffs from Shaka. You should also try to make sure Shaka is adjacent to as many of his puzzle slots as you can. When it comes time to pick a specialization, choose the one that fits best into the formation you've been building.

Selise (Seat 12)

Selise's kit was one of the most complex in the game, but it needed some love to make it a little more useful. We have smoothed out her kit by removing her Reflect stance and moving its effects to Wall stance, providing a more clear progression of stances from Aggressive (pushing) to Wall (tanking) to Last Resort (burning down a boss). We've also provided a new quality of life improvement with a feat that prevents roaming familiars from activating her ultimate (and thus changing her stance when you didn't mean it to change).

Selise's Divine Sense increases the damage of Champions in the two columns behind her, plus it has a secondary effect based on Selise's current shield stance. You can change Selise's shield stance by using her ultimate ability, which unlocks at the same time as Divine Sense. Selise's three stances are Aggressive, Wall, and Last Resort. In Aggressive stance, Divine Sense also decreases affected Champion's attack cooldowns. In Wall stance, Divine Sense's effect is increased and Selise and her nearby allies take less damage. Finally, in Last Resort stance, Vow of Vengeance's base effect is increased by a massive amount that reduces over time. Vow of Vengeance, by the way, is another ability that is active in both Wall and Last Resort stance, and increases the effect of Divine Sense each time an enemy attacks Selise, stacking multiplicatively. Shield of Psychomancy causes Selise to debuff hit-based and armor-based enemies to take extra hits when attacked (synergizing with Gazrick), but is only active while in Aggressive stance. Protect The Party increases the health of other Champions in the formation, further increasing the buff based on the number of Rivals of Waterdeep Champions in the formation. Rivalry's Insight also cares about the number of Rivals in the formation, increasing the effect of Divine Sense for each one. Finally, every 180 seconds when Selise switches from Last Resort to Aggressive stance, she casts Thunderous Smite, dealing massive damage to up to six enemies on the field.

Specializations: Selise has two sets of specialization choices. During the first set, you can pick a specialization that buffs a specific shield stance. During the second set, you can pick from one of the two stances that you didn't buff, or extend the range of Divine Sense. The buffs are: Relentless Avenger, increasing the number of bonus hits Shield of Psychomancy can inflict. Reflective Shield, deflecting ranged and magical projectiles back at enemies while in Wall stance. And Mithral Skin, reducing the damage Selise takes while in Last Resort stance.

Using Selise: Place Selise at the front of your formation and switch shield stances based on what your party is doing. While pushing toward your wall in areas you can quickly and easily clear, stay in Aggressive stance to speed up the attacks of Champions near Selise. When you begin to approach your wall (when enemies are surviving long enough to reach your formation), switch into Wall stance to reduce the damage Selise takes while tanking and increase the damage your allies affected by Divine Sense do. If the fight is looking dire, switch into Last Resort stance to provide a big boost of power to your allies, but be sure to switch out of Last Resort once your foes are defeated, as the effect is reduced greatly over time.

D'hani (Seat 1)

D'hani is a DPS Champion who is all about painting. In general, the more paint that she has applied to her enemies in the current area, the more damage she does. Paint Them Red applies up to 3 strokes of red paint to enemies D'hani attacks (one stroke per attack). Splash of Yellow can apply one stroke of yellow paint to each enemy. Enemies affiliated by yellow paint drop additional gold when killed. Stroke of Green applies green paint, which causes D'hani's attacks against them to also damage nearby enemies. Blotch of Blue applies blue paint, which stuns enemies and causes boss enemies to take even more damage.

D'hani's Way of the Brush ability keeps track of the total number of enemies she has painted across all resets, and her damage is further increased based on that number. With Friendly Rivalry, she increases her damage based on the number of Rivals of Waterdeep Champions in the formation.

D'hani will always attack the nearest enemy as well as one random enemy, helping her spread her paints. Her ultimate ability attacks and applies paint to five random enemies, and also removes any weather effects in the current area (potentially triggering a stack of Virgil's Weather Control).

Specializations: D'hani has one specialization for each of her yellow, green, and blue paints. Each specialization increases the effectiveness of that type of paint.

Using D'hani: Place D'hani anywhere in your formation with as many other Rivals of Waterdeep Champions as you can manage. That's it. D'hani will apply paint more quickly if she can attack faster, so try to team her up with support Champions who will decrease her base attack cooldown.

Season 7 The Rivals

Key Season Rewards

As with last season, the marquee rewards are at level 60. After that, you begin to earn Bonus tokens for every level (two tokens per level for Season Pass purchasers). Each token can be redeemed for one of the 15 unique bonus rewards.

Once a reward has been earned, it cannot be earned again until each type of reward has been earned. Once all rewards are earned, your odds reset. Your odds of a specific type of reward when none have been earned are approximately as follows:

  • Champion iLevels: 33%
  • Gems: 13%
  • Modron Component Chest: 13%
  • Season Chest: 13%
  • Blacksmithing Contracts: 6.5%
  • Bounty Contracts: 6.5%
  • Supply Chest: 6.5%
  • Support Pigment: 6.5%

  • This season includes a new Click Damage Skin, a Golden Epic for Shaka, a new Hawk Man familiar, Epic and Rare feats for all the Season Champions, and exclusive skins for those Champions! It also makes Marvelous Tanking Pigments available for the first time since Season 5! Check out the Rewards track in-game for more detail.


    Available to All Players

    • Golden Epic: Shaka Slot 5
    • Click Damage Skin: Rivals Sword
    • Rare Feats: Shaka, D'hani, Kent, Virgil
    • Epic Feat: Selise
    • Item Level Boosts
    • Chests
    • Epic Potions and Scrolls
    • Gems

    Available to Season Passholders

    • Familiar: The Hawk Man
    • Tanking Pigments
    • Week-long Potions
    • Epic Feats: Shaka, Selise, D'hani, Kent, Virgil
    • Waterdhavian Skins: Shaka, Selise, D'hani, Kent, Virgil

    Season 7 Keywords and Key Abilities

    Keywords and Key Abilities

    Throughout the season, various quests may reference certain keywords and abilities. Here is a quick reminder on some of those!

    BUD-setting: BUD stands for Base Ultimate Damage. Your 'BUD' is based on the DPS of the highest hit that any Champion has recently achieved against a single enemy. Bud-setting Champion, means the Champion who has most recently done the most damage.
    • On PC UI, this is visible by mousing over the lightning bolt banner to the left of your Ultimate Attack buttons.
    • On Console UI, this is visible by looking to the right of your ultimate bar, on the graphic labeled with 'Ult DPS'.
    Event Adventures: Event Adventures are only available in two ways: When the corresponding event is active, or when a time gate for a Champion that was originally available in that event is opened. Event Adventures are home to many unique bosses and creatures, however, some of them can be found outside of their original events in permanent adventures.

    Patron Challenges: The Patron system allows you to re-play adventures and variants with additional restrictions, resulting in influence and currency that you can spend in a Patron's given shop. Once you have unlocked a Patron, they will provide you with ten challenges that refresh every Monday at Noon Pacific Time.
    • On PC UI, Patrons are accessible through a button on the upper left UI.
    • On Console UI, Patrons are accessible in the UI buttons above the Champion seats.
    Positional Formation Abilities: Positional Formation Abilities are abilities that trigger based on where a target is in the formation.

    Time Gate Adventures: A Time Gate allows you to unlock Champions from previous events you may have missed and/or gear them up for free. You need 6 Time Gate Pieces to open a Time Gate for a Champion, though they open naturally every 2-3 weekends.
    • On PC UI, Time Gates are accessible through a button on the upper left UI.
    • On Console UI, Time Gates are accessible in the UI buttons above the Champion seats.
    Season 7 Key Enemies

    Key Enemies

    Throughout the season, various quests may reference certain types of enemies. Here is a quick reminder on where to find some of those!

    Beast bosses: Beast bosses appear in almost every adventure in Idle Champions. If you're looking for an early beast boss to grind into a paste, the Unearthed Evil adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign contains a Grizzly Bear boss in area 5!

    Beast enemies: Beast monsters can be encountered in most adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter beasts, try The Cursed Farmer - the first (non-tutorial) adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign.

    Devourer: The Devourer appears in all the Midwinter event adventures, so look there first if the event is running. If you want even more Devourer fun, and don't feel like opening a Midwinter time gate, it can be found in many other adventures, including the first adventure of the Turn of Fortune's Wheel campaign.

    Distractions: Distractions are the clickable items that appear in the background during adventures. Sometimes they also scurry or fly by. Click them before they disappear to gain credit for any quests that call for their destruction! Pro tip: Having six familiars assigned to clicking enemies will also automatically click distractions as soon as they appear!

    Elf bosses: As mentioned above, Astral Elves can be found all throughout the Light of Xaryxis campaign, but you can also find elves in other campaigns, for example there are plenty of Drow in the Underdark portions of the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign.

    Elf enemies: You can find an Ice Troll ripe for farming in The Giant's Bane Tavern adventure in the Icewind Dale campaign (the very first adventure of the campaign). If that doesn't float your boat, or if your boat is frozen in the lake, there are several other targets scattered throughout the Forgotten Realms.

    Fiend enemies: Everyone knows you can farm Imps quickly in The Mad Wizard adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign, but did you know that other adventures also exist and contain fiend enemies? Well, we think so, at least. We're all just farming The Mad Wizard too.

    Gibbering Mouther: The Gibbering Mouther appears in area 35 of all the Fleetswake event adventures. If you're looking for them when the event isn't active, the easiest place to search is the Escort to Waterdeep adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign.

    Humanoid enemies: Humanoid monsters can be encountered in many adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter humanoids, try A Mysterious Summons - the first adventure in the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist campaign.

    Monstrosity enemies: Monstrosity enemies can be found all throughout the forgotten realms. Check out areas 34 and 35 in The Cursed Farmer adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign for some Mimics, perhaps the most famous D&D monstrosities!

    Nanny Pu'pu: Nanny Pu'pu is the final boss of all the Grand Revel event adventures. If you miss them during the event, you'll need to open a time gate for Birdsong, Paultin, Havilar, Hew Maan, Vi, or Brother Uriah in order to access a Grand Revel adventure.

    Plant bosses: There are plenty of evil trees that need to be chopped down through the game, but there are a couple in The Mad Wizard adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign that make easy targets. Seek out the Shambling Mound in area 25 or the Treant in area 30.

    Resurrected Hero of the Vale: This poor guy keeps getting resurrected just so you can kill him again. He appears in both the Highharvestide and Feast of the Moon event adventures, as well as several other adventures. If neither event is available, check out The Mists of Ravenloft adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign, or Resolve Amongst Chaos in the Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus campaign.

    Segmented health: Creatures with segmented health are available on many different adventures. Bosses with hit-based or armor-based health will count towards this quest. The Tyrannosaurus Zombie on area 50 of Running of the Saurs in the Tomb of Annihilation campaign is a great early-game example of a segmented health boss!

    Undead bosses: You can cleanse the world of stinky undead in many adventures. Might we suggest the Upright Crawling Claw in The Mad Wizard adv-- wait, no. This one isn't in the Mad Wizard adventure. Instead, load up the Unearthed Evil adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign. It's good to have some variety.

    Undead enemies: Undead monsters are available in many different adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter undead, you can find Zombies in Terror in the Dark - the fourth adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign.

    November 8th, 2023
    Idle Champions: Feast of the Moon 7 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    During Feast of the Moon, residents of the Sword Coast pay homage to the deeds of legendary heroes by visiting their crypts and graves.

    When the Champions arrive at The Crypt of Legends, they find hordes of undead crawling up from the depths. Something is making the dead heroes rise, and the answer will require a descent into the depths to discover the cause...

    Feast of the Moon 7 introduces Jang Sao, the Satyr Druid/Wizard from Idle Champions Presents: Fatebreaker! This event also brings back Virgil, the aasimar storm sorcerer and member of the Rivals of Waterdeep as well as Penelope "Half-Pint", the Circle of the Moon Druid/Warlock from Heroes of the Planes! Players have until Monday, November 20th at 12PM Pacific to complete your Feast of the Moon 7 unlocks and objectives.

    New Champion: Jang Sao

      This celestial voyager traveled the Astral Planes for centuries collecting stars and painting galaxies with her cherished companion, Kwin. When Kwin departed, Jang Sao carried on her wishes of painting the cosmos. Now a wonderful artist, she immortalizes the heavens, reality, and most important of all, her friend.

    Jang Sao is a Support and Healing Champion who collects stars and moons and stores them in her star map lantern. Her support abilities focus on isolated formation slots and she uses her druidic healing powers to protect her allies. Once unlocked, you can find this Satyr Druid/Wizard in Seat 8 opposite Delina. Find out more about her and and her abilities by checking out his full Champion Spotlight!

    Year Seven Variants

    The Circle of Stars - Pay respects to the heroes of olde during the Feast of the Moon with Jang Sao!
    • Jang Sao joins the formation. (slot 4) She can't be moved or removed.
    • Only Champions in formation slots with 2 or fewer adjacent slots can deal damage.
    • Getting to know Jang Sao: Jang Sao increases the damage of Champions in formation slots with 2 or fewer neighboring slots. Place your Champions to take advantage of this!
    • Reach Area 75.

    Wise and Otherwise - Pay respects to the heroes of olde during the Feast of the Moon with Jang Sao's preferred Champions.
    • Jang Sao joins the formation. (slot 5) She can be moved, but not removed.
    • You may only use Champions with a DEX of 15+ or a WIS of 13+.
    • Getting to know Jang Sao: Jang Sao's specialization choice encourages you to build a formation with high DEX or high WIS. Build your best formation with these restrictions!
    • Reach Area 125.

    Stars and Moons - Pay respects to the heroes of olde during the Feast of the Moon with a stellar performance!
    • Jang Sao joins the formation. (slot 5) She can be moved, but not removed.
    • 2-3 Astral Elves spawn with each wave. They don't drop gold, nor do they count towards quest progress.
    • A Star and Moon each fill a slot in the formation. (slots 2 & 6)
    • Getting to know Jang Sao: Jang Sao travels the cosmos collecting stars. Her star collection persists between adventures, strengthening her powers the more she journeys!
    • Reach Area 175.

    We would love to hear about your experiences in Idle Champions on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

    October 18th, 2023
    Idle Champions: Liar's Night 7 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

      "Did you hear what happened at the Wayside Inn?"
      "No -- what happened?"
      "While everyone was partying at Liar's Night they got robbed."
      "Seriously!? Who robs a party?"
      "It was 'A Masked Man', apparently."
      "What a jerk. I hope they catch him."
    The local Liar's Night festivities at the Wayside Inn were interrupted by a masked thief! They stole magical items and escaped, and now it's up to the Champions to stop them!

    Liar's Night 7 introduces Thellora, the Centaur Paladin featured in Idle Champions Presents: Fatebreaker! This event also brings back Kent, the Tiefling Rogue from Rivals of Waterdeep, as well as Brig Hellclaw, the Rogue/Bard played by Jason Charles Miller! Players have until Monday, October 30th at 12 PM Pacific to complete their Liars' Night 7 unlocks and objectives.

    New Champion: Thellora

      Thellora belongs to an all-female regiment known as the Luma. These fifty-three centaurs are diverse, but unified in that each possesses a distinctive golden right eye. The centaurs believe these individuals are chosen by their god, Callessa, to be devoted guardians and trained warriors. With their divine connection and martial prowess, they protect their land, embracing their unique gifts with unwavering dedication.

    Thellora is a Support, Tanking, and Speed Champion who will charge her way through your next adventure! She boosts the damage of champions behind her and bolsters their health like a true tank, and these boosts increase when she is unable to finish off her foe. The choice you make with which feats you assign is particularly important, as her feats also affect her adjacent allies! Once unlocked, she takes her place in Slot 1 next to Bruenor.

    For more detailed information on Thellora, check out her Champion Spotlight!

    Year Seven Variants

    By the Light of Tura! - Chase down a masked man who has performed a daring heist with Thellora!
    • Thellora starts in the formation. (Slot 1) She can't be moved or removed.
    • Only Thellora and Champions in the column behind her can deal damage.
    • Getting to know Thellora: Thellora increases the damage of Champions in the column behind her.
    • Reach Area 75.

    Allies of the Sky Cents - Chase down a masked man who has performed a daring heist with Thellora's favorite companions.
    • Thellora starts in the formation. (Slot 1) She can't be moved or removed.
    • You may only use Champions with a STR of 12 or less, Female/Non-Binary Champions, or Speed champions.
    • Getting to know Thellora: Thellora's specialization gives a secondary boost to certain types of Champions. Choose the best option for your formation!
    • Reach Area 125.

    No One Trick Pony - Chase down a masked man who has performed a daring heist while fighting extra reinforcements!
    • Thellora starts in the formation. (Slot 1) She can't be moved or removed.
    • For the first ten areas, non-boss quest requirements are multiplied by 10!
    • With every non-boss enemy wave, a Fire Elemental spawns with 10 armored hit points. This enemy does not drop gold or count toward quest progress.
    • Getting to know Thellora: Thellora has the ability to rush through early areas if you've charged her up in previous runs. Get her Rush stacks to 10 and your favor for the event above 10 billion (1e10) and leap through these difficult areas!
    • Reach Area 175.

    We would love to hear about your experiences in Idle Champions on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

    June 7th, 2023
    Idle Champions: Dragondown 6 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    At the mouth of the River Mirar in the northwest of the Sword Coast lies the port city of Luskan, also known as the City of Sails. Officially governed by the five High Captains, Luskan is actually secretly run by Jarlaxle Baenre and the Bregan D'aerthe.

    And they need your help.

    While celebrating the Summer Solstice with a smaller scale version of Waterdeep's Dragondown festival, Luskan has managed to draw the attention - and the wrath - of a Bronze Dragon and their kin...

    Dragondown 6 introduces BBEG, the Drow Necromancer villain from Deerstalker Picture's 1 for All, and brings back Merilwen, the Wood Elf Ranger from Oxventurers Guild and Selise Astorio, Human Paladin of the Rivals of Waterdeep. Players have until Monday, June 19th at 12PM Pacific to complete their Dragondown 6 unlocks and objectives.

    New Champion: BBEG

      BBEG is the Big Bad Evil Guy, a Drow necromancer who believes immaculate planning will always lead to success. Unfortunately, his constant failures contradict this conviction. BBEG likes to monologue and taunt his opponents, leaving his summoned zombies to engage directly in combat.

    BBEG is a support and speed Champion that chews the scenery so much he breaks through the 4th wall. As the Big Bad Evil Guy of the Awful Ones campaign, this necromancer stands back and lets his less intelligent zombie minions do the hard work. His strength lies in being able to railroad the Champions through to more exciting parts of the adventure. Once unlocked, you can find this Drow necromancer in Slot 3 opposite Nayeli.

    For more information on BBEG and his abilities, check out his Champion Spotlight!

    Year Six Variants

    Roll For INT-ish-a-tive!: Attempt to calm down a very angry bronze dragon with a very angry BBEG. BBEG starts in the formation (Slot 5) and can be moved, but not removed. You may only use BBEG and/or Champions with an Intelligence of 12 or lower.
  • Reach Area 75.

  • Herding Cats: Attempt to calm down a very angry bronze dragon and a bunch of cats. BBEG starts in the formation (Slot 5) and can be moved, but not removed. Every second, a cat spawns and moves toward a random champion. When the cat reaches the champion, they are stunned for 3 seconds because of overwhelming cuteness. The cats can't be attacked. Stunned Champions cannot attack, but their formation abilities remain enabled.
  • Reach Area 125.

  • It Was Me All Along!: Attempt to calm down a very angry bronze dragon with BBEG's favorite meat shields! BBEG starts in the formation (Slot 5) and can be moved, but not removed. You may only use Lawful Champions, Evil Champions, or Champions with a total ability score of 78 or less.
  • Reach Area 175.

  • Much more detail and information can be found in the game! Enjoy!
    April 12th, 2023
    Idle Champions: Greengrass 6 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    A great cosmic conflict has spilled out upon the prime material plane.

    While celebrations to mark the start of spring begin in the quaint Sword Coast town of Triboar, a Githyanki raiding party descents from above, raining destruction.

    It's up to the Champions to defend the innocent and figure out what has drawn the attention of the Gith and their Endless War. It's time for Greengrass 6!

    Greengrass 6 introduces Antrius, the Human Bard from Deerstalker Picture's 1 for All, and brings back Gazrick Nomrad, the Gnome Druid from Rivals of Waterdeep and Orkira Illdrex, the Dragonborn Cleric of Heroes of the Planes. Players have until Monday, April 24th at 12PM Pacific to complete their Greengrass 6 unlocks and objectives.

    New Champion: Antrius

    Antrius is your classic fantasy Bard - he’s a lover, not a fighter. His supportive parents paid his way through Bard College, and now Antrius is out on the road trying to make a name for himself with bravado, showmanship, and a seductive smolder.

    Antrius is a Support and Healing Champion who empowers his companions with an Inspiring Song. With this song, he increases the damage of nearby companions and gives them temporary health to push through tough enemies. His tales depend on the stories of your Champions, so he buffs his companions based on the number of feats you have unlocked. Once unlocked, you can find this human bard in Slot 4 with Jarlaxle.

    For more information on Antrius and his abilities, check out his Champion Spotlight!

    Year Six Variants

    Mirror, Mirror: Defend Triboar from a Githyanki invasion with Antrius! Antrius starts in the formation (Slot 3) and can not be removed or swapped out. Two reflections of Antrius take up slots in the formation (slots 4 and 5). These reflections are just that, and don't actually have any of Antrius' abilities.
  • Reach Area 75.

  • A Timely Tune: Defend Triboar from a Githyanki invasion with only 1 hit point left! Antrius starts in the formation (Slot 3) and can not be removed or swapped out. Antrius starts out with Inspiring Song unlocked. After area 5, Champions' health is set to 1 and can not be healed above this. 1-3 Skeleton Archers spawn with each wave.
  • Reach Area 125.

  • Pick Your Poison: Defend Triboar from a Githyanki invasion with Antrius's favorite heroes! Antrius starts in the formation (Slot 3) and can not be removed or swapped out. You can only use Champions who are Bards, or have a total ability score of 78 or lower, or are Chaotic.
  • Reach Area 175.

  • Much more detail and information can be found in the game! Enjoy!
    November 9th, 2022
    Idle Champions: Feast of the Moon 6 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    During Feast of the Moon, residents of the Sword Coast pay homage to the deeds of legendary heroes by visiting their crypts and graves.

    When the Champions arrive at The Crypt of Legends, they find hordes of undead crawling up from the depths. Something is making the dead heroes rise, and the answer will require a descent into the depths to discover the cause...

    Feast of the Moon 6 introduces Virgil, the aasimar storm sorcerer and member of the Rivals of Waterdeep. This event also brings back two Heroes of the Planes: Penelope "Half-Pint", the Circle of the Moon Druid/Warlock, and Widdle, the dhampir gnome wizard! Players have until Monday, November 21st at 12PM Pacific to complete your Feast of the Moon 6 unlocks and objectives.

    New Champion: Virgil

    Dungeons & Dragons Virgil Brian

      With unexpected and unwelcome Celestial heritage, Virgil was always trying to get away from both his past and a disapproving family. He put his talents to work on the sea, traveling with crews who he hoped would ask nothing more than that he earn his keep by way of his magic. Eventually he grew tired of wandering and ended up in the quiet lakeside town of Caradoon, thinking he might put down roots. But that all changed when he met and fell for a kindred spirit in the form of a charming and witty Tiefling named Kent. After some over-enthusiastic handling of the local tavern's rat problem, they found themselves on the move again. Fortunately they met Selise Astorio of the Rivals of Waterdeep, and while quickly becoming entangled in the group's adventures they discovered a new family and a new home.

    Virgil is a support and speed Champion who is the master of lightning speeds! He makes the attacks of adjacent Champions faster, and speeds up progress if the formation is quickly dispatching enemies. Find out more about him and and his abilities by checking out his full Champion Spotlight!

    Year Six Variants

  • Eye of the Storm - Virgil begins in the formation and can't be moved or removed. Only Champions next to Virgil can deal damage.
    Reach Area 75

  • An Inseparable Bond - Virgil begins in the formation and can't be removed, but can be moved. You may only use Champions with a Wisdom of 12 or higher.
    Reach Area 125

  • Freak Weather Conditions - Virgil begins in the formation and can't be removed, but can be moved. Every 5 areas the weather drastically changes. While snowing, all Champions' normal attack cooldown speeds are increased by 5 seconds. While thundering, a bolt of lightning strikes a random Champion every 5 seconds dealing damage equal to 50% of their max health and stunning them for 5 seconds. While foggy, Champions deal no damage with ranged attacks.
    Reach Area 175

  • If you have feedback, let us know in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!
    November 4th, 2022
    Idle Champion Spotlight: Virgil 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Storms can be beautiful displays of raw energy, or dangerous heralds of destruction. It takes someone calm, cool, and collected to harness and wield that power.

    Virgil is a friendly, easy going aasimar who is happy to work together and peacefully avoid a fight. But don't be fooled by his calm demeanor, with a snap of his fan he is ready to summon a storm! He joins the rest of the Rivals of Waterdeep in the Champion roster during the Feast of the Moon!

    I. Virgil

    Dungeons & Dragons Virgil Brian

      With unexpected and unwelcome Celestial heritage, Virgil was always trying to get away from both his past and a disapproving family. He put his talents to work on the sea, traveling with crews who he hoped would ask nothing more than that he earn his keep by way of his magic. Eventually he grew tired of wandering and ended up in the quiet lakeside town of Caradoon, thinking he might put down roots. But that all changed when he met and fell for a kindred spirit in the form of a charming and witty Tiefling named Kent. After some over-enthusiastic handling of the local tavern's rat problem, they found themselves on the move again. Fortunately they met Selise Astorio of the Rivals of Waterdeep, and while quickly becoming entangled in the group's adventures they discovered a new family and a new home.

    Virgil is a support and speed Champion who is the master of lightning speeds! He makes the attacks of adjacent Champions faster, and speeds up progress if the formation is quickly dispatching enemies. Once unlocked, Virgil and his storm sorcerer powers can be found with Tyril in Slot 10.

    II. Virgil's Stats

    Race: Aasimar Alignment: Neutral Good
    Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him
    Class: Sorcerer Age: 32
    Affiliation: Rivals of Waterdeep

    STR: 9 DEX: 13 CON: 14
    INT: 13 WIS: 12 CHA: 18

    Role: Support and Speed
    Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, and Strahd
    Slot: 10 (Tyril)

    Dungeons & Dragons Virgil

    III. Virgil's Design

    For anyone interested in learning about Brian Gray, their website includes years of wonderful content as a writer and streamer with blogs, reviews, recipes, and more. In the TTRPG community they are well known for their performances on many streams, including as a voice over artist for Into The Mother Lands, and our own Charity One Shot celebrating the release of Disco the Baby Moonstone Dragon familiar! We're extremely excited to bring their Rivals of Waterdeep character to Idle Champions just as their 14th season has begun, and as a bonus can enjoy Virgil striving to save the multiverse in Idle Champions Presents Hunger of the Far Realm!

    As a Storm Sorcerer, Virgil is all about offering lightning quick buffs, causing adjacent Champions to do more damage as well as attack faster. If enemies are being defeated quickly, he'll be impressed by the Rapid Fire and increase the chance that those creatures drop double quest items or count for double quest progress. Virgil also harnesses the energy to Weather Control, increasing Champion damage every time the weather changes. All of these buffs are intended to help keep the formation alive, but if a Champion is knocked out, Virgil has a Surprise Mood: Angry! That anger bleeds into his attacks, making his normal Magic Missiles turn red, and causing any enemy he hits to take a lot more damage! He's especially protective of his partner Kent, and since the two of them are Inseparable, where one goes the other can follow.

    Virgil's mood can be seen in the color of his attacks, and changing his Specialization also changes the power he is focusing on. If his mood is Relaxed, his Magic Missile and Chain Lightning attacks turn green as he increases Storm Sorcerer's damage bonus, as well as helping Champions attack even faster. Amber colored attacks means he's Anxious, increasing the number of Magic Missiles he fires and adding a chance to stun an enemy he hits. If there are plenty of other Rivals of Waterdeep Champions in the formation he will feel Determined, and his violet attacks indicate that his Weather Control damage boost is greatly increased.

    If Virgil has had enough of being attacked, the weather will change to thunder as he summons a fearsome bolt of Chain Lightning! This powerful electric discharge forks as it strikes multiple enemies, laying waste to anyone attacking the formation.

    Dungeons & Dragons Spelljammer Virgil

    IV. Virgil's Abilities

    Basic Attack

    • Magic Missile - Virgil summons 3 magic missiles and fires them at random targets.

    Formation Abilities

    • Storm Sorcerer - Virgil increases the damage of all adjacent Champions by +100%, and decreases their normal attack speed cooldown by 1 second.
    • Weather Control - Virgil gains a Weather stack each time the weather changes when advancing to a new area or when it's changed by an ultimate attack or other ability. Virgil tracks each type of weather in a separate stack. Each stack is multiplied by 10% and then all stacks are multiplied together to get a total value which increases the damage of all Champions. Each stack caps at 500.
    • Rapid Fire - Enemies that are defeated within 2 seconds of being on screen have a 5% chance to drop double quest items or count for double quest progress for each Rivals of Waterdeep Champion in the formation, stacking additively.
    • Surprise Mood: Angry - While a Champion in the formation is knocked out, Virgil's magic missile and chain lightning attacks turn red and any enemy he hits with his base attack takes an additional 1000% damage for the next 5 seconds. If an enemy is hit again, the timer is reset but doesn't otherwise stack.
    • Inseparable - If Kent qualifies for an adventure restriction based on his tags, age, ability scores, etc., Virgil may be used as well.


    • Mood: Relaxed - Virgil's Magic Missile and Chain Lightning attacks turn green, and he further increases Storm Sorcerer's damage boost by 100% and increases the attack cooldown reduction by a further 1 second.
    • Mood: Anxious - Virgil's Magic Missile and Chain Lightning attacks turn amber, he increases the number of Magic Missile's he fires by one, and there is a 25% chance he stuns an enemy struck by a Magic Missile for 5 seconds.
    • Mood: Determined - Virgil's Magic Missile and Chain Lightning attacks turn violet, and Virgil increases Weather Control's damage boost by 33% for each Rivals of Waterdeep Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.

    Ultimate Ability

    • Chain Lightning - Virgil attacks a random enemy with a bolt of lightning dealing ultimate damage. Every 0.10 seconds, the lightning bolt attacks another random enemy until 20 enemies are struck or no enemies remain. In addition, the area's weather changes to thunder.

    V. Virgil's Equipment

    Slot 1: Global DPS
    Slot 2: Global DPS
    Slot 3: Storm Sorcerer
    Slot 4: Weather Control
    Slot 5: Rapid Fire
    Slot 6: Ultimate Attack Cooldown

    VI. Conclusion

    It's good to see Virgil joining Kent and the rest of the Rivals of Waterdeep in our formations! Let us know how much you enjoy Virgil and his storm sorcery in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!
    October 19th, 2022
    Idle Champions: Liar's Night 6 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

      "Did you hear what happened at the Wayside Inn?"
      "No -- what happened?"
      "While everyone was partying to Liars' Night they got robbed."
      "Seriously!? Who robs a party?"
      "It was 'A Masked Man', apparently."
      "What a jerk. I hope they catch him."
    The local Liars' Night festivities at the Wayside Inn were interrupted by a masked thief! They stole magical items and escaped, and now it's up to the Champions to stop them!

    Liars' Night 6 introduces Kent, the Tiefling Rogue from Rivals of Waterdeep! This event also brings back Brig Hellclaw, the Rogue/Bard played by Jason Charles Miller, and Ezmerelda d'Avenir, a prolific vampire hunter from the land of Barovia! Players have until Monday, October 31st at 12 PM Pacific to complete their Liars' Night 6 unlocks and objectives.

    New Champion: Kent

    Dungeons & Dragons Kent Eugenio

      Kent is a former archaeologist turned adventurer whose Rogue skills and powers over death were honed by spending months making his way through the temple of Talona, where the rest of his archaeological research team was killed by traps and monsters. When he finally returned home to the lakeside town of Caradoon, he was the same outgoing, flamboyant Tiefling he had always been, but now it seemed to mask a darkness that Kent has since done his best to keep hidden. Fortunately for him, he doesn't have to bear the darkness alone, because not long after his return to Caradoon, he met smart, capable, and patient Aasimar named Virgil. Together they met up with Selise from the Rivals, and joined her and the rest of the crew in Waterdeep.

    Kent is a support and DPS Champion who collects soul trinkets representing the highest level boss defeated in each campaign, which he uses to buff himself and Champions in his column. In addition, he increases the effectiveness of your achievement bonuses for the adventure he is on. Once unlocked, you can find this tiefling rogue with Jarlaxle in Slot 4.

    For more detailed information on Kent, check out his Champion Spotlight!

    Year Six Variants

    • Bossing Around - Chase down a masked man while fighting tougher bosses. Kent begins in the formation and can be moved but not removed. There's an additional wave of enemies in each boss area, and the bosses have 3 times the health and deal 3 times the damage!
      Complete Area 75.

    • Quick and Quick-Witted - Chase down a masked man with your quickest champions. Kent begins in the formation and can be moved but not removed. You can only use Champions with a Dexterity and Charisma of 13 or higher, or members of the Rivals of Waterdeep!
      Reach Area 125.

    • The Poisoned Rat Incident - Chase down a masked man while fighting a bunch of giant rats. Kent begins in the formation and can be moved but not removed. Each wave spawns Giant Rats that don't drop gold or count toward quest progress. The first time an enemy is hit by a normal attack, they only take 1 point of damage.
      Reach Area 175.

    If you have feedback, let us know in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!
    October 14th, 2022
    Idle Champion Spotlight: Kent 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Exploring ancient temples can lead to astounding archaeological discoveries, but also devastating consequences. However some Champions remain confident in their fabulous capabilities rather than let the dark memories sour their levity!

    Kent is a trained archeologist whose blade is as sharp as his outfits. He joins his fellow Rivals of Waterdeep Gazrick, Shaka, Selise, and D'hani in the Champion roster during Liar's Night!

    I. Kent

    Dungeons & Dragons Kent Eugenio

      Kent is a former archaeologist turned adventurer whose Rogue skills and powers over death were honed by spending months making his way through the temple of Talona, where the rest of his archaeological research team was killed by traps and monsters. When he finally returned home to the lakeside town of Caradoon, he was the same outgoing, flamboyant Tiefling he had always been, but now it seemed to mask a darkness that Kent has since done his best to keep hidden. Fortunately for him, he doesn't have to bear the darkness alone, because not long after his return to Caradoon, he met smart, capable, and patient Aasimar named Virgil. Together they met up with Selise from the Rivals, and joined her and the rest of the crew in Waterdeep.

    Kent is a support and DPS Champion who collects soul trinkets representing the highest level boss defeated in each campaign, which he uses to buff himself and Champions in his column. In addition, he increases the effectiveness of your achievement bonuses for the adventure he is on. Once unlocked, you can find this tiefling rogue with Jarlaxle in Slot 4.

    II. Kent's Stats

    Race: Tiefling Alignment: Neutral Good
    Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him
    Class: Rogue Age: 35
    Affiliation: Rivals of Waterdeep

    STR: 8 DEX: 20 CON: 14
    INT: 14 WIS: 10 CHA: 14

    Role: Support and DPS
    Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, Strahd
    Slot: 4 (Jarlaxle)

    Dungeons & Dragons Kent

    III. Kent's Design

    Eugenio Vargas is a New York City based singer, actor, and music director who has extensive experience both on and behind the stage. With a love of performing and gaming, he's become well known in the TTRPG industry for his amazing work, including as the DM and producer for The Last Refuge podcast, the Storyteller for Into the Mother Lands, and a writer and designer on many D&D products including Fizban's Treasury of Dragons for Wizards of the Coast. He is already well known to the Idle Champions community for his work on A Familiar Quest and The Pear Passage charity one shot, so we're very excited to bring his Rivals of Waterdeep character to the game!

    Kent is all about making the formation more effective by celebrating your previous achievements. As you defeat bosses across all our Campaigns, Kent collects Tokens of the Departed, and increases the damage of himself and all Champions in his column. The more powerful the boss, the higher the damage bonus! He'll also make all the Champions more powerful by adding a bit EXTRA! using your current Achievement bonus. With a wealth of experiences to draw from, Kent is an adept at attacking nearby enemies with his Rapier, and Remembering the Old Days helps makes his attacks even more effective. But this rogue doesn't have to go it alone! After Virgil's release, you'll find that the two of them are Inseparable and where one goes, the other can follow.

    If the formation is filled with his fellow Rivals of Waterdeep, Kent can specialize in increasing the attack bonus of Tokens of the Departed for each of those Robust Rivals. Or he can focus on his Potent Poison to add poison damage to all of his attacks. When Kent gets serious about defeating enemies, he calls on the Wails from the Grave to change the weather to an eerie fog, and call on ghostly spirits to help Kent deal some Ultimate damage!

    IV. Kent's Abilities

    Basic Attack

    • Rapier - Kent strikes the closest enemy with his rapier.

    Formation Abilities

    • Tokens of the Departed - Kent keeps a soul trinket of the highest level boss defeated in each campaign and the best event where he was present at the bosses' defeat. Kent increases the damage of all Champions in his column (including himself) by 10% times the sum of all levels from his soul trinkets.
    • Remembering the Old Days - Each time Kent or the ghostly spirit from his Ultimate attacks, he gains a Nostalgia stack that lasts until entering a new area. Kent increases his damage by +50% for each Nostalgia stack, stacking multiplicatively and then applied multiplicatively. Buffs are applied to the post stack value, and Nostalgia stacks are capped at 25 stacks.
    • EXTRA! - Kent's force of personality emboldens his companions. Kent increases the damage of all Champions by your current Achievement bonus.
    • Inseparable - If Virgil qualifies for an adventure restriction based on his tags, age, ability scores, etc., Kent may be used as well. Note: this won't be enabled until after Virgil's release!


    • Robust Rivals - Kent increases the attack bonus of Tokens of the Departed by +100% for each Rivals of Waterdeep Champion, stacking multiplicatively and applied multiplicatively.
    • Potent Poison - Whenever Kent attacks an enemy and doesn't kill it, it is affected by a virulent poison. The poison deals 400% of your BUD to the enemy each second for 4 seconds.

    Ultimate Ability

    • Wails from the Grave - For 30 seconds, when Kent makes a normal attack, a ghostly spirit briefly appears and makes an attack dealing ultimate damage, on another random enemy if possible. Additionally, the weather changes to fog.

    V. Kent's Equipment

    Slot 1: Global DPS
    Slot 2: Global DPS
    Slot 3: Tokens of the Departed
    Slot 4: Remembering the Old Days
    Slot 5: EXTRA!
    Slot 6: Ultimate Attack

    VI. Conclusion

    Season 14 of Rivals of Waterdeep begins on October 16th, 2022, and we're overjoyed to have Kent joining our roster just as the new season is getting started! Let us know all about Kent in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!
    June 8th, 2022
    Idle Champions: Dragondown 5 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    At the mouth of the River Mirar in the northwest of the Sword Coast lies the port city of Luskan, also known as the City of Sails. Officially governed by the five High Captains, Luskan is actually secretly run by Jarlaxle Baenre and the Bregan D'aerthe.

    And they need your help.

    While celebrating the Summer Solstice with a smaller scale version of Waterdeep's Dragondown festival, Luskan has managed to draw the attention - and the wrath - of a Bronze Dragon and their kin...

    Dragondown 5 introduces Merilwen, the Wood Elf Ranger from Oxventurers Guild, and brings back Selise Astorio, Human Paladin of the Rivals of Waterdeep, and Nova, the knowledge-hungry Genasi Warlock from High Rollers: Aerois. Players have until Monday, June 20th at 12PM Pacific to complete their Dragondown 5 unlocks and objectives.

    I. Merilwen

    Dungeons & Dragons Merilwen

      Merilwen is at home in nature, happy to speak with animals or plants at the first opportunity. She's always ready to pull out her trusty bow, or turn into a cat, to get out of many tough situations. With a fierce loyalty to her friends, and to nature itself, she'll call upon the moon to deal with anyone who gets on her bad side. And if you're really unlucky, you might stumble into Merilwen's Meatgrinder. Spoilers: it's a very bad time.

    Merilwen is a Support and Gold Find Champion who increases the damage of all Neutral Champions, and when she transforms into a cat, she increases the attack rate of adjacent Champions. Her gold find and ultimate are both improved when she is combined with other members of the Oxventurers affiliation. She can be added to the formation by swapping her out with Celeste (Slot 2).

    For more information on Merilwen and her abilities, check out her Champion Spotlight!

    Year Five Variants

    • A Neutral Position - Merilwen starts in the formation and can be moved, but not removed. Only Neutral Champions (on the Good/Evil axis) can deal damage.
        Getting to Know Merilwen: Merilwen increases the damage of Neutral champions. Use a Neutral DPS Champion to make the most of this!
      • Reach Area 75.
    • Cat Nap - Merilwen starts in the formation and can be moved, but not removed. Champions' normal attack cooldowns are increased by 3 seconds. Merilwen's Wild Shape ability starts out unlocked and has a +300% bonus to attack speed cooldowns.
        Getting to Know Merilwen: Merilwen's cat form makes nearby Champions attack faster. Use this to your advantage!
      • Reach Area 125.
    • Loyal Friends - Merilwen starts in the formation and can be moved, but not removed. Her Ultimate starts unlocked and its cooldown takes half as long. Only Champions with an Affiliation can be used, and Oxventurers Guild Champions do 400% more damage.
        Getting to Know Merilwen: Merilwen's ultimate grows stronger with other Oxventurers Guild Champions. Try it out if you have already unlocked some of them
      • Reach Area 175.