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October 27th, 2017
BW2: Change Log Oct 27 2017 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Explorer’s League Part 3 (October 27th, 2017)

- Added Part 3 of the Explorer’s League Epic Quest Line, which includes 20 new challenging daily quests. You must have completed Part 2 at least a day prior to starting, and have completed The Torrid Top area.

- Swapped some reveals for the 2nd field in The Verdant Undergrowth so the friend blocker can be accessed earlier.

- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!
October 26th, 2017
Announcing Fan Appreciation Week! 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Huge thanks to our fans for playing Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms in Early Access! In order to celebrate, we'll be giving away our brand-new Starter Pack DLC for free for the next week, and an additional three lucky players will win Idle Champions T-Shirts through our Livestream T-Shirt Giveaway!

Starter Pack Now FREE Until November 2nd!

In order to celebrate our fans and this journey we are taking together, we are making our next DLC free for the next week! Head on over to our Steam page and receive your Starter Pack, which includes two Gold Chests and a shiny shield for Bruenor. This offer expires on November 2nd, so don't delay!

Win An Idle Champions T-Shirt!

We also have a t-shirt giveaway over the next week! In order to sign up for the giveaway, head over to (case sensitive) and enter to win.

Three winners will be drawn at random to collect the prize during our next livestream on Thursday, November 2nd, starting at 1:00pm Pacific on the Official Dungeons & Dragons Twitch Channel.

NOTE: You will need a Twitter account in order to participate.
October 26th, 2017
Updated Event: Emo's New Moon 2017 

Emo's New Moon, Year 3!

Today we unveil our second Tier 3 event: Emo's New Moon! This year's event update includes a very unique new Crusader, Viktor the Vampire, whose support abilities are based upon the tags of those around him. We hope you enjoy him, and the 4 other new objectives available this year!

Emo's New Moon runs until Tuesday, November 7th at noon PST. For more information, check out the How to Play / FAQ in-game!

New Tier 3 Crusader: Viktor the Vampire

Viktor the Vampire is a buffer that converts adjacent Crusaders into vampires, granting them supernatural abilities and additional effects.

Crusaders Return

If you haven't already collected them, you can unlock our Tier One Crusaders Wendy the Witch and Jack O' Lantern by completing the respective 2015 objectives. Then, you can collect the Tier Two Crusaders, Henry, The Scaredy-Ghoul, and Fright-o-tron 4000 and Development by completing the first two Tier Two objectives!

Four New Tier 3 Objectives!

  • Bloody Mess | Every time a monster is killed, it leaves a blood puddle on the ground which slowly creeps towards the formation, dealing damage to the front-most Crusaders for 25% of their max hp. Reach area 600!

  • Witching Hour | Three witches on brooms take up three slots in your formation, debuffing the DPS of adjacent Crusaders. Every 100 areas they change positions. Reach area 650!

  • Infection | Every time you enter a non-boss area, one random Crusader in your formation gets an Infection, causing them to do no DPS and disabling their Formation Abilities. Every 6 seconds, the Infection spreads. Reach area 700!

  • Full Moon | Every 50 Areas the DPS of all Crusaders is reduced by 75% (multiplicative), except for Emo Werewolf, whose DPS is increased by 25% (multiplicative). Reach area 750!

Help! Where’s the Loot?

Equipment for event Crusaders can be found in Halloween Jeweled Chests, which you can earn from objectives or buy in the shop. Each non-recruitment objective will drop a chest for its given tier of Crusaders and free play will drop all-tier chests. Gear for the Tier 2 and 3 Crusaders will only appear in all-tier chests once you've unlocked the respective Crusader. You can select the tier of chest you buy in the shop.

You'll have until Tuesday, November 7th at Noon PST to complete Emo's New Moon this year!
October 20th, 2017
BW2: Halloween Event 2017 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Hallowe'en is Coming to Bushwhackia!

Who doesn't love a good haunted mansion? Well, that's what Hallowe'en in Bushwhackia is all about! But to decorate your very own, you need to do what you do best! Go out into the world and whack bushes to find Pumpkins. Once you have found a patch of pumpkins, you can buy decorations from Glenda outside the mansion, or from the "Store" button while you're in Build Mode inside. Once you feel you've got enough, start laying out your design inside. (You can also purchase the same decorations for Bush Bucks from the Cop in the event area.)

You do not have to place all your collected decorations on display in the Mansion in order for them to count towards "Hallowe'en Collector," they will count so long as they are within your haunted house inventory.

The goal is to scare the pants off the 8 children standing in front of the house, all of varying levels of bravery. The more you scare them, the more candy you'll earn in return. And you're going to want that candy so you can trade it for the custom items at the event store! You can try scaring them every 20 hours after you scared them the first time.

Glenda the Good Witch isn't just for buying decorations with Pumpkins. You will also be getting several quests from her throughout the event for special interactive decorations. As you complete each of her four quests, you can request help from your friends* by talking to the Construction Worker to increase the decoration's scariness.

*Platforms which do not support Friend Lists will have an adjusted static scariness.

The Haunted Mansion Photo Contest will be starting soon!

Gotta Collect them all!

What can possibly make your house scarier? How about some Creatures which wander around your mansion! Each creature will become available for a set amount of dates which you can then request from friends* by talking to the the Cop.

Creatures are available on the following schedule:
Black Cats - AVAILABLE at Event launch, UNTIL Sun Oct 22, 11:59:59 AM PDT
Witches - AVAILABLE Sun Oct 22, Noon PDT UNTIL Tues Oct 24, 11:59:59 AM PDT
Zombies - AVAILABLE Tues Oct 24, Noon PDT UNTIL Thurs Oct 26, 11:59:59 AM PDT
Bats - AVAILABLE Thurs Oct 26, Noon PDT UNTIL Sat Oct 28, 11:59:59 AM PDT
Spiders - AVAILABLE Sat Oct 28, Noon PDT UNTIL Mon Oct 30, 11:59:59 AM PDT
Ghost Butler - AVAILABLE Mon Oct 30, Noon PDT UNTIL Wed Nov 1, 11:59:59 AM PDT
Franken-Dogs - AVAILABLE Wed Nov 1, Noon PDT UNTIL Event End

*Platforms which do not support Friends Lists can receive a single creature for free as they become available, by speaking to the Cop. The Sparkly Vampire is still available for Bush Bucks if you want it in your haunted house.

Candy! Candy! Candy!

To buy the custom items, you need your Candy! Not only do you get it from scaring those insolent little kiddies, you also net some from completing the various quests given to you by the Halloween NPCs hanging out in the event area!

Plus from Monday October 31st until the end of the event, you can hunt down denizens of Bushwhackia and Trick-or-Treat with them for Candy goodness! There will be a spooky character standing in front of a pile of Candy in each of the major areas! So 1 in the Mysterious Forest, 1 in the Shady Detour, etc. NPCs have been added up to the Spine of the World!

New for 2017:
Halloween is all about pets! We've added another quest to assemble a pet. Plus, each kid will have a one-time only quest to help them, that gets you extra candy!

Event Achievements - POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT!!!

There are a total of 17 possible Achievements to earn in the Hallowe'en 2017 event:

Achievements Returning in 2017:
  • Mansion Maniac - Get 50 decorations for your Haunted Mansion!
  • Little Kid Spooker - Scare 4 kids in you Haunted Mansion
  • Scarred for Life - Scare all the kids in your Haunted Mansion!
  • Trick or Treat - Go Trick or Treating on or after Hallowe'en!
  • Costume Quest - Complete the Costume Quests
  • Year Round Scares - Completed the Moulder Most Foul
  • Pumpking - Grow a very large Pumpkin.
  • There's a Skeleton in Us All - Help The Bone Doctor build and animate a skeleton for Halloween!
Added/Changed for 2017:
  • Hallowe'en Collector - Have at least40 unique decorations in your H. M.! (formerly Halloween Completionist)
  • Scary Swag* - Purchase all the 2017 Hallowe'en Event items.
  • Craven Candies - Find each trick-or-treaters favourite candy
We have 5 achievements from previous year's events, which may be earnable by spending some Bush Bucks, if a player was not present during the initial years:
  • Spooky Home Decorator - get all house items from the 2012 Hallowe'en Event!
  • Year-round Cosplayer - Get all player items from the 2012 Hallowe'en Event!
  • Candy Spender - Purchase all the Hallowe'en 2013 items!
  • Spooky Purchases - Purchases all the 2014 Halloween Event items.
  • Halloweenie - Purchase all the 2015 Hallowe'en Event items.
  • All Hallows' Items* - Purchase all the 2016 Hallowe'en Event items.

*The Hallowe'en Mini Golf piece is NOT included in the Scary Swag achievement, and therefore it is not required to purchase it.

Grab Your Spooky Companion for Bush Whacking!

Pet Packs for 2017- COMING SOON!

Post your Hallowe'en scariness and questions on the forum!

The event will run until Friday November 3rd at Noon PDT!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I find the Pumpkins?
    Just keep whacking. The Holiday Item runes and pets will help attract them as well.

  • How do I decorate my Mansion?
    You need to whack up Pumpkins. You can buy decorations from Glenda in the event area, or from the Store when you're in Build mode inside the Mansion. Once you have decorations, you can place them like you're decorating your ranch using Build mode.

  • How do I scare the Kids?
    Just keep buying decorations and getting friends to up the scare level of your interactive decorations. As your event progress increases, you will scare the kids more and more. As well, when you reach a certain level of scariness, the kids will elect to no longer tour your house.

  • Does the Timey-Wimey watch or Time Turner affect the Kids?
    No, the kids do not have quest cooldowns, so trinket effects that work for quests will not apply to them.

  • What adds to my event progress?
    Making your mansion as scary as possible by buying decorations (but you don't have to place them all.)

  • Do I have to do the achievements?
    No. Completing the goals for the achievements is totally optional. You get either a large energy pack or a title for your character from them, no event progress.

  • Where can I see all the achievements available and how to get them?
    Either on the holiday dialog, the achievements dialog, or on the blog.

October 18th, 2017
Introducing the Tomb of Annihilation! 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Introducing the Tomb of Annihilation

Today Champions can take their first steps towards the Tomb of Annihilation, an all-new permanent campaign! Our first Tomb of Annihilation update includes two new adventures, Ring of Regeneration and Seeking Allies, with one variant each, as well as a new Divine Favor currency: Kelemvor's Favor.

Champions who have completed at least four other Sword Coast adventures can embark on the first Tomb of Annihilation adventures from the town of Daggerford!

Tomb of Annihilation Update Features:

Two New Adventures!

  • Ring of Regeneration and Seeking Allies can both be found in the town of Daggerford, along with one new variant for each.

New Divine Favor!

  • Launching along with the first Tomb of Annihilation adventures will be a new Divine Favor, Kelemvor's Favor.
  • While you will have to earn a new Divine Favor, you will still retain all your unlocked Champions and gear heading into the Tomb of Annihilation adventures.


  • When starting a new adventure the list of requirements now shows a check or an X next to each requirement to tell you if you meet the requirement or not.
  • Ultimate attacks' cooldown time is now displayed with 2 decimal places (if not a whole number).

Early Access Update #7 Features:

  • Adventure selection dialog now has two toggleable options to hide completed and/or locked variants from view.
  • Level up multiplier button can now be set to buy next upgrade (same behavior as alt+shift)
  • Ctrl+tab now has the same behaviour as alt+shift.

Balance Changes:

  • Added two new damage increase upgrades to Arkhan (level 6 and 15) and moved his other upgrades around slightly ("First in Line" now unlocks at level 3 instead of 4, "Loyalty" at level 9 instead of 8, Arkhan's specialization at 18 instead of 16, and his damage increases at levels 20 and 24 moved to 21 and 25 respectively).
  • Added a new damage increase upgrade to Jamilah at level 25.
  • Updated the ability scores for Jamilah and Arkhan to match the Force Grey character sheets.


  • Earth Mephits have been renamed to Mud Mephits.
October 13th, 2017
BW2: Change Log Oct 13 2017 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Another Tribute Quest (October 13th, 2017)

- Limited time quest line available via visiting NPC in Commons with unique reward! (October 13th to October 16th)

- Added new crops to the descriptions of the Farmer’s Market farming quests

- Fixed move speed getting increased when you release a mount and equip another (might noticed a general drop in move speed due to this fix, as mounts were actually giving more speed than they should have)

- Fixed the early game trinkets used in crafting the trinket combines being available to buy again in the General Store

- Tightened up some collision to hopefully prevent getting stuck in cliffs in various places in the High Jungle

- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!
October 11th, 2017
Blessings and New Adventures! 
Posted in Idle Champions.

0.2.6: Early Access Update #6

A brand new feature is available today! Blessings are purchased with Divine Favor and can be used to empower your formation, letting you push even farther. The Blessings feature also includes the ability to trade in your event favor for a boost of permanent favor. In addition, we've added two new challenging adventures to the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign. These new adventures come with 1 variant each and start out more difficult than the initial three adventures.


Added two new adventures:

  • Added two new adventures to the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast campaign (Terror in the Dark and Unearthed Evil), including one challenging variant for each, and Free Play

Added Divine Favor conversion system:

  • You can spend Divine Favor from temporary campaigns (events) for a burst of Divine Favor in a permanent campaign (currently only Torm's Favor from the Grand Tour of the Realm campaign)
  • The boost is increased by 20% for every 2 orders of magnitude of favor you convert. So 100 favor = 20% boost, 10,000 favor = 40% boost, 1,000,000 favor = 60% boost, and so forth. The percentage is continuous, so every bit of Divine Favor helps
  • You cannot convert your favor while you are on an adventure that awards that favor
  • You can choose to convert your favor at any time, but will be forced to convert your favor after one week (or after your first reset after one week if you are still on an event adventure)
  • The conversion system can be found within the new Blessings system (see below)

Added Blessings system:

  • You can spend Divine Favor (ie. Torm's Favor) in permanent campaigns to improve your heroes. Most of the Blessings apply only to that campaign, but several apply global buffs to all permanent and temporary campaigns
  • Divine Favor spent on Blessings will no longer count towards your gold find (or whatever other bonus the Favor may provide), so choose wisely. The game will warn you if you are spending more than 1% of your available favor on a single Blessing
  • You can reset all of your purchased upgrades in a given campaign, however only 99% of the Divine Favor you spent on the upgrades will be returned
The Blessings and Conversion systems can be accessed by a new icon in the top-left menu.