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June 28th, 2024
Idle Champion Spotlight: Aeon 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Mastery required skill, and skill required patience and training. Whenever she would spend time working on an invention or deceiving folks in the local tavern, she thought of it as praying at the Temple of Knowledge. And she was a frequent attendant.

It's impossible to ignore this grinning goliath with extravagant style. Aeon's performances are dazzling, and her conversations are filled with wit and charm. But her true genius is what she accomplishes behind the scenes, gathering a wealth of knowledge and secrets all while deceiving her patrons with distracting displays!

I. Aeon

Dungeons & Dragons Aeon created by B Dave Walters

    Aeon, a Goliath of exceptional intellect and charm, masterfully intertwines her skills as an Artillerist Artificer and Bard of the College of Whispers. Operating under the guise of a master tinkerer, she is, in truth, a cunning spy and manipulative puppet master. Aeon owns the renowned Greenhow, a unique tavern where patrons are served by her intricate automata, while she sells mechanical devices and curios embedded with Sending Stones and other surveillance tools; her ‘gifts’ have managed to make their way into some of the most powerful homes in the North Ward of Waterdeep. Her strategy is brilliantly deceptive; she portrays herself as a flamboyant performer and entertainer, so vivid and engaging that none suspect her of orchestrating a grand network of espionage, controlling events from the shadows.
Aeon is a Support and Debuff Champion who infiltrates the inner circle of one Patron each week to become eligible for all their adventures. She was created by B. Dave Walters, who the Idle Champions community already knows as the DM for many of our Idle Champions Presents livestreams and the creator behind Freely! He is also a published writer for comic books, graphic novels, and screenplays as well as a lead developer on many major TTRPGs. We're thrilled to bring another one of his characters into our formations!

Check out our Champion Spotlight Video embedded below for a quick overview of Aeon's abilities, and read on to get all of the details!

II. Aeon's Stats

Race: Goliath Alignment: Lawful Evil
Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 32 Affiliation: None Class: Artificer/Bard

STR: 10 DEX: 10 CON: 12
INT: 20 WIS: 14 CHA: 18

Role: Support, Debuff

Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Strahd, Zariel, Elminster (until July 3rd, 2027)

Seat: 10 (Tyril)

Dungeons & Dragons Aeon

III. Aeon's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Cane Wand - Aeon fires an energy bolt from her cane at the closest enemy for one hit.

Passive Abilities

  • Network of Espionage - Every week, Aeon targets one Patron for infiltration. Aeon can be used in any Patron adventure or variant for her current Patron target, even if she would not normally be available to be used due to variant or patron restrictions.

Formation Abilities

  • Inner Circle - Aeon increases the damage of adjacent Champions by 100% for each Champion in the formation that is eligible for the Patron she is infiltrating this week, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Uncover Weakness - Each enemy that Aeon damages gains a Stolen Secrets stack. Enemies with a Stolen Secrets stack take 100% more damage from all sources, stacking multiplicatively up to 5 times.
  • Challenge Accepted - Aeon increases the effect of Inner Circle by 100% for each completed Patron challenge for her current Patron target, stacking multiplicatively.


First Specialization

  • Immediate Infiltration - Increase the effect of Inner Circle by 100% each time Uncover Weakness applies a Stolen Secrets stack, stacking additively up to 10 times per area and resetting when changing areas.
  • Play the Long Game - Increase the effect of Inner Circle by 0.1% each time Uncover Weakness applies a Stolen Secrets stack, stacking additively up to 1,000,000 times and persisting until you reset the adventure.

Second Specialization

  • Artificer's Arsenal - Cane Wand can now pierce through the targeted enemy, dealing one hit to all enemies in a line. Additionally, it deals 5 seconds of BUD-based damage to all enemies it hits.
  • Spy Network - Inner Circle now affects all Champions within two slots of Aeon and its pre-stack effect is increased by 75%.
  • Powerful Patronage - Increase the pre-stack effect of Challenge Accepted by 150% while on a Patron variant for the week's chosen Patron.

Ultimate Ability

  • Deuce - Aeon's mechanical monkey Deuce fires a barrage at all enemies, dealing one ultimate hit to each one and knocking them back a short distance.

IV. Aeon's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Inner Circle
Slot 3: Uncover Weakness
Slot 4: Challenge Accepted
Slot 5: Immediate Infiltration and Play the Long Game
Slot 6: Ultimate Attack Cooldown

V. Aeon's Achievement and Adventure Variants


  • Scheming Strategist - Gain 10,000 stacks of Stolen Secrets with Aeon's Uncover Weakness ability. (Accumulates over multiple adventures.)

Adventure Variants:

Mechanical Mayhem - Save Waterdeep from the chaos of a Founders' Day gone awry with Aeon!
  • Aeon starts in the formation. She can't be moved or removed.
  • 1-2 Iron Defenders spawn with each wave. They don't drop gold nor count towards quest progress.
  • Only Champions next to Aeon can deal damage.
  • Area Goals:
    • Tier 1: Complete Area 75.
    • Tier 2: Complete Area 250.
    • Tier 3: Complete Area 600.
    • Tier 4: Complete Area 1200.

Spy's Strategy - Save Waterdeep from the chaos of a Founders' Day gone awry with Champions that work with a particular Patron.
  • Aeon starts in the formation. She can't be moved or removed.
  • You may only use core Champions and/or Champions eligible for Aeon's current Patron.
  • Area Goals:
    • Tier 1: Complete Area 125.
    • Tier 2: Complete Area 350.
    • Tier 3: Complete Area 800.
    • Tier 4: Complete Area 1400.

    Discovered Secrets - Save Waterdeep from the chaos of a Founders' Day gone awry with your best debuffers.
    • Aeon starts in the formation. She can't be moved or removed.
    • Only monsters that have a debuff can take damage.
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 175.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 450.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 1000.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1600.

    VI. Conclusion

    Has Aeon charmed or manipulated her way into your roster? Tell us what secrets she's found out about your formations:
  • June 27th, 2024
    Idle Champion Spotlight: Umberto Thornheart 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    "I have solved more cases than you have years in this world, I have faced more villains than you could dream of, and I am here to find this murderer and stop them before they kill again.”

    When tragedy strikes and a mystery unfolds, there's no better investigator on the Sword Coast than Umberto Thornheart. He finds joy in detecting clues, and is an expert at solving even the most dastardly of puzzles!

    I. Umberto

    Dungeons & Dragons Umberto Created by Gail Somone

      Umberto Thornheart is the orphaned child of two infamous thieves, and saw his parents executed for their crimes. Rather than live on the streets, he was taken in by the very detective who arrested his parents, and eventually became a detective himself, hoping to protect the innocent and (perhaps) reform the guilty.

    Umberto Thornheart is a Tanking, Support, and Debuff Champion who employs his detective prowess to aid his allies. He was created by award-winning writer Gail Simone, who you may recognize from her work for DC, Marvel, WB, and many more! She has an extensive history crafting thrilling and emotional stories for a variety of comics, and we're thrilled to work with her to create this new Champion!

    Check out our Champion Spotlight Video embedded below for a quick overview of Umberto's abilities, and read on to get all of the details!

    II. Umberto's Stats

    Race: Human Alignment: Lawful Good
    Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him
    Age: 42 Affiliation: None Class: Druid

    STR: 15 DEX: 9 CON: 16
    INT: 11 WIS: 17 CHA: 14

    Role: Tanking, Support, Debuff

    Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, Zariel, Elminster (until July 3rd, 2027)

    Seat: 7 (Minsc)

    Dungeons & Dragons Umberto

    III. Umberto's Abilities

    Basic Attack

    Umberto has two attacks. A magic attack when he is in human form, and a Bear melee attack when he is in his ultimate Bear form.

    • Swarmstaff - Umberto magically unleashes a small swarm of angry bees at the nearest foe, dealing 1 hit. If Beehive Barrage is unlocked, this adds one swarming bee to the enemy after Umberto's damage is applied.
    • Bear Claw - Umberto moves up to the nearest foe and slashes them, dealing 1 ultimate hit.

    Formation Abilities

    • Detective's Entourage - Umberto increases the damage of all Champions in the two columns behind him by 100%.
    • Beehive Barrage - Every second, Umberto's staff spawns a swarming bee, which buzzes around the staff, up to a maximum of 10 swarming bees. When an enemy attacks Umberto, he unleashes a swarming bee from the staff (if one exists) onto that enemy. When an enemy with one or more swarming bees is hit by any Champion, all their bees stings them, dealing 1 second of BUD-based damage for each bee. A maximum of 5 swarming bees can swarm a single enemy. Bees persist until the enemy is defeated, or until Umberto is removed from the formation.
    • Ongoing Investigation - Pick an Investigation to pursue. Umberto gains stacks of Clue, and can start another Investigation after the Investigation concludes. Each Clue stack increases Detective's Entourage by 50%, stacking multiplicatively. Caps at 100 stacks. Once you are capped, additional Investigations are not offered. Clue stacks persist between areas and reset when the adventure ends.
      • Rapid Reconnaissance: 2 hour duration, 10 stacks are awarded right away, but all but 1 are removed when the investigation ends (1 total)
      • Steadfast Search: 8 hour duration, 1 stack awarded after every 2 hours, plus 2 stacks when the investigation ends (6 total)
      • Thorough Inquiry: 24 hour duration, 1 stack awarded after every 3 hours, plus 16 stacks when the investigation ends (24 total)
    • Protective Presence - Umberto increases the health of all other Champions by 25% of his max health, and any healing effect on those Champions is increased by 25%.


    First Specialization

    • Law's Alliance - Umberto increases the effect of Detective's Entourage by 125% for each Lawful Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Family of Orphans - Umberto increases the effect of Detective's Entourage by 100% for each unaffiliated Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Call of the Wardens - Umberto increases the effect of Detective's Entourage by 300% for each Ranger or Druid Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.

    Second Specialization

    • More Bees - Umberto's Beehive Barrage increases the number of swarming bees spawned each second by 400% (to 5/sec), and when an enemy hits Umberto the maximum number of bees (if available) are unleashed. Finally, the damage per bee is increased by 100%.
    • More Clues - Umberto increases the maximum number of Ongoing Investigation's Clue stacks by 50%.
    • More Damage - Increase the effect of Detective's Entourage by 200%.

    Ultimate Ability

    • Brown Bear Bash - Umberto transforms into a bear for 15 seconds, resetting the base attack cooldown of all Champions in the formation. For the duration, Umberto's base attack changes to Bear Claw and the attack cooldown of all Champions in the formation is reduced by 2 seconds, causing them to attack more often.

    IV. Umberto's Epic Equipment

    Slot 1: Global DPS
    Slot 2: Increase Health
    Slot 3: Detective's Entourage
    Slot 4: Ongoing Investigation
    Slot 5: Specializations
    Slot 6: Ultimate Attack Cooldown

    V. Umberto's Achievement and Adventure Variants


    • Not The Bees! - Have Umberto unleash 10,000 bees with his Beehive Barrage ability.

    Adventure Variants:

    Guardian of the Wilds - Save Waterdeep from the chaos of a Founders' Day gone awry with Umberto!
    • Umberto starts in the formation. He can't be moved or removed.
    • Only Umberto and Champions in the two columns behind him can deal damage.
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 75.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 250.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 600.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1200.

    Investigation Time - Save Waterdeep from the chaos of a Founders' Day gone awry with a detailed investigation!
    • Umberto starts in the formation. He can't be moved or removed.
    • His assistant bees, Sherlock Combs and Dr. Buzz Watson, take up two slots in the formation, and assist Umberto with his investigations.
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 125.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 350.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 800.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1400.

    Umberto's Friends - Save Waterdeep from the chaos of a Founders' Day gone awry with Umberto's friends!
    • Umberto starts in the formation. He can't be moved or removed.
    • You may only use Lawful, Unaffiliated, Druid, and/or Ranger Champions.
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 175.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 450.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 1000.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1600.

    VI. Conclusion

    How has Umberto helped you solve the mystery of the most difficult formations? Let us know how this detective has helped:
    June 26th, 2024
    Idle Champions: Vecna: Eve of Ruin Part 2 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    The Champions' adventure across the multiverse to stop Emperor Vecna continues! The next piece of the Rod of Seven Parts is lost in the Astral Sea - and with the help of the Wizards Three, the Champions are sent to the floating corpse of a long-dead god. There, the Champions discover a crashed Spelljammer ship and some of the surviving crew. Could this be where the next piece of the Rod is? Time to find out!

    Note: You will need to have completed the previous two Vecna: Eve of Ruin adventures, A Tale of Two Vecnas and The Wizards Three, in order to access these new adventures.

    Dungeons & Dragons Turn of Fortune's Wheel Variants

    Havock's Zenith

    Investigate a cult of Vecna in the Neverdeath Graveyard!

    Dungeons & Dragons Astral Sea

    The Wizards Three have located the next piece of the Rod of Seven Parts. Far, far away in the Astral Sea floats the corpse of a long-dead god Havock. The Wizards Three are sure the second piece of the rod is located somewhere around it. Using the portal in the Sanctum, the Champions travel to the corpse of Havock and quickly discover the debris of a crashed Spelljammer ship - the Lambent Zenith. Could this ship have the piece of the rod?


      Swords at the Ready - Venture into the Astral Sea supporting your best fighter.
      • You may not use Champions with the DPS role unless they have the Fighter class.
      • The Book of Tarchamus joins the formation.
      • Good Champions next to the Book aren't revived and don't heal when changing areas.
      • Complete area 550

    The Heart of Havock

    Join forces with the Wizards Three and venture into the Underdark!

    Dungeons & Dragons Hertilod

    The Champions trek across the horrifying corpse of Havock, ready to search the other two sections of the Lambent Zenith. Along the way, Blooshi meets a representative of her new patron - Alvina! The prismatic tressym tells her that The Kitten Lord has taken up her patronage, and the group is just THRILLED (not really) that Alvina is with them. Eventually, they meet with the captain of the Lambent Zenith and learn the location of the piece of the Rod of Seven Parts. But, in order to get there, they'll have to face off against the gruesome Hertilod!


      The Messenger of the Kitten Lord - Break the second ward, find the vault, and try not to get distracted by the CUTENESS!
      • Alvina joins the formation.
      • Champions adjacent to Alvina have their base attack cooldowns doubled due to the distracting cuteness, unless they are Tabaxi.
      • 1-2 Wild Dogs spawn with each wave. They don't drop gold nor count towards quest progress.
      • Complete area 600

    We would love to hear about your experiences in the Astral Sea! Join our community and start a conversation:
    June 7th, 2024
    BW2: Summer Sports Event 2024 
    Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

    Summer Sport Fun in the Sun

    It's time to help the Bushwhackia Pee-Wee league coaches! They need supplies to help whip their various teams into shape and take home the AAA championship trophies! Whack them up in the bushes, starting with soccer balls and water bottles! Plus, the first coach needs some Jerseys!


    Claire, the clerk from the Town Hall, needs your help to discover information about a local sports Legend! The stages of this quest will unlock throughout the event. If you completed this quest last year or the year before, different quests will replace the original ones, sending you out in the world to find more sporting memorabilia.

    It's not just about supplies to keep the kids going: the parents and coaches have quests for you to embark on as well! Look for those interspersed with Claire's quest!

    Plus there are Gnomes! Gnomes everywhere! Make a custom sports gnome for your ranch! You can make a Codename Entertainment logo jersey for your avatar to wear! And later on in the event, find some noisemakers to help cheer on those kiddies!

    Also, one of the soccer parents needs help reclaiming a whack-ton of special soccer balls from all over Bushwhackia, and Gilmore the golfer has a quest asking you to play a round of mini golf on anyone's course!

    Check back daily for all the fun!

    New for 2024

    This year's update includes:

    - added 6 tiers of VIP event rewards
    - new costume items in the store!
    - new ranch items in the store!
    - new pet packs!
    - new mount packs!
    - new holiday 100% reward!
    - new year 10 AAA trophies
    - new jersey sequel quest after collecting all jerseys
    - new trophy sequel dailies

    Holiday Trees

    If you can complete the event with 100%, you'll earn the Summer Sports Tree!

    AAA Trophies

    Plus, there are new year 10 AAA trophies to collect! They become available after you've bought all the store items and helped the corresponding teams play a AAA game, and are available for Sports Tokens. The old trophies can be bought from the prior store for Bush Bucks.

    Number One Jersey

    If you've collected all 9 jerseys in past years, Jesse the Jersey Maker will craft you a special jersey this year!

    Bushwhackia Cup Trophy

    If you helped Rimet make a new Bushwhackia Cup Trophy last year, he'll need your help with some daily quests this year. The trophy must be kept shiny and immaculate!



    There are a total of 22 possible achievements to earn in the Summer Sports 2024 event.

    Returning Achievements

    Well-Rounded Coach - Help coach all four sports teams
    Semi-Pro Coach - Help a teamget into the AAA league
    Championship Coach - Help a team with the AAA championship
    Greedy Coach - Help all four times win the AAA championship
    Onside Play - Help the coaches and parents with their tasks
    The Hidden Legend - Unravel the history of the Common's Sports Legend!
    Gaming Gnome - You made your own custom sports gnome!
    Bushlympics - You learned about other weird Sports!
    Mighty Mick - Help Bo become a Pro Boxer
    Bad Betting Buster - Help Bookmaker Bailey stop the illegal sports better
    Soccer Ball Savior - Reclaim all the hyper-bounce soccer balls
    Course Cruiser - Submit a scorecard for a mini golf course

    New Achievements

    Paraphernalia Purchaser - Purchase all the 2024 Summer Sports items!*

    Retired Achievements

    We also have 9 achievements from previous years which may be earnable by spending Bush Bucks if you missed getting them the first time around.

    Locker Room Luggage - Purchase all the 2022 Summer Sports items!
    Equipped to Entertain - Purchase all the 2020 Summer Sports items!
    Geared for the Game - Purchase all the 2019 Summer Sports items!
    Team Merchandise - Purchase all the 2018 Summer Sports items!
    Athletic Acquisitions - Purchase all the 2017 Sport Event items!
    Memorabilia - Purchase all the 2016 Sport Event items!
    Sporty Shopper - Purchase all the 2015 Sport Event items!
    Sports Lover - Purchase all the 2014 Sport Event items!
    Sports Fan - Purchase all the 2013 Sport Event items!

    *The mini-golf piece is not required for the Paraphernalia Purchaser achievement.

    Mount Packs

    All new Sulky Cart mounts are available this weekend, from June 7th to 10th!

    The Sulky Cart mount comes free with your first purchase of 100 Bush Bucks or more!

    The Zebra Sulky Cart and Unisus Sulky Cart are in packs containing 100 Bush Bucks, 10 Pristine Feed Vouchers, and a VIP Voucher! These two mounts leave sparkle particles behind when you ride them!

    Pet Packs

    Three new pets can be picked up June 14th to 17th in Pet Packs bursting with goodies! Want them all? Grab them all for less in the bundle! From left-to-right they are the Bingo the Wyvern, Soccer Dog, and Referee Triceratops

    Get Ready!

    Post your summer sport plans on the forums!

    The event will run until Friday June 21th at Noon PDT!