It's Thanksgiving this weekend, eh? That's right we're celebrating turkeys, autumn, and hockey in Canada this weekend, a full month before our American neighbours (although the turkeys probably don't see it as a celebration in the same way we do!)
To mark the occasion, this weekend we're buffing the five most Canadian Crusaders from today until Monday, October 10 at Noon PDT.
- Jim the Lumberjack - Gold Find +100%
- Khouri, the Witch Doctor - All DPS +100%
- Merci, the Mad Wizard - Deflect Evil ability +200%
- Pete, the Carney - Bad Joke ability +200%
- Roboturkey - Short Circuit ability +200%
Also, check out the limited-time Caturkey Jeweled Chests that contain equipment for the five Crusaders above! (Please note: The chest will only contain gear for Pete, the Carney and RoboTurkey if you've unlocked them.)