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November 17th, 2017
BW2: Change Log Nov 17 2017 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Thanksgiving Event (November 17th, 2017)

- Updated the Thanksgiving Event for 2017
- Added 8 new quests
- Added new customization and ranch items
- Added new ribbons and 100% reward
- Added 3 new pets
- Added Red Stag Mount promo (free with BB purchase over $10; 30% more BBs over $5)

- Added Poppy Cupcakes charity promo (Nov 10th - Nov 12th)

- Changed one of the riddles in Nate’s High Jungle Dive, because it used the wrong word

- Fixed max level dynamic bushes showing they cost 40 energy when the actually cost 41

- Fixed some of the new Critter Collection quests not appearing in the Town Crier’s quest watch

- The Bird Gargoyle and Serpent Gnome ranch items can now be placed on the mini golf course

- Fixed not being able to turn in the Fountain Concrete quest when Mayor Leah’s dailies are either available or ready to turn in

- Fixed the brooms on racks not staying revealed when you complete the Witches quest in the Haunted Forest 4 for players who have yet to do that content

- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!
September 15th, 2017
BW2: Change Log Sept 15 2017 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Junior Bush Whacker Event (September 15th, 2017)

- Updated Junior Bush Whacker Event
- Added 4 new quests and 1 daily
- Added new customization and ranch items
- Added new ribbons and 100% reward
- Added 3 new pets

- Added Scout Leader Bear Mount promo (free with BB purchase over $10; 30% more BBs over $5)

- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!

- Made progress on the next major content update. It’s on the way we promise!
January 6th, 2017
BW2: Changes Released Jan 6 2017 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Hi Whackers!

Thank you for all your feedback on the mount augmentation update. Today we released some improvements to it, to help you on your quest for the perfect mounts!

  • Feed selling store now shows "Sell" buttons instead of "Buy" buttons, and items are no longer titled as "trade in...".

  • Feed selling store now displays current amount of Mount Bucks in the currency bar.

  • Hovering over feed items in the feed selling store will now show what effect it has.

  • Can now specify the quantity when buying/selling feeds for Mount Bucks in the feed stores.

  • Releasing a mount no longer reduces progress on relevant achievements (retroactive). That means your mount collection achievements will be restored to their old values, if you've released almost all of your mounts.

  • Closing the buying/selling feed stores now take you back to Clint's Mount Buck chat menu.

  • Gems bar is now hidden in stores that don't have items that cost gems.

Chat about the changes on the forums!
January 22nd, 2016
Minor January Housekeeping! 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Today in Bush Whacker 2 we're doing some minor housekeeping, but it is something you've long been asking for!

Now when you do the Mount Taming quest for Clint, if the colour of mount you get from your fourth batch of feed isn't the one you want, you can refuse it, and go hunt down another colour!

Plus, for more variety, we've added three (3) new mount colours, with matching Horse Armor in Cloudland! Can you collect all six?

Other Changes

  • The Knight Chess Piece ranch item can now be flipped.

  • Event Ribbons from 2015 and earlier now include the year they are from in their description.

  • The Ranch Tractor is now available in Sasha's gifting store to send to a friend.

As well, this weekend the Nate's Birthday 2016 event pets are available.

2016 Event Pets

Bomb Sniffing Dog - Changes a percent your Nothing wins into Gold.
Fire Duck - Increases your chance to win less Nothings.
Flame Kitty - Changes a percent of your Nothing wins into random energy, mana, and power.

Talk about your favourite colour of mount on the forums!
July 10th, 2015
Change Log For July 6-10 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

New Content

....4 all-new plays to the Theatre! Plus related achievements! (See blog here!)
....Henchmen custom items sale! (as of July 11th)
....Rewards for having up to 200 unique pets with PAGAs!

General Updates


...New Secret Area Achievements (not yet attainable) and added the new ones in Cloudland to the older achievement requirements.
...Mini Golf buttons to the big friends dialog.
...A large number of items to be placed on the Mini Golf course. (Enjoy!)
...More than a dozen new achievements related to Mounts, tracked retroactively.
...Four new achievements related to Mini Golf; all tracked retroactively.
  • Play a full set of holes on X other player's courses (play any hole to trigger.)
  • Complete Gilmore's quests to construct your own course (talk to Gilmore to trigger.)


...The names of the achievements relating to the Fireworks launcher.
...The icons for the Farmer's Market generic energy/gold quests to use the fastest fruit/vegetable that could be used to complete that quest. The quest descriptions now also list all valid crops that will count towards the quest's completion.
...The turn-in text for Negdry's Rune Scavenging quest to be more consistent.
...You can no longer play the game in multiple browser windows at once. Only the latest loaded window will work.


...A couple of missing chat responses.
...The Tea Bags in the Patriot Event quest so it required 50 Tea Bags.
...A typo in the Kaine Underwater mystery.
...An issue where the Kaine Underwater booty in the Detective Agency did not have the proper tool-tip. Players who previously completed this adventure may need to enter the agency a couple of times to cause it to reappear.
...The globe from the Kaine Agrabush mystery is no longer visible in the Detective Agency as soon as it's built. Players who have completed the adventure will have it reappear the next time they enter the agency.
...A typo in a quest from the Nate's Birthday event (better late than never!)
...A "tattoo" typo in an Agrabush zone 3 quest NPC's dialog.
...A "versatile" typo in Clint's dialog.
...A typo in a Summer Sports event NPC's dialog (better late than never!)
...A typo in Gilmore's dialog.
...An issue preventing the rare Green and Yellow colors from being used in your Fireworks Launcher.
...An issue preventing the rare Speedy Launches and Longer Set specials from being used in your Fireworks Launcher.
...An issue with the Cloud Chair from Cloudland where it did not have collision tiles and instead had an surface on which you could place other items.
...A typo in the Cloud Shoes dialog.
...A typo in Fiona's dialog explaining what the Lightning Burster does.
...Several other typos in the Patriot event.
...A repeated typo in several quest descriptions in the Nate Jungle Adventure.
...A typo in the Derringer NPC's chat text.
...An issue that could occur if you visited a friend's ranch or mini-golf area while standing in a fishing area on Amicus Isle, resulting in disappearing controls.
...An issue that caused prices for items to not appear in the ranch store.
...A typo in Cloudland (That'd weird -> That's weird.)
...An issue where the Crab Cakes quest on Amicus Isle didn't properly display a "Quest Complete" dialog when turned in.

Discuss these changes here.
January 16th, 2015
Shards of Titan: Brotherhood Bounty System 
Posted in Shards of Titan.

Hi Everyone!

With everybody patiently waiting for the new Jungle content to be completed we thought you could use some new missions to tide you over!

The Brotherhood has found some very shady characters and they want you to take them out. With 3 new mission levels you can do just that...while earning more paragon tokens! Playable solo as single player or with friends as multiplayer, you get to track down some new evil villains in a rowdy Tavern, a spider infested Forest, and a blazing hot Desert.

Click on the "Bounties" tab in the Paragon Brotherhood to see the day's available bounties. Bounties award Paragon Tokens when successfully completed. You can do as many bounties as your stamina and multiplayer limits allow, but your first one each day will award double the Paragon Tokens.

This update also includes some significant performance tweaks to our game engine. For now we're restricting these tweaks to the tutorial forest, the first forest mission zone, the forest multiplayer mission, and some of the new bounty missions, but if they work out we'll be implementing them in all zones and missions in a future patch.

Tell us what you think of the update here! 
November 28th, 2014
Change Log: Changes released November 28, 2014  
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

New Content:
- Kaine Adventure: Mystery of the Restless Ghosts (Blog here!)
- Black Friday Sale (30% more BB with purchases of 50 Bush Bucks of more, plus a special Black Turkey pet with your first purchase of any BB or pet pack during the sale)

General Updates:
- Fixed a typo in the Jungle Outskirts
- Fixed an issue where a pile of candy persisted in the Castle Interior after Halloween
Chat about these changes here!
November 21st, 2014
Change Log: Changes released November 21, 2014 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

New Content:
ADDED: - Flux REMIX (Blog here!)

General Updates:
- Issue where Negdry could not be recruited for the Theatre quest. (Fixed Monday)
- Glitch where Big Trout/Squid could be doubled - You'll now only ever receive one.
- Typo in Kaine's Desert Mystery

General Updates:
- Typo in the "Gas Masks for Reggie" quest description
- Typo in the "Saute Sauce for Sanjay" quest description and objective counter
- Typo in Brock the Mason's text when you start the Lumps of Clay quest
- Typo in the description for the "Mushroom Painting" ranch item
- Reveal issues with Reggie and Levi in the Mushroom Core.
- Issue with the final puzzle graphic in the Sporing Forest
- Issue with a premature puzzle reveal before puzzle completion in the Sporing Forest

Chime in about these changes here!
November 14th, 2014
Change Log: Changes released November 14, 2014 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

New Content:
ADDED - Thanksgiving Event 2014 (blog here)

General Updates:
ADDED - You can now ask the Amicus Isle robot guy to shoo and stop getting all up in your face

...Where Mrs. Robinson has the wrong text in the school room.
...Typo in Misty's "Hatching" quest description.
...Typo in the description of the Canary quest item.
...Typo in the description of the "Chainsaws for Chiana" quest.
...Typo in the description of the "Pizza for Peter" quest.
...Typo in the description of the "Mushroom Paint for Pete" quest.
...Typo in the introduction text for the "Glowing Mushrooms for Geoff" quest.

Chime in on the changes here!
November 7th, 2014
Change Log: Changes released October 24, 2014 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

New Content:
ADDED: Multipurpose SkyScraper (blog here:)

General Updates:
  • Issue where Profile, Achievements, and Rankings were not loading (Fixed Monday)
  • Issue blocking the Halloween Mini-Golf piece from being purchased correctly (Fixed Monday)
  • Issue on the DJArts Rewards page where the Large Energy Pack claimed to only restore 20% energy. It actually restores 25%, like regular Large Energy Packs.
  • Moved some bush spawn locations in the Mushroom Core so bushes are not hiding behind things.
  • Typo in the Mushroom Painting ranch item description.

Chime in about Changes!