January 24th
BW2: January 24th, 2025 Release Notes
Burns Supper Limited-Time Quest (January 24th, 2025)
- Updated the Burns Supper limited-time quest with a new unique reward
- Added a Prismatic Bundle for Bush Bucks to the General Store and Halflight Haven store after you enter the Prismatic Passage; Contains the Prisma Mishipeshu mount, Prisma Tunic shirt, and Quiver Rack ranch item
- Added the Prismatic Deciduous Trees, Prismatic Coniferous Trees, and Plate of Gingerbread Men to the ranch store after they're unlocked
- Can now toggle critter movement on your ranch via a new toggle button in Build Mode (Thanks, Ty!)
- Fixed drinking a second costume drink before the first has expired overriding your original outfit
- Fixed the puzzle image in the Tunnels sometimes not loading and preventing you from solving it and moving on to the next depth
- Fixed a minor typo in the Prismatic Passage quest hub (Thanks , A.b. Catrill!)
- Removed the Windows installer option from the downloads page. The Windows Zip is now the only download option for Windows. (The installer doesn't work for many windows users anymore)