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March 24th, 2022
COTLI: New Tier 9 Talents Update! 

Take a little magic, add a little (or a lot) of idols ground up into a mysterious gel for science, and out comes a new batch of talents.

Today's update fills in the last Tier 8 talent and adds 12 new Tier 9 talents for you to acquire with your plethora of idols!

New Tier 8 Passive Talent

This talent requires clearing area 3000 to unlock.
  • Enchanted Outings - For every 100 personal EP from all Crusaders, buff the DPS of the formation by 25%, stacking additively. Max levels: 500.

New Tier 9 Talent Additions

These talents require clearing area 3500 to unlock.

4 New Active Talents

  • Pump it Up - Increase the power of buff cards by 50%. Max levels: 500.

  • The Biggest Saw Blade - Power Saw buff cards last 5% longer. Max levels: 60.

  • All For One - Based on the highest number of Crusaders in formation who share a non-propagated tag, increase the DPS of those Crusaders by 1000%. Max levels: 150

  • Flaming Water - With at least 3 Splash Damage cards active, increase the DPS of all Crusaders by 1.00e5%. Max levels: 400.

4 New Passive Talents

  • Runic Bosses - When a boss may drop a Silver chest, there's a 1% chance that it will be a Runic chest instead of a Jeweled chest drop from bosses. Max levels: 25.

  • Challenge Hoards - Increase the DPS of all Crusaders by 1e10% for every 1000 challenge tokens in inventory, stacking additively. Max levels: 500.

  • Completionist - Increase the DPS of all Crusaders by 25% for every completed permanent campaign objective, stacking multiplicatively. Max levels: 1000.

  • Runic Friendship - Increase the DPS of Crusaders by 1000% for each rune level equipped on other Crusaders in the same bench seat, stacking multiplicatively. Max levels: 500.

4 New Utility Talents

  • Sprint for the Stars - Increases your maximum Sprint level by 25 areas. Requires having at least 30 levels of Hustle Master purchased before you can start buying this talent. Max levels: 75.

  • The Idol Singularity - Increases the maximum Crusader level by 50. Requires having at least 100 levels of Olympian Training purchased before you can start purchasing this talent. Max levels: 500.

  • The Stone That Never Came Down - Increases the maximum number by a factor of 1e20. Requires having at least 40 levels of Arithmagician Newts purchased because you can start purchasing this talent. Max levels: 580.

  • Vitamin Idols - Increase the amount of Bonus Boss idols dropped from a boss kill by 25%. Max levels: 100.

Other Items In Today's Update

  • The Magical Training talent has been updated with a level 825 cap.

  • The Respec button in the talents dialog will now be disabled for a second after buying or canceling the purchase of talents to help avoid double clicking causing it to trigger.

  • Added stats for Mega/Ultimate chests opened to the stats panel.

  • Started the sunset sale, which runs from today, Thursday, March 24th until next Thursday, March 31st, 2022 at 12pm Pacific Time.
December 15th, 2021
COTLI: The Nate Before Christmas Tier 7 

    O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree -- how angry are thy branches...!
    O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree -- how much you embody the rage of nature and bring the wrath of the elements down upon us all!

Once again The Nate Before Christmas blesses our doors, and this year we are visited by a bouncy bundle of joy: Springy, the Patchwork Plush.

The Nate Before Christmas Tier 7 introduces Springy, the Patchwork Plush and brings back Odile, Snowflake Defender, Frosty the Snowman, RoboSanta, The Dark Helper, RoboRudolph, Xander the Xmas Dragon, Wrena the Fair and Kris, the Enraged Elemental!

New Tier 7 Crusader: Springy, the Patchwork Plush

Tags: Event, Support, Gold, Animal, Male, Supernatural

A new day, a new planet. You've been trekking through the tangled weeds, grasses and trees from the portal opening when you almost trip on a hard flat object in the ground. Glancing around, you see the foliage isn't as dense and you can make out a structure in the distance. As you approach, you note a sign that says " G M L" on it mounted on the side of the structure.

You see a door and step inside, smelling an oddly familiar cinnamon and popcorn scent on the stale air. It's an alien mall! And some franchises are just that powerful. You walk in further, eyes adjusting to the gloom of dirty skylights.

A rustling noise draws your attention. Something seems to be approaching you. As it gets closer you hear a rhythmic thumping and the tinkle of something metal hitting the tile floor. It thumps into a brighter patch of light and you see a kangaroo plushie made of assorted fabrics just before it jumps on you and you thud to the floor.

"Friend?" the creature asks.

"If I say yes, will you get off me?"

The kangaroo ducks their head and carefully steps off you. "Sorry. It's been ages since someone visited."

"You're here all alone?"

The kangaroo hops. "There's the occasional mouse that I stomp on, but they don't talk, so they don't count."

You scratch your head. "My friends and I are travellers, and we're a pretty large band. In the spirit of the season, would you like to join us?"

"Would I still get to stomp things?" they ask.

You smile. "Definitely."

Springy, the Patchwork Plush has joined your party.

New Tier 7 Objectives

  • Recruit Springy | Springy takes up a slot in the formation. RoboSanta and Frosty the Snowman start in the formation, and can't be removed. For every cast of Storm Rider, up to 500 casts, Frosty gets a 15% DPS boost, stacking multiplicatively. Note: This will require having cleared the objective Bullet Hell on Ready Player Two to complete. Beat area 650.

  • Island of Misfit Presents | RoboRudolph and The Dark Helper start in the formation and can't be removed. The formation has been changed. Note: This will require having cleared the objective Washed Up on World's Wake to complete. Beat area 750.

  • Krampus is Watching | Xander the Xmas Dragon and Wrena the Fair start in the formation and can't be removed. Krampus spawns randomly on non-boss areas and marks 3 random Crusaders with coal, disabling their DPS for 6 seconds. Note: This will require having cleared the objective Washed Up on World's Wake to complete. Beat area 800.

  • Carpet of Pine Needles | Kris, the Enraged Elemental starts in the formation and can't be removed. Pine spirits randomly spawn. For every spirit exorcised, Kris provides a 10% gold buff, stacking additively. Note: This will require having purchased the max level of the Arithmagician Talent to complete. Beat area 850.

  • My Snowman and Me | Odile, Snowflake Defender starts in the formation and can't be removed. Monsters drop less gold. A snowman occupies a slot in the formation. The snowman freezes every Crusader except for Odile. Frozen Crusaders don't contribute upgrades. A hot chocolate monster spawns on every non-boss area, the first time you enter the area. For every 88 hot chocolate monsters killed, the snowman freezes one less Crusader. Note: This will require having purchased the max level of the Arithmagician Talent to complete. Beat area 900.

  • More info

    You'll have until Wednesday, Dec 29th, 2021 at 12:00 PM Pacific Time to complete The Nate Before Christmas 7!

    For more info on previous The Nate Before Christmas Crusaders and objectives check out the The Nate Before Christmas 6 blog post.

    Equipment for event Crusaders can be found in Silver and Jeweled Christmas Chests, which you can earn from objectives and the free play or buy in the shop. Each non-recruitment objective will drop a chest for its given tier of Crusaders, and free play will drop All Tier chests. Gear for Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4, Tier 5, Tier 6, and Tier 7 Crusaders will only appear in All Tier chests once you've unlocked the respective Crusaders. You can select the tier of chest you buy in the shop when you go to purchase chests with real money or event currency.

    December 2nd, 2021
    COTLI: Tier 5 11th Objectives! 

    Ready for some new challenges that will test your formation building skills all over again? Craving some more power? Then read on to learn more about the latest Tier 5 11th objectives!

    The Stars of the Show: New Tier 5 11th Objectives

    • Watery Demise - On the World's Wake campaign.

      Complete all Tier 5 World's Wake objectives. Requires having purchased the max level of the Arithmagician Talent to complete. Human tagged Crusaders cannot be used. Only Crusaders with 600 or more personal EP can be used. Evie occupies a slot in the formation. If you don't clear the area within 20 seconds, she wipes the formation back an area. Areas become difficult much quicker. Beat area 1100.

      Rewards: Adds 5 more slots for EP missions.

    • The Memory Remains - On the Descent Into Darkness campaign.

      Complete all Tier 5 Descent Into Darkness objectives. Requires having completed the Watery Demise objective from the World's Wake campaign. Evil tagged Crusaders cannot be used. Only Crusaders with 650 or more personal EP can be used. When killed, monsters come back to life as ghosts. Ghosts live at least 3 seconds and don't drop quest items when killed. Areas become difficult much quicker. Beat area 1150.

      Rewards: Bigger Numbers: Increase maximum number cap by e300.

    • The Wellerman - On the Ghostbeard's Greed campaign.

      Complete all Tier 5 Ghostbeard's Greed objectives. Requires having completed the The Memory Remains objective from the Descent Into Darkness campaign. Animal tagged Crusaders cannot be used. Alivebeard randomly spawns, living at least 1.5 seconds. Alivebeard has a projectile attack. Only Crusaders with 700 or more personal EP can be used. Crusaders' level and upgrade costs are increased. Every non-boss area is now either: collect 75 tea crates, collect 75 sugar crates or collect 1 rum cask. Areas become difficult much quicker. Beat area 1275.

      Rewards: Add 1 more slot for ruby missions and 5 more missions for Rubies.

    • The Writing Desk - On the Grimm's Idle Tales campaign.

      Complete all Tier 5 Grimm's Idle Tales objectives. Requires having completed the The Wellerman objective from the Ghostbeard's Greed campaign. Supernatural tagged Crusaders cannot be used. Only Crusaders with 750 or more personal EP can be used. A raven occupies a random slot in the formation and rotates every 100 areas. Writing desk monsters randomly spawn. For every desk killed, the raven buffs adjacent Crusaders by 100%, stacking additively. Areas become difficult much quicker. Beat area 1250.

      Rewards: Bigger Numbers: Increase maximum number cap by e300.

    • Crest of Manci - On the Mischief at Mugwarts campaign.

      Complete all Tier 5 Mischief at Mugwarts objectives. Requires having completed the The Writing Desk objective from the Grimm's Idle Tales campaign. Magical tagged Crusaders cannot be used. Bog Mother randomly spawns, living for at least 1.5 seconds. Can only be killed by projectile damage. Only Crusaders with 800 or more personal EP can be used. All bosses are now the famed wizard Manci, who has nine lives and a projectile attack. All boss areas require killing the boss 9 times. Areas become difficult much quicker. Beat area 1275.

      Rewards: Receive a permanent 1e20 gold find buff.

    • For Whom the Bell Tolls - On the Ready Player Two! campaign.

      Complete all Tier 5 Ready Player Two objectives. Requires having completed the Crest of Manci objective from the Mischief at Mugwarts campaign. Superhero tagged Crusaders cannot be used. Only Crusaders with 850 or more personal EP can be used. Every Crusader is an island actually. Crusaders only provide DPS and upgrades if not adjacent to any other Crusaders. A bell occupies a spot in the formation. It tolls every 10 seconds and kills a random Crusader. Areas become difficult much quicker. Beat area 1300.

      Rewards: Free Play Sprint: Double the amount you can sprint for free plays (permanent and event) only.

    • The One - On the Idols Through Time campaign.

      Complete all Tier 5 Idols Through Time objectives. Requires having completed the For Whom the Bell Tolls objective from the Ready Player Two campaign. Flora tagged Crusaders cannot be used. Only Crusaders with 900 or more personal EP can be used. Eon occupies a space in the formation. Drone monsters spawn randomly and live for at least 15 seconds. Every 100 areas completed, deja vu empowers Eon in the fight against the machines and the drone monsters live 1 second less. Areas become difficult much quicker. Beat area 1325.

      Rewards: Receive a permanent base 1 e50 DPS boost.

    • Boulders of Space Hill - On the Amusement Park of Doom campaign.

      Complete all Tier 5 Amusement Park of Doom objectives. Requires having completed the The One objective from the Idols Through Time campaign. Good or Evil tagged Crusaders cannot be used. Sluggo monsters spawn randomly and live at least 5 seconds. Can be killed faster if targeted by Imani or Garnet. Only Crusaders with 950 or more personal EP can be used. Asteroids spawn with each wave of monsters and require 3 projectile hits to be killed. Areas become difficult much quicker. Beat area 1350.

      Rewards: Bigger Numbers: Increase maximum number cap by e500

    • Taken - On the Mme. Finklebottom's Revenge campaign.

      Complete all Tier 5 Mme. Finklebottom's Revenge objectives. Requires having completed the Boulders of Space Hill objective from the Amusement Park of Doom campaign. Robot tagged Crusaders cannot be used. The formation has been changed. Invisible Mollug monsters randomly spawn and can't be hurt until clicked to be made visible. Mollugs can only be killed by projectile damage. Only Crusaders with 1000 or more personal EP can be used. Thugs with annoying abilities spawn. Neel Leeson occupies a spot in the formation and buffs the DPS by 10% for each thug killed, stacking additively. Areas become difficult much quicker. Beat area 1400.

      Rewards: Unlocks a new Arcane Geode mission and a new Runic Chest mission.

    You can check out the change log in the game for additional information about this update.
    November 10th, 2021
    COTLI: November Tier 5 Objectives Update! 

    What's better to brighten up your November than 14 all-new objectives to tackle? That's right, Amusement Park of Doom and Mme. Finklebottom's Revenge both get their Tier 5 objectives in today's update!

      Amusement Park of Doom Tier 5 Objectives

      Roller Coaster
      • Most changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
        • New for Tier 5:
        • Sluggo monsters spawn randomly and live at least 5 seconds. Can be killed faster if targeted by Imani or Garnet.
        • Your DPS and Gold find stay at 0 for four times as long.
        • Areas get harder much more quickly.
        • Note: This will require having cleared the objective Bullet Hell from Ready Player Two to complete.
      • Beat area 700.
      • Awards 775 rubies.

      • Most changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
        • New for Tier 5:
        • Sluggo monsters spawn randomly and live at least 5 seconds. Can be killed faster if targeted by Imani or Garnet.
        • Carousel seats now change every 50 areas.
        • Areas get harder much more quickly.
        • Note: This will require having cleared the objective Bullet Hell from Ready Player Two to complete.
      • Beat area 700.
      • Awards 775 rubies.

      Log Ride
      • Most changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
        • New for Tier 5:
        • Sluggo monsters spawn randomly and live at least 5 seconds. Can be killed faster if targeted by Imani or Garnet.
        • Towel monsters now have annoying abilities as well as being invincible.
        • Areas get harder much more quickly.
        • Note: This will require having cleared the objective Bullet Hell from Ready Player Two to complete.
      • Beat area 700.
      • Awards 775 rubies.

      Ferris Wheel of Doom
      • Most changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
        • New for Tier 5:
        • Sluggo monsters spawn randomly and live at least 5 seconds. Can be killed faster if targeted by Imani or Garnet.
        • Areas get harder much more quickly.
        • Note: This will require having cleared the objective Bullet Hell from Ready Player Two to complete.
      • Beat area 700.
      • Awards 775 rubies.

      The House of Horrors
      • Most changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
        • New for Tier 5:
        • Sluggo monsters spawn randomly and live at least 5 seconds. Can be killed faster if targeted by Imani or Garnet.
        • The random effects are even stronger than ever.
        • Areas get harder much more quickly.
        • Note: This will require having cleared the objective Bullet Hell from Ready Player Two to complete.
      • Beat area 700.
      • Awards 775 rubies.

      Mauled by Mascots
      • All changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
        • New for Tier 5:
        • Sluggo monsters spawn randomly and live at least 5 seconds. Can be killed faster if targeted by Imani or Garnet.
        • Each Mascot also reduces Gold find by 50% (stacks multiplicatively.)
        • Areas get harder much more quickly.
        • Note: This will require having cleared the objective Bullet Hell from Ready Player Two to complete.
      • Beat area 700.
      • Awards 775 rubies.

      Couples Day
      • Most changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
        • New for Tier 5:
        • Sluggo monsters spawn randomly and live at least 5 seconds, but can be killed faster if hit by a projectile first.
        • Crusader levels and upgrades now cost more, and monsters drop less gold.
        • Areas get harder much more quickly.
        • Note: This will require having cleared the objective Bullet Hell from Ready Player Two to complete.
      • Beat area 700.
      • Awards 775 rubies.

        Mme. Finklebottom's Revenge Tier 5 Objectives

        The Journey of the Ring
        • Most changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
          • New for Tier 5:
          • Invisible Mollug monsters randomly spawn and can't be hurt until clicked to be made visible. Mollugs can only be killed by projectile damage.
          • The Ring monsters now spawn more frequently.
          • Areas get harder much more quickly.
          • Note: This will require having cleared the objective Bullet Hell from Ready Player Two to complete.
        • Beat area 750.
        • Awards 800 rubies.

        Call in the Eagles!
        • Most changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
          • New for Tier 5:
          • Invisible Mollug monsters randomly spawn and can't be hurt until clicked to be made visible. Mollugs can only be killed by projectile damage.
          • Bird seed monsters now spawn more frequently.
          • Areas get harder much more quickly.
          • Note: This will require having cleared the objective Bullet Hell from Ready Player Two to complete.
        • Beat area 750.
        • Awards 800 rubies.

        Let's Dial In
        • All changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
          • New for Tier 5:
          • Invisible Mollug monsters randomly spawn and can't be hurt until clicked to be made visible. Mollugs can only be killed by projectile damage.
          • Crusaders levels and upgrades cost more, and monsters drop less gold.
          • Areas get harder much more quickly.
          • Note: This will require having cleared the objective Bullet Hell from Ready Player Two to complete.
        • Beat area 750.
        • Awards 800 rubies.

        It's the Climb
        • All changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
          • New for Tier 5:
          • Invisible Mollug monsters randomly spawn and can't be hurt until clicked to be made visible. Mollugs can only be killed by projectile damage.
          • Your DPS spends even longer at 0.
          • Areas get harder much more quickly.
          • Note: This will require having cleared the objective Bullet Hell from Ready Player Two to complete.
        • Beat area 750.
        • Awards 800 rubies.

        It's Getting Hot in Here
        • Most changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
          • New for Tier 5:
          • Invisible Mollug monsters randomly spawn and can't be hurt until clicked to be made visible. Mollugs can only be killed by projectile damage.
          • Mollug monsters count as 10 monster kills for the volcano's death count.
          • Areas get harder much more quickly.
          • Note: This will require having cleared the objective Bullet Hell from Ready Player Two to complete.
        • Beat area 750.
        • Awards 800 rubies.

        Vertical Limits
        • Most changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
          • New for Tier 5:
          • Invisible Mollug monsters randomly spawn and can't be hurt until clicked to be made visible. Mollugs can only be killed by projectile damage.
          • Only Male Supernatural Crusaders may be used.
          • Areas get harder much more quickly.
          • Note: This will require having cleared the objective Bullet Hell from Ready Player Two to complete.
        • Beat area 750.
        • Awards 800 rubies.

        Dead Snow
        • Most changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
          • New for Tier 5:
          • Invisible Mollug monsters randomly spawn and can't be hurt until clicked to be made visible. Mollugs can only be killed by projectile damage.
          • When a lesser zombie is killed, they damage the formation by 35% of the Crusaders' max health.
          • Areas get harder much more quickly.
          • Note: This will require having cleared the objective Bullet Hell from Ready Player Two to complete.
        • Beat area 750.
        • Awards 800 rubies.

        New Achievements!

        Unlock the two new in-game achievements fore these campaigns!

        • Doors to the Stars - Kill 10,000 Sluggos in Tier 5 or higher Amusement Park of Doom objectives.

        • Game of Riddles - Kill 10,000 Mullogs in Tier 5 or higher Mme. Finklebottom's Revenge objectives.
    October 28th, 2021
    COTLI: Emo's New Moon Tier 7 

      It's close to midnight, and something Emo's lurking in the dark...
      Under full moonlight, you see a sight that almost stops your heart!

    Wait — this thriller night has happened six times before! And it's back again tonight! Emo's New Moon has returned, bringing ghosts and ghouls to the neighborhood schools where Crusaders fight for their lives from now until November 9th at noon Pacific!

    Emo's New Moon 7 introduces Xochitl, La Llorona the latest Tier 7 Crusader and brings back Crooked Crow, The Evanescent, Trixie the Treater, Viktor the Vampire, Henry, the Scaredy-Ghoul, Fright-o-Tron 4000, Wendy the Witch, and Jack O'Lantern!

    New Tier 7 Crusader: Xochitl, La Llorona

    Tags: Event, Female, Demon, Supernatural, Support, Gold, Evil

    Rayna, Snickette and Morrigan were off hiking in a forest they'd found on the edge of a desert, exploring the interesting foliage and chatting away. The sun, still visible through the canopy, bathed the trees in a warm glow.

    As they ventured further down the path, Rayna started getting an eerie feeling and glanced around, but all she noted was that the light seemed a little less bright. She watched as Snickette and Morrigan ran forward to investigate a stream that ran alongside the path and her feeling of wrongness grew stronger.

    Right before Rayna's eyes, Snickette was suddenly dragged under the water. Morrigan tried to grab her friend's feet but Snickette was already gone. Rayna raced up to the water and pulled Morrigan behind her, readying a Fire Storm charge, which she directed at the spot where she could still see Snickette's cloak.

    Nothing immediately happened. 5 heartbeats...10 heartbeats….20 heartbeats, and then the water erupted, revealing a ghostly figure.

    "Give me the other child," it rasped. Rayna and Morrigan exchanged puzzled looks. The ghost pointed at Morrigan.

    "Oi, I ain't no child ghostie," Morrigan said. "I'm a leprechaun, thank ye very much. And so's my friend you got there. Give her back!"

    "I'm not a ghost, I'm Xochitl, La Llorona!" the ghost announced. Rayna and Morrigan looked at her blankly. The ghost hissed and tears started flowing down her cheeks. "Surely you must have heard of me?"

    "Sorry dearie, but we've been lots of places and can't learn the myths of all of 'em," Morrigan replied. "Now, give back my friend!" Rayna readied another Fire Storm charge and gestured toward the ghost.

    The ghost clenched her fists and the river splashed around her, but then she let out a sigh. With a flick of her wrist, a drenched Snickette was thrown from the river and started choking out water on the bank. "Fine, have her back. Just no more fire." She started to drift back down into the water.

    Sucking in a breath of air, Snickette gasped "Treasure!" and Xochitl paused. More coughs racked her small frame, but Snickette managed to say, "the ghost had a lot of treasure down there."

    Xochitl raised an eyebrow. "Those trinkets? They just happen to collect around me."

    The three crusaders exchanged looks. Treasure was always handy. "Say, how about you come with us for a little while?" Rayna asked as she dismissed her Fire Storm. "I think you might have some fun."

    Xochitl looked at the river and the tranquil forest. It had been getting a bit quiet lately, as the rumours had started to spread. "I'm in."

    Xochitl, La Llorona is a Support and Gold Crusader. When you want to add her to your formation, you can find her in slot 24.

    New Tier 7 Objectives

    • Recruit Xochitl, La Llorona | Xochitl, La Llorona takes up a slot in the formation. Wendy the Witch and Jack O'Lantern start in the formation, and can't be removed. Only Wendy can do DPS. Xochitl, La Llorona damages all Crusaders in formation by 10% of their max health every second. Note: This will require having cleared the objective Bullet Hell on Ready Player Two to complete. Beat area 650.

    • Ghost Story | Henry, the Scaredy-Ghoul and Fright-o-Tron 4000 start in the formation, and can't be removed. Aside from locked-in crusaders, only Demon, Evil or Magical Crusaders can be used. Three old ladies occupy slots in the formation, telling ghost stories. They shift positions every 100 areas. Ghostbeard is curious if he stars in any of the stories and spawns randomly, scaring the old ladies and causing them to disable the DPS of adjacent Crusaders for 10 seconds. Note: This will require having cleared the objective Washed Up on World's Wake to complete. Beat area 750.

    • Malignant | Viktor the Vampire and Trixie the Treater start in the formation, and can't be removed. Aside from locked-in crusaders, only Demon, Evil or Magical Crusaders can be used. The play area randomly goes pitch black, and a random effect occurs before light returns. A camera monster spawns to take your picture to commemorate the moment. While the camera is alive, your gold find is reduced to 0. Note: This will require having cleared the objective Washed Up on World's Wake to complete. Beat area 800.

    • Hex | The Evanescent starts in the formation, and can't be removed. Aside from the locked-in crusader, only Demon, Evil or Magical Crusaders can be used. The formation has been changed. A witch occupies a slot in the formation. If you take longer than 20 seconds to clear the area, she wakes up and wipes your formation. Note: This will require having purchased the max level of the Arithmagician Talent to complete. Beat area 850.

    • Tooth Fairy | Crooked Crow starts in the formation, and can't be removed. Aside from the locked-in crusader, only Demon, Evil or Magical Crusaders can be used. One lucky kid occupies a slot in the formation. The evil witch spawns randomly and scares the kid, causing the upgrades and formation abilities of adjacent Crusaders to be disabled for 10 seconds. Note: This will require having purchased the max level of the Arithmagician Talent to complete. Beat area 900.

    More info

    You'll have until Tuesday, November 9th at 12:00 PM Pacific Time to complete Emo's New Moon 7!

    For more info on previous Emo's New Moon Crusaders and objectives check out the Emo's New Moon 6 blog post.

    Equipment for event Crusaders can be found in Silver and Jeweled Halloween Chests, which you can earn from objectives and the free play or buy in the shop. Each non-recruitment objective will drop a chest for its given tier of Crusaders, and free play will drop All Tier chests. Gear for Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4, Tier 5, Tier 6, and Tier 7 Crusaders will only appear in All Tier chests once you've unlocked the respective Crusaders. You can select the tier of chest you buy in the shop when you go to purchase chests with real money or event currency.

    October 14th, 2021
    COTLI: Carnival of Sorrows Tier 7 

    Come one, come all, and step right up! That's right! No mirrors, no tricks! It's just magic!

    The seventh edition of the Carnival of Sorrows event is now live, and adds a new Crusader to its attractions! She's fabulous, fashionable, and here to tell you that capes are so last season, but wings are always in.

    Carnival of Sorrows 7 runs until Tuesday, October 26th at Noon Pacific Time, and introduces Erabelle, Tisseuse de Nuit, and brings back returning Crusaders Mogra, the Ringleader, Carmen and Petunia, Sashimi the Seal, Chiyome, The Half-Blood Elf, Mindy the Mime, Mister the Monkey, and Pete the Carney!

    New Tier 7 Crusader: Erabelle, Tisseuse de Nuit

    Tags: Event, Female, Support, Animal, Magical, Good



    The hairs on the back of your neck rise as you enter the tent, a pungent smell filling your nostrils, something that smells like dust and dry earth. You look around for the source, hoping your eyes adjust to the dim lighting soon. You try to think back on what the sign outside the tent said, but you were running too fast to have read it properly.


    That odd sound happens again, closer this time. You turn around, trying to find the entrance to the tent again, thinking it might be worth facing the creatures outside rather than whatever is in here. And then you feel the hand on your back.

    A small squeak slips out of your mouth, adventurer or no, and you turn back to whatever touched you. All you can see is wings.

    Erabelle, Tisseuse de Nuit is a Support Crusader. When you want to add her to your formation, you can find her in slot 39.

    New Tier 7 Objectives

    • Recruit Erabelle, Tisseuse de Nuit | Erabelle, Tisseuse de Nuitr takes up a slot in the formation. Pete the Carney and Mister the Monkey take up spots in formation and can't be moved. Other than the locked-in Crusaders, only Flora or Human Crusaders can be used. Monsters live at least 3 seconds. Quest requirements are doubled. Note: This will require having cleared the objective Bullet Hell on Ready Player Two to complete. Beat area 650.

    • Carnival of Attraction | Mindy the Mime and Half-Blood Elf take up spots in formation and can't be moved. Other than the locked-in Crusaders, only Erabelle, Tisseuse de Nuit, Flora or Human Crusaders can be used. Admirers trying to reach Half-Blood Elf spawn, each with an annoying ability. Quest requirements are doubled. Note: This will require having cleared the objective Washed Up on World's Wake to complete. Beat area 750.

    • Carnival of Sushi | Chiyome and Sashimi the Seal take up spots in the formation and can't be moved. Other than the locked-in Crusaders, only Erabelle, Tisseuse de Nuit, Flora, or Human Crusaders can be used. Special fish monsters spawn and increase Chiyome's DPS by 50% additively for each one killed. Quest requirements are doubled. Note: This will require having cleared the objective Washed Up on World's Wake to complete. Beat area 800.

    • Carnival of Magic | Carmen and Petunia take up a spot in the formation and can't be moved. Other than the locked-in Crusader, only Erabelle, Tisseuse de Nuit, Flora, or Human Crusaders can be used. The formation has been changed. If there are at least 5 Magical Crusaders in the formation, then Carmen and Petunia buff DPS by 1000%. Quest requirements are doubled. Note: This will require having purchased the max level of the Arithmagician Talent to complete. Beat area 850.

    • Carnival of Evil | Mogra, the Ring Leader takes up a spot in the formation and can't be moved. Other than the locked-in Crusader, only Erabelle, Tisseuse de Nuit, Flora, or Human Crusaders can be used. Crusaders adjacent to more than 1 other Crusader provide no DPS or upgrades. Quest requirements are doubled. Note: This will require having purchased the max level of the Arithmagician Talent to complete. Beat area 900.

    More info

    You'll have until Tuesday, October 26th at 12:00pm Pacific Time to complete Carnival of Sorrows 7!

    For more info on previous Carnival of Sorrows Crusaders and objectives check out the Carnival of Sorrows 6 blog post.

    Equipment for event Crusaders can be found in Silver and Jeweled Carnival Chests, which you can earn from objectives and the free play or buy in the shop. Each non-recruitment objective will drop a chest for its given tier of Crusaders, and free play will drop All Tier chests. Gear for Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4, Tier 5, Tier 6, and Tier 7 Crusaders will only appear in All Tier chests once you've unlocked the respective Crusaders. You can select the tier of chest you buy in the shop when you go to purchase chests with real money or event currency.

    September 16th, 2021
    COTLI: Sasha's Schoolhouse Scourge Y6! 

    Heading back to school is the worst. Literally, anything is better! Even a full-on invasion by demonic hordes resulting in some kind of 'Schoolhouse Scourge' would be better.

    Sasha's Schoolhouse Scourge 6 has arrived, bringing with it Shir Brio of Cadenza.

    This year's event runs until Tuesday, September 28th at 12:00 PM Pacific Time (UTC -7), introducing Shir Brio of Cadenza and bringing back Hildr, Valkyrie of PE, Karen, the Cat Teenager, Mr Boggins, the Substitute, Willy the Weregoat, The Exchange Student, Zoraeban, Demonic Angel, and Aphelion, the Distant!

    New Tier 6 Crusader: Shir Brio of Cadenza

    Tags: Event, Magical, Supernatural, Support

    Can you feel the music? Like really feel it? No? Well, then you're definitely not like Shir Brio of Cadenza, expert in cello and actual cello too. When they play a piece, they're definitely feeling the music as it vibrates their body.

    Music is all about practice, practice, practice. The more experience you have, the better, so Shir Brio is ready to help those Crusaders in formation who put in the time.

    Plus, who doesn't love a good song? Even the monsters are appreciative, as they rush to meet this new artist of acclaim and pass on with a soulful melody in their ears.

    Shir Brio is joining your expedition to learn new songs and styles of music, because life is music.

    Shir Brio of Cadenza is a Support. When you want to add them to your formation, you can find them in slot 37.

    New Tier 6 Objectives

    • Recruit Shir Brio of Cadenza | Shir Brio takes up a slot in the formation. Karen, the Cat Teenager and Mr. Boggins, the Substitute take up spots in formation and can't be moved. Aside from the required Crusaders, only DPS Crusaders can be used. Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete. Reach area 600.

    • The Farm Upstate | Willy the Weregoat and The Exchange Student take up spots in formation and can't be moved. Only Animal crusaders can be used. Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete. Reach area 650.

    • Welcome to the Hellmouth | Zoraeban, Demonic Angel takes up a spot in formation and can't be moved. Only Demon, Angel or Undead tagged Crusaders can be used. Monsters with annoying abilities spawn. Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete. Reach area 675.

    • Just a Phase | Aphelion the Distant takes up a spot in formation and can't be moved. The formation has been changed. Aphelion is the only one who can do DPS. Note: This will require having cleared the objective Bullet Hell on Ready Player Two to complete. Reach area 700.

    • Hildr's Boot Camp | Hildr the Gym Teacher takes up a spot in formation and can't be moved. Besides Hildr, only Tier 6 Crusaders can be used in the formation. Every 15 seconds, Hildr assigns a random letter grade to a random crusader, buffing or debuffing them. Grades will either increase DPS by 100% or 50%, or reduce by 25% , 50%, or 95%. Note: This will require having cleared the objective Bullet Hell on Ready Player Two to complete. Reach area 725.

    More Info

    You'll have until Tuesday, September 28th at 12:00 PM Pacific Time (UTC -7) to complete Sasha's Schoolhouse Scourge 6!

    For more info on previous Sascha's Schoolhouse Scourge Crusaders and objectives check out the Sascha's Schoolhouse Scourge 5 blog post.

    Equipment for event Crusaders can be found in Educational Silver and Jeweled Chests, which you can earn from objectives and the free play or buy in the shop. Each non-recruitment objective will drop a chest for its given tier of Crusaders, and free play will drop All Tier chests. Gear for Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4, Tier 5, and Tier 6 Crusaders will only appear in All Tier chests once you've unlocked the respective Crusaders. You can select the tier of chest you buy in the shop when you go to purchase chests with real money or event currency.

    September 9th, 2021
    COTLI: Idols Through Time Tier 5 Objectives 

    It's time. Time for Tier 5 Objectives! Look no further than this fresh batch of Tier 5 content for Idols Through Time! Eight new challenges await you... time will tell if you're fit to meet the challenge.

      Idols Through Time Tier 5 Objectives

      Don't Blink
      • All changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
        • New for Tier 5:
        • Godo spawns randomly, living for at least 1.5 seconds.
        • Cherubs randomly petrify a Crusader when they spawn, disabling that Crusader for 10 seconds.
        • Areas get harder much more quickly.
        • Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete.
      • Beat area 650.
      • Awards 725 rubies.

      Lost In Time
      • Most changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
        • New for Tier 5:
        • Godo spawns randomly, living for at least 1.5 seconds.
        • The relics now move every 100 areas.
        • Areas get harder much more quickly.
        • Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete.
      • Beat area 650.
      • Awards 725 rubies.

      Time-Lost Bosses
      • All changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
        • New for Tier 5:
        • Godo spawns randomly, living for at least 1.5 seconds.
        • The bosses now kill one of the 4 random Crusaders they target.
        • If Imani is in the formation, she prevents the bosses from shielding the other monsters.
        • Areas get harder much more quickly.
        • Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete.
      • Beat area 650.
      • Awards 725 rubies.

      Nostalgia Trip
        • New for Tier 5:
        • Only the last 10 original Crusaders may be used.
        • Godo spawns randomly, living for at least 1.5 seconds.
        • Areas get harder much more quickly.
        • Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete.
      • Beat area 650.
      • Awards 725 rubies.

      • Most changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
        • New for Tier 5:
        • Godo spawns randomly, living for at least 1.5 seconds.
        • If Imani or Garnet target the Echoes, they can be killed quicker.
        • Taskmasters can't be assigned to click monsters.
        • Areas get harder much more quickly.
        • Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete.
      • Beat area 650.
      • Awards 725 rubies.

      • All changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
        • New for Tier 5:
        • Godo spawns randomly, living for at least 1.5 seconds.
        • Crusaders with the Good tag also cannot be used.
        • Areas get harder much more quickly.
        • Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete.
      • Beat area 650.
      • Awards 725 rubies.

      The Lost World
      • Most changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
        • New for Tier 5:
        • Godo spawns randomly, living for at least 1.5 seconds.
        • Fire Phoenix has their missing ability back, and now you can just reset the world using any reset Crusader, even if they're locked.
        • A giant rat occupies a slot in the formation and provides a 50% additive buff for each special dinosaur monster killed to any Evil tagged Crusaders in the formation.
        • Areas get harder much more quickly.
        • Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete.
      • Beat area 650.
      • Awards 725 rubies.

      • All changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
        • New for Tier 5:
        • Godo spawns randomly, living for at least 1.5 seconds.
        • Damage and Gold reduction are increased to 5%.
        • Areas get harder much more quickly.
        • Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete.
      • Beat area 650.
      • Awards 725 rubies.

      New Achievement!

      Unlock the new Perils of Time Travel in-game achievement for killing 10,000 Godos over the course of these new objectives, or the higher tiers if you miss out!

      More Tier 8 Talents!

      That's right, this update also includes new Talents!

      New Tier 8 Active Talents

      • Speedy Masters
        Increases the chance that monsters will drop quest items or count for quest kills if you have at least 3 taskmasters assigned to applying Spawn Speed buffs. Max levels: 20.

      • Scars to Your Powerful
        Increase Global DPS if Savage Strikes is active. Max levels: 200.

      • Work Experience
        Increases the Global DPS for every 10 Experience Points on Crusaders in the formation. Max levels: 200.

      New Tier 8 Passive Talents

      • The Powers of Old Renewed
        Increase Global DPS, stacking multiplicatively, for every Crusader with all 5 Rune slots filled. Max levels: 200.

      • Runic Hoards
        Increase Global DPS for every 5 levels you have in slotted runes. Max levels: 150.

      New Tier 8 Utility Talent

      • The Powers of Old Renewed
        For every 500 areas completed beyond the required area to complete an objective (excluding dungeons, free plays or challenges) gain some common crafting materials, up to 16,000 areas total. Max levels: 45.

      Plus the Hustle master cap has been increased from 30 levels to 100 levels, and the Bounty of Idols talent has been revamped.
    August 19th, 2021
    COTLI: Ready Player Two Tier 5 Objectives 

    Starved for Rubies? Itching for something tougher than Tier 4? Look no further than this fresh batch of Tier 5 content for Ready Player Two! Eight new flavors of grueling goodness await you... if you're up for the challenge.

      Ready Player Two Tier 5 Objectives

      Couch Co-op
      • All changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
        • New for Tier 5:
        • Only female Crusaders can be used.
        • Areas get harder much more quickly.
        • Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete.
      • Beat area 600.
      • Awards 700 rubies.

      No Items, Fox Only, Final Destination
      • All changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
        • New for Tier 5:
        • Crusaders with skin effects enabled can't be used.
        • Rune powers are disabled on Crusaders in the formation.
        • Areas get harder much more quickly.
        • Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete.
      • Beat area 600.
      • Awards 700 rubies.

      More Random Encounters
      • All changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
        • New for Tier 5:
        • The G.O.A.T. spawns and shields other boss mobs until she's defeated.
        • Your gold bonus is equal to 300% times the number of Crusaders in the formation.
        • Areas get harder much more quickly.
        • Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete.
      • Beat area 600.
      • Awards 700 rubies.

      Glitch Out
      • All changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
        • New for Tier 5:
        • Only Demon or Evil Crusaders can be used.
        • The glitches now apply to the whole bench
        • Areas get harder much more quickly.
        • Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete.
      • Beat area 600.
      • Awards 700 rubies.

      Video Game of Thrones
      • All changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
        • New for Tier 5:
        • Quest requirements are still quadrupled, but now it's kill 100 monsters or find 100 items for each area quest
        • The cost of Crusader levels and upgrades are inflated even more
        • Areas get harder much more quickly.
        • Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete.
      • Beat area 600.
      • Awards 700 rubies.

      • All changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
        • New for Tier 5:
        • If marked by Imani or Garnet, the Tetris monsters die instantly.,
        • The immovable stones now damage adjacent Crusaders for 10% of their health, stacking additively if the Crusaders are adjacent to multiple stones.
        • Areas get harder much more quickly.
        • Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete.
      • Beat area 600.
      • Awards 700 rubies.

      Polkamans Go!
      • Most changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
        • New for Tier 5:
        • Monsters now spawn in waves of 10.
        • Areas get harder much more quickly.
        • Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete.
      • Beat area 600.
      • Awards 700 rubies.

      Acme Dark Souls
      • Most changes from Tier 4 remain in effect.
        • New for Tier 5:
        • Only Winged Crusaders and Emo Werewolf are allowed
        • Areas get harder much more quickly.
        • Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete.
      • Beat area 600.
      • Awards 700 rubies.

    July 15th, 2021
    COTLI: Song of Thrones 6! out of the depths of the mountain cave scurries your newest Crusader friend.

    A Song of Thrones 6 has arrived, bringing with it the hard worker, Zuczek the Fire-Blooded.

    This year's event runs until Tuesday, July 27th at 12:00 PM Pacific Time (UTC -7), introducing Zuczek the Fire-Blooded and bringing back Imani Saskien, Holddoor, The Wolf King, RoboQueen, Zombie Winter, Leerion, the Royal Dwarf, and Brogon, Prince of Dragons!

    New Tier 6 Crusader: Zuczek the Fire-Blooded

    Tags: Event, Female, Animal, Support, Supernatural, Good

    Deep down in the mountainside, where no human was supposed to have been able to reach, Zuczek and her hive lived. A harmless worker drone, Zuczek was off gathering supplies when the slaughter happened. She felt the deaths through the hivemind as one by one her fellows were killed. She rushed back, her anxiousness making her claws slip and slide on the stone as she scurried along.

    Zuczek burst into the entrance of the home cave and managed to glimpse a view of a man-like figure just before the cavern erupted with a burst of light which knocked her out. When she woke up, her worker's body was now covered in a warrior's carapace and a new fire flooded her veins - a fire for revenge. Whatever miracle had saved her life was bittersweet, but if she transformed once, maybe in time she could change again. She tidied up what remained of the corpses of her family into the burial chamber, and then left the cave for good, looking for the creature that did this to them.

    By joining your crusaders on their travels, she hopes to one day find her nemesis.

    Zuczek the Fire-Blooded is a Support Crusader. When you want to add her to your formation, you can find them in slot 37.

    New Tier 6 Objectives

    • Recruit Zuczek | Zuczek takes up a spot in the formation. Leerion, the Royal Dwarf and Brogon, Prince of Dragons take up spots in formation and can't be moved. Only Dwarf Crusaders can do DPS. Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete. Reach area 600.

    • RoboQueen's Rage | RoboQueen and Zombie Winter take up spots in formation and can't be moved. Only RoboQueen does DPS. Only Crusaders from bench seats 1 to 20 can be used. Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete. Reach area 650.

    • Monsters Hunting Monsters | The Wolf King takes up a spot in formation and can't be moved. Only the Wolf King can do DPS. The formation has been changed. Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete. Reach area 675.

    • Bittersweet Memories | Holddoor takes up a spot in formation and can't be moved. Only Orc Crusaders can be used. Monsters spawn in waves of 15 and move faster across the screen. Note: This will require having cleared the objective Bullet Hell on Ready Player Two to complete. Reach area 700.

    • Blood of Elves | Imani Saskien takes up a spot in formation and can't be moved. Four special elf monsters spawn, each with an annoying ability. A queen occupies a slot in the formation. For each special elf monster killed, she provides a 10% gold find buff, stacking additively. Note: This will require having cleared the objective Bullet Hell on Ready Player Two to complete. Reach area 725.

    More info

    You'll have until Tuesday, July 27th at 12:00 PM Pacific Time (UTC -7) to complete Song of Thrones 6!

    For more info on previous Song of Thrones Crusaders and objectives check out the Song of Thrones 5 blog post.

    Equipment for event Crusaders can be found in Thrones Silver and Jeweled Chests, which you can earn from objectives and the free play or buy in the shop. Each non-recruitment objective will drop a chest for its given tier of Crusaders, and free play will drop All Tier chests. Gear for Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4, Tier 5, and Tier 6 Crusaders will only appear in All Tier chests once you've unlocked the respective Crusaders. You can select the tier of chest you buy in the shop when you go to purchase chests with real money or event currency.