Game Features
Expansive world to explore and help all sorts of cool people. You're their hero.
Hundreds and hundreds of custom items to decorate your character and house with
Bushes never die. They just keep respawning. Why won't they just go away?
Events. Tons and tons of events for you to do. Collect all the rewards before time runs out!
Recent News
December 6th, 2023
BW2: The Mystery of the Missing Prismatic Persons 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Prismafolk have gone missing!

Investigator Kaine has been hired to solve a missing persons case in the Prismatic Passage! Team up with a wary adversary and get to bottom of this mystery!

If you've completed his mystery in the Salt Desert and have made it to the Weeping Wall, talk to the Town Crier in the Commons to get started.

Post your comments and questions here!
July 31st, 2023
BW2: Nate's Prismatic Pursuit! 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Nate's Prismatic Pursuit

Nate's pursuing a powerful stranger in the Prismatic Passage and has called for backup! But really, who's Nate pestering now?

Find out what antics Nate's getting himself up to in the mysterious Prismatic Passage!


If you've completed Nate's Salt Desert Dessert and the Bewitched Woodland in the Prismatic Passage, talk to the Town Crier to get started.

A New Puzzle!

This adventure features an all new (to Bush Whacker 2) mini-game/puzzle system to get your brain cells stimulated!

Clear a grid of volatile mines by clicking and flagging tiles to mark a safe path. Watch your step!

Discuss the new adventure on the forums!
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