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May 30th, 2024
Idle Champion Spotlight: Ezmerelda d'Avenir  
Posted in Idle Champions.

Those that have played through the Grand Tour adventures based in Barovia have already been introduced to Ezmerelda d'Avenir. This renowned monster hunter has been helping battle the creatures of the night since Year 4, and after a few more years of experience she's learned some new tactics. She is ready to show off her improved skillset in this reintroduction, as well as bring the new Debuff role to the formation!

I. Ezmerelda

Dungeons & Dragons Ezmerelda d'Avenir

    A prolific vampire hunter from the land of Barovia. Ezmerelda has joined the Champions to try and rid this new realm from evil. She brings a wealth of knowledge from Barovia to assist the Champions.

Ezmerelda is a Support Champion who teaches other Champions how to spot the vulnerable points of their enemies. She increases her debuffs as the Champions defeat more undead, which are her favored foe. Once unlocked she'll be in Seat 1 opposite Bruenor, ready to jump into the formation and start training!

II. Ezmerelda's Stats

Race: Human Alignment: Chaotic Good
Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 27 Affiliation: None Class: Fighter/Wizard

STR: 14 DEX: 19 CON: 16
INT: 16 WIS: 11 CHA: 17

Role: Support, Debuff

Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, Strahd, Zariel, Elminster (until June 5th 2027)

Seat: 1 (Bruenor)

Dungeons & Dragons Ezmerelda d'Avenir

III. Ezmerelda's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Fire Bolt - Ezmerelda hurls a mote of fire at a random enemy.

Formation Abilities

  • Training Montage - Ezmerelda marks enemies that she attacks, training other Champions to spot their vulnerable points. Marked enemies take 50% more damage from all Champions for each Debuff Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Preparation - Every time a debuff is applied to an enemy, the effect of Training Montage is increased by 10%, stacking multiplicatively, up to 100 times and resetting when changing areas.
  • Threat Tracking - Undead are Ezmerelda's favored foes. Ezmerelda tracks the favored foes that any Champion kills while she is in the formation, increasing the base effect of Training Montage by 0.025% for each favored foe killed (additively then multiplicatively). These stacks persist for the entire adventure, resetting when you complete it. Caps at 100,000 favored foe kills.
  • Enemies In The Mist - While Ezmerelda is in the formation, 0-2 "Mist" enemies can spawn with each wave. When a "Mist" enemy is defeated, an enemy whose type matches one of Ezmerelda's favored foe appears from the mist, and all nearby enemies gain the Training Montage debuff.


  • We've Trained For This - All champions deal 100% more damage against enemies with armor-based health, increasing their chance of breaking an armor piece. Additionally, if a hits-based or armor-based enemy is affected by Training Montage, successful hits against them remove an additional hit or armor piece.
  • Vampire Hunter - The effect of Training Montage is increased by 400% on enemies who are one of Ezmerelda's favored foes, and Threat Tracking counts each favored foe killed twice.
  • The Devil You Know - Increase the effect of Training Montage by 100%. The effect is doubled during Strahd patron variants.

Ultimate Ability

  • My Signal - Ezmerelda reveals a magical sun dagger and launches it at the enemy with the highest health (randomly if tied). The dagger lands in the target dealing ultimate damage, and then remains there as it begins to glow with a burst of radiant energy, creating a new debuff that lasts 10 seconds. The debuff increases the damage done to the enemy by 25% for each stack of Preparation currently active, stacking multiplicatively.

IV. Ezmerelda's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Global DPS
Slot 3: Training Montage
Slot 4: Preparation
Slot 5: Specializations
Slot 6: Ultimate Attack Cooldown

V. Ezmerelda's Achievement and Adventure Variants


  • You Are Adequately Prepared - Use Ezmerelda's ultimate ability with a cumulative total of 2,500 active Preparation stacks. This count persists through adventures.

Adventure Variants:

The Devil's Scourge - Strahd von Zarovich sent his Zombies to follow Ezmerelda from Barovia.
  • Strahd Zombies appear in each wave and deal 100% additional damage. They do not drop gold, nor do they count towards quest progress.
  • Area Goals:
    • Tier 1: Complete Area 75.
    • Tier 2: Complete Area 250.
    • Tier 3: Complete Area 600.
    • Tier 4: Complete Area 1200.

The Devil Knocks - The mists of Ravenloft encroach upon us, making it harder for the Champions to see.
  • Enemies move 100% faster and drop 99% less gold.
  • Area Goals:
    • Tier 1: Complete Area 125.
    • Tier 2: Complete Area 350.
    • Tier 3: Complete Area 800.
    • Tier 4: Complete Area 1400.

The Devil You Know - This time Strahd sent his vampire spawn to follow Ezmerelda.
  • Vampire Spawn appear in each wave and deal 100% additional damage. They do not drop gold, nor do they count towards quest progress.
  • Ezmerelda starts in the formation and cannot be moved. Only Champions in Ezmerelda's column can deal damage. All other Champions have their DPS disabled, but their formation abilities are active.
  • You may only use Champions with a melee base attack.
  • Area Goals:
    • Tier 1: Complete Area 175.
    • Tier 2: Complete Area 450.
    • Tier 3: Complete Area 1000.
    • Tier 4: Complete Area 1600.

VI. Conclusion

Strahd and his undead don't stand a chance against Ezmerelda's debuffs! Let us know about your triumphs in the mist:
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