You have to love big budget sequels. Montana James is back in this repeat Crusaders event, Trek Through the Hidden Temple.
This updated event runs from today through to May 30th at Noon PDT. For those players who haven't unlocked them already, this is your chance to add both
Montana James and Serpent King Draco to your roster.
Two new Tier Two Crusaders are also available to unlock once you've completed the Tier One objectives: Danni the Daring Damsel and Polly the Parrot.
New Tier Two Crusader: Danni, the Daring Damsel
The first of the two new Tier 2 Crusaders is Danni, the Daring Damsel who doesn't need to rely on anyone else to get herself out of trouble. Even if she ends up getting in trouble a lot.
At level 100, Danni unlocks
Eye Candy which buffs the DPS of all Male Crusaders by 50%.
At level 150, her ability
Penny in Your Pocket increases the Gold Find +10% additively for each Male Crusader in the formation.
New Tier Two Crusader: Polly the Parrot
Polly, the Parrot, is the trusty animal sidekick who's always on hand for those comedic moments when heroes are locked in a cell and need a key. Also, he has some wicked one-liners, which kids will be quoting long after the adventure finishes. Probably.
At level 50, Polly unlocks
Got a Cracker!, an ability makes monsters move 500% faster.
Polly unlocks
Instant Regret at level 150 and monsters that are attacking the formation will then take extra damage.
After you've completed the first new Tier Two objectives for Danni and Polly, there are three new side stories in the form of Tier Two objectives to complete.
New Tier Two Objective: Aliens? Really?
Aliens? Really?, a set of alien monsters with various effects attack your formation all the way to area 400.
New Tier Two Objective: The Holy Grail.
In the objective,
The Holy Grail, every 25 areas one of your Crusaders will attempt to drink from a Grail. The wrong one will permanently disable that Crusader seat past that level. You'll probably choose poorly until area 450.
New Tier Two Objective: Ghosts of the Ancients.
The final new Tier Two objective is
Ghosts of the Ancients. Speedy spooky invulnerable ghosts of an ancient Mayan civilization attack your formation all the way to area 500.
Equipment for both Tier 1 and 2 Crusaders can be found in Hidden Temple Jeweled Chests. However, gear for the Tier 2 Crusaders will only appear once you've unlocked the respective Crusader.
You'll have until May 30th at Noon PDT to complete the event.