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June 5th, 2024
Idle Champions: Dragondown 7 
Posted in Idle Champions.

North of Neverwinter is the city of Luskan - a den of scum and villainy from all across the Sword Coast. It is not place for Champion, but Jarlaxle and the Bregan D'aerthe need your help! The Dragondown celebrations are in full swing, but you'll need to defend the city from the teeth and claws of a fearsome bronze dragon!

Dragondown 7 has arrived! It introduces Duke Ravengard, the Human Fighter from Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus! This Support Champion is ready to bolster your formations and carve a path through adventures! It also reintroduces Ezmerelda d'Avenir, the Human Fighter/Wizard, from the mists of Curse of Strahd. You can learn more about Ravengard and the rework to Ezmerelda below. Also, you can choose three of eight previous Champions to unlock over the course of Dragondown 7!

Table of Contents

Duke Ravengard

    Ulder Ravengard is the leader of the Flaming Fist and the Grand Duke of Baldur's Gate. His primary concerns are the stability and prosperity of Baldur’s Gate, and he's been a voice of reason and common sense among the ruling council. In recent years, he has been a target of fiendish plots in unsuccessful attempts to take over the city.

Duke Ravengard is a Support Champion who bolsters those who also use Melee base attacks. The more melee attacks, the stronger his buffs become! His buffs are further increased in an area when any Melee Champion scores a critical hit. Once unlocked, he will bring his sword to your battle from Seat 8 opposite Delina.

Learn more about Duke Ravengard in our Champion Spotlight!


Dungeons & Dragons Ezmerelda d'Avenir

    A prolific vampire hunter from the land of Barovia. Ezmerelda has joined the Champions to try and rid this new realm from evil. She brings a wealth of knowledge from Barovia to assist the Champions.

Ezmerelda is a Support Champion who teaches other Champions how to spot the vulnerable points of their enemies. She increases her debuffs as the Champions defeat more undead, which are her favored foe. Once unlocked she'll be in Seat 1 opposite Bruenor, ready to jump into the formation and start training!

Learn more about the changes coming to Ezmerelda in our Champion Spotlight!

Flex Champions

Flex Slots allow players to unlock additional Champions and earn chests during events, choosing from a pool of retired Champions associated with the event. This pool of retired Champions includes the Champions from previous years of the event as well as some Champions whose events have been retired. This event's Flex Slot pool includes:

  • Korth (Seat 2)
  • Merilwen (Seat 2)
  • BBEG (Seat 3)
  • Binwin (Seat 3)

  • Dungeon Master (Seat 6)
  • Shaka (Seat 9)
  • Nova (Seat 11)
  • Selise (Seat 12)

Event Theme: Wyrm Slayers

Throughout the event, we release new Packs for the featured & flex Champions everyone is unlocking & gearing up. Starting with Dragondown, the skins included in these packs will now share a theme!

For this first themed DLC event, we are drawing on the event itself for the theme! Dragondown is celebrated in-world with bonfires and rituals to "tame" or "drive down" dragons. As such, our theme for Dragondown 7 is Wyrm Slayers! These are Champions decked out in dragon-themed outfits (leaning into red dragon/dracolich looks)

Dungeons & Dragons Wyrm Slayers

Starting today you can find the Duke Ravengard Wyrm Slayer Theme Pack and the Ezmerelda Wyrm Slayer Theme Pack in the in-game store. More Wyrm Slayers are coming on June 12th and June 19th.

We also have a Wyrm Slayer Celebration lined up to launch on Thursday, June 13th! From the 13th to the 20th, players will be able to log in and collect a free daily chest full of goodies - and if you claim four out of the seven daily chests, you'll also unlock Warduke and collect his Wyrm Slayer Skin for free!

Dungeons & Dragons Wyrm Slayers

To learn more about Events 2.0 check out our Blog Post!

Join our amazing community with any of the links below:
May 31st, 2024
Idle Champion Spotlight: Duke Ravengard 
Posted in Idle Champions.

"My duty is first and foremost to the city and its people."

As a lifelong soldier of the Flaming Fist and now the Grand Duke of Baldur's Gate, Ulder Ravengard has spent his whole life serving and protecting the city. He struggles to remain committed to his ideals, even as devilish creatures seek to undermine all that he has achieved.

I. Duke Ravengard

    Ulder Ravengard is the leader of the Flaming Fist and the Grand Duke of Baldur's Gate. His primary concerns are the stability and prosperity of Baldur’s Gate, and he's been a voice of reason and common sense among the ruling council. In recent years, he has been a target of fiendish plots in unsuccessful attempts to take over the city.

Duke Ravengard is a Support Champion who bolsters those who also use Melee base attacks. The more melee attacks, the stronger his buffs become! His buffs are further increased in an area when any Melee Champion scores a critical hit. Once unlocked, he will bring his sword to your battle from seat 8 opposite Delina.

II. Duke Ravengard's Stats

Race: Human Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 53 Affiliation: None Class: Fighter

STR: 17 DEX: 14 CON: 16
INT: 11 WIS: 10 CHA: 17

Role: Support

Eligible for Patrons: Vajra, Zariel, Elminster (available until June 5th, 2027)

Seat: 8 (Delina)

III. Duke Ravengard's Abilities

Basic Attack

Duke Ravengard has two basic attacks, the first is his normal attack and the second is when he chooses the Lead The Charge specialization.

  • Duke's Longsword - Duke Ravengard attacks the closest enemy for one hit with his longsword.
  • Duke's Longsword (after picking the Lead the Charge specialization) - Duke Ravengard attacks the closest enemy for one hit with his longsword. If he scores a critical hit, he follows-up by smashing the enemy with his shield, knocking them back a short distance.

Passive Abilities

  • Critical Hit - Duke Ravengard's base chance to Critical Hit is 20%.

Formation Abilities

  • Marshal of the Flaming Fist - Duke Ravengard gains a Command stack for each Champion with a melee base attack in the formation (including himself). Each stack increases the damage of these Champions by 400%, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Position of Power - Duke Ravengard increases the effect of the outgoing positional formation abilities of all Champions with a melee base attack by 25% for each Command stack he has, stacking additively.
  • Critical Teamwork - Whenever a Champion with a melee base attack gets a critical hit, increase the effect of Marshal of the Flaming Fist by 50% and additively increase the odds of all Champions in the formation getting critical hits by 1%. Both effects stack up to 50 times and reset when changing areas.


  • Lead The Charge - When Duke Ravengard gets a critical hit, he follows up by bashing the enemy with his shield, knocking it back a short distance. When this occurs, all melee Champions adjacent to Duke Ravengard have their base attack cooldowns immediately reset.
  • Strength of Baldur's Gate - Champions with a melee base attack have their crit chance additively increased by 20% and crit damage increased by 1000%.
  • Legacy of Ravengard - If Wyll is in the formation, anyone affected by Wyll's Folk Hero benefit gains an additional stack, but the maximum remains at 4 stacks.

Ultimate Ability

  • Fire Shield - Duke Ravengard's magical armor ignites in flames, surrounding him in a flickering aura of magical hot flame for 20 seconds. For the duration, his attacks deal an additional 25 seconds of BUD-based damage and any enemy that makes a melee attack against the formation suffers 25 seconds of BUD-based damage as well.

IV. Duke Ravengard's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Global DPS
Slot 3: Marshal of the Flaming Fist
Slot 4: Critical Teamwork
Slot 5: Ultimate Damage
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

V. Duke Ravengard's Achievement and Adventure Variants


  • A Critical Task - Score 10,000 Critical Hits while Duke Ravengard is in the formation.

Adventure Variants:

Might of Melee - Attempt to calm down a very angry bronze dragon with the Grand Duke Ulder Ravengard!
  • Duke Ravengard starts in the formation. He can be moved, but not removed.
  • You may only use Champions with a melee base attack.
  • Getting to know Duke Ravengard: As an experienced Soldier, Duke Ravengard understands melee combat. Use Champions with Melee attacks to make the most of his buffs!
  • Area Goals:
    • Tier 1: Complete Area 75.
    • Tier 2: Complete Area 250.
    • Tier 3: Complete Area 600.
    • Tier 4: Complete Area 1200.

Critical Combat - Attempt to calm down a very angry bronze dragon while optimizing your chance to score a critical hit!
  • Duke Ravengard starts in the formation. He can be moved, but not removed.
  • You may only use Champions with a melee base attack.
  • At the start of each area, all Champions have their damage reduced to 1 until someone in the formation scores a critical hit. Every 200 areas, the number of critical hits required to remove this damage reduction debuff is increased by 1.
  • Getting to know Duke Ravengard: Duke Ravengard's buffs grow more potent as your Champions score critical hits. Use Champions with improved critical hit chances to make the most of this!
  • Area Goals:
    • Tier 1: Complete Area 125.
    • Tier 2: Complete Area 350.
    • Tier 3: Complete Area 800.
    • Tier 4: Complete Area 1400.

That's a Whole Lot of Goblins - Attempt to calm down a very angry bronze dragon while facing down hordes of goblins!
  • Duke Ravengard starts in the formation. He can be moved, but not removed.
  • Duke Ravengard's Ultimate starts unlocked and the cooldown is reduced by 75%.
  • You may only use Champions with a melee base attack.
  • In the first wave of each non-boss area, there is a 20% chance that 30 goblins immediately spawn. These goblins do not drop gold or count toward quest progress.
  • Getting to know Duke Ravengard: When facing a lot of enemies at one time, Duke Ravengard's Fire Shield ultimate can help even the score!
  • Area Goals:
    • Tier 1: Complete Area 175.
    • Tier 2: Complete Area 450.
    • Tier 3: Complete Area 1000.
    • Tier 4: Complete Area 1600.

VI. Conclusion

Have you enjoyed how much Duke Ravengard supports a formation filled with melee masters? Let us know about your epic adventures:
June 7th, 2023
Idle Champions: Dragondown 6 
Posted in Idle Champions.

At the mouth of the River Mirar in the northwest of the Sword Coast lies the port city of Luskan, also known as the City of Sails. Officially governed by the five High Captains, Luskan is actually secretly run by Jarlaxle Baenre and the Bregan D'aerthe.

And they need your help.

While celebrating the Summer Solstice with a smaller scale version of Waterdeep's Dragondown festival, Luskan has managed to draw the attention - and the wrath - of a Bronze Dragon and their kin...

Dragondown 6 introduces BBEG, the Drow Necromancer villain from Deerstalker Picture's 1 for All, and brings back Merilwen, the Wood Elf Ranger from Oxventurers Guild and Selise Astorio, Human Paladin of the Rivals of Waterdeep. Players have until Monday, June 19th at 12PM Pacific to complete their Dragondown 6 unlocks and objectives.

New Champion: BBEG

    BBEG is the Big Bad Evil Guy, a Drow necromancer who believes immaculate planning will always lead to success. Unfortunately, his constant failures contradict this conviction. BBEG likes to monologue and taunt his opponents, leaving his summoned zombies to engage directly in combat.

BBEG is a support and speed Champion that chews the scenery so much he breaks through the 4th wall. As the Big Bad Evil Guy of the Awful Ones campaign, this necromancer stands back and lets his less intelligent zombie minions do the hard work. His strength lies in being able to railroad the Champions through to more exciting parts of the adventure. Once unlocked, you can find this Drow necromancer in Slot 3 opposite Nayeli.

For more information on BBEG and his abilities, check out his Champion Spotlight!

Year Six Variants

Roll For INT-ish-a-tive!: Attempt to calm down a very angry bronze dragon with a very angry BBEG. BBEG starts in the formation (Slot 5) and can be moved, but not removed. You may only use BBEG and/or Champions with an Intelligence of 12 or lower.
  • Reach Area 75.

  • Herding Cats: Attempt to calm down a very angry bronze dragon and a bunch of cats. BBEG starts in the formation (Slot 5) and can be moved, but not removed. Every second, a cat spawns and moves toward a random champion. When the cat reaches the champion, they are stunned for 3 seconds because of overwhelming cuteness. The cats can't be attacked. Stunned Champions cannot attack, but their formation abilities remain enabled.
  • Reach Area 125.

  • It Was Me All Along!: Attempt to calm down a very angry bronze dragon with BBEG's favorite meat shields! BBEG starts in the formation (Slot 5) and can be moved, but not removed. You may only use Lawful Champions, Evil Champions, or Champions with a total ability score of 78 or less.
  • Reach Area 175.

  • Much more detail and information can be found in the game! Enjoy!
    June 1st, 2023
    Idle Champion Spotlight: BBEG 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Behold the evil architect behind everything! The horrific lich surrounded by zombies who has been responsible for all the terrible things that The Awful Ones have..., not familiar? Never seen him before? Then it's time for you to witness, and maybe this time remember, the Big Bad Evil Guy!

    I. BBEG

      BBEG is the Big Bad Evil Guy, a Drow necromancer who believes immaculate planning will always lead to success. Unfortunately his constant failures contradict this conviction. BBEG likes to monologue and taunt his opponents, leaving his summoned zombies to engage directly in combat.

    BBEG is a support and speed Champion that chews the scenery so much he breaks through the 4th wall. As the Big Bad Evil Guy of the Awful Ones campaign, this necromancer stands back and lets his less intelligent zombie minions do the hard work. His strength lies in being able to railroad the Champions through to more exciting parts of the adventure. Once unlocked, you can find this Drow necromancer in Slot 3 opposite Nayeli.

    II. BBEG's Stats

    Race: Elf (Drow) Alignment: Lawful Evil
    Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him
    Age: 500
    Affiliation: None (but Awful Ones adjacent) Class: Wizard

    STR: 10 DEX: 13 CON: 8
    INT: 18 WIS: 15 CHA: 12

    Role: Support, Speed

    Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Strahd

    Slot: 3 (Nayeli)

    Dungeons & Dragons BBEG Marketing Gif

    III. BBEG's Design

    Every Dungeon Master wants to craft a story that is entertaining and engaging. But what happens when your players stop paying attention? Pat, the DM of the Awful Ones from 1 For All, is understandably frustrated by this lack of recognition. Despite his best efforts crafting an extremely powerful and memorable antagonist for his campaign, no one seems to recall who BBEG is, or be challenged by him in any battle.

    As the sworn enemy of the Awful Ones, BBEG will follow them into any adventure that any of them are eligible for. He uses his Chill Touch to strike at the most healthy enemy on the field, and summons shambling zombies to attack anything they come across. The Awful Ones provide a great source of fresh corpses for his undead army, so the more of them there are in the formation, the faster he can summon his minions. BBEG, believing himself to be the smartest, strategically surrounds himself with less intelligent minions to boost his own perceived brilliance as the Evil Overlord, increasing the damage of Champions with an Intelligence of 12 or less.

    BBEG wants to get the adventure over with as quickly as possible, so he'll increase his damage bonus for each potion that is active, and reduce the next area's quest requirements if the formation plows through the current area quickly enough. His Specializations will further boost that damage buff depending on the types of companions he is surrounded by. Fill the formation with Evil Champions and pick Powergaming, or Champions with a total ability score of 78 or less to choose Min-Maxing, or use a bunch of Lawful Champions and pick Rules Lawyering. If that still isn't fast enough, he will appeal to his eldritch lord Balgronuuth for the ultimate power to summon two zombies at a time instead of just one!

    Show the other Champions just how epic and incredible BBEG can be, and maybe they'll remember him the next time he joins the formation!

    IV. BBEG's Abilities

    Basic Attack

    • Chill Touch - BBEG conjures a spectral hand over the enemy with the most health and touches it, dealing one hit.

    Passive Abilities

    • Awful Nemesis - As the sworn enemy of the Awful Ones, BBEG is eligible for any adventure that any of them are eligible for. However, they still don't remember who he is.

    Formation Abilities

    • Evil Overlord - BBEG increases the damage of all Champions with an Intelligence of 12 or less by +100%.
    • Homebrew - BBEG increases the damage bonus of Evil Overlord by 100% for each active potion, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Rise, My Minions! - Every 10 seconds BBEG creates a plodding zombie that appears in front of the front-most column and slowly moves across the screen from left to right. It takes 30 seconds for a zombie to plod from its spawn point to the right-side of the screen where it despawns. Zombies persist with area changes. Enemies near the zombie take 0.2 second worth of BUD-based damage per second.
    • Sources of Corpses - The time it takes for Rise, my Minions! to summon a zombie is reduced by 2.5 seconds for each Awful Ones affiliation member in the formation, and the damage bonus of Evil Overlord is increased by +25% for each summoned zombie, stacking multiplicatively, with buffs applying to the pre-stack value.
    • Railroad - If the current area is completed (for the first time) in 5 seconds or less, BBEG reduces the next area's quest requirements by 25%.


    • Powergaming - BBEG increases the damage bonus of Evil Overlord by +200% for each Evil champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively and applied multiplicatively.
    • Min-Maxing - BBEG increases the damage bonus of Evil Overlord by +150% for each Champion with a total ability score of 78 or less in the formation, stacking multiplicatively and applied multiplicatively.
    • Rules Lawyering - BBEG increases the damage bonus of Evil Overlord by +100% for each Lawful champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively and applied multiplicatively.

    Ultimate Ability

    • Balgronuuth's Undead Horde - Balgronuuth's symbol appears in the air for 30 seconds. While the symbol is in the air, every time Rise, my Minions! summons a zombie, it summons two instead of one.

    V. BBEG's Epic Equipment

    Slot 1: Evil Overlord
    Slot 2: Homebrew
    Slot 3: Rise, My Minions!
    Slot 4: Sources of Corpses
    Slot 5: Specializations
    Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

    VI. Conclusion

    There's no way you can forget who the BBEG is now! Tell us what you remember most about his exploits during out Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

    June 8th, 2022
    Idle Champions: Dragondown 5 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    At the mouth of the River Mirar in the northwest of the Sword Coast lies the port city of Luskan, also known as the City of Sails. Officially governed by the five High Captains, Luskan is actually secretly run by Jarlaxle Baenre and the Bregan D'aerthe.

    And they need your help.

    While celebrating the Summer Solstice with a smaller scale version of Waterdeep's Dragondown festival, Luskan has managed to draw the attention - and the wrath - of a Bronze Dragon and their kin...

    Dragondown 5 introduces Merilwen, the Wood Elf Ranger from Oxventurers Guild, and brings back Selise Astorio, Human Paladin of the Rivals of Waterdeep, and Nova, the knowledge-hungry Genasi Warlock from High Rollers: Aerois. Players have until Monday, June 20th at 12PM Pacific to complete their Dragondown 5 unlocks and objectives.

    I. Merilwen

    Dungeons & Dragons Merilwen

      Merilwen is at home in nature, happy to speak with animals or plants at the first opportunity. She's always ready to pull out her trusty bow, or turn into a cat, to get out of many tough situations. With a fierce loyalty to her friends, and to nature itself, she'll call upon the moon to deal with anyone who gets on her bad side. And if you're really unlucky, you might stumble into Merilwen's Meatgrinder. Spoilers: it's a very bad time.

    Merilwen is a Support and Gold Find Champion who increases the damage of all Neutral Champions, and when she transforms into a cat, she increases the attack rate of adjacent Champions. Her gold find and ultimate are both improved when she is combined with other members of the Oxventurers affiliation. She can be added to the formation by swapping her out with Celeste (Slot 2).

    For more information on Merilwen and her abilities, check out her Champion Spotlight!

    Year Five Variants

    • A Neutral Position - Merilwen starts in the formation and can be moved, but not removed. Only Neutral Champions (on the Good/Evil axis) can deal damage.
        Getting to Know Merilwen: Merilwen increases the damage of Neutral champions. Use a Neutral DPS Champion to make the most of this!
      • Reach Area 75.
    • Cat Nap - Merilwen starts in the formation and can be moved, but not removed. Champions' normal attack cooldowns are increased by 3 seconds. Merilwen's Wild Shape ability starts out unlocked and has a +300% bonus to attack speed cooldowns.
        Getting to Know Merilwen: Merilwen's cat form makes nearby Champions attack faster. Use this to your advantage!
      • Reach Area 125.
    • Loyal Friends - Merilwen starts in the formation and can be moved, but not removed. Her Ultimate starts unlocked and its cooldown takes half as long. Only Champions with an Affiliation can be used, and Oxventurers Guild Champions do 400% more damage.
        Getting to Know Merilwen: Merilwen's ultimate grows stronger with other Oxventurers Guild Champions. Try it out if you have already unlocked some of them
      • Reach Area 175.
    June 3rd, 2022
    Idle Champion Spotlight: Merilwen 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    This is the tail of a druid who might look cute, but when her friends are in danger there's no kitten around! She's a fur-midable opponent who can cause a cat-astrophe to her enemies!

    Merilwen is a Wood Elf druid with a penchant for puns and a love of all things nature! She joins her fellow Oxventure Guild members Rust on the Harbour, Corazón and Prudence in the Idle Champions roster during Dragondown 5.

    I. Merilwen

    Dungeons & Dragons Merilwen

      Merilwen is at home in nature, happy to speak with animals or plants at the first opportunity. She's always ready to pull out her trusty bow, or turn into a cat, to get out of many tough situations. With a fierce loyalty to her friends, and to nature itself, she'll call upon the moon to deal with anyone who gets on her bad side. And if you're really unlucky, you might stumble into Merilwen's Meatgrinder. Spoilers: it's a very bad time.

    Merilwen is a Support and Gold Find Champion who increases the damage of all Neutral Champions, and when she transforms into a cat, she increases the attack rate of adjacent Champions. Her gold find and ultimate are both improved when she is combined with other members of the Oxventurers affiliation. She can be added to the formation by swapping her out with Celeste (Slot 2).

    II. Merilwen's Stats

    Race: Elf (Wood) Alignment: True Neutral
    Class: Druid (Circle of the Moon) Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her
    Age: 101
    Affiliation: Oxventurers Guild

    STR: 12 DEX: 17 CON: 15
    INT: 14 WIS: 20 CHA: 11

    Role: Support, Gold Find
    Eligible for Patrons: Vajra and Strahd
    Slot: 2 (Celeste)

    Dungeons & Dragons Merilwen Key Art

    III. Merilwen's Design

    It was delightful to work with Ellen Rose on the design Merilwen, and bring this nature loving fan of puns to Idle Champions! Merilwen is our fourth Champion from the Oxventure crew from Outside Xbox and Outside Xtra, so it was especially fun to dig into the ways she could interact with the other Oxventurer's Guild members.

    Merilwen is fiercely loyal to her friends, and to nature itself, which she demonstrates in all the ways she supports the formation. She prefers A Neutral Party, not those who lean good or evil, so she increases the damage of all Neutral Champions. While in her elf form, Merilwen will hurl Punishing Puns at enemies to increase the damage A Neutral Party can do, and will attack enemies with a magical Poison Spray. But she can also stop attacking and Wild Shape into a cat, using her Distracting Cuteness to inspire those adjacent to her to attack faster. And the more Oxventurers Guild Champions that have joined her in the formation, the more Liquidity she'll have to increase everyone's gold find.

    Merilwen's Specializations encourages her to pick one thing to focus on. She can cause additional damage by making enemies Stink like Skunk, increases gold find because she Treasures her Friends, or further increases the rate of attacks of her adjacent allies in her Mew-will-wren form. All of this support is a huge help to the formation, but sometimes Merilwen wants to join the battle in epic fashion with Merilwen's Meat Grinder! This Ultimate Attack causes stone spikes to shoot out of the ground to cause massive damage, and if other Oxventurer's Guild members are part of the formation they'll help make her Ultimate even more deadly!

    IV. Merilwen's Abilities

    Basic Attack

    Merilwen has two attacks depending on if she's in cat or elf form:
    • Distracting Cuteness — Merilwen does not attack while in cat form.
    • Poison Spray — Merilwen attacks a random enemy with a magical spray of poison.

    Formation Abilities

    • A Neutral Party — Merilwen increases the damage of all Neutral (along the good/evil spectrum) Champions in the formation by 100%.
    • Liquidity — Increase gold find by +100% for each Oxventurers Guild Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Wild Shape — At the start of each non-boss area, Merilwen takes on the form of a wild cat. She no longer makes normal attacks, but the attack speed cooldown of every adjacent Champion is reduced by 0.5 seconds. If there are ever 15 or more enemies on the screen, Merilwen transforms back to her normal form and starts attacking until the party switches areas.
    • Punishing Puns — While in her elf form, Merilwen boosts A Neutral Party by +100% for each enemy, stacking additively.


    • Stink Like Skunk — Merilwen's normal attack makes hit enemies stink like skunk, taking extra damage every second for 5 seconds.
    • Treasures her Friends — Merilwen gains an Encouragement stack each second that an enemy is not defeated. For each Encouragement stack, the gold find of Liquidity is increased by +100%, stacking additively. When an enemy is defeated or the party changes areas, the stacks are reset to 0.
    • Meow-il-wen — Merilwen's Wild Shape attack speed cooldown reduction is increased by 1 second and persists when she is in her elf form.

    Ultimate Ability

    • Merilwen's Meat Grinder — Stone spikes come out of the ground with a 30 second duration. Enemies in the area take massive damage over time while in the area. Secondary effects are triggered based on if other Oxventurer's Guild members are part of the formation:
      • Corazón: Enemies affected by Grease in the spike area take +200% damage from all sources.
      • Prudence: Prudence's glee stacks are set to maximum.
      • Rust: Gold find is increased by +1000% for 30 seconds.

    V. Merilwen's Epic Equipment

    Slot 1: Global DPS
    Slot 2: A Neutral Party
    Slot 3: Liquidity
    Slot 4: Punishing Puns
    Slot 5: Ultimate Damage
    Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

    VI. Conclusion

    Whether grinding enemies to mulch or inspiring allies as a cat, Merilwen has plenty of powers that we're excited to see her deploy! Tell us all about how much you are enjoying having Merilwen in your formations on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

    June 9th, 2021
    Idle Champions: Dragondown 4 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    At the mouth of the River Mirar in the northwest of the Sword Coast lies the port city of Luskan, also known as the City of Sails. Officially governed by the five High Captains, Luskan is actually secretly run by Jarlaxle Baenre and the Bregan D'aerthe.

    And they need your help.

    While celebrating the Summer Solstice with a smaller scale version of Waterdeep's Dragondown festival, Luskan has managed to draw the attention - and the wrath - of a Bronze Dragon and their kin...

    Dragondown 4 introduces Selise Astorio, Human Paladin of the Rivals of Waterdeep, and brings back Nova, the knowledge-hungry Genasi Warlock from High Rollers: Aerois, and Korth, the ruthless Lizardfolk Fighter. Players have until Monday, June 21st at 12PM Pacific to complete their 4 unlocks and objectives.

    For more information about Year 4 Events and how they work, please check out our Year 4 Events Dev Blog.

    I. New Champion: Selise

    Dungeons & Dragons Selise Tanya DePass

      With steadfast confidence and a knowing smirk, Selise is ready to jump into battle whenever necessary, though afterward, she may pine for a hot bath. She keeps her wife’s ring on a chain around her neck and her well-worn Psychomancy shield on her arm. Despite losing her connection to her God after dispatching the one she swore vengeance upon, Selise continues to try to help those in need, even if sometimes she takes the morally gray path.

    Selise knows a thing or two about using her shield, and can change her stance with that shield to buff the party in a variety of ways. When you want to add her to your formation, you can swap her with Arkhan (Slot 12)

    II. Selise’s Stats

    Race: Human Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Class: Paladin Gender: Female
    Age: 42 Affiliation: Rivals of Waterdeep

    STR: 19 DEX: 11 CON: 11
    INT: 15 WIS: 13 CHA: 15

    Role: Tanking and Support
    Eligible for Patrons: Strahd von Zarovich, Zariel
    Slot: 12 (Arkhan)

    Selise's Design

    Using her Divine Sense to detect enemies around her, Selise can leverage that knowledge to better prepare for battle. She prefers to be in the front lines of a formation, increasing the damage of those behind her and offering extra buffs depending on her current shield stance. When the time is right to strike, her Thunderous Smite will decimate an entire group of foes!

    For more information on Selise and her abilities, check out her Champion Spotlight!

    Year Four Variants

    • Stalwart Supporters — Selise starts in the formation. She can be moved or removed. Only Champions with STR of 13 or higher can be used.
        Getting to know Selise: Each time you trigger her ultimate attack, she switches shield stances. Each shield stance (Aggressive, Wall, Deflect, and Last Resort) changes the way her normal attack works, and also how Divine Sense buffs Champions in the two columns behind her.
    • Reach Area 75.
    • Tears of Tyr — - Selise starts in the formation. She can be moved or removed. While in outdoor areas, rain falls, increasing the speed and attack damage of enemies by 100%. Champions' base attack cooldowns are increased by 1 second. Only Champions with a WIS of 13 or higher can be used.
        Getting to know Selise: Keep Selise in her Aggressive shield stance to keep Champions attacking as quickly as possible!
    • Reach Area 125.
    • The Endless Claws — Selise starts in the formation. She can be moved or removed. Crawling Claws appear in each area (3 after the first wave). They deal 200% additional damage. When a Crawling Claw is destroyed by anyone other than Selise Astorio, it immediately respawns and continues its attack! Crawling Claws do not count towards quest progress, nor do they drop any gold.
        Getting to know Selise: Her Last Resort shield stance is optimal for this variant, as it has a small AOE. Using her ultimate to switch between Last Resort and Aggressive shield stances will trigger Thunderous Smite, allowing her to attack even more enemies and clear the field of Crawling Claws!.
    • Reach Area 175.
    For information on previous years' variants, check out the Dragondown 3 blog.
    June 4th, 2021
    Idle Champion Spotlight: Selise 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    This relentless paladin will protect those she cares for, and her shield is just as deadly as it is defensive!

    Selise Astorio is a human paladin who started on her path of vengeance after the death of her wife. During her travels she joined the Rivals of Waterdeep despite her initial misgivings, and now does what she can to protect them with all of her considerable power. She joins the Champions, as well as her fellow Rival Shaka, next week during Dragondown!

    I. Selise

    Dungeons & Dragons Selise Tanya DePass

      With steadfast confidence and a knowing smirk, Selise is ready to jump into battle whenever necessary, though afterwards she may pine for a hot bath. She keeps her wife’s ring on a chain around her neck, and her well worn Psychomancy shield on her arm. Despite losing her connection to her God after dispatching the one she swore vengeance upon, Selise continues to try to help those in need, even if sometimes she takes the morally gray path.

    Selise knows a thing or two about using her shield, and can change her stance with that shield to buff the party in a variety of ways. When you want to add her to your formation, you can swap her with Arkhan (Slot 12)

    II. Selise’s Stats

    Race: Human Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Class: Paladin Gender: Female
    Age: 42 Affiliation: Rivals of Waterdeep

    STR: 19 DEX: 11 CON: 11
    INT: 15 WIS: 13 CHA: 15

    Role: Tanking and Support
    Eligible for Patrons: Strahd von Zarovich, Zariel
    Slot: 12 (Arkhan)

    Dungeons & Dragons Selise

    III. Selise's Design

    As the founder and Director of I Need Diverse Games, part of the development team behind Into The Mother Lands, and a prolific writer and consultant on a variety of projects, we were very excited to work with Tanya DePass to bring her Rivals of Waterdeep character to life in Idle Champions! Selise Astorio has gone on an amazing, complex journey over the last 10 seasons of the show, and it was important to reflect that in the multiple ways she has to protect her fellow Champions.

    Using her Divine Sense to detect enemies around her, Selise can leverage that knowledge to better prepare for battle. She prefers to be in the front lines of a formation, increasing the damage of those behind her and offering extra buffs depending on her current shield stance. When the time is right to strike, her Thunderous Smite will decimate an entire group of foes!

    IV. Selise's Abilities

    Basic Attack

    • Sword and Board — Selise leaps out and attacks the nearest enemy. This attack has a bonus effect based on her current stance:
      • Aggressive: Bash the enemy before attacking them, stunning them for 2 seconds. This can cause hits- and armor-based enemies to take two hits.
      • Wall: Take 25% less damage from all attacks for the next 5 seconds.
      • Deflect: Damage all enemies in a small AOE if Reflective Shield is chosen and gain one charge of deflection for each enemy hit.
      • Last Resort: Damage and knock back all enemies in a small AOE.

    Formation Abilities

    • Divine Sense — Selise increases the damage of Champions in the two columns behind her by 100%. This ability has a bonus effect based on Selise's current shield stance, which can be changed by using her Ultimate Attack:
      • Aggressive: Champions affected by Divine Sense have their base attack cooldowns reduced by 0.5s.
      • Wall: Champions in the same column as Selise take 25% less damage from melee attacks; this stacks multiplicatively with Selise's normal attack Wall-stance buff on herself.
      • Deflect: Champions affected by Divine Sense take 25% less damage from ranged and magical attacks.
      • Last Resort: Selise's overwhelm point is increased by 15.
    • Shield of Psychomancy — While in Aggressive stance, every 4th attack instead of her normal attack, Selise will toss her shield in an arc targeted at the farthest enemy. It deals damage and stuns all enemies hit for 2 seconds, and the effect of Divine Sense is increased by 50% for each enemy hit until Selise attacks with Shield of Psychomancy again or changes stances.
    • Vow of Vengeance — While not in Aggressive stance, Selise increases the effect of Divine Sense by 100% for each enemy attacking her, stacking additively.
    • Thunderous Smite — When switching from Last Resort to Aggressive stance, Selise channels the divine power of Tyr and attacks a random enemy with her sword, dealing BUD-based AoE damage and BUD-based chaining lightning damage from the enemy struck to five nearby enemies. This effect can only trigger every 180 seconds.


    • Relentless Avenger — While in Wall stance, Selise cannot be stunned. Any enemy that attempts to stun Selise is instead stunned themselves for 4 seconds, if they can be stunned.
    • Reflective Shield — While in Deflect stance, Selise can deflect ranged and magical projectiles back at the enemies that shot/cast them, completely negating their damage and dealing 6 seconds of BUD-based damage. She can deflect one attack for each charge of deflection she has, and gains deflection stacks by attacking while in Deflect stance.
    • Mithral Skin — While in Last Resort stance, Selise takes less damage the more damaged she is. At 80%+ health she takes normal damage, but below 80% she receives a damage reduction bonus equal to 80% - her current health percentage.
    • Tyr's Eyes — Increase the range of Divine Sense to affect the three columns behind Selise rather than just two.

    Ultimate Ability

    • Shield Stance — As a stalwart tank, Selise knows a thing or two about using a shield. She can subtly change her shield stance to buff the party in different ways depending on what the situation calls for. Using this ability rotates her stance through the following options in order, then looping when reaching the end: Aggressive -> Wall -> Deflect -> Last Resort

    Champion Rebalance

    Selise Astorio received the following changes as part of an update on October 8th 2021:
    • Increase to the duration of her Wall Stance damage reduction buff to 10 seconds
    • Increase the base effect value of Vow of Vengeance from 100% to 200%
    • Update to happen in version 406+ : Last Resort stance also increases the effect of Vow of Vengeance by 200%

    V. Selise’s Equipment

    Slot 1: Global DPS
    Slot 2: Global DPS
    Slot 3: Increase Max Health
    Slot 4: Divine Sense
    Slot 5: Shield of Psychomancy
    Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

    VI. Conclusion

    We’re excited to continue to bring the Rivals into our Champion roster, and can’t wait to see Selise offering her tanking and support abilities in your formations! If you want to find out more about all the Rivals of Waterdeep you can check out their shows as livestreams or podcasts!

    What do you think about Selise? If you have feedback, let us know in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

    June 3rd, 2020
    Idle Champions: Dragondown 3 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    At the mouth of the River Mirar in the northwest of the Sword Coast lies the port city of Luskan, also known as the City of Sails. Officially governed by the five High Captains, Luskan is actually secretly run by Jarlaxle Baenre and the Bregan D'aerthe.

    And they need your help.

    While celebrating the Summer Solstice with a smaller scale version of Waterdeep's Dragondown festival, Luskan has managed to draw the attention - and the wrath - of a Bronze Dragon and their kin...

    Dragondown 3 introduces Nova, the knowledge-hungry Genasi Warlock from High Rollers: Aerois, and brings back the ruthless Lizardfolk Fighter, Korth, and the legendary Dwarf Fighter/Barbarian, Binwin Bronzebottom. Players have until Monday, June 15th at 12PM Pacific to complete their event unlocks and objectives.

    Dungeons & Dragons Nova V'Ger High Rollers Kim Richards

    Year 3 Champion: Nova V'Ger

      Nova V'ger has a voracious appetite for knowledge; she needs to know anything and everything about anything and everything. Her magic powers have been gifted to her by a mysterious entity called Tiangong. She dreams of travelling to the stars and discovering the location of the true genasi homeworld.

    Nova is a Tank and Support Champion who understands that knowledge is power. She buffs her most intelligent allies for each monster killed, protecting herself with her Hexblade, Tiangong. When you want to add Nova to your formation, you can swap her with Jamilah (Slot 11).

    For more information about Nova, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight: Nova dev blog!

    Dungeons & Dragons Korth Lizardfolk Fighter Samurai  Xanathar's Guide to Everything

    Year 2 Champion: Korth

      Raised as a gladiator in the pit arenas of Kara-Tur, Korth has since traveled the world studying fighting styles and the art of war. Korth is infamous for his skill and efficiency in battle – and for his ruthlessness, as he never spares the lives of his opponents. Those who cross Korth's path do so at their own risk.
    Korth is a Support Champion who marks enemies he hits. Attacking marked enemies can increase Champion damage, lower cooldowns, and grant temporary shields. When you want to add Korth to your formation, you can swap him with Celeste (Slot 2).

    For more information about Korth, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight: Korth dev blog!

    Dungeons & Dragons Binwin Bronzebottom Scott Kurtz Binwin's Minions AI Acquisitions Incorporated

    Year 1 Champion: Binwin Bronzebottom

      Binwin Bronzebottom was a member of a rather infamous adventuring group/company, until he left to spend more time with his family. A grumpy and headstrong dwarf with a penchant for springing traps rather than disarming them, if he's not the first into battle then he's disappointed. There's nary a door, tankard, or acid pit that hasn't felt the wrath of Binwin Bronzebottom at one time or another. These days, when he's not adventuring with the likes of Drizzt and Minsc, Binwin leads a small group of incompetent and eminently replaceable minions through perilous adventures.
    Binwin is a celebrity dwarf and DPS Champion, played by Scott Kurtz on Acquisitions Incorporated and now the leader of Binwin's Minions. Binwin deals extra damage to objects and armored enemies, and he gains extra attacks whenever adjacent allies attack enemies before he does. When you want to add Binwin to your party, you can swap him with Nayeli (Slot 3).

    For more information about Binwin, check out the Year One Champion Balance Update dev blog!

    Year Three Variants

    • Failed Perception — Only Champions with WIS 14 or lower can be used. Whenever an enemy spawns, there is a 25% chance that it will be an illusory enemy, and won't count towards quest progress or drop gold. When an illusory enemy is killed with a normal attack, the Champion that killed the enemy is stunned for 4 seconds.
      Reach Area 75.

    • Tranced Travellers — Two of the slots in your formation are affected by a magical spell that's causing folks around Luskan to start snoring! The affected slots change every 15 seconds by moving to a random adjacent slot. Heroes in affected slots must concentrate on not falling asleep, so they do not attack and all their formation abilities and ultimate abilities are disabled.
      Reach Area 125.

    • Dolgrim Incursion — Only Champions with INT 14 or higher can be used. Nova begins in the formation and cannot be moved or swapped out. Two Dolgrims appear with each wave of monsters. They drop no gold and do not count towards quest progress. Dolgrims have increased movement speed and their damage is increased by 400%.
      Reach Area 175.

    Year Two Variants

    • It's All Going To Be O.K. — Only Champions with an 'o' or 'k' in their name may be used.
      Reach Area 75.

    • Korth's Kobold Kleanup Krew — Korth begins the Adventure in your formation with his Lizardfolk Tactics upgrade unlocked. Armored kobolds attack the formation. These kobolds are invulnerable until marked by Korth.
      Reach Area 125.

    • Durable Dragon — When the Dragon boss in area 50 is defeated, she immediately resurrects with additional armor hits (+20%), attack speed (+25%) and damage (+33%). She gains additional resurrection (and stacking bonuses) for every 50 areas completed (resurrects once in area 50, twice in area 100, three times in area 150, etc.).
      Reach Area 175.

    Year One Variants

    • Awaken the Beasts — Beasts move much more quickly and deal far more damage.
      Reach Area 75.

    • Binwin's Minions — Two of Binwin's Minions take up slots in the formation, decreasing the damage of adjacent Champions by 90% with the exception of Binwin, whom they buff by 400%. Binwin's Minions move to different slots in the formation every 20 areas.
      Reach Area 125.

    • Untrusting — The bronze dragon doesn't trust you to return her egg, so she continuously sends her Wyrmlings to keep an eye on you. Four different varieties of Wyrmling spawn at random.
      Reach Area 175.

    See the in-game FAQ for more information!

    May 29th, 2020
    Idle Champion Spotlight: Nova V'Ger 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Nova V'ger is a curious Air-Genasi Hexblade Warlock making her debut during Dragondown 3. Nova joins her companions on the Idle Champions roster, the Heroes of Aerois; Aila, Qillek, and Sentry.

    I. Nova V'Ger

    Dungeons & Dragons Nova High Rollers

      Nova V'ger has a voracious appetite for knowledge; she needs to know anything and everything about anything and everything. Her magic powers have been gifted to her by a mysterious entity called Tiangong. She dreams of traveling to the stars and discovering the location of the true genasi homeworld.

    Nova is played by Kim Richards, a member of The High Rollers D&D crew, based in the UK. The High Rollers stream each week at the High Rollers Twitch page. For more info on Nova, the High Rollers crew, and the homebrew world of Aerois created by professional dungeon master Mark Hulmes, check out the High Rollers Aerois wiki.

    Nova is a Tank and Support Champion who understands knowledge is power. She buffs her most intelligent allies for each monster killed, protecting herself with her Hexblade, Tiangong. When you want to add Nova to your formation, you can swap her with Jamilah (Slot 11).

    II. Nova's Stats

    Race: Air-Genasi Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Class: Warlock (Hexblade) Gender: Female
    Age: 20 Affiliation: Heroes of Aerois

    STR: 7 DEX: 16 CON: 16
    INT: 15 WIS: 8 CHA: 20

    Role: Tanking, Support
    Eligible for Patrons: Vajra Safahr, Mirt the Moneylender, and Strahd von Zarovich.

    Dungeons & Dragons Nova

    III. Nova's Design

    It's always fun to work closely with a creator to make their character come to life, and Kim Richards was no exception. Kim provided us with a depth of material to draw from, including information about Nova's backstory that has still yet to be discovered on High Rollers(!). Like Kim, we've had a great time adding a bit of a science-fiction spin to D&D spells and abilities -- for example, turning 5E's Warlock Invocation, Tomb of Levistus, into Failsafe.

    As a Champion, Nova is an explorer and a scientist, so we wanted to highlight those qualities in her Idle Champions design. Her main abilities focus around discoveries related to the internal anatomy of monsters and bosses, and sharing that knowledge with the party in the form of buffs to other intelligent party members.

    With the addition of the final member of the Aerois team, Lucius Elenasto in Simril 4, Nova received updates to her Formation Abilities and her Aerois Synergy

    IV. Nova's Abilities

    Basic Attack

    • Dissect — Nova leaps out and slices through the nearest enemy with Tiangong. The slash produces a spark of green flame. If her attack kills the enemy, and the enemy is a normal mob, it is guaranteed to drop a monster heart (once as Curiosity is unlocked).

    Formation Abilities

    • Curiosity — Nova is intrinsically curious about the world around her. When monsters are killed, there is a chance she will collect a trophy from it. Trophies augment her abilities and reset every run. Bosses always drop monster brains, which provide big buffs but only drop once per boss per run. Normal monsters have a 10% chance to drop monster hearts, which can be farmed indefinitely and provide smaller buffs.
    • Discovery — Nova increases the damage of the five Champions in the formation with the highest Intelligence score by 100%. In the case of a tie for fifth place, all Champions with the given INT score are affected. This effect is buffed by 0.1% for each monster heart she has collected (stacking additively and then applying multiplicatively), and 10% for each monster brain she has collected (stacking multiplicatively and then applying multiplicatively).
    • Close Encounters — Nova increases the effect of Discovery by 100% for each enemy attacking her and each point of enemy/boss enrage, stacking additively and then applying multiplicatively.
    • Slow — Nova's attacks slow the movement of enemies she damages by 50% for 5 seconds. Enemies that are Slowed by this ability deal half damage to Nova. This effect does not stack if it is applied again before it expires, but the cooldown is refreshed.
    • Failsafe — When Nova becomes Overwhelmed, Tiangong creates a protective barrier around Nova, giving her 250 points of temporary HP and stunning her until the shield is broken or she is no longer overwhelmed. This can only trigger once per area (changing areas resets it so it can happen again). The amount of temporary HP granted is increased by 5.75% for each monster brain she has collected, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Protective Field — Nova increases the max health of all other Champions by 25% of her base max health.
    • Cosmic Resonance — Heroes of Aerois are automatically buffed by Discovery and are not included in the calculations for highest INT score.
    • Aerois Synergy — Nova contributes to the Aerois Synergy Pool as follows: 60% per Champion buffed by Discovery (multiplicative). Discovery is then increased by 25% of the total Aerois Synergy Pool.


    • Mass Appeal — Discovery — now applies to the top eight Champions by INT score, up from the top five.
    • Journaling — Increase the effect of Discovery by 100%

    Ultimate Ability

    • Activate Tiangong — Nova levitates up in the air as Tiangong floats in front of the formation, releasing three waves of blue energy that deal big damage (each deals 1/3rd of her stated ultimate damage) to all enemies. The damage is increased by 1% for every 20 monster hearts Nova has collected, stacking additively.

    V. Nova's Legendary Equipment

    Slot 1: Global DPS
    Slot 2: Global DPS
    Slot 3: Max Health
    Slot 4: Buff Discovery
    Slot 5: Ultimate Damage
    Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

    VI. Conclusion

    What do you think about Nova? If you have feedback, let us know in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!