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March 17th, 2022
COTLI: Mar 17th, 2022 Change Log 

Title: New Skins and Quality of Life Features

  • Added skins for Zuczek the Fire-Blooded, Matt Spacewalker and Springy, the Patchwork Plush to the Skin Market.
  • Added new options to the Visual Options panel.
  • Added an Area Monster Health stat to the stat dropdown.
  • Added a new listing to the Ruby Exchange with 3 additional Runic Chests.
  • Added a new listing to the Challengers' Warehouse for a Rune Solvent.
  • Added a new listing to the Challengers' Warehouse for 2 Epic Trinket Chests.
  • Added weekend promo data.
  • Added recruit & gear missions for all Tier 7 Crusaders up to this point.
  • Updated the Flash Sale and Challenge Token gear pools.
  • Added 7 new challenge objectives to the weekly challenge pool.

  • Added an extra Runic Chest to the existing Ruby Exchange listing.
  • Added the projectile tag to Kaala Rigel and TU7RL3.

  • Fixed chest entries in the store always showing as 100 owned.
  • Fixed the rewards for the "Like Clockwork" and "Crypt-tastic" achievements.
  • Fixed an issue with the Sprint talent tooltip while on a Challenge objective.
  • Minor text fixes & FAQ updates.
June 29th, 2018
BW2: Change Log June 29th, 2018 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Misc Updates/Fixes (June 29th, 2018)

- Added 10 more pets to the PAGAS store, available for Unique DNA.

- If you have Pet Collars left over from the quest NPC in Cera Altepetl Boundary, you can speak to them to remove them from your inventory.

- Added the following ranch items to the mini golf cours: Lava Rock Floor, Volcano Lamp, Firefly lamp, Snowflake Tile.

- Made progress on the next major area content update!

- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!
June 22nd, 2018
BW2: Change Log June 22nd, 2018 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Patriot Event 2018 Update (June 22nd, 2018)

- Updated the Patriot Event for 2018.
- Added new customization and ranch items.
- Added new ribbons and 100% reward.
- Added 3 new pets available from June 29th to July 2nd.

- Can now send Fireworks Gift Bags to friends, which contains random energy, mana, power, and something special for the duration of the event. These items do not expire and function like the Wrapped Presents from Christmas.

- Added Blue Ox Mount promo, running from today until Monday June 25th at Noon PDT (Free mount with your first purchase of 100 Bush Bucks or more.)

- Made progress on the next major area content update!

- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!
June 15th, 2018
BW2: Change Log June 15th, 2018 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Zepplincident Limited Time Quest (June 15th, 2018)

- Limited time quest line available via visiting NPC in Commons with unique rewards! (June 15th-18th)

- Running a Pet/Mount Sale (June 15th-18th.)

- Running a BB sale with a unique Mechanical Spider mount sweetener (with the first purchase of 100 Bush Bucks or more.)

- Made some possible performance optimizations in response to a change Adobe made to a flash function.

- Added the following limited time quest rewards to the Amicus wandering merchants:
- Steampunk Gas Mask
- Steampunk Gloves
- Steampunk Wrench
- Kelpie Hat
- Sleipnir Hat
- Pegasus Hat
- Prince Jacket
- Prince Hair
- Pegasus Wings
- Cooking Apron
- Tom's Top Hat
- Gord's Top Hat
- Reversed Revolver
- Spiral Braid
- Tuft Hairdo
- Long Mohawk
- Fancy Stable
- Deluxe Dog House
- Chow Chow
- Black Corgi
- Kokoni Pup

- Fixed an issue with one of the High Jungle quest hub quests, where you could get into a state where you had a quest you could not complete.

- Fixed quest field spawns giving you diggergy instead of the quest item. They will now give you both (if they yield diggergy).

- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!
June 1st, 2018
BW2: Change Log June 1st, 2018 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Summer Sports Event 2018 Update (June 1st, 2018)

- We've updated the Summer Sports Event for 2018!
- Added 3 new quests, that unlock in a row.
- Added 1 new daily quest that will start later on in the event, if you’ve completed the Boxer’s Apprentice story line in previous years.
- Added new customization and ranch items
- Added new ribbons and 100% reward
- Added 3 new pets available from June 8th to June 11th
- Can now send Sports Bags to friends, which contains random energy, mana, power, and something special for the duration of the event. These items do not expire and function like the Wrapped Presents from Christmas, and all the previous events this year.
- Added Track Cheetah Mount promo (free with BB purchase over $10; 30% more BBs over $5)

- Added more twilight ranch items to the Cera Altepetl store, and updated the Altepetl Acquirer achievement requirements to include them:
- Twilight Palm Tree
- Twilight Palm
- Twilight Fern (renamed existing one to Twilight Fern Pillar)
- Small Twilight Bramble
- Big Twilight Bramble

- Fixed Ice Pick and Ancient Screwdriver quest items not getting removed from your inventory after completing those quests in the Explorer’s Camp quest hub story. If you’ve still got them and have completed the story quests, speak to Magellan to have them removed.

- The Purple and Yellow Nahui hatching options are hidden until the Purple and Yellow Nahui Stones become available.

- The quarry fragments stores now show your current fragments in the currency bar.

- Moved the Magical Michin Fish and Critter Capture quests into the Cera Altepetl hub section of the Town Crier's quest watch.

- Fixed an occasional crash triggered when changing zones when a long script was playing.

- Fixed an occasional crash related to the event button.

- Fixed Diggergy Capacitor trinket exploit, where digging with more than your max diggergy caused you not to lose any when you dug. (May 29th)

- Fixed Xipil’s Twitching Bone Trapping daily quest not awarding a Cacao Coin. (May 30th)

- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!
May 25th, 2018
BW2: Change Log May 25, 2018 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Mythical Mount Management Community Quest (May 25th, 2018)

- Added a limited time community quest with unique rewards (May 25th - 28th)
  • All players gain rewards for completing the goal.
  • Individual players gain currency (Mythic Saddle Tokens) for completing the gathering quests.
  • Currency can be spent at special store for a few unique items.
- Fixed the diggergy bar not hiding when you unequip your Geo-Pick trinket.

- Fixed the Heart-T and Giraffe mini golf pieces not showing up in the ranch store after you buy them.

- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!
May 18th, 2018
BW2: Change Log May 18, 2018 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Quality of Life and Fixes Update! (May 18th, 2018)

- Quest Hubs now have their own Area Progress dialogs, and their completion is tracked on the world map.

- Added tooltips to completed quests/items/achievements on the Area Progress dialog that shows their name.

- Added the “Sonic Excavating Yard Stick” trinket to the Glaucous Quarries artifact store, which when equipped draws circles around your last 3 digs in a quarry, indicating the max possible range the treasure might be from that spot. Makes digging much easier!

- Fixed an issue with leaving the new quarry area when you have a particle emitting (flowers, etc.) custom item equipped. (Which means you’d see a “Loading Graphics... “ popup that never went away when trying to leave the quarry until you reloaded the game.)

- Added a diggergy bar toggle button, visible when you’ve got a Geo-Pick trinket equipped, that lets you show/hide the diggergy bar when you’re not in a quarry or picking up diggergy.

- Moved a normal banana by the Old Bazaar field in Cera Altepetl Proper so that it’s away from the whacking buttons.

- Fixed store item costs getting covered up if the amount was greater than 4 or 5 digits long (depending on the icon).

- Store item cost tooltips now show amount as well as name.

- Added 4 more trivia questions to the Amicus Isle Trivia Time quest (April 13th):
- “What activity can you do on Amicus Isle during the Patriot Event?”
- "On what major continent is the Snowy Mountain region?"
- "What organization did the Black Hole pet raise money for?"
- "What is the name of the Commons’ resident trinketeer?"

- Added music to the tropical island zones.

- Added the “Shiny” effect to Hellvin NPC since his player counterpart has acquired the Flux Tier 10 Super Trinket. Thanks for all the reports, Hellvin!

- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!
May 11th, 2018
BW2: Change Log May 11, 2018 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Spring Garden Event 2018 Update (May 11th, 2018)

- Updated the Spring Garden Event
- Added one new challenging quest
- Added new customization and ranch items
- Added new ribbons and 100% reward
- Added 3 new achievements
- Added 3 new pets available from May 18th to May 21st

- Can now send Spring Gift Bouquets to friends, which contains random energy, mana, power, and something special for the duration of the event. These items do not expire and function like the Wrapped Presents from Christmas.

- Added Treant Mount promo (Get one free with BB purchase over $10; 30% more BBs over $5)

- Fixed the Amber Orb getting left in your inventory after completing the Amber Walking Staff. Speak to Copal again in Cera Altepetl Proper to have it removed if you’ve still got one!

- Runes of Charity now require yellow, black, white, and dark grey powder vials to craft. This rune has proven very valuable, so we’ve added black and dark grey powders to its crafting costs in an attempt to rebalance it.

- Fixed diggergy causing nothings to never drop.

- Moved the Port-Co teleporter in the Glaucous Quarries so it’s not close to the Power/Mana Dig buttons when in the Deep Quarry.

- Planned a new mechanic for the quarry digging mini-game to make it easier and more fun to play. Coming Soon!

- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!
May 4th, 2018
BW2: Change Log May 3, 2018 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Prince Tribute Limited Time Quest & Quarry Digging Fixes (May 3rd, 2018)

- Limited time quest line available via visiting NPC in Commons with unique reward! (May 4th-7th)
- Added a BB sale with a unique Dove pet sweetener (with the first purchase of 100 Bush Bucks or more) (May 4th - 7th)

- Fixed Power Dig not toggling off when you run out of power

- Fixed Diggergy dropping for a while after your Diggergy becomes full

- You can now only return to Cera Altepetl Boundary and Explorer’s Camp areas via the arrow button while you’re still completing them.

- You can now set up a Port-Co. Teleporter in the Cera Altepetl Boundary.

- Planned a new mechanic for the quarry digging mini-game to make it easier and more fun to play. Coming Soon!

- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!
May 1st, 2018
BW2: Change Log May 1, 2018 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Quarry Digging Fixes/Improvements (May 1st, 2018)

- Updated artifact restoration achievement text to reflect that it’s to collect unique artifacts, and that there are more artifacts to collect later on

- Nahui Stone artifacts are now hidden until you complete the relevant quest

- You can now restore only one of each Nahui Stone artifact per day

- Renamed the digging mini game achievements to match the titles they give

- Clarified "Restoring the Bramblenomicon" quest description

- Fixed "diggery" typo in Geo-Pick item descriptions

- Fixed the bugs with Tlalli's chat options

- Fixed the Flame Gaper still having the yellow ‘?’ icon after you turn in their quests

- Reduce cost to skip digging daily quests from 55 Bush Bucks to 44 Bush Bucks

- Diggergy no longer drops when you've filled the meter

- Increase successful dig range so it’s easier to dig

- Extended the Mana Dig bolt duration

- Added a 4th Mana Dig bolt

- Mana Dig bolts are closer together when you’re near the treasure

- Fixed the geo-pick unequipping your sword when you open your inventory in a quarry area

- Fix Town Crier saying you have a quest hub available when you're currently on the High Jungle quest hub

- Added High Jungle stone/bamboo buildings to area map

- Reduced diggergy drop odds, as it was more frequent than intended

- Diggergy drop odds are now proportional to energy spent

- Power Dig now costs 2 Power on EVERY dig, not just when you get a treasure. This was done to add more risk/gamble, akin to how the Power Whack functions

- Added a Port-Co teleporter to Glaucous Quarries

- Planned a new mechanic for the quarry digging mini-game to make it easier and more fun to play. Coming Soon!

- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!