July 5th, 2021
BW2: July 5th, 2021 Release Notes
Prismatic Passage Area Update (July 5th, 2021)
- Added a new area to explore, continuing the main story from the Mountain Passage in the Salt Desert!
- Added new trinkets to the General Store, unlocking throughout the new content
- Added ‘Stardew Valley’ achievement tier for researching 40 crops to level 10 at the Plant Splicing Station
- Reduced wait time between main story quests for Sanctuary, Explorer’s Camp, and Cera Altepetl quest hubs from 2.8 days to 20 hours
- Reduced gem cost for Science Equipment in the Thieving Bandits! Cenote Site quest hub quest from 1 Diamond to 2 Emeralds
- Added surfaces to Canada Picnic Table and USA Picnic Table ranch items
- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!