November 25th, 2022
BW2: November 25th, 2022 Release Notes
Black Friday Sale (November 25th, 2022)
- Added a Black Friday pet/mount and Bush Bucks sale
- Added the Picnic Table ranch item to the ranch store after you unlock it from the Amicus store
- Changed the requirements of the "A Guiseppetheory" quest from entering the Shattered Spires to getting 100% on the Brilliant Bog area
- Can no longer find Prismatic Passage quest items outside of the Prismatic Passage
- Renamed one of the Pink Flamingo Hats to Fuchsia Flamingo Hat
- Added the Giant Mushrooms ranch item to the ranch store
- Increased the odds to find Hungry Haversacks while at max trophies for the day
- Fixed being unable to click and move to the bush in the top left of field five in the Bewitched Woodland
- Fixed being able to click the teleporter below field 5 in the Bewitched Woodland while in the field
- The following ranch items are now permitted on the mini golf course: Boo Gravestone, Imitation Mer-Booty, Large Old Bookcase, Spiderweb Trees, Scary Orange Candle, Cornucopia