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Bush Whacker 2 is a game of bushes, swords, lightning, and what happens when they all meet. Collect hats, capes, and critters. Customize your house and explore the wide open world of Bush Whacker!
June 1st, 2018
BW2: Change Log June 1st, 2018
Summer Sports Event 2018 Update (June 1st, 2018)
- We've updated the Summer Sports Event for 2018!
- Added 3 new quests, that unlock in a row.
- Added 1 new daily quest that will start later on in the event, if you’ve completed the Boxer’s Apprentice story line in previous years.
- Added new customization and ranch items
- Added new ribbons and 100% reward
- Added 3 new pets available from June 8th to June 11th
- Can now send Sports Bags to friends, which contains random energy, mana, power, and something special for the duration of the event. These items do not expire and function like the Wrapped Presents from Christmas, and all the previous events this year.
- Added Track Cheetah Mount promo (free with BB purchase over $10; 30% more BBs over $5)
- Added more twilight ranch items to the Cera Altepetl store, and updated the Altepetl Acquirer achievement requirements to include them:
- Twilight Palm Tree
- Twilight Palm
- Twilight Fern (renamed existing one to Twilight Fern Pillar)
- Small Twilight Bramble
- Big Twilight Bramble
- Fixed Ice Pick and Ancient Screwdriver quest items not getting removed from your inventory after completing those quests in the Explorer’s Camp quest hub story. If you’ve still got them and have completed the story quests, speak to Magellan to have them removed.
- The Purple and Yellow Nahui hatching options are hidden until the Purple and Yellow Nahui Stones become available.
- The quarry fragments stores now show your current fragments in the currency bar.
- Moved the Magical Michin Fish and Critter Capture quests into the Cera Altepetl hub section of the Town Crier's quest watch.
- Fixed an occasional crash triggered when changing zones when a long script was playing.
- Fixed an occasional crash related to the event button.
- Fixed Diggergy Capacitor trinket exploit, where digging with more than your max diggergy caused you not to lose any when you dug. (May 29th)
- Fixed Xipil’s Twitching Bone Trapping daily quest not awarding a Cacao Coin. (May 30th)
- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!