Greetings Breakers!
Fall has arrived in the Northern Hemisphere! The air is crisp, leaves are changing colours and the Challenge Fairy Monkey wants to celebrate the beginning of the harvest season with a celebration of an updated Autumn themed Mini Event!
For the duration of the event, special challenge eggs will temporarily replace all normal challenge eggs, and the eggs will appear at a higher than usual rate. Players can earn 12 event prizes of various Autumn themed items from cashing in Event Tokens with the Challenge Fairy Monkey.

For the toughest of tough challenges, there are 3 new awesome prizes!
The Bird Nest Hat adds More Area tokens!
The Cornucopia Hammer adds Less Nothings!
The Not So Scare Crow will defend any trophy room proudly!
Talk about it on the forums!
The event will run until Tuesday September 29th at Noon PDT!