Happy Birthday Nate!
Safety First
Party Preparation
Dragon Costuming
Fire! Fire!
New for 2023
- a new cursed cubes quest, with a new companion to collect!
- new costume items in the store!
- new ranch items in the store!
- new pet packs!
- new mount packs!
- new 2023 holiday 100% reward!
Holiday Rubber Duckies

Nate's Generous Uncle
There are a total TWENTY ONE possible Achievements to earn in the Nate's Birthday 2023 event:
Returning Achievements
Safety Inspector - You completed 50 turn-ins at each of the Safety Stations.
Without a Hitch - You helped Nate with all of his Birthday quests!
Neverending Supply - You completed all 4 of the Birthday event daily quests 3 times.
Firefighter - You put out a fire and saved a building in the Commons! [Requires the Town Hall built]
Dragon Slayer - You scared off a dragon and saved the Commons!
Surprise Explosions! - You helped organize a surprise party for Nate.
A Heroic Gift - Help Natalie make Nate look like a hero for his birthday.
Cursed Cubes! - You removed the cube curse!
New Achievements
Retired Achievements
Nate-tional Treasure - You bought all the 2022 Nate's Birthday event items! Birthday Spoils - You bought all the 2021 Nate's Birthday event items!
Birthday Blowout - You bought all the 2020 Nate's Birthday event items!
Nate-Nacs - You bought all the 2019 Nate's Birthday event items!
Nate's Treasures - You bought all the 2018 Nate's Birthday event items!
Birthday Souvenirs - You bought all the 2017 Nate's Birthday event items!
Nate's Finer Things - You bought all the 2016 Nate's Birthday event items!
Nate's Stash - You bought all the 2015 Nate's Birthday event items!
Tiny Little Arms - You bungled each activity station while dressed like a Dragon
Nate's Inventory - You bought all the 2014 Nate's Birthday event items!
Just Like Nate! - You bungled each activity station while dressed like Nate.
*The mini-golf piece is not included in the Nate's Novelties achievement, and therefore it is not required to purchase it.
Grab a new winter companion!
Mount Packs
The Fae Dragon mount comes free with your first purchase of 100 Bush Bucks or more!
The Corrupt Fae Dragon and Aether Fae Dragon are in packs containing 100 Bush Bucks, 10 Pristine Feed Vouchers, and a VIP Voucher! These two mounts produce their own unique sparkly particles when you ride them!

Pet Packs

Many other pets and ranch items available from previous years via "Nate's Olde Mischief Market". Talk to the event store clerk to view this store!
This event runs until Friday January 27th, 2023 @ Noon PST (8pm UTC).
Post your thoughts and feedback here!