Game Features
Expansive world to explore and help all sorts of cool people. You're their hero.
Hundreds and hundreds of custom items to decorate your character and house with
Bushes never die. They just keep respawning. Why won't they just go away?
Events. Tons and tons of events for you to do. Collect all the rewards before time runs out!
Recent News
November 4th, 2024
Extra Life 2024 

It's almost time for our biggest charity event of the year!

On November 8 we will be kicking off our ELEVENTH Codename Entertainment Extra Life, once again raising money for our local Children's Miracle Network Hospital, the BC Children's Hospital Foundation.

We are very excited for the events we have planned for this year's 24-hour livestream - and we are very fortunate to have the chance to work with the legendary Jennifer Hale to create this year's Idle Champions Extra Life Familiar!

Welcome Back, Extra Life!

Since 2008, Extra Life has raised over $130 Million USD for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. The money raised is donated as unrestricted funds for hospitals to use as needed. And how does Codename Entertainment help raise that money? By doing what our community loves to do already: playing games together!

If you would like to learn more about Extra Life, check out their FAQ. The local member hospital that Codename Entertainment supports is BC Children's Hospital and the funds we raise are donated to BC Children's Hospital Foundation.

2024 Schedule

Starting Friday, November 8th at 8:30 AM Pacific Time, Codename Entertainment is excited to once again put on a 24-hour Extra Life Twitch Stream! We have a lot of content planned this year -- just check out our schedule below:
  • 8:30AM — Founders Q&A
  • 9:30AM — CNE Office Tour
  • 10:00AM — Tactile Storytelling: Making D&D Props
  • 11:00AM — Last Resort Bomb Squad
  • 12:00PM — Rework A Champion Live
  • 1:00PM — Magic: The Gathering Commander
  • 3:00PM — Party Games
  • 4:00PM — Artomancy: Reanimated
  • 5:00PM — The Final Boss
  • 6:30PM — Idle Champions Karaoke
  • 8:00PM — Dad Jokes Don't Laugh Challenge
  • 9:00PM — Multiplayer Beat Saber
  • 11:00PM — Codename Plays Codenames
  • 12:00AM — Flight Risk
  • 1:30AM — Jay Horror Stream
  • 2:30AM — Jaybox Games
  • 4:30AM — Artomancy: Reanimated Early Edition
  • 5:30AM — Roguelike Randomizer!
  • 7:00AM — Shape, Soar, Score: An Origami Airplane Showdown
  • 8:00AM — Tea
  • 9:00AM — Thank-You and Goodnight!
Check out the Codename Entertainment Extra Life Page for information on how to donate!

How to Help

Along with supporting the 24-hour marathon on our Twitch Stream, we're offering these amazing in game incentives!

Bush Whacker 2

You can donate in Bush Whacker 2 by purchasing any of the three different Extra Life package deals! Net proceeds from all purchase of those packs between November 4th-11th will be donated to Extra Life! Each pack contains elixirs to restore your energy, Bush Bucks, a unique pet, joystick ranch item, and sword! Find more details in-game!

Idle Champions

Dungeons & Dragons Lobita the Guardian Famililar Jennifer Hale

This year we are excited to work with legendary BAFTA-nominated actress (and Guinness World Record Holder for the Most Prolific Video Game Voice Actor) Jennifer Hale to create the Lobita the Guardian Familiar!

Our artists worked hard with Jennifer to capture the likeness of her beloved shepherd from back when she was an adorable puppy. Is she the cutest Familiar to date? We believe she very well might be!!

Idle Champions players can support Extra Life by purchasing the Lobita the Guardian Familiar Pack between before November 11! All net proceeds from the first week of Lobita sales will be donated to Extra Life.

We Hope To See You There!

We would love to have you join our community on one of our official platforms:

October 16th, 2023
Extra Life 2023 

We don't just love making games, we also love playing them. We look forward to Extra Life every year, but 2023 is extra special special: Codename Entertainment will be participating in our TENTH year of fundraising for BC Children's Hospital!

Welcome Back, Extra Life!

Since 2008, Extra Life has raised over $130 Million USD for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. The money raised is donated as unrestricted funds for hospitals to use as needed. And how does Codename Entertainment help raise that money? By doing what our community loves to do already: playing games together!

If you would like to learn more about Extra Life, check out their FAQ. The local member hospital that Codename Entertainment supports is BC Children's Hospital and the funds we raise are donated to BC Children's Hospital Foundation.

2023 Schedule

Starting Friday, October 20th at 9am Pacific, Codename Entertainment is excited to once again put on a 24-hour Extra Life Twitch Stream! We have a lot of content planned this year -- just check out our schedule below:
  • 8:30AM — Founders Q&A
  • 9:30AM — Tactile Storytelling: Making D&D Props
  • 10:30AM — Goblins for Dinner
  • 12:30PM — Gardening With Elisa
  • 1:30PM — Battleball!
  • 4:15PM — Queen By Midnight
  • 6:00PM — Artomancy: Special Edition
  • 7:00PM — Idle Champions Karaoke
  • 8:00PM — Dad Jokes Don't Laugh Challenge
  • 9:00PM — Multiplayer Beat Saber
  • 10:30PM — Mario Party
  • 11:30PM — CNE vs Machine
  • 12:30AM — Fearwarned
  • 2:30AM — Jackbox Games
  • 4:30AM — Artomancy: Special Edition
  • 8:00AM — Mars in the Morning
  • 9:00AM — Thank-You and Goodnight!
Check out the Codename Entertainment Extra Life Page for information on how to donate!

How to Help

Along with supporting the 24-hour marathon on our Twitch Stream, we're offering these amazing in game incentives!

Bush Whacker 2

You can donate in Bush Whacker 2 by purchasing any of the three different Extra Life package deals! Net proceeds from all purchase of those packs between October 16-22nd will be donated to Extra Life! Each pack contains premium Bush Buck currency and Extra Life Elixirs which restore 100% of your max energy. Plus, pick up a laser sword in the other two packs: The Extra Life Game pack, and the Extra Life Bus pack! Find more details in-game!

Idle Champions

Dungeons & Dragons Boom Boom and Todd Stachwick

Idle Champions players can support Extra Life by purchasing Boom Boom the Tavernkeep Familiar between between October 16th and 22nd! All net proceeds from the first week of Boom Boom sales will be donated to Extra Life.

For more information about Boom Boom the Tavernkeep Familiar, check out the Boom Boom the Tavernkeep Familiar Blog!
November 11th, 2022
Extra Life 2022! 

The end of the year is a time to celebrate what we have with those that we love, and an opportunity to help others to make their year better. So we are absolutely thrilled to participate in our NINTH year of fundraising for Extra Life!

Welcome Back, Extra Life!

Extra Life is a wonderful program set up to raise donations for Children's Miracle Network hospitals. The money raised is donated as unrestricted funds for hospitals to use as needed. How do we help raise that money? By doing what our community loves to do already: play awesome games together!

If you would like to learn more about Extra Life, check out their FAQ for a wealth of information.

What's the Plan for 2022?

Starting Friday, November 18th at 9am Pacific, Codename Entertainment is excited to once again put on a 24-hour Extra Life Twitch Stream! We'll have a huge variety of shows and games, featuring our fantastic CNE staff both in front and behind the camera. Streams include:
  • A Q&A with the founders of CNE!
  • Many D&D games, including a return to dinner and some massive battles!
  • Relaxing shows about gardening and drawing.
  • Speedrunning in Dark Souls and Co-op Miami!
  • Exciting slashing in Beat Saber, and building in Minecraft.
  • ...AND MORE!
Check out the Codename Entertainment Extra Life Page for the full schedule as well as information on how to donate!

How Can We Help?

Along with supporting the 24-hour marathon on our Twitch Stream, we're offering some amazing in game incentives!

You can donate in Bush Whacker 2 by purchasing any of the three different Extra Life package deals! Net proceeds from all purchase of those packs between November 14-20th will be donated to Extra Life! Each pack contains premium Bush Buck currency and Extra Life Elixirs which restore 100% of your max energy. Plus, pick up a Controller sword in the other two packs: The Extra Life TV pack, and the Extra Life Fairy pack! More details will be in the in-game shop!

Everyone can help change kids health to give them a better future, even if you are A PIRATE IN SPACE! Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms players can pick up Flapjack the Pirate Flumph starting November 14th! Net proceeds from all Flapjack sales from the first week of release will be donated to Extra Life. Check the in-game shop on November 14th for details!

May 28th, 2020
BW2: Desktop Launcher 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

The Desktop Launcher

Worried about how you’ll play BW2 after browsers stop supporting Adobe Flash next year? Worry no more! If you’re a Codename Games player, you can click the download button at the top of the game and download the Bush Whacker 2 Desktop Launcher for your computer.

You’ll still be able to play on the web for now, but playing on the Desktop Launcher has several benefits:

1. No need to worry about your Firefox, Chrome, Edge, or other browser supporting Flash! This version of Bush Whacker 2 runs right in the desktop.

2. A bigger, adjustable game window! Drag the edges or corners of the game window to adjust the size, or go full screen. It’s that easy!

3. Chat rooms! Turn on the chat sidebar to chat with your fellow Codename Gamers on the web in the main chat room, or step into one of the other chat rooms, exclusive to players using the Desktop Launcher.

4. Cross-platform chat! Select the “Facebook” or “Armor Games” chat rooms to chat with people on those platforms.

5. A free CNE Hot Air Balloon mount! When you first sign in via the launcher you’ll be given a unique mount!

Installation Instructions

There are two versions: Windows and Mac. Download the right one for your computer and get back to whacking! Here are some step-by-step instructions:


1. Go to the downloads page

2. Click the “Download Windows” button.

3. Find the "BushWhacker2.exe" file on your computer, typically in your Downloads folder, and double-click it to start the installation.

If you get a "Windows protected your PC" popup, click "More info" then the "Run anyway" button to continue with the installation. View the FAQ for more details on this message.

4. Follow the instructions (if you’re not sure, you can just keep clicking Next).

5. You’ve successfully installed the Bush Whacker 2 Desktop Launcher! Congratulations!

Alternative Windows Method

If you don't want to install BW2 to your computer, you can instead download the .zip file and run it from within the folder. Here's how you can do that:

1. Go to the downloads page

2. Click the "Windows Zip" text, underneath the Windows download button.

3. Find the "" file on your computer, typically in your Downloads folder, and double-click it to open the zip.

4. Drag the "" folder from the zip to where ever you'd like to put it. You can close the zip window afterwards.

5. Double-click the "" folder to open it, and double-click the "Bush Whacker 2.exe" file to run the game!


1. Go to the downloads page

2. Click the “Download Mac” button.

3. Find the "BushWhacker2.dmg" file on your computer, typically in your Downloads folder, and double-click open and view the contents in a new window.

4. Drag the "BushWhacker2" app into your Applications folder in your Dock or in Finder.

5. You’ve successfully installed the Bush Whacker 2 Desktop Launcher! Congratulations!


For the tech savvy: If your system has Adobe AIR installed, you can use the AIR download instead of the Windows or Mac installers. You can find it at the bottom of the downloads page.

Using the Launcher

1. Start the Bush Whacker 2 application. On Windows, you can find and click it in your Start menu, or double-click the shortcut on your desktop if you chose that option on the installer. On Mac, you can find it in your Dock in the Applications folder.

2. Enter your email and password you use to log in on the Codename Games webpage.

3. Check “Remember Me” so you don’t have to enter it again.

4. Click the green “Login” button.

5. If your credentials are correct, then you’ll be playing Bush Whacker 2!

Discuss the new launcher on the forums.

Help & FAQ

If you encounter any problems or require extra support, please submit a support ticket. You can submit a support ticket in the Launcher via the Help Page button found in the in-game Options menu (accessed with the Gear icon.)


Q: What is this a solution for exactly?
A: Most browsers, Safari, Edge, Chrome, and Firefox, will no longer support Adobe Flash Player near the end of 2020. Since Bush Whacker 2 needs the Flash Player to run, this will mean you won't be able to play it in these browsers! The Desktop Launcher doesn't need a browser to run, so with it you can keep playing well into the future!

Q: Will I lose my progress?
A: Nope! You can switch between playing on the Codename Games website and the Desktop Launcher. It's the same account, just in a different place!

Q: Is this only for Codename Games website players?
A: Yes. You log in with the same account you use to play on Codename Games.

Q: What about Facebook, Kongregate, and Armor players?
A: At this moment, the Desktop Launcher is only for Codename Games users. We'll address other platforms later on. For Facebook users, you'll be able to play in Facebook Gameroom.

Q: Will the Desktop Launcher work on Mobile (tablet/phone)?
A: No. The Desktop Launcher is only intended for Windows and Mac computers at this time.

Q: I get this message when installing the game on Windows! Help!

A: This message may occur as our app develops reputation with Windows Defender Smartscreen. The Desktop Launcher has a legitimate Code Signing Certificate, which you'll see after continue with the installation. Simply click "More info" then the "Run anyway" button to continue with the installation.

Q: When I open the launcher on Mac, I get a popup asking about a security key or something?

A: The Launcher needs permission to store your login information! Enter your password to grant it access, or simply deny it access. If you deny, know that the program won't be able to remember your login info.
March 25th, 2015
Fighting Homelessness in BW2 

Calling all Whackers!

The Commons has some very special guests for the next few days. Bob and Ruff are here to tell you about homelessness and what you can do to help.

We at Codename Entertainment are showing our support for the Victoria Cool Aid Society’s #buildhomes campaign by donating our share of the proceeds from the purchase of the adorable pet dog Ruff with his Cool Aid colour neck tie. Ruff's bonus changes up to 25% of Nothing wins into Hearts (random energy, mana, and power).

The Victoria Cool Aid Society builds homes, lives and community. They create opportunities for people who are homeless or living in poverty. They make a difference through housing, health care, support and emergency shelters. Founded in 1968, Cool Aid helps over 9,000 people in the Capital Region every year at 14 locations in Langford, Victoria and Saanich, British Columbia. The Society’s major new campaign is to Help End Homelessness by building an additional 360 apartments for people in the community who have no home. #buildhomes

For more information on Cool Aid, click here!

Ruff will be available for purchase until Friday March 27th 2015 at Noon PDT.

Celebrate your purchase by commenting on Facebook, sharing your love on the forums, or tweeting with #gamingforgood.
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