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Bush Whacker 2 is a game of bushes, swords, lightning, and what happens when they all meet. Collect hats, capes, and critters. Customize your house and explore the wide open world of Bush Whacker!
November 8th, 2017
BW2: Change Log Nov 10 2017
Nate’s High Jungle Dive (November 8th, 2017)
- Nate's High Jungle Dive:
- Requires that you have completed the Nate Spine of the World Adventure and have completed the first tier of the third field in the Plateau Lakes.
- Starts from the Town Crier in the Commons.
- Eight Quests
- The main quest line rewards the player with a new pet, ranch item, and an achievement (no achievement reward or title).
- Added missing achievements for the Nate Adventures since Nate’s Cloudland Adventure, which will retroactively credit once you complete this latest one.
- Added a Tom Petty Limited time tribute quest (November 6th - 8th)
- No longer hover or have extra shadow when riding a mount underwater
- Shifted the Magic Carpet Mount up a little bit so you’re more appropriately hovering
- Fixed Burl in Sanctuary Village not giving you “A Gift of Love†when you’re dating him, and giving it when you’re dating Faun.
- Fixed various reported typos and quest descriptions. Keep the reports coming!