- "Today, in the most dire of times, we Crusaders choose not only to believe in ourselves, but in each other. Today we face the aliens at our doors once again. Today, we take the fight to them. No Crusader stands alone. Today, we cancel another apocalypse."
~President Billy Smithsonian
Alien Invasion Day 6 has arrived, bringing with it their Excellency, Qadir of House Tintahal. This year's event runs until Tuesday, July 6th at 12PM Pacific, introducing Qadir of House Tintahal and bringing back Queen Ysjorgnak, Xygallix, the Alien Mechanic, First Lady Betty Smithsonian, Red, the Ace Pilot, Slisiblyp, the Alien Scientist, Kizlblyp, the Alien Traitor, and President Billy Smithsonian!

New Tier 6 Crusader: Qadir of House Tintahal
A bright flash appears in the night sky, giving a purple glow to the surroundings. Those who are awake--and not plugged into their phones--note the curious phenomenon and wonder what they should do about it...and then they forget.
The next morning, the ruler of their country is on the official broadcast channel, introducing the ambassador Qadir of House Tintahal, from the planet Dellorarsvetu, here to observe their new galactic neighbours and get to know them a little bit. (And maybe scout out their treasures.) As the Crusaders are such an eclectic concave of bodies, Qadir elects to tag along on their adventures as well, looking for new energy to taste.
Qadir of House Tintahal is a Support Crusader. When you want to add them to your formation, you can find them in slot 36.

New Tier 6 Objectives
- Recruit Qadir | Qadir takes up a slot in the formation.President Billy Smithsonian and Kizlblyp, the Alien Traitor take up spots in formation and can't be moved. If a boss drops a chest, you lose DPS for 30 seconds. Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete. Reach area 600.
- Alien Morse Code | Slisiblyp, the Alien Scientist and Red, the Ace Pilot take up spots in formation and can't be moved. Monsters live longer and can only be killed by CLK damage. Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete. Reach area 650.
- Presidential Bid | First Lady Betty Smithsonian takes up a spot in formation and can't be moved. Only Female Crusaders can be used. Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete. Reach area 675.
- Popular Mechanics | Xygallix takes up a spot in formation and can't be moved. The formation has been changed. Aside from Xygallix, only Robot Crusaders can be used. A UFB takes up a slot in the formation and increases your DPS for every 50 monsters killed. Note: This will require having cleared the objective Bullet Hell on Ready Player Two to complete. Reach area 700.
- Aliens Reboot | Queen Ysjorgnak takes up a spot in formation and can't be moved. Only Alien or Undead Crusaders can be used. Area quest requirements are tripled. Note: This will require having cleared the objective Bullet Hell on Ready Player Two to complete. Reach area 725.
More info
For more info on previous Alien Invasion Day Crusaders and objectives check out the Alien Invasion Day 5 blog post.
Equipment for event Crusaders can be found in Alien Silver and Jeweled Chests, which you can earn from objectives and the free play or buy in the shop. Each non-recruitment objective will drop a chest for its given tier of Crusaders, and free play will drop All Tier chests. Gear for Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4, Tier 5, and Tier 6 Crusaders will only appear in All Tier chests once you've unlocked the respective Crusaders. You can select the tier of chest you buy in the shop when you go to purchase chests with real money or event currency.