Looking to learn more? Of course you are! Details about our new Tier 3 Objectives can be found below...
New Tier 3 11th Objectives
Idols Through Time
- Rewind
- Complete all previous Tier 3 11th objectives, and all Tier 3 Idols Through Time objectives.
- A VHS tape floats in the front of the formation.
- Viewer monsters spawn at random, with a projectile attack.
- If a ranged monster hits the VHS tape, your area quest progress goes down by 5, unless the quest is already complete. Reach Area 1550.
REWARD: Faster Free Play Bonus — Increases the Free Play Bonus gained on reset by 100%.
Amusement Park of Doom
- Queue Up
- Complete all previous Tier 3 11th objectives, and all Tier 3 Amusement Park of Doom objectives.
- Monsters drop less Gold.
- Areas start out more difficult.
- Royal Crusaders may not be used. Reach Area 850.
REWARD: Quest Multiplier — Adds a 20% chance for monsters to give double quest progress.
Mme. Finklebottom's Revenge
- Mountain of Madness
- Every 15 seconds, a random Crusader becomes infected with paranoia, causing their DPS to zero out.
- The paranoia also causes the upgrades of Crusaders adjacent to that Crusader to be disabled.
- Terrifying monsters spawn at random and cannot be killed, except by Firestorm and similar effects. Reach Area 1100.
REWARD: Extra Mission Idols — Increases Idols gained from Idol missions by 400%.
New Tier 3 Objectives
Mme. Finklebottom's Revenge
- The Journey of the Ring
- Four halflings take up spaces in the formation, moving every 50 Areas.
- A Wizard joins his companions, occupying a slot in the center of the formation.
- The Wizard buffs both himself and Crusaders adjacent to him based on how many halflings the Crusaders are adjacent to.
- A Ring Monster spawns randomly, and immediately summons nine Ring Reaper monsters when you kill it.
- Ring Reapers can count towards quest progress. Reach Area 900.
- Call in the Eagles
- Three eagles take up slots in the formation.
- Bird seed monsters spawn at random.
- When a bird seed monster is killed, each eagle either buffs or debuffs your formation.
- Your DPS to monsters is the lowest DPS among all your Crusaders (excluding Clickers.)
Reach Area 950.
- Let's Dial In
- An astronomy arch takes up a slot in the formation, periodically spawning powerful monsters.
- An alien escort takes the leading spot in the formation, disabling adjacent Crusaders' abilities.
- Only humans and aliens can be used. Reach Area 950.
- It's the Climb
- A country singer takes up a slot in the formation.
- Your DPS is raised and lowered as she sings.
- DPS spends more time lowered than Tier 1.
- Only winged Crusaders can be used. Reach Area 1000.
- It's Getting Hot in Here
- A portable volcano takes up a slot in the formation.
- For every 200 monsters killed, the volcano applies a random buff.
- The volcano’s heat disables the Formation Abilities of adjacent non-magical Crusaders.
- Fire falls at random, damaging Crusaders.
- Volcano now explodes boulders randomly too, which instantly kill a Crusader.
- Only Projectile Crusaders, and Crusaders with guns, can be used. Reach Area 1000.
- Vertical Limits
- Every monster killed causes a random Crusader to get closer to freezing.
- When a Crusader is frozen, their DPS is 0 and their gear and formation abilities are disabled.
- Crusaders are chilled even more quickly than on previous tiers. Reach Area 1000.
- Dead Snow
- Zombie monsters spawn at random.
- After 10 zombies are slain, a tougher zombie spawns which can only be damaged by clicks.
- Zombie Winter, Roboqueen and Dragons get a bonus (100% buff for all FAs) for being in the formation.
- The stronger zombie spawns after only 5 lesser zombies.
- All non-boss area quests are changed to kill the Tough Zombie monster. Reach Area 1050.