One of the best things about creating Crusaders is that we have been overwhelmed and honoured by the excellent and invested community feedback. You have all been amazing in sending us your thoughts as you've collectively spent millions of hours playing Crusaders.

We've injected awesome into to the most significant areas of the game. From today, we have changed all the gear that was deemed less than useful for everyone, made Epics more Epic, and added new Crusader abilities.
These changes will benefit ALL players both going forward AND retroactively. All your previously collected loot will get the update!
For instance, Jason, Master of Shadows now has a gold boosting item to make him as useful as Pete, the Carney. Plus, Jason has a brand new ability where his DPS will be boosted when his formation friend is being attacked. Now you can partner him with a tank character for maximum effect.

New Bonus: +50% Increase for Kaine's A-Ha! Ability.
Phoenix now lives up to her billing as a creature of death and rebirth. Her Vengeful Fury ability can now trigger when any other Crusader bites the dust. Her new ability gives you the option of putting her at the back of your formation and watching as monsters kill themselves trying to get to her.
Another update to Phoenix includes the skill to grant a Max Health boost to her fellow Crusaders when they lose a comrade. This will help your remaining Crusaders stay alive longer as they battle on against the monsters and hopefully help you turn the tide!

King Reginald now buffs all Royal Crusaders, as a king should. The Princess, Prince Sal, and Thalia the Thunder King, along with any future royal Crusaders, will get a DPS boost when you've unlocked Reggie's new ability if they're in formation with him.
There's a metric ton of other changes too and the full details are in the patch notes, available in the forums.
We're looking forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback on the changes and as ever, we are always listening. Thanks for being awesome!