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July 19th, 2019
BW2: Summer Carnival Event 2019 Edition 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Summer Carnival Event 2019

The Carnival has returned to town! Get ready to play some games, help some Bushwhackian residents and win carnival tokens which you can exchange for cool prizes at the Carnival Event Vendor!

The Carnival Games

A staple of any summer carnival or fair, are those devilish carnival games. There are four different games which will unlock over the course of the event and they include "Balloon Popper," "Whack-A-Mole," "Baseball Throw," and "Duck Shoot." Don't worry, there's no skill involved with these games, you play them automatically when you interact with them.

- It costs 4 carnival tickets to play each game, and you can whack those tickets out of the bushes, or purchase them from Timmy in the Event area for Bush Bucks (30 Salvaged Tickets for 30 Bush Bucks)

- You receive Carnival Tokens based on how well you do. Now, we're not saying they're rigged in the Carnival's favour or anything, but you'll definitely want to ask your friends to help you rig these games to help you! (Platforms without Friend functionality are balanced accordingly.)

To get started, the Balloon Popper game is unlocked! As well, it seems William needs your help to satisfy his sweet-tooth!

A Teleporter to Somewhere...

The Pandaclaw was wandering around here the teleporter and complete all the quests and get your very own!

The Dunk Tank

The dunk tank returns! Can you dunk all 8 helpless Bushwhackian residents? NPCs you haven't dunked yet will have a yellow exclamation mark above their heads, to let you know you still need to send them plunging into the icy waters of the tank! It'll help them all cool off. Plus, the tank is always in need of cleaning, so try to keep up with Katherine's daily Dunk Tank Cleaning quests!

Clowning Around

Peat Bog, Pete the Carney's brother has some tasks for you to help him put on a show!

Testing Your Power

And how are your Power collection skills? Are you strong enough to win all the bonus prizes? There are 7 strength settings to beat, unlocking as the event goes on as Strong-Whacker Sabine continuously tries to increase the difficulty of her Strong-Whacker Strength Machine Game.

New for 2019

Once you complete the teleporter quest line and capture a Pandaclaw, Taban the Teleporter Engineer will offer to change your Pandaclaw companion's appearance, with science! There are two Pandaclaw skins to choose from.

Event Achievements- POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT!!!

There are up to TWENTY possible achievements that can be picked up during the Summer Carnival 2019 event, depending on your game history.

Achievements Returning in 2019:
Step Right Up - Win a Prize Token gaming at the Carnival!
We have a Winner - Win 8 Prize Tokens at once at the Carnival.
Carnival Ace - Win 8 Prize Tokens at all 4 Carnival Games.
Gotta Try 'Em All! - Play all four games offered at the Carnival!
Big Time Bonus Buyer - Purchase 10 Bonus Prize Packs from the Carnival!
Sweet Tooth - Help William satisfy his Sweet Tooth. Or not.
Nostalgic Whacker - Repair the teleporter and fulfill your duty…
Dunk-a-Thon! - Dunk all eight unique Carnival Event dunk-ees!
Scuba Dunk - Dunk yourself while wearing a hefty diving helmet. (Helmet is found from fishing in the Windy Crest fishing hole.)
Daredevil Darer - Make Peat Bog risk his life for entertainment 5 extra times. Dunking Devs! - Dunk the four developer Carnival Event dunk-ees!

Added/Changed for 2019
Prize Proprietor - Purchase all the 2019 Carnival Event items.*

* The Circus Elephant Mini Golf Piece is NOT included in the Prize Proprietor achievement, and therefore it is not required to purchase it.

We have 7 achievements from previous years, which may be earnable by spending some Bush Bucks, if a player was not present during the initial year:

Carnival Customization - Buy all 6 player items from the 2012 Carnival
Party at My Place - Buy all 6 house items from the 2012 Carnival!
Carnival Collector - Purchase all of the 2013 Carnival event items.
Carnival Connoisseur - Buy all the 2014 Carnival event items.
Carni-Value! - Purchase all the 2015 Carnival Event items.
Carnival Compulsion - Purchase all the 2016 Carnival Event items.
Cashed Carnival - Purchase all the 2017 Carnival Event items.
Prized Prizes - Purchase all the 2018 Carnival Event items.

Pet Packs

New 2019 Pet Packs (Coming Soon!)

Post your celebration plans on the forums!

The event will run until Friday August 2nd at Noon PDT!

New 2019 Mounts!

To kick off the event, we're having a sale! Get 30% more on purchase of 50 Bush Bucks or more! Plus, all new mounts are available this weekend, from July 19th to July 22nd!

The Giraffe mount comes free with your first purchase of 100 Bush Bucks or more!

The Rainbow Giraffe and Glow Giraffe are in packs containing 100 Bush Bucks, 10 Pristine Feed Vouchers, and a VIP Voucher! These two mounts produce their own unique sparkly particles when you ride them!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When will the last quest unlock?
    All quests will be unlocked by the 10th day of the event.

  • Where can I buy Last Year's items?
    There are two vendors. The one in the tent has this year's items. The other is the one with the party hat and will have all previous year items for Bush Bucks.

  • What contributes to my 100% progress?
    You need 200 plays of any combo of the games to get 100%. Just whack up tickets to play the games, and turn in quests to get tickets as well.

  • Why do I want to ask friends for help?
    It helps you rig the game and improve your chances of getting 8 tokens.

  • Do I have to do the achievements?
    No. Completing the goals for the achievements is totally optional. You get either a large energy pack or a title for your character from them, no event progress.

  • Where can I see all the achievements available and how to get them?
    Either on the holiday dialog, the achievements dialog, or on the blog.

  • Where can I see progress on the Dunking Achievement?
    Click on the inventory icon and then click on the Achievements list (gold star). Look for the ones listed above in that list.

July 17th, 2019
Idle Champions: Year One Champion Update, Part 1 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Today we're introducing the first half of our year one Champion balance update. The purpose of this update is to give fresh life to some underappreciated and/or underutilized Champions from the first year of events and adventures. This update includes everything from small tweaks to complete reworks for Binwin, Bruenor, Catti-brie, Diath, Drizzt, Evelyn, Nrakk, Regis, Stoki, Wulfgar, and Zorbu. Read on to learn more about the Champion changes in this update.


We wanted to give Binwin a major overhaul while retaining his ability to hit things a lot of times and smash through armor and hits-based health like butter. His new abilities give you many options for building a formation around Binwin, but shorter races will win out over taller ones for the biggest boosts. The new "Lingering Damage" ability also gives Binwin an interesting catch-up mechanic if he's playing the role of secondary DPS. Try him out!
  • Binwin's base attack cooldown is now 6 seconds, up from 4 seconds
  • Binwin's "Extra Attacks" ability now grants extra attacks based off of attacks by adjacent Champions, instead of doing so randomly. It still grants bonus damage for each successive hit, but is no longer buffed by any other upgrades or gear
  • Added a new ability "Extra Damage" at level 70 which grants additional bonus damage on Binwin's next attack(s) based on kills by adjacent Champions since his last attack, including kills via ultimate attacks
  • Added a new ability "Tallest in Faerun" at level 260 which buffs Binwin's damage based on the number of dwarves, gnomes, kobolds, and halflings in the formation
  • Added a new ability "Lingering Damage" at level 380 which causes "Extra Damage" to roll over a portion of its bonus damage to Binwin's next attack(s) if he doesn't kill anything with his current attacks
  • Removed Binwin's old specializations
  • Added a new specialization choice "More Minions" at level 200 which increases the range of "Extra Attacks" and "Extra Damage" so that all Champions within 2 slots of Binwin contribute hits and kills
  • Added a new specialization choice "Antisocial Dwarfing" at level 200 which changes "Extra Attacks" and "Extra Damage" to only trigger off of non-adjacent Champions, but which also boosts Binwin's base damage by a large amount
  • Binwins's upgrades and balance has been completely redone
  • Slot 3 gear now buffs Binwin's "Extra Damage" ability instead of global DPS
  • Slot 4 gear now buffs Binwin's "Tallest in Faerun" ability instead of increasing his "Extra Attacks" chance
  • Added the "barbarian" tag to Binwin, as we now have support for mutli-class Champions in the game that we didn't have when he was originally released


Not a major change, but we added an ability to Bruenor for synergy with the Companions of the Hall (Bruenor, Drizzt, Catti-brie, Regis, and Wulfgar). It's a small bump for Rally even if you can only sneak one other Companion into your formation, but the payoff could be huge if you're going to try out a full Companions combo.
  • Added a new upgrade for "Long Lost Companions" at level 1000 which synergizes with the other Companions of the Hall Champions, increasing your gold find by 100% and buffing "Rally" based on the number of Companions in the formation


Catti-brie got some small buffs to increase both her buffing ability and her solo damage. Her design intent is to have her as a secondary DPS and support for Drizzt in a Companions of the Hall formation. She should now be able to support well in almost any formation, though, thanks to her "Death March" ability, which stacks multiplicatively (though buffs apply after the stacks, like normal).
  • Catti-brie's base attack cooldown decreased to 5.3 seconds from 5.4 seconds
  • Added a new ability "Death March" at level 135 which increases the damage of all Champions in front of Catti-brie based on the number of enemies affected by "Mark of Death"; the stacks apply multiplicatively, so the numbers get quite large when a lot of enemies are afflicted by "Mark of Death"
  • Added a new ability "Take Them Down" at level 375 which synergizes with the other Companions of the Hall Champions, increasing your gold find by 100% and increasing the damage enemies take in certain situations based on the number of Companions in the formation
  • Changed the specialization "In The Zone" to increase Catti-brie's attack speed after a critical hit
  • Catti-brie's upgrades and balance has been completely redone


Diath has been replaced by Xander. Xander's stats, formation abilities, and attacks are functionally identical to Diath's (with the exception of one affiliation-specific formation ability), although their names and appearances are different.
  • Replaced Diath with Xander
  • Converted all Diath chests into Xander chests
  • Updated Xander's ultimate attack to summon a stone giant
  • Updated some achievements to require Xander; existing progress is not lost
  • Updated some adventures/variants to require Xander
  • "Childlike Wonder" now buffs "Streetwise" for each sorcerer, warlock, and wizard adjacent to Xander
  • Updated Xander's tags
  • Note: Paultin's "Stronger Together" ability has had its base value increased


Drizzt has been completely refactored from his scimitars up. His panther summon has moved from his ultimate to an innate ability, and he is now built around bursts of damage and speed when Guenhwyvar is active. As with other Companions of the Hall, he also synergizes in a very powerful fashion when more of them are active in the formation.
  • Drizzt's attacks have been refactored; he now attacks in sequence, similar to Delina, striking first with his scimitar Icingdeath, then his other scimitar Twinkle, then both at once
  • Added a new ability "Guenhwyvar" at level 20 which causes Drizzt to randomly summon Guenhwyvar to aid him in combat for 30 seconds. Guenhwyvar attacks two enemies just before Drizzt and deals Drizzt's damage plus a 20 second bleed; Some of Drizzt's other abilities are triggered off of attacking enemies who have this bleed on them
  • Changed "Icingdeath" to cause Drizzt to deal more damage and reduce his cooldown when he attacks an enemy bled by Guenhwyvar with his scimitar Icingdeath
  • Changed "Twinkle" to cause Drizzt to deal AOE damage and increase the target's chance to miss when he attacks an enemy bled by Guenhwyvar with his scimitar Twinkle
  • Note the effects of both "Icingdeath" and "Twinkle" proc when Drizzt attacks Guenhwyvar-bled enemies with both scimitars at once
  • Changed "Companions of the Hall" to synergize with the other Companions of the Hall Champions, increasing your gold find by 100% and increasing the damage Drizzt does based on the number of Companions in the formation
  • Replaced the "Whirl of Steel" specialization with "Leader of the Companions" which boosts the gold find synergy of the "Companions of the Hall" ability
  • Changed the "Drow Stalker" specialization to increase Drizzt's base damage
  • Drizzt's upgrades and balance has been completely redone
  • Drizzt's ultimate attack has been replaced by "Whirl of Steel", which attacks enemies for massive damage one after another until a hit doesn't kill an enemy (similar to Jalaxle's base attack, but with ultimate level damage)
  • Slot 3 gear now buffs Drizzt's new "Icingdeath" ability instead of Global DPS
  • Added a Champion achievement for Drizzt


Evelyn didn't need much work this round, since she was recently a part of the Shielding, Healing, and Tanking update. We did give her some health gear to give her a bit more scalability, but the price to pay was a small decrease in the power of her specializations.
  • Slot 4 gear now increases max health instead of specialization abilities
  • Evelyn's specialization have had their base values increased to compensate for the lost gear. They now increase Divine Prayer by 300% when active, up from 100%


We've rebuilt Nrakk from the ground up to focus on a unique "Ki Points" mechanic. Nrakk generates Ki Points from his attacks and abilities and uses those Ki Points to increase his damage, decreasing his attack cooldown, and stun enemies. Each specialization choice results in a unique attack rotation with predictable stuns, cleaves, and big bursts of damage. Oh, and did we mention he can buff adjacent support Champions to be even more supportive, so even if you're not using him for DPS there may be some super unique and effective formations he can fit in. Super interesting!
  • Added a new ability "Ki Master" at level 20 which causes Nrakk's base attack to grant Ki Points whenever he attacks. Ki points increase Nrakk's damage and decrease his base attack cooldown for each one he has. He can have up to 8 Ki Points at once
  • Changed "Stunning Strike" to trigger when Nrakk has 4 or more Ki Points. Guaranteed stun instead of a change to stun, and consumed 4 Ki Points
  • Changed "Deft Strike" to grant an additional Ki Point (for a total of 2 per Deft Strike attack)
  • Added a new ability "Githzerai Focus" at level 185 which increases the effectiveness of adjacent Champions' formation abilities if their WIS score is 14 or higher
  • Changed Nrakk's "Kensei Advantage" specialization to grant 3 Ki Points (for a total of 4, or 5 with a Deft Strike) whenever "Kensei Cleave" hits more than one enemy
  • Renamed Nrakk's "Unerring Accuracy" specialization to "Unerring Precision" and changed it to make "Deft Strike" grant 2 extra Ki Points per hit instead of 1 (for a total of 3 Ki Points per Deft Strike), and also grant a moderate damage increase
  • Nrakk's upgrades and balance has been completely redone
  • Nrakk's base attack has been renamed Naginata, and the base cooldown has been increased to 5.5 seconds from 5 seconds
  • Slot 3 gear now buffs "Ki Master" instead of global DPS
  • Moved Nrakk's old achievement to the "Legacy" category; it is no longer attainable
  • Added a new achievement for Nrakk


We wanted to bump up the power of Regis to give him a shot in some formations. His new ability increases the effectiveness of his buffing, potentially by a lot if you can structure your formation properly. We also gave him a Companions of the Hall synergy ability which grants a big one-time heal when your formation comes under attack. It has a pretty hefty cooldown, but if you're constantly coming under attack and then wiping out your attackers, it could be useful.
  • Added a new ability "Ruby Amplification" at level 320. This ability increases the effect of "Ruby Encouragement" for each Champion being affected by it
  • Added a new ability "Ruby Invigoration" at level 450 which synergizes with the other Companions of the Hall Champions, increasing your gold find by 100% and causing Regis to heal the formation when it comes under attack for an amount based on the number of Companions in the formation. The heal is large, but has a 15 second cooldown and only triggers when the formation becomes under attack, not while it is already under attack
  • Regis' ultimate attack now deals damage and slows all enemies. Enemies slowed by his ultimate take additional damage. His ultimate is now classified as a magical ranged attack, instead of melee
  • Slot 1 gear now buffs global DPS instead of self DPS
  • Added the "healing" tag to Regis since he now has an ability that can heal the formation


Stoki has been refactored in order to excel as a formation buffer and gold finder at your wall or during challenging encounters with lots of enemies. Her abilities now buff people directly instead of her Marks of Ki debuffing enemies, but she still marks enemies to power those buffs.
  • Stoki's base attack now hits random enemies instead of the front-most
  • Stoki's base attack cooldown is now 5.75 seconds instead of 3.75
  • Changed "Ki Strike" to be a base ability (no specialization required); instead of debuffing enemies to take more damage, Stoki now buffs Champions on the edge of the formation based on how many Marks of Ki are active on enemies
  • Changed "Golden Palm" to buff gold dropped when Champions adjacent to Stoki kill enemies. The amount of bonus gold is again based on the number of Marks of Ki active on enemies
  • Added a new ability "Ki Infusion" at level 190 which makes it so each enemy can have up to five Marks of Ki at once. Stoki adds one Mark of Ki each time she attacks an enemy, and can add multiple Marks of Ki per attack if she attacks the same enemy multiple times
  • Added a new specialization option "Ki Overflow" at level 275 which causes enemies with five Marks of Ki to have a chance of being stunned when struck by Stoki
  • Added a new specialization option "Ki Explosion" at level 275 which causes enemies with five Marks of Ki to have a chance to explode when struck by Stoki, doing damage and spreading additional Marks of Ki to other nearby enemies
  • Stoki's upgrades and balance has been completely redone
  • Slot 1 gear now buffs global DPS instead of self DPS
  • Removed the "dps" tag from Stoki - she is now intended to be a full support Champion
  • Moved Stoki's old achievement to the "Legacy" category; it is no longer attainable
  • Added a new achievement for Stoki


Wulfgar has been turned into the Companions of the Hall go-to tanking Champion, with multiple abilities that synergize powerfully with other Companion Champions. He's still a stunning machine, with bursts of power when he stuns multiple enemies multiple times in a row.
  • Removed Wulfgar's existing specializations, but the names are being used for the new formation abilities, just to be confusing
  • Added a new ability "Clangeddin's Will" at level 20 which provides powerful formation buffs when Wulfgar stuns 3 or more enemies at once (more likely when he's tanking a cluster of enemies)
  • Added a new ability "Dumathoin's Will" at level 70 which provides a powerful damage shield for Wulfgar when he stuns a boss creature. The size of the shield is relative to the remaining health of the boss monster he stunned
  • Added a new ability "King of the Elk Tribe" at level 110 which increases the health of all Champions by a percentage of Wulfgar's max health
  • Added a new ability "Moradin's Will" at level 130 which increases the damage of Companions of the Hall Champions based on the number of enemies Wulfgar is tanking
  • Added a new ability "Empowered Warhammer" at level 180 which synergizes with the other Companions of the Hall Champions, increasing your gold find by 100% and increasing the chance of Wulgar's base attack stun based on the number of Companions in the formation
  • Updated the "Smash 'n Grab" ability to temporarily buff the damage of the whole party when Wulfgar attacks an armored enemy but doesn't break a piece of armor
  • Added a new specialization choice "Heavy Blows" at level 265 that increases Wulfgar's base attack stun chance
  • Added a new specialization choice "Flag Bearer" at level 265 that gives Wulfgar an additional chance to stun boss enemies, and causes stuns against bosses to trigger Clangeddin's Will with a higher damage buff than normal enemies
  • Added a number of upgrades that increase Wulfgar's max health
  • Wulfgar's upgrades and balance has been completely redone
  • Removed the "dps" tag and added the "tanking" tag, since Wulfgar has been rebalanced as a tank intended for Companions of the Hall formations
  • Slot 1 gear now buffs global DPS instead of self DPS
  • Slot 2 gear now buffs max health instead of self DPS


We removed Zorbu's Favored Enemies idea and replaced it with Lifelong Enemies, our second ability whose stacks persist through resets. Zorbu gains damage buffs against certain enemies for each enemy of that type that he kills, and the rest of his abilities receive buffs based on those totals, meaning if you focus on Zorbu as your DPS, the scaling potential is massive. We haven't forgotten that Zorbu can also play a big support role, so we've bumped up his global DPS buffs by quite a bit (more than making up for a small gear swap)
  • Removed the "Favored Enemy" specialization choices
  • Removed the "Colossus Slayer/Horde Breaker" specialization choices
  • Added a new ability "Lifelong Enemies" at level 30 that increases Zorbu's damage against humanoid, beast, undead, drow enemies based on the total number of those enemies he has killed. Persists through resets
  • Added a new ability "Seething Hatred" at level 50 which increases Zorbu's damage by a portion of the aggregate "Lifelong Enemies" buff
  • Added a new specialization choice "Lead The Pack" at level 90 which increases Hunter's Pack by the same amount as Seething Hatred increases Zorbu's damage
  • Added a new specialization choice "Favored Enemies" at level 90 which increases Zorbu's "Lifelong Enemies" damage bonus
  • Added a new specialization choice "Focused Anger" at level 90 which increases the rate at which stacks are earned with "Lifelong Enemies"
  • Zorbu's upgrades and balance has been completely redone
  • Slot 2 gear now buffs self DPS instead of global DPS
  • Slot 3 gear now buffs his new "Seething Hatred" ability instead of "Favored Enemy"
July 3rd, 2019
COTLI: New Tier 6 Talents 

Greetings, Crusaders!

My, you're a talented bunch, pushing your way through endless hordes of monsters, beating all the objectives we can throw at you. But you know what? You could be even more talented than you are now! All you have to do is unlock some of these powerful new Tier 6 Talents, and the digital world is your oyster. We can't wait to see how far you'll go now...


Active Tree

Phase Skip

Free Plays start with the first 5 areas completed. Max level: 20.

Passive Tree

Big Earner

Increase the cap of the Free Play bonus by 5%. Max level: 10.


Increases Global DPS by 10% per power of 10 Idols owned, multiplicative. Eg 10 Idols 1 stack, 100 Idols 2 stacks, and so on. Max level: 20.

Utility Tree

Montage Training

Increases the max Crusader level by 25. Max level: 120

Marathon Sprint

Increases your maximum Sprint level by 25 areas. Note: If you've completed the From the Ashes objective, then each level of this Talent increases your maximum Sprint level by 50 areas instead. Max level: 20.


Increases the maximum number by a factor of 1e25. Max level: 8.

Cash in Hand

Instantly gain 5 Challenge Tokens when starting a weekly challenge. Max level: 10.


  • Increased the max level of the Synergy Talent from 15 to 20.

  • Increased the max level of the Bonus Training Talent, to accommodate the 31st bench seat.