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March 29th, 2023
Idle Champions: March 29th 2023 Adventure Variants 
Posted in Idle Champions.

To celebrate the start of our Emergence Events we have a whole bunch of new Adventure Variants for you to complete - and they reward Corrupted Gems! Read on to learn more!

Several of these Variants feature some surprising characters that need to be escorted through the Adventure. In one Variant you'll be taking a Pink Elephant through Lulu's dreams, while in another both Kent and Virgil join the formation! These also mark the last Adventure Variants for Waterdeep: Dragon Heist - hard to believe, but there are plenty of other campaigns to go!

Adventure Variants

This week's update brings 10 new adventure variants for our 5 active campaigns.

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Variants

Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Adventure Variants

  • Return to the Tomb Variant 2: Keep Your Distance
  • Return to the Tomb of Annihilation with Champions that are smart enough to stay out of harm's reach.
    • You can't use Champions that have INT as their lowest ability score, including ties.
    • Champions with melee attacks deal no damage.
    • Complete area 425.
    • Rewards 1250 Corrupted Gems.

  • Heatwave Variant 2: Hands Off!
  • Collect the Hand of Vecna with empty hands while fighting even more empty hands.
    • You may only use Champions with Magic base attacks.
    • Each wave spawns 1-2 severed hands. They don't drop gold nor count for quest progress.
    • Complete area 425.
    • Rewards 1250 Corrupted Gems.

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Variants

Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Adventure Variants

  • Déjà Vu Variant 3: Déjà Vu All Over Again
  • Defeat the Mind Flayers and then… Defeat the Mind Flayers.
    • Area requirements are doubled in non-boss areas.
    • Enemies spawn twice in all non-static boss levels. The second set of spawns happen after the first set is defeated, and both bosses must be defeated to progress.
    • In all areas, each time a monster is defeated, all monsters deal +10% damage, gain +10% max health, and +10% speed, stacking additively. Stacks reset after going to a new area.
    • Complete area 400.
    • Rewards 1250 Corrupted Gems.

  • Alterdeep Variant 3: Ulkoria's Escape from Alterdeep
  • Find your way out of Extremiton's nefarious trap before all your magic using champions are captured!
    • Must have completed all other Waterdeep: Dragon Heist adventures and variants.
    • Every 50 areas, the champion with the lowest Intelligence is captured by mind flayers and removed from the formation. They cannot be added back for the duration of the adventure.
    • Ulkoria joins the formation in slot 3. She can be moved, but not removed or swapped out, and she will never be taken away by mind flayers.
    • You may only use Champions with a magical base attack.
    • Champions can't be removed from the formation once they have been added.
    • Fire breath potions can't be used during the adventure, and click damage has no effect after area 100.
    • Complete area 450
    • Rewards: 5 Modron Component Chests, New Feat for Ulkoria: Guardian of Waterdeep: Ulkoria may be used in any Waterdeep: Dragon Height campaign adventure or variant when a patron is enabled, even if the patron or variant restrictions would normally restrict her.
    • Rewards 1250 Corrupted Gems.

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Baldur's Gate Descent into Avernus Variants

Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus Adventure Variants

  • Into the Fire Variant 3: Hearts Aflame
  • Head into the wasteland of Avernus facing a literal heartache.
    • You can't use Champions that have CHA as their lowest ability score, including ties.
    • Every 10 seconds, two flaming hearts falls from the sky, striking two random Champions, dealing 25% of their max health in damage and stunning them for 10 seconds.
    • Complete area 400.
    • Rewards 1250 Corrupted Gems.

  • Dreamscape Variant 3: Look Out!
  • Head into Lulu's memories with a vivid companion.
    • A Pink Elephant joins the formation. Champions next to the Pink Elephant deal no damage.
    • You can only use Champions with a ranged basic attack.
    • Complete area 425.
    • Rewards 1250 Corrupted Gems.

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden

Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden Adventure Variants

  • The Rite of the Arcane Octad Variant 2: An Icewind Dale Reunion
  • Explore the ancient city of Ythryn with Pavel and Kara.
    • Pavel and Kara join the formation.
    • Only core and evergreen Champions can be used.
    • Complete area 600.
    • Rewards 1250 Corrupted Gems.

  • The Netherese Necropolis Variant 2: The Archaeologist and the Sailor
  • Search the city for more Arcane Octad clues with an experienced archaeologist and a Storm Sorcerer.
    • The player must have Kent and Virgil unlocked..
    • Kent and Virgil join the formation. They can be moved but not removed.
    • You can't use DPS champions unless they are from the Rivals of Waterdeep affiliation.
    • Complete area 625.
    • Rewards 1250 Corrupted Gems.

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Wild Beyond the Witchlight Variants

Wild Beyond the Witchlight Adventure Variants

  • Downfall Variant 3: Third Third Out
  • Learn the lay of the land in Downfall, without the last third of your Champions
    • Only bench seats 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, and 12 may be used.
    • Two Giant Frogs (Monster ID 29 and 31) join the formation in slots 5 and 6.
    • Complete area 550.
    • Rewards 1250 Corrupted Gems.

  • Slack-jawed Lorna Variant 3: A Steadfast Love
  • Face off against the first hag of the Hourglass Coven while protecting a storybook love.
    • A one legged Tin Soldier and a Toy Ballerina join the formation.
    • 1-2 Lesser Fire Elementals spawn with each wave. They like to melt tin.
    • Complete area 600.
    • Rewards 1250 Corrupted Gems.

See the in-game Change Log for more information!
March 27th, 2023
Idle Champions: Emergence Events 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Red Wizards are coming to Idle Champions! Fight back against the infamous Red Wizards of Thay and unlock exclusive rewards in the new Thayan Enclave Shop during the Red Wizard Emergence Event, which runs from March 29 at Noon Pacific until April 7!

What is an Emergence Event?

Emergence Events are limited-time events where specific monsters begin to appear in all Free Play adventures. These additional monsters (and any previous use of them) will drop Corrupted Gems during the Emergence Event.

What are Corrupted Gems?

Corrupted Gems are a new currency collected only during Emergence Events. You can spend them in the new Thayan Enclave gem shop.

Season Pass
A Corrupted Gem

How do I collect Corrupted Gems?

During Emergence Events, Corrupted Gems can be collected from the designated monsters (Red Wizards for the Red Wizard Emergence) and by completing a daily quest visible in the Emergence Event dialog. Additionally, some variants can reward Corrupted Gems. The 10 variants releasing on both March 29 and April 5 each reward an additional 1,250 Corrupted Gems upon completion.

How many Corrupted Gems can I collect through the Emergence Event?

The number of Corrupted Gems available in each Emergence Event varies. During the inaugural Red Wizard Emergence Event you can collect up to 18,000 Corrupted Gems by defeating Red Wizards in adventures and an additional 18,000 by completing all of the daily quests. Finally, by completing the variants being released on March 29th and April 5th, you can collect another 25,000 Corrupted Gems.

The drop rate of Corrupted Gems is controlled at a rate of 1 Corrupted Gem every 40 seconds from the start to the end of the event, for a 9-day total of 18,000 Corrupted Gems. A catch-up mechanic is built into the event, so if you have a bunch of Corrupted Gems you haven't collected yet, Red Wizards will drop more than 1 for each kill until you reach your threshold.

Here are two scenarios as an example:

  1. You've collected all the available Corrupted Gems from drops. You will see about 1 drop every 40 seconds or so, assuming you are regularly killing Red Wizards.

  2. You've collected 500 Corrupted Gems from drops, but a total of 2500 have been available since the event started. You will receive accelerated drops (more frequent drops and multiple drops per kill) until you have caught up to the maximum available number of drops.

Where can I find Red Wizards?

Extra Red Wizards can be found by playing any Free Play adventures. You can also find Red Wizards in multiple adventures and variants within the Tomb of Annihilation campaign.

What can I purchase with Corrupted Gems?

The new Thayan Enclave gem shop has a variety of items that are newly available with this emergence event! Notably: a Golden Epic for Miria, Feats for Fen, Hew Maan, and Hitch, and Red Wizard Skins for Widdle and Calliope. There is also a limited supply of Modron Chests and Supply Chests, and a new chest that provides gear for Calliope, Fen, Hew Maan, Hitch, Miria, and Widdle. Finally, the Thayan Enclave is currently the exclusive home of Marvelous Pigments.

Thayan Enclave Screen
Thayan Enclave

What are Marvelous Pigments?

Marvelous Pigments are specialized items you can use to upgrade certain equipment items. The Thayan Enclave is currently featuring the Marvelous Support Pigment, which can be used to upgrade any epic or better equipment items on a support Champion to provide a +200% Global Damage buff in addition to their normal effects!

Season Pass
Celeste Equipment with Support Pigment Applied

What happens when the Emergence Event ends?

When the Red Wizard Emergence Event ends on April 7th you will no longer be able to collect Corrupted Gems from Red Wizards and the daily quest. However, the Corrupted Gems available as variant rewards will remain available for anyone who has yet to complete them. Items in the Thayan Enclave gem shop will remain available through the next Emergence Event.

When is the next Emergence Event?

The next Emergence Event will begin on May 24.

How long will the items remain in the Thayan Enclave gem shop?

Items added to the Thayan Enclave gem shop for an Emergence Event will remain available in that shop through the end of the following Emergence Event. So the items we've just added will remain in the shop until the next Emergence Event (scheduled to start May 24th) ends.

March 15th, 2023
Idle Champions: Festival of Fools 6 
Posted in Idle Champions.

How far would you go to celebrate foolishness?

Festival of Fools is a time-honored tradition in Sword Coast communities. Townsfolk engage in the usual gluttonous consumption of food and drink during the festivities, but they also play pranks on each other.

Unfortunately, one prankster has decided to play a practical joke on a Frost Giant nearby...

Festival of Fools 5 introduces Miria, the Shadar-kai Silvanesti Elf from the world of Krynn played by Mark Hulmes on Idle Champions Presents: Fury of the Black Rose. Festival of Fools also brings back Tatyana, fierce guardian of her friends and Alyndra Sarrbarand, Divination Wizard and Cleric of Oghma. Players have until Monday, March 27th at 12 PM Pacific to complete their Festival of Fools 6 unlocks and objectives.

Check out Idle Champions Presents: Fury of the Black Rose below!


Dungeons & Dragons Miria Key Art
    Miria Elithren is a Shadar-kai Silvanesti Elf from the world of Krynn. Born under an ill-omen of the Dark Moon, Nuitari, she had an unhappy childhood that caused her to flee her homeland and seek tutelage in advanced magical arts beyond Elven lands. After passing the Test of High Sorcery, she briefly allied with Lord Soth until he tried to turn Miria into an undead creature subservient to his will. Miria escaped Soth’s trap at the cost of the flesh and muscle of her right arm. Pursued by Soth for her arcane knowledge, Miria seeks to escape Krynn.

Miria is a tanking and support Champion that protects the champions with her undead servants. Her necromantic powers captures the souls of defeated enemies, and she's always prepared for the worst with her clone replacements. Once unlocked, you can find this shadar-kai necromancer in Slot 12 (Arkhan).

Dungeons & Dragons Miria

For more information on Miria and her abilities, check out her Champion Spotlight!

Year Six Variants

  • Adventure Variant 1: Born Under Nuitari - Miria starts in the formation. (Slot 4) She can be moved but not removed. Only champions next to Miria can deal damage.
    Complete Area 75.
  • Getting to know Miria: Miria increases the damage of Champions next to her. Place your damage dealing champions to take advantage of this!

  • Adventure Variant 2: The Knight of the Black Rose - Miria starts in the formation. (Slot 4) She can be moved but not removed.Miria's Zombie Bodyguards ability starts out unlocked.1-2 Skeleton Archers spawn with each wave. They don't drop gold nor count towards quest progress. In Boss areas, Lord Soth spawns and must also be defeated to progress.
    Complete Area 125.
  • Getting to know Miria: Miria summons zombies to protect the front of the formation, causing her to take some of their damage. Use healers to give her more longevity!

  • Adventure Variant 3: Festival of Favorites - Miria starts in the formation. (Slot 4) She can be moved but not removed. You may only use Champions that are Lawful, Unaffiliated, or have INT 15+.
    Complete Area 175.
  • Getting to Know Miria: Miria's specialization determines what types of Champions she works best with. Pick the choice that best fits your formation!


Dungeons & Dragons Dragonlance Miria

Also launching with Miria is the Dragonlance Miria Theme Pack! This pack includes an unlock for Miria, the new Dragonlance Miria Skin, the Baby Death Dragon familiar, an Epic Feat for Miria, 1 Epic Potion of the Gem Hunter, and 16 Gold Miria Chests with 2 Guaranteed Shiny Equipment Cards.

For information on previous years' variants, check out the Festival of Fools 5 blog. And if you have feedback, let us know in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!
March 10th, 2023
Idle Champion Spotlight: Miria 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Few have the cunning and capacity to resist the overwhelming power of Lord Soth. But this ambitious necromancer managed to break free of his trap, and now is relentlessly hunted across Krynn. Miria Elithren knows there are other realms, and with considerable determination and ruthlessness she seeks to escape to the worlds beyond!

I. Miria

    Born under an ill-omen of the Dark Moon, Nuitari, Miria had an unhappy childhood that caused her to flee her homeland and seek tutelage in advanced magical arts beyond Elven lands. After passing the Test of High Sorcery, she briefly allied with Lord Soth until he tried to turn Miria into an undead creature subservient to his will. Miria escaped Soth’s trap at the cost of the flesh and muscle of her right arm.

Miria is a Tanking and Support Champion that protects the formation with her undead servants. Her necromantic powers captures the souls of defeated enemies, and she's always prepared for the worst with her clone replacements. Once unlocked, you can find this shadar-kai necromancer in Slot 12 opposite Arkhan.

II. Miria's Stats

Race: Elf (Shadar-kai) Alignment: Lawful Evil
Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 347 Class: Wizard (Necromancer)

STR: 10 DEX: 16 CON: 14
INT: 20 WIS: 13 CHA: 12

Role: Support, Tanking

Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, and Strahd

Slot: 12 (Arkhan)

Dungeons & Dragons Miria Marketing Gif

III. Miria's Design

When we bring an affiliation of Champions into our game, it can be difficult to find a way to include the Dungeon Master of that group. Idle Champions Presents: Fury of the Black Rose offered a unique opportunity to work with the fantastic Mark Hulmes as more than the DM for High Rollers. They created a brand new character crafted specifically for both the livestream and the Idle Champions roster, with a unique backstory connected to the game and an interesting power set for the Champion!

Miria is a formidable necromancer with training in advanced magical arts, but she knows supporting the formation with her undead powers is the best way to ensure her own safety. Her training as a Mage of High Sorcery helps her increase the damage of all adjacent Champions, and that bonus is increased for every defeated enemy she captures in her Soul Cage. She helps buff the front-most column of the formation by sending her Zombie Bodyguards up to absorb damage, and will use Life Transference to increase the health of all Champions so they can soak up more damage. If none of these protective measures help keep Miria alive, she has one more contingency in place with a stash of clones that she can draw from to regain her health!

Miria's Specializations determines the type of heroes that she prefers to have in the formation, and will increase the attack bonus of Mage of High Sorcery for each Champion who fits her requirements. Lawful Champions can be Methodical and she appreciates their predictability. Those that show they have a high intelligence appeal to her Intellectual nature. But she also respects those that are unaffiliated for remaining Independent. When adversaries come close, Miria will fire a Ray of Sickness at the nearest one to weaken them. And when her bodyguards are not enough, she will cast Danse Macabre to summon five skeletons to the battlefield and command them to brutally attack her enemies!

IV. Miria's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Ray of Sickness - Miria fires an energy ray at the nearest enemy, dealing one hit of magical damage and the target's damage is reduced by 50% for 6 seconds. Does not stack.

Formation Abilities

  • Mage of High Sorcery - Miria increases the damage of all adjacent Champions by +100%.
  • Soul Cage - When an enemy is defeated, Miria can capture its soul and gain a Soul Cage stack. Her maximum number of Soul Cage stacks is 1 for every 20 areas completed in the current adventure, rounded up. Miria increases the damage bonus of Mage of High Sorcery by 25% for each Soul Cage stack she has, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Zombie Bodyguards - While Miria is alive, a Zombie Bodyguard that shares hit points with Miria appears in front of each Champion in the front-most column of the formation. When a Champion in that column takes damage, the Zombie Bodyguard takes 90% of the damage instead, while the original target takes the remaining 10%.
  • Clone - Miria maintains a stash of clones in her Inner Sanctum with a count equal to her Soul Cage stacks. If Miria is defeated, a clone immediately appears and takes her place at full health. This does not reduce the number of Soul Cage stacks she has. Her stash of clones are regenerated when the party changes areas. For each clone summoned in the current area, the effect of Mage of High Sorcery is increased by 25%, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Life Transference - Miria increases the health of all other Champions by 1% of her max health for each Soul Cage stack she has, stacking additively.


  • Methodical - Miria increases the attack bonus of Mage of High Sorcery by 25% for each Lawful Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Intellectual - Miria increases the attack bonus of Mage of High Sorcery by 25% for each Champion with an INT score of 15+ in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Independent - Miria increases the attack bonus of Mage of High Sorcery by 25% for each Unaffiliated Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.

Ultimate Ability

  • Danse Macabre - Miria summons 5 skeletons to the battlefield. The skeletons deal 15 attacks to the enemies before vanishing. All enemies are slowed by 50% for the duration due to the confusion on the battlefield.

V. Miria's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Mage of High Sorcery
Slot 3: Soul Cage
Slot 4: Specializations
Slot 5: Ultimate Attack
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

VI. Conclusion

As long as you don't have any objections to necromancy, then Miria will be a strong ally to your formation! Watch Idle Champions Presents: Fury of the Black Rose to watch her in action, and tell us what you think in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

March 8th, 2023
Idle Champions: Spring Gathering 2023 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Spring is here as well as this year's Spring Gathering! This year's celebration brings a day of streaming, daily rewards, and an update to the Grand Tour B campaign.

If you're interested in learning more about what's coming with today's update, you've come to the right place...

Table of Contents

Dungeons & Dragons Spring Extravaganza

Spring Gathering

Players who claim a daily chest on at least four days will be able to earn exclusive rewards!

Dungeons & Dragons Spring Gathering Daily Rewards

Daily Rewards

Each daily chest grants you five awesome items, hand-picked by the team here at Codename Entertainment to help you in your adventures.

These rewards are unlocked once you have claimed at least four days worth of rewards during the Spring Extravaganza.

  • Exclusive Prismeer Turiel Skin
  • A Rare Feat for Turiel - increases Global DPS by 50%
  • 3 Gold Turiel Chests

Dungeons & Dragons Spring Extravaganza Daily Rewards

Day of Streaming

We have an exciting day of streaming scheduled to kick off our annual Spring Gathering! Tune in to our Twitch Channel for Mars' Guiding Hand, Seasoning with Shawn, the Sketching Hour, and a special one shot D&D game featuring some adorable dragonnels!

Dungeons & Dragons Spring Extravaganza Gem Shop Update

Gem Shop Update

We've added the following skins to the gem shop, which are visible and available once you've unlocked the corresponding Champion:
  • Solstice Jahiera
  • Spelljammer Lazaapz

Dungeons & Dragons Grand Tour of the Sword Coast

Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Part 8b

We've had the Hand of Vecna stolen from us by one of Kas’s lieutenants, the death knight Aristomache. We’ve made our way through the dread domain of Tovag, avoiding undead monsters and armies of Kas’s loyalists, to reach the castle. Joining a tour group of new recruits, we find our way to the throne room to convince Kas to join us to defeat Vecna–but Aristomache has beaten us!

Dungeons & Dragons Spring Gathering


We've got two new variants for you with this update - the first of which is Kas the Bloody Handed: Fight your way across Tovag to recover the Sword of Kas with its owner! After that you'll take on Kas the Destroyer - Reclaim the Hand of Vecna with the help of Kas!

For more information about our latest adventure, check out The Grand Tour, Part 8b blog post!

Dungeons & Dragons Spring Extravaganza New DLC

New DLC Packs

Four new DLC Packs are now available!

  • The Green Dragonnel Familiar Pack includes the Green Dragonnel Familiar, 2 Epic Postions of Speed, 2 Epic Potions of Giant Strength, 2 Epic Potions of Clairvoyance.
  • The Red Dragonnel Familiar Pack includes the Red Dragonnel Familiar, 4 Epic Potions of Speed, 4 Epic Potions of Giant Strength, 4 Epic Potions of Clairvoyance, 1 Potion of Polish.
  • The White Dragonnel Familiar Pack includes the White Dragonnel Familiar, 6 Epic Potions of Speed, 6 Epic Potions of Giants Strength, 6 Epic Potions of Clairvoyance, 6 Epic Potions of Fire Breath, 1 Epic Potion of the Gold Hunter, 2000 Modron Component Pieces, 1 Potion of Polish.
  • The Valenar Pup Familiar

Feedback Wanted!

These changes are scheduled to go live at approximately 12:00PM PDT on Wednesday, March 8th. We very much look forward to your feedback, so please let us know what you think in a Community Q&A or feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, a post on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

Enjoy :)
March 8th, 2023
Idle Champions: The Grand Tour, Part 8b 
Posted in Idle Champions.

After having the Hand of Vecna stolen from us by one of Kas’s lieutenants, the death knight Aristomache. We’ve made our way through the dread domain of Tovag, avoiding undead monsters and armies of Kas’s loyalists, to reach the castle. Joining a tour group of new recruits, we find our way to the throne room to convince Kas to join us to defeat Vecna – but Aristomache has beaten us!

Note: You will need to have completed the previous two Grand Tour Adventures, The Dread Domain of Tovag and The Castle of a Thousand Vecnas, in order to access these new Adventures.

The Sanctum of the Sword

Fight your way across Tovag to recover the Sword of Kas as the dread domain tries to stop you!
  • Variant: Kas the Bloody Handed - Fight your way across Tovag to recover the Sword of Kas with its owner!
    • Kas joins the formation (Slot 4).
    • Only Champions next to Kas can deal damage.
    • 1-2 Relentless Undead spawn with each wave. When they are defeated they come back to life after 5 seconds.
    • Undead creatures are Kas' Favored Foe and take 100% extra damage from all attacks.
    • Complete area 550

Get Back in the Castle

Join the troops of Kas and learn that Vecna could be around ANY corner.
  • Variant: Kas the Destroyer - Reclaim the Hand of Vecna with the help of Kas!
    • Kas joins the formation
    • Every 200 areas, all Champions are removed and can't be used again during this adventure.
    • Champions can't be removed from the formation once they have been added.
    • Complete area 550

More details and information can be found in the game!
March 3rd, 2023
Idle Champions: Season 3: Ancients and Lawbringers Overview 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Season 3 focuses on 5 Champions that are both lawful and unaffiliated: Turiel, Spurt, Hew Maan, Birdsong, and Barrowin. Read below to learn more about these Champions, and the details you need to know about Season 3!

The changes outlined below will roll out on Wednesday, March 8th, along with the preview for Season 3: Ancients and Lawbringers. Season 3 officially begins on March 15th, 2023.

Table of Contents

Season 3: Ancients and Lawbringers

Champion Overview

Turiel (Seat 1)

Turiel has been moderately reworked. We focused on adding new synergies and increasing the effectiveness and sustainability of his abilities. Keep Turiel tanking in the front row (hopefully with others) to maximize his buff!

Turiel's main ability is Embodiment of the Law, which increases the damage of Champions by 100% for each column they are behind him. His Order's Demand ability forces enemies to choose another Champion in his row, provided there is another Champion in his row, to attack instead of him, increasing the effect of Embodiment of the Law each time that happens. Lawful Mission further buffs Embodiment of the Law for each Lawful Champion in the formation. Finally, March of the Rakshasa allows Turiel to add the fiend tag to some enemies, which further buffs Embodiment of Law since Fiend enemies are his Favored Foe per his Unflinching Hatred ability.

Specializations: You can choose between increasing the damage of the party based on their CON or CHA scores!

Spurt (Seat 3)

Spurt has been slightly reworked. His Wa-spiration ability has seen the largest changes, mainly focused on sustainability and ease of use. Keep Spurt surrounded by allies, and trigger his ultimate attack whenever possible, as many of his abilities are buffed when he is in his spirit form.

Spurt's main ability is Heroic Sacrifice. When his ultimate attack is on cooldown, he is replaced by his spirit form and increases the damage of all Champions. His Centipede Net ability increases the damage of adjacent Champions. Wa-spiration allows Spurt to invent random effects every time he attacks (or when an adjacent Champion attacks when he's in his spirit form). Pack Tactics increases the damage of all Champions based on the number of Kobolds in the formation.

Specializations: You can choose between buffing Pack Tactics, increasing the targets for Centipede Net, or allowing unaffiliated non-Kobold Champions to count as Kobolds for the purposes of Pack Tactics!

Hew Maan (Seat 8)

Hew Maan has received a small number of synergy-based changes to improve their usage as a support Champion when they are done speeding you to your wall. They provide different buffs based on where they are in your formation. Think carefully about what situation you're in, because they've got the tools to help!

Hew Maan's main ability is Teamwork which provides different buffs (and changes the top Kobold of the stack) based on which columns of the formation they are in:
  • Front (Zrang - purple): Enemies have a chance to count twice for quest progress.
  • Middle (Kleeb - red): Increases the damage of Champions VS boss enemies, and if they have segmented health, successful attacks destroy twice as many segments.
  • Back (Yassa - yellow): Increases the damage of Champions within 2 columns of Hew Maan.
Hello, Fellow Humans increases the effect of Kleeb & Yassa's Teamwork abilities based on the number of Humans in your formation. Carefully Balanced increases the effect of Zrang's Teamwork ability for each Champion adjacent to them. Please Stand By allows for secondary buffs based on the Kobolds that are not on top of the Hew Maan stack:
  • Zrang: Boss enemies move 25% slower
  • Kleeb: Segmented health enemies and blockers have a chance of spawning with a quarter of their segments already removed.
  • Yassa: Reduces the base attack cooldown of Champions adjacent to them by .5s.
Specializations: You can choose to change what group Hello, Fellow Humans counts instead of Humans:
  • 1: The most populous race in your formation
  • 2: Lawful Champions
  • 3: Unaffiliated Champions

Birdsong (Seat 9)

Birdsong has been heavily reworked with a focus on sustainability and synergy with the following Champion types: Lawful Champions, Unaffiliated Champions, Female Champions, and Bard Champions.

Birdsong's main ability is Song of Battle, which increases the damage of herself and Champions within 2 slots of her. Chorus of the Lost increases Song of Battle for each positional formation ability from unaffiliated Champions that affects her. Crescendo increases Song of Battle whenever a Champion affected by that ability destroys an enemy. Impressive Bladework allows Birdsong to get a bonus attack against a Boss enemy.

You can choose which types of Champions get a buff to the effect of Song of Battle:
  • Good Champions
  • Neutral Champions (along the Good/Evil axis)
  • Evil Champions
You can also choose which groups give Birdsong automatic Crescendo stacks based on the number of them in your formation when entering an area:
  • Lawful Champions
  • Female Champions
  • Bard Champions

Barrowin (Seat 10)

Barrowin has been moderately reworked and is now fully embracing her front-line synergy; she has gained the Tanking role along with several new tanking abilities. Keep her in front of the formation with Lawful and/or Dwarf Champions watching her back.

Barrowin's main ability is Blessed Hammer, which increases the damage of Champions behind her for each Champion in the formation who has an equal or higher base attack cooldown than her (those that attack slower than her). Lawful Vigilance increases her health based on the number of Lawful or Dwarf Champions in your formation. Healing Word allows her to heal Champions in her column. Even Temper allows her to attack faster for each Champion counted in Lawful Vigilance. Hammer Time increases Blessed Hammer based on the maximum number of enemies she's had attacking her at once in this area.

Specializations: You can choose whether to buff Blessed Hammer by a static amount, Healing Word, or Blessed Hammer based on the number of Champions counted in Lawful Vigilance.

Season 3: Ancients and Lawbringers

Key Season Rewards

Available to All Players

  • Unaffiliated Modron Core
  • Unaffiliated Modron Core XP
  • Rare Feat: Turiel
  • Rare Feat: Spurt
  • Rare Feat: Hew Maan
  • Rare Feat: Birdsong
  • Rare Feat: Barrowin
  • Time Gate Pieces
  • Supply Chests
  • Season Chests

Available to Passholders

  • Familiar: Valenar Pup
  • Epic Feat: Turiel
  • Epic Feat: Spurt
  • Epic Feat: Hew Maan
  • Epic Feat: Birdsong
  • Epic Feat: Barrowin
  • Skin: Ancient Turiel
  • Skin: Lawbringer Spurt
  • Skin: Law Maan
  • Skin: Lawbringer Birdsong
  • Skin: Ancient Barrowin

Season 3: Ancients and Lawbringers

Keywords and Key Abilities

Throughout the season, various quests may reference certain keywords and abilities. Here is a quick reminder on some of those!

BUD-setting: BUD stands for Base Ultimate Damage. Your 'BUD' is based on the DPS of the highest hit that any Champion has recently achieved against a single enemy. Bud-setting Champion, means the Champion who has most recently done the most damage.
  • On PC, this is visible by mousing over the DPS number on the upper left UI, or the lightning bolt banner to the left of your Ultimate Attack buttons.
  • On Console UI, this is visible by looking to the right of your ultimate bar, on the graphic labeled with 'Ult DPS'.
Lawful Champions: Lawful Champions are those noted as 'Lawful' (along the lawful/chaotic axis) in the Alignment section of their character sheet.

Patron Challenges: The Patron system allows you to re-play adventures and variants with additional restrictions, resulting in influence and currency that you can spend in a Patron's given shop. Once you have unlocked a Patron, they will provide you with ten challenges that refresh every Monday at Noon Pacific Time.
  • On PC, Patrons are accessible through a button on the upper left UI.
  • On Console UI, Patrons are accessible in the UI buttons above the Champion seats.
Positional Formation Abilities: Positional Formation Abilities are abilities that trigger based on where a target is in the formation.

Time Gate Adventures: Time Gates allow you to unlock Champions from previous events that you may have missed, and/or gear them up for free. You need 6 Time Gate Pieces to open a Time Gate for a Champion, though they do open naturally every 2-3 weekends.
  • On PC, Time Gates are accessible through a button on the upper left UI.
  • On Console UI, Time Gates are accessible in the UI buttons above the Champion seats.
Unaffiliated Champions: Unaffiliated Champions are those with 'none' listed in the Affiliations section of their character sheet. Season 3: Ancients and Lawbringers

Key Enemies

Throughout the season, various quests may reference certain types of enemies. Here is a quick reminder on where to find some of those!

Bailiearyl Tavebent: During Weeks 8 & 9, Bailiearyl Tavebent can be encountered on area 50 of The Running adventure: The Grandfather Acorn and its variants. When The Running isn't active, you can access The Grandfather Acorn by opening a Time Gate to Catti-brie, Spurt, Krydle, Shaka, or Dungeon Master.

Beasts: Beast monsters can be encountered in most adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter beasts, try The Cursed Farmer - the first (non-tutorial) adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Campaign.

Bosses with Armor Chunks: Bosses with armored health (segmented chunks that will flash a shield over the health chunk when a Champion doesn't deal enough damage to it) are available on many different adventures. In Weeks 9 & 10, you can encounter an armor-based monster on area 50 of The Running adventure: The Grandfather Acorn and it's variants. When The Running isn't active, you can access The Grandfather Acorn by opening a Time Gate to Catti-brie, Spurt, Krydle, Shaka, or Dungeon Master. Note: Armor-based monsters are also available on various other adventures; this is just an example.

Bosses with Segmented Health: Bosses with segmented health are available on many different adventures. Bosses with hit-based or armor-based health will count toward this quest. The Tyrannosaurus Zombie on area 50 of Running of the Saurs, the third adventure in the Tomb of Annihilation campaign, is a great early-game example of a segmented health boss!

Elder Brain: During Weeks 5 & 6, an Elder Brain can be encountered on area 50 of the Greengrass adventure: The Endless War and its variants. When Greengrass isn't active, you can access The Endless War by opening a Time Gate to Nrakk, Aila, Melf, Orkira, or Gazrick. You can also encounter an Elder Brain in The Alien Underdark adventure on the Underdark map of the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Campaign.

Fiends: Fiend monsters are available in many adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter Fiends, you can find Imps in The Mad Wizard - the second adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Campaign. Turiel's March of the Rakshasa ability also can add the fiend tag to non-boss enemies. Have Turiel in your formation if you are hunting fiends!

Frost Giants: During Week 1 & Week 2, a Frost Giant boss can be encountered on area 50 of the Festival of Fools adventure: A Fools Errand and its variants. When Festival of Fools isn't active, you can access A Fools Errand adventures by opening a Time Gate to Strix, Rosie, Briv, Alyndra, or Tatyana. If you are looking for a good target to encounter Frost Giants outside of that event, try Giant's Bane Tavern - the first adventure in the Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden Campaign.

Humanoids: Humanoid monsters can be encountered in many adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter humanoids, try A Mysterious Summons - the first adventure in the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Campaign.

Monstrosities: Monstrosity monsters are available in many adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter monstrosities, you can find Harpies in Terror in the Dark - the fourth adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Campaign.

Owlbear: Owlbear bosses can be encountered on many adventures, and Snowy Owlbears can be encountered in Icewind Dale. If you are looking for a good target to encounter Owlbears, try Giant's Bane Tavern - the first adventure in the Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden Campaign.

Undead: Undead monsters are available in many adventures. If you are looking for a good target to encounter undead, you can find Zombies in Terror in the Dark - the fourth adventure in the Grand Tour of the Sword Coast Campaign.