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August 19th, 2022
Idle Champion Spotlight: Dob 
Posted in Idle Champions.

This relentlessly upbeat bard is happy to help wherever he can, and never lets a little thing like 'not having a plan' stand in the way of action!

Dob is a traveling entertainer, busking from town to town looking for his lost sister. His travels have lead him to the Oxventurers Guild, and he now joins fellow members Merilwen, Rust on the Harbour, Corazón and Prudence in the Idle Champions roster during Brightswords 5.

I. Dob

Dungeons & Dragons Dob Key Art
    Dob never knew his parents. When he fell ill as a baby, his sister Suzette searched far and wide for a cure. She successfully saved his life, but on the last of her trips out to find medicine, Suzette never returned. So Dob became a self-taught traveling bard, sleeping under the stars and roaming town to town in search of his lost sister. This brought him into contact with the Oxventurers, with whom he shares in many bizarre adventures, including one that did indeed see him reuniting at last with his long-lost sister!

Dob is a Support and Gold Find Champion, increasing the damage of Champions not next to him while boosting gold find based on how many Champions are adjacent. He has the unfortunate habit of dumping all that hard-found gold into a nearby lake to keep it safe, but he'll make sure to make it up to the formation! He can be added to the formation by swapping him out with Arkhan (Slot 12).

II. Dob's Stats

Race: Half-Orc Alignment: Chaotic Good
Class: Bard Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 28
Affiliation: Oxventurers Guild

STR: 12 DEX: 18 CON: 17
INT: 13 WIS: 14 CHA: 18

Role: Support, Gold Find
Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, Strahd, Zariel
Slot: 12 (Arkhan)

III. Dob's Design

Dungeons & Dragons Dob

Most of our community will know Luke Westaway from his work on Outside Xbox and Outside Xtra, but he's also the designer behind the sci-fi racing tabletop RPG Gravity RIP. As an accomplished singer/songwriter, it's no surprise he crafted the Half-Orc Bard from the Oxventurers crew. It is a pleasure to work with Luke and have Dob play his hard-rocking lute in our game!

Dob is an energetic music-maker who is enthusiastic about helping his friends fight enemies and keep their earnings safe. This Traveling Entertainer inspires anyone not next to him to be more powerful. If he needs to leap into the action himself, he can cause a Thunderwave by playing a chord on his Lute. Dob also makes sure to keep Busking to increase the formation's gold find, but heavy purses make him nervous. There's a chance he'll run off with the team's money, using his Offshore Accounting to stash the cash in a lake. When he returns from that deposit, he'll make up for it by increasing his damage and gold find bonuses.

As an accomplished and charismatic bard, Dob gets along with a wide variety of people! Depending on who he's hanging out with, he'll increase the Traveling Entertainer attack bonus. Befriend the Magical will focus on Oxventurers Champions or Champions with a magical base attack, Befriend the Friendly is all about those with a high Charisma or Oxventurers Champions, Befriend the Quick focuses on Dexterous or Oxventurers Champions, or if there's a lot of unique races in the formation he can just Befriend Everybody! When things look dire, Dob raises Ethelfrith's Hammer into the air to unleash a horde of skeletons on his enemies, pushing them back behind a wall, and boosting the power of all evil Champions!

IV. Dob's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Thunderwave - Dob leaps out to the closest enemy and plays a chord on his Lute that sends out a magical blast of thunder and lightning, dealing 1 hit to all enemies in the area and pushing them back a short distance.

Formation Abilities

  • Traveling Entertainer - Dob increases the damage of all Champions NOT next to him by 400%.
  • Busking - Dob increases global gold find by 30% for each Champion next to him, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Offshore Accounting - At the transition to each new area, there is a 25% chance that Dob runs off with a wheelbarrow of money, setting the Champion's gold amount to zero as he dumps all the Champions' money into a lake. He gains Deposit stacks equal to the exponent of the lost gold. Dob increases both the damage increase of Traveling Entertainer and the gold find bonus of Busking by 10% for each Deposit stack, stacking additively and applied multiplicatively.


  • Befriend the Magical - Dob increases the attack bonus of Traveling Entertainer by +100% for each Oxventurers Champion or Champion with a magical base attack, stacking multiplicatively and applied multiplicatively.
  • Befriend the Friendly - Dob increases the attack bonus of Traveling Entertainer by +100% for each Oxventurers Champion or Champion with a Charisma of 17 or higher, stacking multiplicatively and applied multiplicatively.
  • Befriend the Quick - Dob increases the attack bonus of Traveling Entertainer by +100% for each Oxventurers Champion or Champion with a Dexterity of 17 or higher, stacking multiplicatively and applied multiplicatively.
  • Befriend Everybody! - Dob increases the attack bonus of Traveling Entertainer by +100% for each unique race in the formation, stacking multiplicatively and applied multiplicatively.

Ultimate Ability

  • Ethelfrith's Hammer - Dob raises Ethelfrith's hammer into the air, causing 60 skeletons and one flameskull burst out of the ground. The flameskull oversees the skeletons building a wall of stone, and any enemies in the area where the wall is being built take ultimate damage and are pushed back by the skeletons behind the wall. The wall lasts for 20 seconds and for that time enemies cannot pass it. While the wall is present, Evil Champions deal +1000% damage for reasons best left unsaid.

V. Dob's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Gold Find Increase
Slot 3: Traveling Entertainer
Slot 4: Befriend
Slot 5: Ultimate Damage
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

VI. Conclusion

We're excited to listen to Dob busk his way through our adventures, and hope you're just as happy to see him join his friends in the Oxventurers crew! Tell us all about how much you are enjoying having Dob in your formations on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

August 5th, 2022
Idle Champion Spotlight: Voronika 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Achieving any goal while trapped in the mists of Ravenloft can be exceptionally difficult. But our next Champion has the cunning to get what she wants, even when Darklords and death stand in her way!

Voronika has wandered the mists as a ghost, traveled the domains of dread imbued into a sword, and taken over the land of her youth. Now she joins her fellow Black Dice Society companions in the Idle Champions roster during Ahghairon's Day 5.

I. Voronika

Dungeons & Dragons Voronika Key Art
    This young Eladrin woman was raised to be the Queen of Koshmarr. What was meant to be an idyllic life took a dark turn when she was killed on the night of her wedding. But Voronika didn't let death stop her, even as she was pulled into the machinations of greater powers. Using her excellent intelligence and observational skills, as well as a lot of cunning and manipulation, she used the crown of the Raven Queen to defeat Zybilna and cause the fall of Prismeer. This action drew the mists to Voronika, and she became the new Darklord of her domain of Koshmarr.

Voronika is a Support Champion that allies with evil Champions and members of the Black Dice Society. With help from her Inner Circle Champion, she ultimately must complete three goals to claim the Crown of the Raven Queen and transform into a Darklord. Once unlocked, you can swap this Eladrin Druid with Bruenor in slot 1.

II. Voronika's Stats

Race: Eladrin Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Class: Druid Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 31
Affiliation: Black Dice Society

STR: 10 DEX: 18 CON: 18
INT: 12 WIS: 23 CHA: 17

Role: Support
Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, Zariel
Slot: 1 (Bruenor)

Dungeons & Dragons Voronika

III. Voronika's Design

We were thrilled to have Vee Mus'e join Codename Entertainment as our Partner & Talent Manager, and then to continue that work creating her character in Idle Champions! She has a notable presence in the D&D community as a professional Dungeon Master, writer, player, and mini painter, showing off her skills on our Twitch channel every Friday on Paint and Slay! Her YouTube channel has a wealth of resources, instructional videos, and advice for anyone wishing to learn more about crafting and mini painting, and you can enjoy her D&D performances on a multitude of shows, including The Black Dice Socity.

Voronika's goal is to find the Crown of the Raven Queen, which will enable her to transform into her incredibly powerful Darklord form. To do this, she chooses one Champion to join her Inner Circle. Her Search for the Crown requires her to reach a high enough level, defeat many monsters while her Inner Circle Champion is part of the formation, and use enough Ultimates from any Champion. When her goals are complete and she acquires the crown, she becomes the Darklord of Koshmarr, increasing the damage of her Produce Flame, and unlocking her Horrifying Visage Ultimate attack!

While she may be focused on her personal goals, Voronika also aids the formation with some Calculating Guidance, increasing the damage of all evil Champions and Black Dice Society members in the column in front of her. The more Ultimate attacks that are used, the stronger her Calculating Guidance becomes as the formation demonstrates their Ultimate Power. Her ghostly form reminds anyone who has effects that care about dead Champions that she was Wed, then Undead.

All of this requires Voronika to select one Champion to become her focus. Her first Specialization offers three potential Inner Circle Champions to choose from, and once that Champion is picked they gain entry into the Black Dice Society. Voronika then uses her second Specialization to decide if she wants to Assist the Puppet and boost that Champion's power, or Dispose of the Fool and help others as she sends her chosen Champion away.

IV. Voronika's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Produce Flame - Voronika creates a flame in her hand which she fires at a random enemy. If Voronika has achieved her Darklord form, the target is lit on fire and takes 1 second of BUD damage every second for 5 seconds.

Formation Abilities

  • Wed, then Undead - After being killed on her wedding night, Voronika became a ghost. Voronika counts as "dead" for the purposes of effects that care about dead Champions, but "alive" for all other purposes. She still counts as "dead" even after reaching her Darklord form. She can be attacked like normal and she can be "killed", at which point she stops granting all effects like any dead Champion would.
  • Calculating Guidance - Voronika increases the damage of all Champions in one column in front of her by +100% for each Champion in the formation that is either a member of the Black Dice Society or Evil. This stacks additively until Voronika completes her Search for the Crown, when it changes to stack multiplicably.
  • Search for the Crown - Voronika's search for the Crown of Raven Queen requires her to complete 3 goals. When Voronika completes all 3 goals, she acquires the crown, transforms into her Darklord Form, unlocks her ultimate attack, and improves her base attack.
  • Ultimate Power - Voronika increases the effect of Calculating Guidance by +10% for each use of an Ultimate while she is in the formation, stacking additively and applied multiplicably. Caps at 1,000,000 stacks. These stacks persist until reset.


Voronika's first specialization dynamically displays 3 potential Champions. The Champion chosen becomes a member of Voronika's Inner Circle.
  • Inner Circle - Voronika chooses a Champion to be her Inner Circle champion. They gain the Black Dice Society affiliation membership if they don't already have it. Voronika displays herself if there aren't enough choices.
Voronika's second specialization offers benefits depending on if the Inner Circle Champion is kept in the formation, or removed.
  • Assist the Puppet - Voronika's Inner Circle Champion gets an increase depending on the Champions roles. Champions with multiple roles get all the benefits. Support will increase the effects of the Champion's positional formation abilities, DPS will have Calculating Guidance applied to them at all times, and applies twice if they're in the correct column, and Tanking Champions will have their overwhelm value increased by 10.
  • Dispose of the Fool - After Voronika has achieved her Darklord form, she increases the effect of Calculating Guidance by +100% while her Inner Circle Champion is not part of the formation.

Ultimate Ability

  • Horrifying Visage - Voronika moves in front of the party, magically pushing back all monsters a short distance. All enemies take ultimate damage, and then all surviving enemies deal 90% less damage for 30 seconds. In addition, the boss/enemy enrage timer fills 200% slower for 30 seconds.

V. Voronika's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Global DPS
Slot 3: Calculating Guidance
Slot 4: Ultimate Power
Slot 5: Ultimate Attack Damage
Slot 6: Ultimate Attack Cooldown


Will you help Voronika on her quest for the crown? She offers many enticing rewards for Black Dice Society members, and the whole formation, if you do! Let us know on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord if you enjoyed aiding in the creation of a Darklord!