Good luck!
Note: you will need to have completed the previous two Dragon Heist Adventures, An Illithid Undertaking and Déjà Vu, in order to access these new Adventures. You will also need to complete 45 Dragon Heist adventures or variants to access Ulkoria's unlock variant: "The Gargoyle".
New Champion: Ulkoria Stonemarrow

- Ulkoria has defended Waterdeep with her magic more times than she can recall. She is a well-respected member of the Watchful Order, often working closely with The Blackstaff on the city's defense. Known only as "the Gargoyle" by most, her face often locks into a scowl of concentration. Few have withstood her withering stares without relenting.
Ulkoria is a Support Champion who buffs other caster Champions with her Spellcaster School ability. She also assists greatly in adventures starting in Waterdeep or Undermountain. When you want to add Ulkoria to your formation, you can swap her with Tyril (Slot 10).
For more information about our latest Evergreen Champion, check out the Idle Champion Spotlight: Ulkoria Stonemarrow dev blog!

The rescuers and the captives are deep in Undermountain but kept from each other, split between Seadeeps and the dream realm of Alterdeep. Will the two groups ever reunite?- Elder Rune Attack — The Mad Mage is frustrated that the Champions have continued their incursion into Undermountain. Whenever you change perspective between Seadeeps and Alterdeep you are affected by a different Elder Rune. The bane effect of the Elder Rune will persist until you change perspective again.
- Halaster - Whenever an enemy spawns, a random Champion takes 20% of their max HP as damage.
- Korombos - Each area a random formation slot is debuffed. Any Champion in that formation slot is stunned. The effect lasts until you change areas.
- Savaros - Monsters drop 90% less gold.
- Lammath - Champions base attack cooldown is increased by 50%.
- The Gargoyle — It's time to invite The Gargoyle to join the Champions, but Halaster won't make it easy for us to recruit her! Generally, only Champions with a magic base attack can be used, but a few extra helping hands tag along as well. In each non-boss area, a different faction (Zhentarim, Xanathar, Cassalanters, and the Mad Mage) attacks. They will not count toward quest progress, nor will they drop gold. Each faction also has a unique boon granted by Halaster which will be active for the entire area.
- Zhentarim - Champions base attack cooldown is increased by 2 seconds.
- Xanathar - Enemies deal 300% additional damage.
- Cassalanters - 5 Abyssal Chickens spawn.
- Mad Mage - Champion healing is reduced by 50%.
Reach Area 400.