This Shield Dwarf wizard has defended Waterdeep with her magic more times than anyone can remember. She's also known as "the Gargoyle" by most because her face is frozen in a scowl that frightens adults and children alike, but she has a soft spot for the urchins of Waterdeep.
If you'd like to learn more about Ulkoria, read on...
I. Ulkoria Stonemarrow

- Ulkoria has defended Waterdeep with her magic more times than she can recall. She is a well-respected member of the Watchful Order, often working closely with The Blackstaff on the city's defense. Known only as "the Gargoyle" by most, her face often locks into a scowl of concentration. Few have withstood her withering stares without relenting.
Ulkoria is a Support Champion who buffs other caster Champions with her Spellcaster School ability. She also assists greatly in adventures starting in Waterdeep or Undermountain. When you want to add Ulkoria to your formation, you can swap her with Tyril (Slot 10).
II. Ulkoria's Stats
Race: Shield Dwarf | Alignment: Neutral Good |
Class: Wizard | Gender: Female |
Age: 377 | Affiliation: none |
STR: 10 | DEX: 14 | CON: 12 |
INT: 20 | WIS: 15 | CHA: 16 |
Role: Support
Eligible for Patrons: Mirt the Moneylender, Strahd von Zarovich

III. Ulkoria's Design
Ulkoria has defended Waterdeep with her magic more times than anyone can recall, and is never seen without her shield guardian close by. She uses teleport spells to enter and leave her home, and while no one knows where it is, her home is rumored to be underground, perhaps in a cellar or dungeon under one of the city's oldest estates. The Champions, however, know her home to be the Trollskull Manor, their base of operations within the city.We spent a lot of time on Ulkoria's design. She's been our outlet for information within the city, but as she joins the Champions, she's going to whip our casters into fighting shape!
When it came to Ulkoria's mechanical design, we wanted to reflect the wisdom and reinforcement a powerful archmage would pass on to other casters, empowering their spells and formation abilities.
As a member of the Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors within the city, she assists greatly in adventures within the Dragon Heist campaign, allowing you to feature her in Dragon Heist variants that are especially challenging, or in Patron runs!
IV. Ulkoria's Abilities
Basic Attack
- Magic Missile — Ulkoria summons 3 magic missiles and fires them at random targets (each missile deals 33% of her DPS); the number of missiles can increase with upgrades, but still deal the same amount of damage.
Formation Abilities
- Spellcaster School — Ulkoria gains a stack of Spellcaster School for each Champion with a magical base attack in the formation (including herself). Each stack increases the damage of these Champions by 100%, stacking multiplicatively
- Watchful Order — Ulkoria provides additional buffs based on the number of Spellcaster School stacks she has. This ability is not buffed as a whole, but individual elements may be buffed by feats.
- 3+ stacks: Attack speed of affected Champions reduced by 0.5 seconds.
- 5+ stacks: Increase the effect of affected Champion's positional formation abilities by 25% for each stack
- 7+ stacks: Each time an affected Champion attacks, there is a 50% chance that their base attack cooldown will immediately reset.
- 9+ stacks: Increase the base value of Spellcaster School by 200%.
- Defender of Waterdeep — Increases the damage of everyone in the formation by 100% if you are on an adventure in the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist campaign.
- Shield Guardian — Unlocks the Shield Guardian ultimate attack.
- Urchin Pranks — Unlocks the Urchin Pranks ultimate attack.
Ultimate Ability
- Shield Guardian — Ulkoria's Shield Guardian steps up behind the formation and casts Lightning Bolt once for each stack of Spellcaster School that Ulkoria has. Lightning Bolt targets a random enemy and deals massive damage to all enemies in a line.
- Urchin Pranks — Nat, Jenks, and Squiddly jump onto the screen behind the formation and start tossing things at enemies. Each enemy hit takes damage and is knocked back 20% of the screen, stunned for 5 seconds, and then slowed for 15 seconds. The kids throw 4 items each over 6 seconds, each targeting a different enemy if possible.
V. Ulkoria's Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS |
Slot 2: Global DPS |
Slot 3: Spellcaster School |
Slot 4: Defender of Waterdeep |
Slot 5: Ultimate Damage |
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown |