Dungeon Master is the powerful, enigmatic, patient, and mysterious Champion who is always happy to help the formation. He may be a busy guy who can't always come along to every area, but he's powerful enough to make sure the formation is never without assistance. After all, he's the DM; he can make his own rules!
I. Dungeon Master

- He is Dungeon Master, your guide in the realm of Dungeons & Dragons! Don't let his short stature and befuddling riddles fool you, this magical master controls the strange forces at work during any adventure.
Dungeon Master is a Support, Healing, and Gold Find Champion who is always eligible for an adventure, though he may leave you with a frightened Uni for a few areas. He enjoys mentoring younger Champions, and helps everyone be their ultimate best! When you want to add him to your formation you can swap him with Asharra (Slot 6)
Ia. Localization Wide Release
In addition to Dungeon Master's release, April 27th is also the wide release of our first round of localization for the game! We've localized the game into French, German, Brazilian Portuguese, Latin American Spanish, and Simplified Chinese and are excited to welcome a more global audience into Idle Champions!II. Dungeon Master’s Stats
Race: Human | Alignment: Lawful Good |
Gender: Male | Pronouns: He/Him |
Class: Wizard | Age: Over 1000 |
Affiliation: None |
STR: ?? | DEX: ?? | CON: ?? |
INT: ?? | WIS: ?? | CHA: ?? |
Role: Support, Healing, and Gold Find
Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, Strahd, Zariel
Slot: 6 (Asharra)

III. Dungeon Master's Design
For many of the CNE team, the 1983 animated television series Dungeons & Dragons was an entry point into the world of D&D. Watching those six friends on their adventures was the impetus to try out the game that inspired the show. As the team mulled over all of the classic characters available to turn into the 100th Champion, they knew it had to be something extra special. The idea of paying homage to that original cartoon, as well as the important role the DM plays in guiding our own adventures, was the perfect love letter to the hobby that we all enjoy!You can see more excitement over this classical 1980s D&D cartoon character coming to Idle Champions in this IGN Article!
Learning and helping others are the two most important traits that Dungeon Master tries to impart to all his party members. He enjoys mentoring younger Champions, and buffs everyone as he teaches With Patience, Young Ones! If he's around when you transition into an area, Dungeon Master offers Words of Encouragement that grant temporary hit points. But he often pulls a Disappearing Act as he must leave the formation for other important matters. When that happens, the adorable but nervous Uni the Unicorn fills his spot and helps increase the team's gold find. Finally, because he's the DM and can make his own rules, Dungeon Master is eligible to start in all adventures, even if a restriction would say otherwise!
Dungeon Master's Specializations show off some of his unique powers. Special Guest Star allows him to bring a Champion along with him into the formation, even if that Champion was ineligible due to adventure restrictions. Where Did He Go This Time? and Fear Not, Champions! offers you a bit of control over how often Dungeon Master leaves the formation, granting an additional bonus to his buffs when the weighted choice occurs. His mighty, magical abilities culminate in his Ultimate Attack, Invigorate, which immediately recharges the Ultimate ability of another Champion who has the longest to wait!
IV. Dungeon Master's Abilities
Basic Attack
- Magic Missile — Dungeon Master raises his hands, and 1 or more white rays strike a random enemy.
Formation Abilities
- Patience, Young Ones! — Dungeon Master increases the damage of all Champions by +100% for each Champion in the formation that is 20 years or younger, stacking multiplicatively. If the sum of the six youngest Champions' ages is 100 years or less, the bonus is increased by 400%. This effect applies even if Dungeon Master is "away" due to Disappearing Act.
- Words of Encouragement — Dungeon Master adds 50 temporary hit points to the entire party upon entering an area when Dungeon Master is present.
- Disappearing Act — Upon entering a new area, there is a 50% chance that Dungeon Master does not appear in the formation and is replaced by a frightened Uni the Unicorn. While Dungeon Master is away, the formation's gold find is increased by +100%. If you return to a previously completed area, Dungeon Master is always with the formation.
- Dungeon Master Rules — Dungeon Master is eligible to start in all adventures, even if the Patron, Variant, or other restrictions would say otherwise.
- Special Guest Star — Dungeon Master uses his powers to plane shift in one random Champion that is normally not eligible for the adventure. If there are any bench seats with no eligible Champions, an ineligible Champion from those seats is always chosen. Otherwise an ineligible champion from a random seat is chosen. The Champion can not be from Dungeon Master's seat.
- Where Did He Go This Time? — The chance Dungeon Master doesn't join the formation in Disappearing Act is increased to 75%, and gold find amount is also increased by +100%
- Fear Not, Champions! — The chance Dungeon Master doesn't join the formation in Disappearing Act is decreased to 25%, and the temporary hit points gained by Words of Encouragement are increased by +100%.
Ultimate Ability
- Invigorate — Dungeon Master waves his hands, and the Ultimate ability with the longest remaining cooldown immediately recharges. The cooldown for this Ultimate is set to the time the recharged Ultimate had left. Dungeon Master increases the damage of all Champions in the formation by +400% for half of the time his Ultimate is cooling down.
V. Dungeon Master’s Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS |
Slot 2: Global DPS |
Slot 3: Patience, Young Ones! |
Slot 4: Words of Encouragement |
Slot 5: Disappearing Act |
Slot 6: Invigorate |
VI. Conclusion
It's thanks to you, our community, that we've been able to make this game for 5 years and 100 Champions! We hope that you have a fantastic time using Dungeon Master in new and fun ways in your formation, and that he brings a nostalgic smile to your face when he appears.What do you think about Dungeon Master? And who would you like to see join the formation in the next 100 Champions? If you have feedback, let us know in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!