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July 26th
Idle Champion Spotlight: Wren 
Posted in Idle Champions.

"It's nice at least knowing this is me. A form of me at least. I just can't stop thinking about who they were and where they've been. I just hope I'm doing this new form justice."

Getting a second chance at life is usually a rare gift, but what if you have to re-learn who you are every time? Will you make the same decisions, or try something new? Wren was faced with remaking herself again and again, and now uses all of the skills she has gained from coming back to life as a glitched Champion to become a new kind of hero!

I. Wren

Dungeons & Dragons Wren

    Wren woke up in the Mortuary with the Champions and, like them, had no memory of who she was. The talking skull, Morte, gave her a name and from there she journeyed with the Champions on a quest to discover who they were. Along the way, disaster struck twice and Wren was killed - but each time she quickly returned in the form of herself from somewhere else in the Multiverse!
Wren is a glitch Champion where you get to pick her form. Will you choose the Dwarf Monk, focusing on her ability to deal damage? Will you choose the Tabaxi Barbarian, focusing on her ability to protect her allies? Or will you choose the Warforged Sorcerer, where she debuffs her enemies? Whatever form you pick will show up in seat 3 next to Nayeli.

Check out our Champion Spotlight Video embedded below for a quick overview of Wren's abilities, and read on to get all of the details!

II. Wren's Stats

Race: Dwarf / Tabaxi / Warforged Alignment: Neutral Good
Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 31 Affiliation: None Class: Monk / Barbarian / Sorcerer

STR: 14 DEX: 12 CON: 14
INT: 13 WIS: 13 CHA: 13

Role: Support / DPS / Tanking / Debuff

Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, Strahd, Zariel, Elminster (until July 31st, 2027)

Seat: 3 (Nayeli)

III. Wren's Abilities

Basic Attack - Wren has three different base attacks depending on her chosen glitch form. Unarmed Strike is her default first attack.

  • Unarmed Strike (Dwarf Monk melee attack) - Wren attacks the most damaged enemy for one hit.
  • Unarmed Strike (Tabaxi Barbarian melee attack) - Wren attacks the closest enemy for one hit.
  • Unarmed Strike (Warforged Sorcerer magic attack) - Wren blasts the enemy with the most health for one hit.

Passive Abilities

  • Slightly Glitched - Wren always counts as all her Glitch forms, regardless of the form she has chosen for the current adventure. She can also be used in any Turn of Fortune's Wheel adventure or variant, regardless of any restrictions.

Formation Abilities

  • Hero's Call - Wren increases the damage of all Champions in her column (including herself) and the column behind her by 100%.
  • Instability - All three of Wren's glitch forms yearn to be utilized. For each area completed, all three forms gain a yearning stack, which generally persists between adventures. Wren's chosen form buffs her Hero's Call by 100% for each yearning stack for her chosen form, stacking additively. Yearning stacks for any glitch form she has specialized in during your current adventure are set to zero at the end of the adventure, or if she is swapped into another party.
  • Incarnation's Class - Depending on her chosen Glitch form, Wren gains a unique ability:
    • Monk (DPS): Monk's Tenacity - Wren increases her damage by 1000%.
    • Barbarian (tanking): Barbarian's Resilience - Wren increases her health by 200% and then further increases her health by 75% (multiplicatively) for every 50 areas completed in the current adventure, up to area 600.
    • Sorcerer (debuff): Sorcerer's Flames - Enemies damaged by Wren catch fire and take 100% more damage from subsequent Champion attacks.
  • Glitch Trick - Depending on her chosen Glitch form, Wren gains a unique ability:
    • Monk (DPS): Flurry of Blows - When Wren defeats an enemy, her base attack cooldown immediately recharges.
    • Barbarian (tanking): Battle Cry - Wren increases the health of all other Champions by 25% of her max health, and any healing effect on those Champions is increased by 25%.
    • Sorcerer (debuff): Stunning Blast - Wren's base attack Stuns enemies for 5 seconds.
  • Experienced Incarnation - Wren increases the effect of Hero's Call by 100% for each Turn of Fortune's Wheel adventure, variant, or patron variant completed, stacking multiplicatively.


  • Glitch Form: Dwarf Monk (DPS) - Wren remains in her dwarf monk form, unlocks the Astral Self Form ultimate, and focuses on her DPS role. She also gains +4 DEX and +4 WIS.
  • Glitch Form: Tabaxi Barbarian (tanking) - Wren takes on the form of a Tabaxi Barbarian. She unlocks the Colossal Rage ultimate, the Battleaxe base attack, gains 20 overwhelm, and focuses on her tanking role. She also gains +4 STR and +4 CON.
  • Glitch Form: Warforged Sorcerer (debuff) - Wren takes on the form of a Warforged Sorcerer. She unlocks the Time Stop ultimate, the Fire Bolt base attack, and focuses on her debuff role. She also gains +4 INT and +4 CHA.

Ultimate Ability - Wren has three different ultimate attacks depending on her chosen glitch form.

  • Astral Self Form (Dwarf Monk melee ultimate) - Wren manifests her astral form for 15 seconds. For the duration, when she attacks, she deals 1 hit to all nearby enemies (including her initial target) for ultimate damage.
  • Colossal Rage (Tabaxi Barbarian melee ultimate) - Wren grows in size for 15 seconds. For the duration, all enemies target her if possible, she takes 50% less damage from all attacks, and her attacks deal ultimate damage.
  • Time Stop (Warforged Sorcerer magic ultimate) - All enemies are frozen in time for 15 seconds. Enemies still spawn, but freeze for the rest of the duration when they finish spawning. Heroes deal 400% more damage to frozen enemies.

IV. Wren's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Hero's Call
Slot 3: Instability
Slot 4: Incarnation's Class
Slot 5: Ultimate Attack Damage
Slot 6: Ultimate Attack Cooldown

V. Wren's Achievement and Unlocking Information


  • It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's... - Trigger Wren's Flurry of Blows 10,000 times, have her grow in size 100 times, and have her light 10,000 enemies on fire.

How To Unlock Wren:

Wren is an Evergreen Champion who is unlocked by playing through the Turn of Fortune's Wheel campaign. As you proceed through the campaign you will arrive at the adventure Titan on the Town. When you reach this point, follow these steps:
  • Complete the adventure Titan on the Town. This will unlock the first adventure variant Clockwise Through the Great Wheel.
  • Complete the adventure variant Clockwise Through the Great Wheel and the second adventure variant will be unlocked, Twice Through the Great Wheel.
  • Complete the adventure variant Twice Through the Great Wheel and one of the rewards for completion will be the unlock for Wren.

VI. Conclusion

What is your favorite Wren glitch form? Let us know in one of the many places we hang out:
June 28th
Idle Champion Spotlight: Aeon 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Mastery required skill, and skill required patience and training. Whenever she would spend time working on an invention or deceiving folks in the local tavern, she thought of it as praying at the Temple of Knowledge. And she was a frequent attendant.

It's impossible to ignore this grinning goliath with extravagant style. Aeon's performances are dazzling, and her conversations are filled with wit and charm. But her true genius is what she accomplishes behind the scenes, gathering a wealth of knowledge and secrets all while deceiving her patrons with distracting displays!

I. Aeon

Dungeons & Dragons Aeon created by B Dave Walters

    Aeon, a Goliath of exceptional intellect and charm, masterfully intertwines her skills as an Artillerist Artificer and Bard of the College of Whispers. Operating under the guise of a master tinkerer, she is, in truth, a cunning spy and manipulative puppet master. Aeon owns the renowned Greenhow, a unique tavern where patrons are served by her intricate automata, while she sells mechanical devices and curios embedded with Sending Stones and other surveillance tools; her ‘gifts’ have managed to make their way into some of the most powerful homes in the North Ward of Waterdeep. Her strategy is brilliantly deceptive; she portrays herself as a flamboyant performer and entertainer, so vivid and engaging that none suspect her of orchestrating a grand network of espionage, controlling events from the shadows.
Aeon is a Support and Debuff Champion who infiltrates the inner circle of one Patron each week to become eligible for all their adventures. She was created by B. Dave Walters, who the Idle Champions community already knows as the DM for many of our Idle Champions Presents livestreams and the creator behind Freely! He is also a published writer for comic books, graphic novels, and screenplays as well as a lead developer on many major TTRPGs. We're thrilled to bring another one of his characters into our formations!

Check out our Champion Spotlight Video embedded below for a quick overview of Aeon's abilities, and read on to get all of the details!

II. Aeon's Stats

Race: Goliath Alignment: Lawful Evil
Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 32 Affiliation: None Class: Artificer/Bard

STR: 10 DEX: 10 CON: 12
INT: 20 WIS: 14 CHA: 18

Role: Support, Debuff

Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Strahd, Zariel, Elminster (until July 3rd, 2027)

Seat: 10 (Tyril)

Dungeons & Dragons Aeon

III. Aeon's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Cane Wand - Aeon fires an energy bolt from her cane at the closest enemy for one hit.

Passive Abilities

  • Network of Espionage - Every week, Aeon targets one Patron for infiltration. Aeon can be used in any Patron adventure or variant for her current Patron target, even if she would not normally be available to be used due to variant or patron restrictions.

Formation Abilities

  • Inner Circle - Aeon increases the damage of adjacent Champions by 100% for each Champion in the formation that is eligible for the Patron she is infiltrating this week, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Uncover Weakness - Each enemy that Aeon damages gains a Stolen Secrets stack. Enemies with a Stolen Secrets stack take 100% more damage from all sources, stacking multiplicatively up to 5 times.
  • Challenge Accepted - Aeon increases the effect of Inner Circle by 100% for each completed Patron challenge for her current Patron target, stacking multiplicatively.


First Specialization

  • Immediate Infiltration - Increase the effect of Inner Circle by 100% each time Uncover Weakness applies a Stolen Secrets stack, stacking additively up to 10 times per area and resetting when changing areas.
  • Play the Long Game - Increase the effect of Inner Circle by 0.1% each time Uncover Weakness applies a Stolen Secrets stack, stacking additively up to 1,000,000 times and persisting until you reset the adventure.

Second Specialization

  • Artificer's Arsenal - Cane Wand can now pierce through the targeted enemy, dealing one hit to all enemies in a line. Additionally, it deals 5 seconds of BUD-based damage to all enemies it hits.
  • Spy Network - Inner Circle now affects all Champions within two slots of Aeon and its pre-stack effect is increased by 75%.
  • Powerful Patronage - Increase the pre-stack effect of Challenge Accepted by 150% while on a Patron variant for the week's chosen Patron.

Ultimate Ability

  • Deuce - Aeon's mechanical monkey Deuce fires a barrage at all enemies, dealing one ultimate hit to each one and knocking them back a short distance.

IV. Aeon's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Inner Circle
Slot 3: Uncover Weakness
Slot 4: Challenge Accepted
Slot 5: Immediate Infiltration and Play the Long Game
Slot 6: Ultimate Attack Cooldown

V. Aeon's Achievement and Adventure Variants


  • Scheming Strategist - Gain 10,000 stacks of Stolen Secrets with Aeon's Uncover Weakness ability. (Accumulates over multiple adventures.)

Adventure Variants:

Mechanical Mayhem - Save Waterdeep from the chaos of a Founders' Day gone awry with Aeon!
  • Aeon starts in the formation. She can't be moved or removed.
  • 1-2 Iron Defenders spawn with each wave. They don't drop gold nor count towards quest progress.
  • Only Champions next to Aeon can deal damage.
  • Area Goals:
    • Tier 1: Complete Area 75.
    • Tier 2: Complete Area 250.
    • Tier 3: Complete Area 600.
    • Tier 4: Complete Area 1200.

Spy's Strategy - Save Waterdeep from the chaos of a Founders' Day gone awry with Champions that work with a particular Patron.
  • Aeon starts in the formation. She can't be moved or removed.
  • You may only use core Champions and/or Champions eligible for Aeon's current Patron.
  • Area Goals:
    • Tier 1: Complete Area 125.
    • Tier 2: Complete Area 350.
    • Tier 3: Complete Area 800.
    • Tier 4: Complete Area 1400.

    Discovered Secrets - Save Waterdeep from the chaos of a Founders' Day gone awry with your best debuffers.
    • Aeon starts in the formation. She can't be moved or removed.
    • Only monsters that have a debuff can take damage.
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 175.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 450.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 1000.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1600.

    VI. Conclusion

    Has Aeon charmed or manipulated her way into your roster? Tell us what secrets she's found out about your formations:
  • June 27th
    Idle Champion Spotlight: Umberto Thornheart 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    "I have solved more cases than you have years in this world, I have faced more villains than you could dream of, and I am here to find this murderer and stop them before they kill again.”

    When tragedy strikes and a mystery unfolds, there's no better investigator on the Sword Coast than Umberto Thornheart. He finds joy in detecting clues, and is an expert at solving even the most dastardly of puzzles!

    I. Umberto

    Dungeons & Dragons Umberto Created by Gail Somone

      Umberto Thornheart is the orphaned child of two infamous thieves, and saw his parents executed for their crimes. Rather than live on the streets, he was taken in by the very detective who arrested his parents, and eventually became a detective himself, hoping to protect the innocent and (perhaps) reform the guilty.

    Umberto Thornheart is a Tanking, Support, and Debuff Champion who employs his detective prowess to aid his allies. He was created by award-winning writer Gail Simone, who you may recognize from her work for DC, Marvel, WB, and many more! She has an extensive history crafting thrilling and emotional stories for a variety of comics, and we're thrilled to work with her to create this new Champion!

    Check out our Champion Spotlight Video embedded below for a quick overview of Umberto's abilities, and read on to get all of the details!

    II. Umberto's Stats

    Race: Human Alignment: Lawful Good
    Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him
    Age: 42 Affiliation: None Class: Druid

    STR: 15 DEX: 9 CON: 16
    INT: 11 WIS: 17 CHA: 14

    Role: Tanking, Support, Debuff

    Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, Zariel, Elminster (until July 3rd, 2027)

    Seat: 7 (Minsc)

    Dungeons & Dragons Umberto

    III. Umberto's Abilities

    Basic Attack

    Umberto has two attacks. A magic attack when he is in human form, and a Bear melee attack when he is in his ultimate Bear form.

    • Swarmstaff - Umberto magically unleashes a small swarm of angry bees at the nearest foe, dealing 1 hit. If Beehive Barrage is unlocked, this adds one swarming bee to the enemy after Umberto's damage is applied.
    • Bear Claw - Umberto moves up to the nearest foe and slashes them, dealing 1 ultimate hit.

    Formation Abilities

    • Detective's Entourage - Umberto increases the damage of all Champions in the two columns behind him by 100%.
    • Beehive Barrage - Every second, Umberto's staff spawns a swarming bee, which buzzes around the staff, up to a maximum of 10 swarming bees. When an enemy attacks Umberto, he unleashes a swarming bee from the staff (if one exists) onto that enemy. When an enemy with one or more swarming bees is hit by any Champion, all their bees stings them, dealing 1 second of BUD-based damage for each bee. A maximum of 5 swarming bees can swarm a single enemy. Bees persist until the enemy is defeated, or until Umberto is removed from the formation.
    • Ongoing Investigation - Pick an Investigation to pursue. Umberto gains stacks of Clue, and can start another Investigation after the Investigation concludes. Each Clue stack increases Detective's Entourage by 50%, stacking multiplicatively. Caps at 100 stacks. Once you are capped, additional Investigations are not offered. Clue stacks persist between areas and reset when the adventure ends.
      • Rapid Reconnaissance: 2 hour duration, 10 stacks are awarded right away, but all but 1 are removed when the investigation ends (1 total)
      • Steadfast Search: 8 hour duration, 1 stack awarded after every 2 hours, plus 2 stacks when the investigation ends (6 total)
      • Thorough Inquiry: 24 hour duration, 1 stack awarded after every 3 hours, plus 16 stacks when the investigation ends (24 total)
    • Protective Presence - Umberto increases the health of all other Champions by 25% of his max health, and any healing effect on those Champions is increased by 25%.


    First Specialization

    • Law's Alliance - Umberto increases the effect of Detective's Entourage by 125% for each Lawful Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Family of Orphans - Umberto increases the effect of Detective's Entourage by 100% for each unaffiliated Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Call of the Wardens - Umberto increases the effect of Detective's Entourage by 300% for each Ranger or Druid Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.

    Second Specialization

    • More Bees - Umberto's Beehive Barrage increases the number of swarming bees spawned each second by 400% (to 5/sec), and when an enemy hits Umberto the maximum number of bees (if available) are unleashed. Finally, the damage per bee is increased by 100%.
    • More Clues - Umberto increases the maximum number of Ongoing Investigation's Clue stacks by 50%.
    • More Damage - Increase the effect of Detective's Entourage by 200%.

    Ultimate Ability

    • Brown Bear Bash - Umberto transforms into a bear for 15 seconds, resetting the base attack cooldown of all Champions in the formation. For the duration, Umberto's base attack changes to Bear Claw and the attack cooldown of all Champions in the formation is reduced by 2 seconds, causing them to attack more often.

    IV. Umberto's Epic Equipment

    Slot 1: Global DPS
    Slot 2: Increase Health
    Slot 3: Detective's Entourage
    Slot 4: Ongoing Investigation
    Slot 5: Specializations
    Slot 6: Ultimate Attack Cooldown

    V. Umberto's Achievement and Adventure Variants


    • Not The Bees! - Have Umberto unleash 10,000 bees with his Beehive Barrage ability.

    Adventure Variants:

    Guardian of the Wilds - Save Waterdeep from the chaos of a Founders' Day gone awry with Umberto!
    • Umberto starts in the formation. He can't be moved or removed.
    • Only Umberto and Champions in the two columns behind him can deal damage.
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 75.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 250.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 600.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1200.

    Investigation Time - Save Waterdeep from the chaos of a Founders' Day gone awry with a detailed investigation!
    • Umberto starts in the formation. He can't be moved or removed.
    • His assistant bees, Sherlock Combs and Dr. Buzz Watson, take up two slots in the formation, and assist Umberto with his investigations.
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 125.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 350.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 800.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1400.

    Umberto's Friends - Save Waterdeep from the chaos of a Founders' Day gone awry with Umberto's friends!
    • Umberto starts in the formation. He can't be moved or removed.
    • You may only use Lawful, Unaffiliated, Druid, and/or Ranger Champions.
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 175.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 450.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 1000.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1600.

    VI. Conclusion

    How has Umberto helped you solve the mystery of the most difficult formations? Let us know how this detective has helped:
    May 31st
    Idle Champion Spotlight: Duke Ravengard 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    "My duty is first and foremost to the city and its people."

    As a lifelong soldier of the Flaming Fist and now the Grand Duke of Baldur's Gate, Ulder Ravengard has spent his whole life serving and protecting the city. He struggles to remain committed to his ideals, even as devilish creatures seek to undermine all that he has achieved.

    I. Duke Ravengard

      Ulder Ravengard is the leader of the Flaming Fist and the Grand Duke of Baldur's Gate. His primary concerns are the stability and prosperity of Baldur’s Gate, and he's been a voice of reason and common sense among the ruling council. In recent years, he has been a target of fiendish plots in unsuccessful attempts to take over the city.

    Duke Ravengard is a Support Champion who bolsters those who also use Melee base attacks. The more melee attacks, the stronger his buffs become! His buffs are further increased in an area when any Melee Champion scores a critical hit. Once unlocked, he will bring his sword to your battle from seat 8 opposite Delina.

    II. Duke Ravengard's Stats

    Race: Human Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him
    Age: 53 Affiliation: None Class: Fighter

    STR: 17 DEX: 14 CON: 16
    INT: 11 WIS: 10 CHA: 17

    Role: Support

    Eligible for Patrons: Vajra, Zariel, Elminster (available until June 5th, 2027)

    Seat: 8 (Delina)

    III. Duke Ravengard's Abilities

    Basic Attack

    Duke Ravengard has two basic attacks, the first is his normal attack and the second is when he chooses the Lead The Charge specialization.

    • Duke's Longsword - Duke Ravengard attacks the closest enemy for one hit with his longsword.
    • Duke's Longsword (after picking the Lead the Charge specialization) - Duke Ravengard attacks the closest enemy for one hit with his longsword. If he scores a critical hit, he follows-up by smashing the enemy with his shield, knocking them back a short distance.

    Passive Abilities

    • Critical Hit - Duke Ravengard's base chance to Critical Hit is 20%.

    Formation Abilities

    • Marshal of the Flaming Fist - Duke Ravengard gains a Command stack for each Champion with a melee base attack in the formation (including himself). Each stack increases the damage of these Champions by 400%, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Position of Power - Duke Ravengard increases the effect of the outgoing positional formation abilities of all Champions with a melee base attack by 25% for each Command stack he has, stacking additively.
    • Critical Teamwork - Whenever a Champion with a melee base attack gets a critical hit, increase the effect of Marshal of the Flaming Fist by 50% and additively increase the odds of all Champions in the formation getting critical hits by 1%. Both effects stack up to 50 times and reset when changing areas.


    • Lead The Charge - When Duke Ravengard gets a critical hit, he follows up by bashing the enemy with his shield, knocking it back a short distance. When this occurs, all melee Champions adjacent to Duke Ravengard have their base attack cooldowns immediately reset.
    • Strength of Baldur's Gate - Champions with a melee base attack have their crit chance additively increased by 20% and crit damage increased by 1000%.
    • Legacy of Ravengard - If Wyll is in the formation, anyone affected by Wyll's Folk Hero benefit gains an additional stack, but the maximum remains at 4 stacks.

    Ultimate Ability

    • Fire Shield - Duke Ravengard's magical armor ignites in flames, surrounding him in a flickering aura of magical hot flame for 20 seconds. For the duration, his attacks deal an additional 25 seconds of BUD-based damage and any enemy that makes a melee attack against the formation suffers 25 seconds of BUD-based damage as well.

    IV. Duke Ravengard's Epic Equipment

    Slot 1: Global DPS
    Slot 2: Global DPS
    Slot 3: Marshal of the Flaming Fist
    Slot 4: Critical Teamwork
    Slot 5: Ultimate Damage
    Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

    V. Duke Ravengard's Achievement and Adventure Variants


    • A Critical Task - Score 10,000 Critical Hits while Duke Ravengard is in the formation.

    Adventure Variants:

    Might of Melee - Attempt to calm down a very angry bronze dragon with the Grand Duke Ulder Ravengard!
    • Duke Ravengard starts in the formation. He can be moved, but not removed.
    • You may only use Champions with a melee base attack.
    • Getting to know Duke Ravengard: As an experienced Soldier, Duke Ravengard understands melee combat. Use Champions with Melee attacks to make the most of his buffs!
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 75.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 250.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 600.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1200.

    Critical Combat - Attempt to calm down a very angry bronze dragon while optimizing your chance to score a critical hit!
    • Duke Ravengard starts in the formation. He can be moved, but not removed.
    • You may only use Champions with a melee base attack.
    • At the start of each area, all Champions have their damage reduced to 1 until someone in the formation scores a critical hit. Every 200 areas, the number of critical hits required to remove this damage reduction debuff is increased by 1.
    • Getting to know Duke Ravengard: Duke Ravengard's buffs grow more potent as your Champions score critical hits. Use Champions with improved critical hit chances to make the most of this!
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 125.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 350.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 800.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1400.

    That's a Whole Lot of Goblins - Attempt to calm down a very angry bronze dragon while facing down hordes of goblins!
    • Duke Ravengard starts in the formation. He can be moved, but not removed.
    • Duke Ravengard's Ultimate starts unlocked and the cooldown is reduced by 75%.
    • You may only use Champions with a melee base attack.
    • In the first wave of each non-boss area, there is a 20% chance that 30 goblins immediately spawn. These goblins do not drop gold or count toward quest progress.
    • Getting to know Duke Ravengard: When facing a lot of enemies at one time, Duke Ravengard's Fire Shield ultimate can help even the score!
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 175.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 450.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 1000.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1600.

    VI. Conclusion

    Have you enjoyed how much Duke Ravengard supports a formation filled with melee masters? Let us know about your epic adventures:
    May 30th
    Idle Champion Spotlight: Ezmerelda d'Avenir  
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Those that have played through the Grand Tour adventures based in Barovia have already been introduced to Ezmerelda d'Avenir. This renowned monster hunter has been helping battle the creatures of the night since Year 4, and after a few more years of experience she's learned some new tactics. She is ready to show off her improved skillset in this reintroduction, as well as bring the new Debuff role to the formation!

    I. Ezmerelda

    Dungeons & Dragons Ezmerelda d'Avenir

      A prolific vampire hunter from the land of Barovia. Ezmerelda has joined the Champions to try and rid this new realm from evil. She brings a wealth of knowledge from Barovia to assist the Champions.

    Ezmerelda is a Support Champion who teaches other Champions how to spot the vulnerable points of their enemies. She increases her debuffs as the Champions defeat more undead, which are her favored foe. Once unlocked she'll be in Seat 1 opposite Bruenor, ready to jump into the formation and start training!

    II. Ezmerelda's Stats

    Race: Human Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her
    Age: 27 Affiliation: None Class: Fighter/Wizard

    STR: 14 DEX: 19 CON: 16
    INT: 16 WIS: 11 CHA: 17

    Role: Support, Debuff

    Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, Strahd, Zariel, Elminster (until June 5th 2027)

    Seat: 1 (Bruenor)

    Dungeons & Dragons Ezmerelda d'Avenir

    III. Ezmerelda's Abilities

    Basic Attack

    • Fire Bolt - Ezmerelda hurls a mote of fire at a random enemy.

    Formation Abilities

    • Training Montage - Ezmerelda marks enemies that she attacks, training other Champions to spot their vulnerable points. Marked enemies take 50% more damage from all Champions for each Debuff Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Preparation - Every time a debuff is applied to an enemy, the effect of Training Montage is increased by 10%, stacking multiplicatively, up to 100 times and resetting when changing areas.
    • Threat Tracking - Undead are Ezmerelda's favored foes. Ezmerelda tracks the favored foes that any Champion kills while she is in the formation, increasing the base effect of Training Montage by 0.025% for each favored foe killed (additively then multiplicatively). These stacks persist for the entire adventure, resetting when you complete it. Caps at 100,000 favored foe kills.
    • Enemies In The Mist - While Ezmerelda is in the formation, 0-2 "Mist" enemies can spawn with each wave. When a "Mist" enemy is defeated, an enemy whose type matches one of Ezmerelda's favored foe appears from the mist, and all nearby enemies gain the Training Montage debuff.


    • We've Trained For This - All champions deal 100% more damage against enemies with armor-based health, increasing their chance of breaking an armor piece. Additionally, if a hits-based or armor-based enemy is affected by Training Montage, successful hits against them remove an additional hit or armor piece.
    • Vampire Hunter - The effect of Training Montage is increased by 400% on enemies who are one of Ezmerelda's favored foes, and Threat Tracking counts each favored foe killed twice.
    • The Devil You Know - Increase the effect of Training Montage by 100%. The effect is doubled during Strahd patron variants.

    Ultimate Ability

    • My Signal - Ezmerelda reveals a magical sun dagger and launches it at the enemy with the highest health (randomly if tied). The dagger lands in the target dealing ultimate damage, and then remains there as it begins to glow with a burst of radiant energy, creating a new debuff that lasts 10 seconds. The debuff increases the damage done to the enemy by 25% for each stack of Preparation currently active, stacking multiplicatively.

    IV. Ezmerelda's Epic Equipment

    Slot 1: Global DPS
    Slot 2: Global DPS
    Slot 3: Training Montage
    Slot 4: Preparation
    Slot 5: Specializations
    Slot 6: Ultimate Attack Cooldown

    V. Ezmerelda's Achievement and Adventure Variants


    • You Are Adequately Prepared - Use Ezmerelda's ultimate ability with a cumulative total of 2,500 active Preparation stacks. This count persists through adventures.

    Adventure Variants:

    The Devil's Scourge - Strahd von Zarovich sent his Zombies to follow Ezmerelda from Barovia.
    • Strahd Zombies appear in each wave and deal 100% additional damage. They do not drop gold, nor do they count towards quest progress.
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 75.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 250.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 600.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1200.

    The Devil Knocks - The mists of Ravenloft encroach upon us, making it harder for the Champions to see.
    • Enemies move 100% faster and drop 99% less gold.
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 125.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 350.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 800.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1400.

    The Devil You Know - This time Strahd sent his vampire spawn to follow Ezmerelda.
    • Vampire Spawn appear in each wave and deal 100% additional damage. They do not drop gold, nor do they count towards quest progress.
    • Ezmerelda starts in the formation and cannot be moved. Only Champions in Ezmerelda's column can deal damage. All other Champions have their DPS disabled, but their formation abilities are active.
    • You may only use Champions with a melee base attack.
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 175.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 450.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 1000.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1600.

    VI. Conclusion

    Strahd and his undead don't stand a chance against Ezmerelda's debuffs! Let us know about your triumphs in the mist:
    April 26th
    Idle Champion Spotlight: Diana 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    "There must be something we can do!"

    With gold medals in gymnastic competitions and an outstanding horseback rider, Diana has plenty of agility and strength. These skills served her well as she traveled across the magical and dangerous world of Dungeons & Dragons! She's brimming with confidence and bravery, and is always ready to help when her friends are in need.

    I. Diana

      Diana was already a formidable gymnast when she and her friends were transported to the magical world of Dungeons & Dragons. Diana wields her Javelin Staff with determination and courage, harnessing its potent magic to triumph over countless obstacles. The confidence of this outspoken athlete propels her friends forward in their quest to return home.

    Diana is a Support and Speed Champion who comes from the Dungeons & Dragons Cartoon from the 1980s. Diana’s flexible support ability provides the choice to buff Dexterous champions, young Champions, or Champions with low ability score totals. She also speeds up your progress by increasing the transition speed between areas. Once unlocked, she's a quick swap with Makos in seat 9!

    Check out our Champion Spotlight Video embedded below for a quick overview of Diana's abilities, and read on to get all of the details!

    II. Diana's Stats

    Race: Human Alignment: Lawful Good
    Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her
    Age: 14 Affiliation: Saturday Morning Squad Class: Monk

    STR: 12 DEX: 16 CON: 12
    INT: 11 WIS: 13 CHA: 11

    Role: Support, Speed

    Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Elminster (available until May 1st 2027)

    Slot: 9 (Makos)

    III. Diana's Abilities

    Basic Attack

    • Javelin Staff - Diana swings her staff at a random enemy.

    Formation Abilities

    • Javelin Staff - Diana's base attack, Javelin Staff, knocks around enemies she hits based on where she is positioned in her column in the formation.
      • Top of Column: Knock back and towards the top of the screen a short distance; the enemy targets the nearest Champion after being knocked back.
      • Single Slot Column: Knock back a medium distance.
      • Middle of Column: Knock towards the formation a short distance.
    • We'll Be Right Back - Diana increases the speed of area transitions by 50%.
    • Electrum Chest Scavenger - Diana can help scavenge up to (20 + 0.5/day) additional Electrum Chests when killing bosses. While this cap is not reached, Diana has a 0.5% chance of scavenging 1 Electrum Chest each time a boss is defeated. The cap increases by 0.5 every day.


    Diana's first Specialization determines which Champions she supports.
    • Inspire: Acrobatic Assault - Diana increases the damage of all Champions with a DEX of 15 or higher by 100%.
    • Inspire: Modest Might - Diana increases the damage of all Champions with a total ability score of 78 or less by 100%.
    • Inspire: Fledgling Fury - Diana increases the damage of all Champions that are 20 years old or younger by 100%.
    Diana's second Specialization determines how Diana prefers to build the rest of the formation.
    • Ensemble Cast - Diana increases the effect of her Inspire specialization choice by 100% for each Champion it affects, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Spotlight Episode - Diana increases the effect of her Inspire specialization choice by 140% for each Champion it does NOT affect, stacking multiplicatively.

    Ultimate Ability

    • Javelin Staff Throw - Diana throws her staff, which spins and bounces around the battlefield hitting up to 10 random enemies, dealing ultimate damage and stunning each of them for 5 seconds. If there are less than 10 enemies, the staff can hit each enemy multiple times.

    IV. Diana's Epic Equipment

    Slot 1: Global DPS
    Slot 2: We'll Be Right Back
    Slot 3: Inspire Specializations
    Slot 4: Ensemble Cast and Spotlight Episode
    Slot 5: Ultimate Damage
    Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

    V. Diana's Adventure Variants

    Acrobat! - Stop the Modron March from crushing Waterdeep under its mechanical heel with Diana!
    • Diana starts in the formation. She can be moved but not removed.
    • You may only use Champions that have a Dexterity of 15 or higher, an age of 20 or less, or total ability scores of 78 or less.
    • Getting to know Diana: Diana's first specialization selects the types of Champions she buffs. Choose the buff that is best for your formation!
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 75.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 250.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 600.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1200.

    Child of the Stargazer - Stop the Modron March from crushing Waterdeep while protecting Kosar!
    • Diana starts in the formation. She can be moved but not removed.
    • Kosar joins the formation.
    • If Kosar is defeated, you automatically fail the area.
    • Kosar cheers on Diana, reducing her base attack cooldown by 50%.
    • Getting to know Diana: Diana can use her Javelin staff to push monsters around. Can you figure out how to best protect Kosar?
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 125.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 350.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 800.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1400.

    Not That Guy Again! - Stop the Modron March from crushing Waterdeep under the command of Venger!
    • Diana starts in the formation. She can be moved but not removed.
    • Excluding Diana, only the youngest Champion, the most Dexterous Champion, and the Champion with the lowest total stats can deal damage. Diana can also deal damage.
    • At the start of each Boss area, Venger arrives on his nightmare as an additional boss that must be defeated.
    • Getting to know Diana: Depending on the supporting Champions in your formation, pick either Ensemble Cast or Spotlight Episode to really boost Diana's buffing power!
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 175.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 450.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 1000.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1600.

    VI. Conclusion

    The Saturday Morning Squad now has their powerful acrobat in the party! How much have you valued having Diana in your formations? Let us know!
    April 25th
    Idle Champion Reintroduction Spotlight: Gromma 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    We've learned a lot in the last seven years of creating Idle Champions, and the game has grown and changed quite a bit. But it's nice to know that even our oldest Champions are still doing good work in their formations. That doesn't mean they don't deserve a bit of a makeover, especially when we're talking about the second event Champion to arrive in the game! This versatile tortle has patiently waited for the youngin's to finish their fun, so now it's time to introduce the new and improved Gromma Nander!

    I. Gromma

      Extremely elderly for a Tortle, Gromma Nander grew discontent with her secluded life after giving birth to her offspring. Once they were old enough to fend for themselves, she ventured back out into the world to learn as much as she could about the strange creatures that inhabit it. Gromma is a wise and inquisitive Tortle who is quick to friendship but slow to trust. She carries a pouch of smooth colored stones that she has collected on her journey and walks with the aid of a battle-worn spear.

    Gromma is a DPS, Support and Tanking tortle who has learned how to be flexible enough to take on almost any role in the formation. She has a soft spot for "the youngins" and does her best to assist anyone younger. She's found a comfy spot in Seat 3 opposite Nayeli.

    Check out our Champion Spotlight Video embedded below for a quick overview of Gromma's abilities, and read on to get all of the details!

    II. Gromma's Stats

    Race: Tortle Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her
    Age: 80 Affiliation: None Class: Druid (Circle of the Land)

    STR: 14 DEX: 10 CON: 18
    INT: 12 WIS: 17 CHA: 13

    Role: DPS, Support, Tanking

    Eligible for Patrons: Vajra, Zariel, Elminster (available until May 1st, 2027)

    Seat: 3 (Nayeli)

    III. Gromma's Abilities

    Basic Attack

    Gromma's normal attack can change based on her specialization. She starts with Slow and Steady and changes to Melf's Acid Arrow if the Melf's Acid Arrow specialization is chosen.
    • Slow and Steady (Melee) - Gromma Nander, moving faster than you would expect for an 80 year old Tortle, stabs the closest enemy with her spear.
    • Melf's Acid Arrow (Magic) - Gromma shoots a bolt of acid at the nearest target.

    Formation Abilities

    • Hardened Shell - Gromma has a hardened shell, reducing effects of the Overwhelm debuff by 25%.
    • Grandmotherly Love - Gromma increases the damage of all other heroes proportional to their age. The buff starts applying to each Champion at 100%, and for every 10 years younger than 100 that Champion is, the buff on them is increased by 100%, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Ancient Heroism - Gromma increases the health of all other Champions by 25% of her max health.
    • Runnin' With The Youngin's - The effect of Grandmotherly Love is increased by 50% for each Champion in the formation younger than Gromma, stacking multiplicatively.

    First Specializations

    • Circle of the Mountain - Gromma increases the damage of Neutral Champions (on the Good/Evil axis) by 5% for each enemy that has spawned and boss enrage stack in the current area, stacking multiplicatively and capping at 100.
    • Circle of the Arctic - Gromma now casts Sleet Storm on enemies she attacks, causing her targeted enemy, and all nearby enemies, to take 400% additional damage from all attacks.
    • Circle of the Swamp - Gromma's damage is increased by 400% of the highest Grandmotherly Love buff she's applying to another Champion in the formation.

    Second Specializations

    • Stoneskin - Increase the effect of Hardened Shell by 100%. Enemies that attack Gromma are impaled by her spiked shell, instantly taking 10 seconds of BUD damage.
    • Entanglement - The effect of Gromma's chosen Circle specialization is increased by 100%, and enemies damaged by Gromma have their movement speed and attack speed halved.
    • Melf's Acid Arrow - Replaces Gromma's base attack with Melf's Acid Arrow, changing her into a magic attacker. After hitting its target (dealing damage) the arrow explodes, damaging its target (again) and all nearby enemies for an additional 5 seconds of BUD damage.

    Ultimate Ability

    • Wall of Stone - A wall of stone bursts up out of the ground under a random enemy. The targeted enemy and any enemies in the column that the wall appears in take damage and are knocked backwards. The wall lasts for 15 seconds, and for that time enemies cannot pass it.

    IV. Gromma's Epic Equipment

    Slot 1: Runnin' With The Youngin's
    Slot 2: Global Damage
    Slot 3: Grandmotherly Love
    Slot 4: Specializations
    Slot 5: Ultimate Attack Damage
    Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

    V. Gromma's Achievement and Adventure Variants


    • How Do You Do, Fellow Kids! - Complete 1000 areas while Gromma's Runnin' With The Youngin's has 9 stacks.

    Gromma's Adventure Variants:

    Respectful Restraint -
    • Ultimate Attacks can not be used and any attacks with a cooldown of 5 seconds or less have an additional 3 second cooldown. These lengthened attacks don't do any additional damage due to their longer cooldown.
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 75.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 250.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 600.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1200.

    The Relentless Undead
    • Undead monsters have 2x as much health as normal and, when they take a killing blow, they are stunned for 10 seconds before coming back to life.
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 125.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 350.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 800.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1400.

    A Grand Nandventure
    • Gromma Nander starts in your formation and cannot be moved or removed. She has a 4x damage boost and her normal attack cooldown is reduced by 2 seconds.
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 175.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 450.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 1000.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1600.

    VI. Conclusion

    How many different ways have you used this versatile tortle? Let us know in one of these places:
    March 29th
    Idle Champion Spotlight: Gale 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    "Sounds like a recipe for disaster. But you know what? I'm learning to enjoy the taste of chaos. Count me in."

    With a kind heart and a keen mind, Gale of Waterdeep is ready to support his friends with words that are both poetic and a bit pompous. This wizard has a great deal of talent, and even greater ambitions. However those brilliant aspirations once lead him to becoming lost to Mystra's graces and cursed with a time bomb in his chest. He hopes his new found friends can help him earn back his place, as well as prevent a magical cataclysm.

    I. Gale

      Gale of Waterdeep was a prodigious archmage, his talents earning him the attention of Mystra, the goddess of magic. At her side, he learned all that mortals might accomplish with the Weave, in time earning his place as her lover, and her Chosen. And yet, he was not satisfied. In an attempt to prove he was ready for even greater power, he accidentally unleashed 'the orb' - a highly volatile fragment of pure Weave, corrupted by Netherese magic, which buried itself in his chest. Cast out by Mystra, humbled by his downfall, he does all he can to prevent the orb's cataclysmic detonation, watching for his chance to get back everything he lost, and more.

    Gale is a support champion that buffs Champions in the two columns ahead of him and debuffs monsters the first time he attacks them. Gale's release is also when we will be releasing our latest Patron: Elminster! All of the details about Elminster as a Patron will be available in the Greengrass blog coming on April 3rd. Gale will have access to all of Elminster's Patron adventures and variants, and is ready to be unlocked in the first seat opposite Bruenor.

    Check out our Champion Spotlight embedded below for a quick overview of Gale's abilities, and read on to get all of the details!

    II. Gale

    Race: Human Alignment: Neutral
    Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him
    Age: 35 Affiliation: Absolute Adversaries Class: Wizard

    STR: 8 DEX: 13 CON: 15
    INT: 17 WIS: 10 CHA: 12

    Role: Support

    Eligible for Patrons: Vajra, Strahd, Elminster (always available)

    Seat: 1 (Bruenor)

    III. Gale's Abilities

    Basic Attack

    • Fire Bolt - Gale deals 1 hit to a random enemy, prioritizing enemies that haven't been affected by Netherese Orb's debuff.

    Passive Abilities

    • Ally of Elminster - As an Ally of Elminster, Gale can be used in any Elminster Patron adventure or variant, even if he would not normally be available to be used due to variant or patron restrictions.

    Formation Abilities

    • Archmage's Insight - Gale increases the damage of Champions in the two columns in front of him by 100%.
    • Netherese Orb - The first time Gale damages any enemy, they take 1000% additional damage from all subsequent attacks.
    • An Experienced Sage - Gale increases the effect of Archmage's Insight by 10% for each Elminster Patron variant you have completed, stacking multiplicatively.


    The first specialization allows you to select Gale's school of magic.
    • Evocation - Gale's Fire Bolt deals damage to all enemies in a small area.
    • Abjuration - Attacks against Champions miss 50% of the time.
    • Enchantment - Increase Archmage's Insight's number of columns by one.
    • Illusion - Archmage's Insight now affects his column and the column behind, and enemies that attempt to choose Gale as a target instead choose to attack another Champion, assuming another valid target exists.
    The second specialization determines how Gale's Netherese Orb will get more powerful.
    • Ceremorphosis - Your formation gains one Ceremorphosis stack due to the mind flayer tadpole in Gale's brain. Gale increases the damage of Netherese Orb by 100% for each Ceremorphosis stack, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Mystical Mentor - Gale increases the effect of Netherese Orb by 100% for each Champion in the formation with an Intelligence of 13 or higher, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Finite Fellowship - Gale increases the effect of Netherese Orb by 7.5% for each Champion you have unlocked that is not eligible for the current adventure, stacking multiplicatively.

    Ultimate Ability

    • Gale's Gale - Gale casts Gust of Wind, knocking back all enemies a medium distance, deal 1 ultimate hit each, and slowing all monsters by 50% for 15 seconds.

    IV. Gale's Epic Equipment

    Slot 1: Global Damage
    Slot 2: Archmage's Insight
    Slot 3: Netherese Orb
    Slot 4: An Experienced Sage
    Slot 5: Ultimate Attack Damage
    Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

    V. Gale's Adventure Variants

    One With the Weave - Defend Triboar from a Githyanki invasion with Gale!
    • Gale starts in the formation. He can't be moved or removed.
    • Only Gale and Champions buffed by Gale's Archmage's Insight can deal damage.
    • Getting to know Gale: Gale increases the damage of Champions in the two columns in front of him. You can customize how this works with a specialization choice!
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 75.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 250.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 600.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1200.

    Pawn to Cleric Four - Defend Triboar while being assisted by a limited number of allies.
    • Gale starts in the formation. He can be moved, but not removed.
    • You may only use Champions with an Intelligence of 13 or higher, Heroes of Baldur's Gate affiliation members, and/or Absolute Adversaries affiliation members.
    • Getting to know Gale: Gale's second specialization choice determines which heroes are best to solve the problem at hand.
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 125.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 350.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 800.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1400.

    Elminster's Errands - Defend Triboar from a Githyanki invasion with the Sage of Shadowdale!
    • Gale starts in the formation. He can be moved, but not removed.
    • Elminster joins the formation. He distracts adjacent Champions with his stories, increasing their normal attack cooldowns by 3 seconds.
    • You may only use the base 12 Core Champions and/or Champions that have been released in the last 3 years.
    • Getting to know Gale: Gale is always available for any of his Mentor's patron challenges, even if the restrictions would say otherwise. Gale's buffs further increase as you complete Elminster Patron variants!
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 175.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 450.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 1000.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1600.

    VI. Conclusion

    Has Gale earned a prominent place in your formation? Let us know all about his magical might:
    March 28th
    Idle Champion Reintroduction Spotlight: Penelope 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    "Won't you be my friend?"

    The entire Heroes of the Planes affiliation have been a part of Idle Champions for quite a while now, including everyone's favorite friend in shrub form: Penelope! With the benefit of time, and now surrounded by all her Heroes companions, Penelope deserved a rework of her kit. Because while she might be everyone's friend, she's also ready to pack an earth filled punch to protect them! So let us introduce you to the new and improved Penelope Half-Pint!

    I. Penelope

      Penelope "Half-Pint" is a halfling who just wants to be everyone's best friend, even if they are evil, or a plant, or a rock. With friends that already include a treant named Neverember and a clan of chwinga that have adopted her, Penelope is ready for anything! She has the heart of a true hero and will always stand by her friends...until she goes into shrub mode of course.

    Penelope is a Support, Gold Find, and Healing Champion who focuses on crowd control by slowing and debuffing enemies. She'll have her insect friends ready for when you swap her with Arkhan in seat 12.

    Check out our Champion Spotlight Video embedded below for a quick overview of Penelope's abilities, and read on to get all of the details!

    II. Penelope's Stats

    Race: Halfling Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her
    Age: 33 Affiliation: Heroes of the Planes Class: Druid (Circle of the Moon) / Warlock

    STR: 10 DEX: 16 CON: 14
    INT: 8 WIS: 17 CHA: 14

    Role: Support, Gold Find, Healing

    Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, Zariel, Elminster (available from April 3rd, 2024 until April 3rd, 2027)

    Seat: 12 (Arkhan)

    III. Penelope's Abilities

    Basic Attack

    • Go Away - Penelope jumps out and hits the closest enemy with her quarterstaff, dealing damage and knocking it back slightly.

    Formation Abilities

    • Have You Met My Friends - Whenever Penelope attacks an enemy and doesn't kill it, for the next 30 seconds, all Champions deal 500% additional damage against them.
    • Insect Plague - Upon entering an area, Penelope summons 4 medium-sized, randomly positioned Insect Swarms on the near 2/3rds of the battlefield. Enemies who are in a Swarm are slowed by 100% and are afflicted by the Have You Met My Friends debuff. The slow effect can stack multiplicatively if an enemy is inside multiple Swarms. Every second that one or more enemies are inside the swarm, the slow effect is additively reduced by 1%. When the slow effect reaches 40%, the swarm is dispersed and disappears.
    • Chwinga Mask - When any enemy enters one of Penelope's Insect Swarms, Penelope dons her chwinga mask, calling an elemental friend to her aid. It sits on her shoulder while her mask is on. All Champions adjacent to Penelope gain the following charm(s) based on their tags. Charms last until the party changes areas.
      • Healing Charm (Tank Champions) - Penelope heals affected Champions for 100 HP every second.
      • Tools for the Job Charm (Healing, Support, or Gold Find) - Penelope increases the damage of all Champions by 400% for each Champion affected by this charm. This effect stacks multiplicatively.
    • Story Time - Each time a Champion adjacent to Penelope attacks, add a stack of Story Time. The party's gold find is increased by 1% for each stack of Story Time, stacking additively. Story Time stacks are capped at 1,000,000,000. Whenever a boss enemy enters an Insect Swarm, the number of Story Time stacks are increased by 2.5%.

    First Specializations

    • Keep Your Friends Close - Increases the effect of Have You Met My Friends by 150% for each Good Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Keep Your Future Friends Closer - Increases the effect of Have You Met My Friends by 125% for each Evil Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Everybody Gets To Be Friends - Increases the effect of Have You Met My Friends by 70% for each Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.

    Second Specializations

    • Fury of the Fireflies - Each time one of Penelope's Insect Swarms is dispersed, the effect of Chwinga Mask (both charms) is increased by 200%, stacking multiplicatively and resetting when you change areas.
    • Splitting The Hive - Each time one of Penelope's Insect Swarms is dispersed, another smaller swarm appears randomly (preferring to appear on an enemy if possible), damaging monsters in it for 15 seconds of BUD damage and slowing them using the same rules as the original Insect Plague. These smaller swarms do not spawn additional ones when they disperse.
    • Dance of the Ladybugs - Each time one of Penelope's Insect Swarms is dispersed, Penelope reduces the cooldown of all adjacent Champions ultimate abilities by 20% of its remaining cooldown.

    Ultimate Ability

    • Erupting Earth - A fountain of churned earth and stone erupt in the enemies' path (centered on the nearest enemy), dealing area damage in a large radius and creating difficult terrain that lasts for 30 seconds. Enemies that encounter the difficult terrain have their movement slowed by 50% while they travel through it.

    IV. Penelope's Epic Equipment

    Slot 1: Global DPS
    Slot 2: Have You Met My Friends
    Slot 3: Chwinga Mask Healing Charm
    Slot 4: Chwinga Mask Tools for the Job
    Slot 5: Specializations
    Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

    V. Penelope's Achievement and Adventure Variants


    • Slow down a minute! - Slow the movement of 1,000 enemies with Penelope's difficult terrain from her Erupting Earth ultimate.

    Adventure Variants:

    Half-Empty Crypts - Half of the crypts are empty! We've interrupted some grave robbing!
    • A collection of Grave Robbers appear in each area. They don't drop gold, nor do they count towards quest progress. While one or more Grave Robber is alive, Undead Creatures move 100% faster and deal 200% additional damage.
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 75.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 250.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 600.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1200.

    Half-Full Outlook If we're going to make such a mess, let's clean up as we go!
    • In each wave, Awakened Cleaning Supplies spawn. Awakened Cleaning Supplies deal 200% additional damage and spawn with 4 hits-based health chunks. However, Penelope and her positive outlook can destroy each of these enemies with one hit. Penelope starts in the formation. She can be moved.
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 125.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 350.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 800.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1400.

    Half-Pint Friends
    • Penelope starts in the formation and can't be moved. Penelope's base attack cooldown is reduced by 2 seconds. Only Good champions can be used.
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 175.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 450.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 1000.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1600.

    VI. Conclusion

    How many friends has Penelope made in your formations? Let us know:
    March 5th
    Idle Champion Spotlight: The Dark Urge 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    "Behold the dance of death."

    With a haunted past that he cannot remember, The Dark Urge has been left with only cursed dreams and bloody cravings. This may be an opportunity to write their life anew and craft a brighter future. Or they can carve new memories filled with vicious murder and the cruel glee of slaughter.

    I. The Dark Urge

      The Dark Urge remembers nothing but a path paved with blood. Unimaginable cruelty whispers from within. Can he escape it? Would he even want to?

    The Dark Urge is a DPS Champion who counts the number of enemies he has slain. Like the other Absolute Adversaries, he has a mind flayer tadpole in his head, and his damage increases as more Champions with tadpoles are added to the formation. Will you choose to embrace his murderous urges, or fight against them? That choice will be made once you unlock them in seat 11 opposite Jamiliah.

    Check out our Champion Spotlight embedded below for a quick overview of The Dark Urge's abilities, and read on to get all of the details!

    II. The Dark Urge

    Race: Dragonborn Alignment: Chaotic Evil
    Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him
    Age: Unknown Affiliation: Absolute Adversaries Class: Sorcerer

    STR: 8 DEX: 13 CON: 15
    INT: 12 WIS: 10 CHA: 17

    Role: DPS

    Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, Strahd, and Zariel

    Seat: 11 (Jamilah)

    Dungeons & Dragons The Dark Urge

    III. The Dark Urge's Abilities

    Basic Attack

    The Dark Urge has two normal attacks: a melee attack in his regular form, and a melee attack while in his Ultimate Slayer form.
    • Murderous Slash - The Dark Urge moves up to the closest enemy and attacks all nearby enemies with a slash of his dagger.
    • Slay - The Dark Urge (in Slayer form) moves up to the closest enemy and attacks all nearby enemies with vicious swipes of his claws, dealing ultimate damage.

    Passive Abilities

    • Dark Inheritance - The Dark Urge is eligible to start in all adventures, even if the Patron, Variant, or other restrictions would say otherwise. He also does not interact with any Champion abilities or variant effects that are based on age.

    Formation Abilities

    • The Urge - Each time the Dark Urge defeats an enemy, he gains a Murder stack. The Dark Urge increases his damage by 0.1% for each Murder stack he has. Stacks persist between adventures.
    • Ceremorphosis - Your formation gains one Ceremorphosis stack due to the mind flayer tadpole in the Dark Urge's brain. The Dark Urge increases his damage by 100% for each Ceremorphosis stack, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Living on the Edge - The Dark Urge has 6 Outcast stacks, minus 1 stack for each adjacent champion that does not have the DPS role. The Dark Urge increases his damage by 100% for each Outcast stack, stacking multiplicatively.


    The Dark Urge's first Specialization picks his subclass.
    • Storm Sorcery - The Dark Urge's Murderous Slash attack is empowered by lightning. This increases the range by 200% and deals up to 800% more damage to enemies based on how close they are to him.
    • Draconic Bloodline - The Dark Urge's damage is increased by 200% for each Dragonborn Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Divine Soul - The Dark Urge increases the number of The Urge's Murder stacks he gains each time he defeats an enemy by 200%.
    The Dark Urge's second Specialization is a choice between embracing or resisting the Urge.
    • Embrace the Urge - The Dark Urge unlocks the Form of the Slayer ultimate, and deals 100% more damage for each Evil Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Resist the Urge - The Dark Urge's alignment becomes Lawful Good, he unlocks the Wither's Resurrection ultimate, and deals 100% more damage for each Good Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.

    Ultimate Ability

    The Dark Urge has two ultimate attacks, depending on if you Embrace or Resist the Urge.
    • Form of the Slayer - The Dark Urge moves to the enemy's side of the screen and transforms into the form of the Slayer for 15 seconds. While in this form, Sceleritas Fel joins the formation in the Dark Urge's spot while the Dark Urge is in the Ultimate form and is immune to damage. The Dark Urge gains a new melee attack that deals Ultimate damage.
    • Withers' Resurrection - Withers appears in the back of the formation and raises his right hand. All enemies take 1 Ultimate hit and are pushed back to their side of the board with a shockwave, all knocked out heroes briefly glow white and are resurrected to full health, and all heroes are immune to damage for 15 seconds. This Ultimate automatically triggers if The Dark Urge is knocked out. After the duration ends, Withers disappears.

    IV. The Dark Urge's Epic Equipment

    Slot 1: The Dark Urge DPS
    Slot 2: The Urge
    Slot 3: Ceremorphosis
    Slot 4: Living on the Edge
    Slot 5: Specializations
    Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

    V. The Dark Urge's Adventure Variants

    How Many Die Today? - Save the village from a foolish prank gone wrong with The Dark Urge!
    • The Dark Urge joins the formation. He can be moved, but not removed.
    • Only Champions with the DPS role can deal damage. (clicks still deal damage)
    • Each wave spawns an Intellect Devourer. They don't drop gold or count towards quest progress.
    • Getting to know the Dark Urge: The Dark Urge's damage is boosted by the number of enemies he has defeated, and this persists after you complete adventures.
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 75.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 250.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 600.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1200.

    Time for Bloody Murder - Save the village with some high damage heroes!
    • The Dark Urge joins the formation. He can be moved, but not removed.
    • You may only use Champions with the DPS role and/or members of the Absolute Adversaries or Heroes of Baldur's Gate affiliation.
    • Getting to know the Dark Urge: The Dark Urge deals more damage when he is near the edge of the formation or next to DPS Champions. How will you maximize his damage?
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 125.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 350.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 800.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1400.

    Rampage or Redemption - Save the village while deciding to fight or embrace murderous urges!
    • The Dark Urge joins the formation. He can be moved, but not removed.
    • You may not use Neutral champions unless they are members of the Absolute Adversaries affiliation.
    • Each wave spawns an armored Mind Flayer. They don't drop gold or count towards quest progress.
    • Getting to know the Dark Urge: The type of Champions that associate with The Dark Urge depends on if he embraces or fights against his urges. Which one will you choose?
    • Area Goals:
      • Tier 1: Complete Area 175.
      • Tier 2: Complete Area 450.
      • Tier 3: Complete Area 1000.
      • Tier 4: Complete Area 1600.

    VI. Conclusion

    Did you put The Dark Urge on the path to redemption? Or did you revel in his murderous side? Let us know all about it:
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