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July 31st, 2023
BW2: Nate's Prismatic Pursuit! 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Nate's Prismatic Pursuit

Nate's pursuing a powerful stranger in the Prismatic Passage and has called for backup! But really, who's Nate pestering now?

Find out what antics Nate's getting himself up to in the mysterious Prismatic Passage!


If you've completed Nate's Salt Desert Dessert and the Bewitched Woodland in the Prismatic Passage, talk to the Town Crier to get started.

A New Puzzle!

This adventure features an all new (to Bush Whacker 2) mini-game/puzzle system to get your brain cells stimulated!

Clear a grid of volatile mines by clicking and flagging tiles to mark a safe path. Watch your step!

Discuss the new adventure on the forums!
August 5th, 2021
COTLI: Littlefoot's Big Adventure 6! 

You've been home long enough - it's time for another expedition into the great outdoors! Pack your bags, gather your supplies, and venture out into the wild beyond as we embark on Littlefoot's Big Adventure 6!

Littlefoot's Big Adventure 6 has arrived, bringing with it the Mitsuko the Six-Tailed.

This year's event runs until Tuesday, August 17th at 12:00 PM Pacific Time (UTC -7), introducing Mitsuko the Six-Tailed and bringing back Langley, the Conductor, Rosie the Rocklechaun, Beary McBearFace, Penny the Park Planner, Ranger Rayna, and Littlefoot!

New Tier 6 Crusader: Mitsuko the Six-Tailed

Tags: Event, Magical, Supernatural, Good, Support, Gold, Animal

Nate was wandering through the forest one day, exploring away from the main campsite. Coming upon a crossroads of trails, he's startled by the appearance of a figure in a fox mask, huddled on a boulder, looking like they're crying.

"Can I help you?" he asks.

"Do you have some snacks, brave and noble sir?" the figure responds. Nate clutches at some compartments on his bandolier and looks reluctant, but the figure starts crying again. "Sure, why not?" He reaches in and pulls out the sandwich he planned to eat later and gives it to the figure.

They eat it right away, and then scramble off the boulder and disappear into the forest, leaving Nate perplexed. He shrugs and keeps on walking, though sometimes he swears he catches a glint of a fox following him in the trees. Coming across a meadow, he decides to nap before returning to the group. He takes off his bandoliers and lays them on the ground beside him and dozes off.

A rustling wakes him up and turns to see a fox sneaking off with his bandoliers. He stumbles to his feet and gives chase, though he loses sight of the animal quickly. Cursing, he blunders a few more feet in and finds his bandoliers on the ground. He opens them to find them full of leaves. He's lost all the treasures he had on him. Sighing, he heads back to camp, hoping to ask for help from his fellow Crusaders.

Stepping into the main camp, he's surprised to find the other Crusaders surrounding a figure in a fox mask.

"What are you doing here?" he asks.

"That was fun earlier in the forest," they respond. " I'd like to come along and have more adventures. My name is Mitsuko."

Nate scuffs the ground, but the other Crusaders are excited for a new friend. Mitsuko has joined the party.

Mitsuko the Six-Tailed is a Support and Gold Crusader. When you want to add them to your formation, you can find them in slot 32.

New Tier 6 Objectives

  • Recruit Mitsuko | Mitsuko takes up a slot in the formation. Ranger Rayna and Littlefoot take up spots in formation and can't be moved. Aside from Rayna, only Animal Crusaders can be used. Rayna is the only one who does DPS. Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete. Reach area 600.

  • A Slow Nature Walk | Penny the Park Planner and Beary McBearface take up spots in formation and can't be moved. Taskmasters can't be placed to click monsters. Beary is the only one who does DPS. Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete. Reach area 650.

  • Tanks vs Tanks | Rosie the Rocklechaun takes up a spot in formation and can't be moved. Tank monsters randomly spawn and take at least 2 seconds to kill. Flower child escorts the formation. For every tank killed, she provides a 10%, stacking additively, gold find buff. Note: This will require having cleared the objective To Infinity and Beyond on Ghostbeard's Greed to complete. Reach area 675.

  • Always on Time |Langley the Conductor takes up a spot in formation and can't be moved. All area quests are now kill 50 monsters. Special train monsters spawn and count for 5 kills when killed. Note: This will require having cleared the objective Bullet Hell on Ready Player Two to complete. Reach area 700.

  • Koivu and the Florets | Koivu the Dryad takes up a spot in formation and can't be moved. The formation has been changed. Only Flora Crusaders can be used. Note: This will require having cleared the objective Bullet Hell on Ready Player Two to complete. Reach area 725.

More info

You'll have until Tuesday, August 17th at 12:00 PM Pacific Time (UTC -7) to complete Littlefoot's Big Adventure 6!

For more info on previous Littlefoot's Big Adventure Crusaders and objectives check out the Littlefoot's Big Adventure 5 blog post.

Equipment for event Crusaders can be found in Bigfoot Silver and Jeweled Chests, which you can earn from objectives and the free play or buy in the shop. Each non-recruitment objective will drop a chest for its given tier of Crusaders, and free play will drop All Tier chests. Gear for Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4, Tier 5, and Tier 6 Crusaders will only appear in All Tier chests once you've unlocked the respective Crusaders. You can select the tier of chest you buy in the shop when you go to purchase chests with real money or event currency.

July 23rd, 2020
COTLI: Littlefoot's Big Adventure 5! 

You've been home long enough - it's time for another expedition into the great outdoors! Pack your bags, gather your supplies, and venture out into the wild beyond as we embark on Littlefoot's Big Adventure 5!

This year's event runs until Tuesday, August 4th at 12PM PDT, introducing Koivu the Dryad and bringing back Langley, the Conductor, Rosie the Rocklechaun, Beary McBearFace, Penny the Park Planner, Ranger Rayna, and Littlefoot!

New Tier 5 Crusader: Koivu the Dryad

Tags: event, supernatural, flora, male, magic, support, good

Koivu the Dryad is heading out into the world, ready to start a new adventure for a new chapter in his life, having transitioned to a male form after long and thorough self-reflection. He's excited to make new friends with the other Crusaders and he's willing to lend his magic, and his squirrel friend, to help out while they're exploring what all the worlds have to offer.

New Tier 5 Objectives

  • Recruit Koivu the Dryad | Koivu the Dryad takes up a slot in the formation. Flora Crusaders receive a buff. Non-Flora Crusaders receive a debuff.
    Reach area 400.

  • Creatures in the Night | Dangerous monsters appear from the night. These special monsters are invulnerable unless targeted by Imani's Marked for Death ability. Areas are shrouded in darkness.
    Reach area 450.

  • Supernatural Delight | Only Base 20 Crusaders and the Tier 1 Event Supernatural Crusaders can be used.
    Reach area 475.

  • Fauna Exploring Flora | Only Animal Crusaders can be used in this reworked formation.
    Reach area 500.

  • Campfire RPG | Every boss is a twenty-sided die: the boss is randomly either a 1, 10 or 20. If it's a 1, its weaker than normal, if it's 10 then it's normal health, if it's a 20, it's stronger than normal.
    Reach area 525.

Help! Where’s the Loot?

Equipment for event Crusaders can be found in Silver and Jeweled Bigfoot Chests, which you can earn from objectives and the free play or buy in the shop. Each non-recruitment objective will drop a chest for its given tier of Crusaders, and free play will drop All Tier chests. Gear for Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4 and Tier 5 Crusaders will only appear in All Tier chests once you've unlocked the respective Crusaders. You can select the tier of chest you buy in the shop when you go to purchase chests with real money or event currency.

What About Older Event Crusaders?

Previously-available Littlefoot's Big Adventure Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, and Tier 4 Crusaders are once again available to unlock as part of Littlefoot's Big Adventure 5. For more information about those Crusaders, check out our Event Blogs from previous years:

Players will have until Tuesday, August 4th at 12:00PM PDT to complete Littlefoot's Big Adventure 5.
August 1st, 2019
COTLI: Littlefoot's Big Adventure 4 

Nothing says 'summer' like going on adventures in the wilderness! Join Littlefoot and her entourage of Crusaders who love the great outdoors for another one of Littlefoot's Big Adventures!

Littlefoot's Big Adventure 4 introduces Langley, the Conductor and brings back Ranger Rayna, Littlefoot, Penny the Park Planner, Beary McBearFace, and Rosie the Rocklechaun. The adventure ends on Tuesday, August 13th, 2019 at 12:00PM PDT!

New Tier 4 Crusader: Langley, the Conductor

Langley is a naturally adventurous person. While on vacation, they came across the rest of the Crusaders and decided to join them on Littlefoot's Big Adventure!

If you're hoping for extra Gold Find and Support, Langley is here to help! Their Chew Chew ability increases Gold Find for each adjacent Crusader in the formation while also increasing the damage of Crusaders two or more spaces away. Ticket Please and Whistle all the Way increase your Gold Find even more. With My Friend Thomas Langley will throw a toy train at an enemy, causing the monster killed by the train to drop even more gold. Flip the Switch allows formation abilities affecting Langley to also apply to those Crusaders in the column directly behind Langley and All Aboard increases the effect of Chew Chew for each boss area you clear for the first time on the current reset.

Crusaders Return

If you haven't collected them already, you can unlock previous Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 Crusaders by completing their respective objectives. Ranger Rayna, Littlefoot, Penny the Park Planner, Beary McBearFace, and Rosie the Rocklechaun are all once again available to unlock!

New Tier 4 Objectives

  • Recruit Langley, the Conductor | Langley, the Conductor and their friendly train take up slots in the formation. Reach area 600.

  • Back to Nature | Only Animal Crusaders and Littlefoot Crusaders can be used. Reach area 700.

  • Trail Mix | Only 10 bench slots are availiable. The available slots change every 100 areas. Reach area 750.

  • Divergent Evolution | Monsters alternate between being immune to DPS, click damage, and projectiles. Reach area 800.

  • The Lost Grove | Trees gradually take over the formation. Reach area 850.

Help! Where’s the Loot?

Equipment for event Crusaders can be found in Silver and Jeweled Bigfoot Chests, which you can earn from objectives and the free play or buy in the shop. Each non-recruitment objective will drop a chest for its given tier of Crusaders, and free play will drop all-tier chests. Gear for Tier 2, Tier 3, and Tier 4 Crusaders will only appear in all-tier chests once you've unlocked the respective Crusaders. You can select the tier of chest you buy in the shop.

You'll have until Tuesday, August 13th, 2019 at 12:00PM PDT to complete Littlefoot's Big Adventure 4!
January 28th, 2019
BW2: Nate's Salt Desert Dessert! 
Posted in Bush Whacker 2.

Nate's hungry for adventure, or maybe just plain hungry.

He's gone missing in the Salt Desert and might need your help! If you've completed Nate's High Jungle Dive and tier two of the Train Graveyard's third field in the Salt Desert, talk to the Town Crier to get started.

In this adventure you'll rescue Nate from whatever trouble he's gotten into in the dry and mysterious Salt Desert!
August 23rd, 2018
COTLI: Littlefoot's Big Adventure 3 

It's time for another adventure! Once more the Crusaders journey into the wilderness for their annual camping trip, disconnecting from their wi-fi and heading out into the great outdoors. Join Littlefoot and the gang on an outdoor escapade to unlock Rosie the Rocklechaun, our latest tier 3 Crusader!

Littlefoot's Big Adventure 3 runs until Tuesday, September 4th at 12:00pm PDT, and introduces Rosie the Rocklechaun!

New Tier 3 Crusader: Rosie the Rocklechaun

A small, muscly rock-leprechaun, Rosie the Rocklechaun is a tank support who turns to stone in order to tank damage, massively boosting party DPS in the process and allowing her to be healed up.

Crusaders Return

If you haven't collected them already, you can unlock previous Tier One and Two Crusaders by completing their respective Tier One and Two Objectives. Ranger Rayna, Littlefoot, Penny the Park Planner, and Beary McBearFace will be available to unlock while Littlefoot's Big Adventure 3 is live!

Five New Tier 3 Objectives!

  • Recruit Rosie the Rocklechaun | Rosie and two rocks take up three slots in the formation. Every 25 areas, Rosie randomly changes spots with one of the rocks. She decreases the damage of adjacent Crusaders by 99.99%. The other rocks are just blockers. Reach area 500.

  • Landslide | Quest requirements are doubled, enemies spawn twice as quickly, deal four times damage, move eight times as fast, and have sixteen times their normal health. Reach area 600.

  • Rock 'n Roll | In non-boss areas, invulnerable rocks spawn and slowly roll towards the formation. If they reach the formation, you wipe and go back an area. Reach area 650.

  • Tank-it to the Limit | Only tanking and healing Crusaders, along with the Bush Whacker, Nate Dragon, and the four other Littlefoot's Big Adventure Event Crusaders, can be used. Reach area 700.

  • Stratification | Reduce the DPS of all Crusaders based on bench seat, with the first slot reduced to 1/4 normal damage, the second slot to 1/16th normal damage, third slot to 1/64th, etc. Reach area 750.

Help! Where’s the Loot?

Equipment for event Crusaders can be found in Silver and Jeweled Bigfoot Chests, which you can earn from objectives and the free play or buy in the shop. Each non-recruitment objective will drop a chest for its given tier of Crusaders, and free play will drop all-tier chests. Gear for Tier 2 and Tier 3 Crusaders will only appear in all-tier chests once you've unlocked the respective Crusaders. You can select the tier of chest you buy in the shop.

You'll have until Tuesday, September 4th at 12:00pm PDT to complete Littlefoot's Big Adventure 3!
January 5th, 2018
COTLI: Weekend Buff – A Grimm Adventure 

Challenging new Grimm's Idle Tales objectives have appeared! Will they become part of your story? Use these buffs to help out!

The following Crusaders will get a buff this weekend starting from today until Noon PST on Monday, January 8th.
  • Jim the Lumberjack - Sharpen Party ability +200%
  • Kyle the Party Bro - Mosh Pit ability +200%
  • Natalie Dragon - All Gold Found +200%
  • Pete the Carney - Bad Joke ability +200%
  • Xander, the Xmas Dragon - Friendly Fire ability +200%

Check out these limited-time Grimm Chests that contain equipment for just the five Crusaders above!

(Only for previously-unlocked Crusaders)
January 5th, 2018
COTLI: Tier 4 Grimm's Idle Tales! 

Today's update includes eight new ultra-challenging tier 4 objectives in the Grimm's Idle Tales campaign!

These new objectives add additional potholes to the already-treacherous tier 3 objectives, forcing you to go even further as well! To help you out with the dastardly adventures is this weekend's promo, A Grimm Adventure, which buffs five Crusaders and has a unique chest available. Good luck!

Grimm's Idle Tales Tier 4 Objectives

Not in Kansas Anymore
  • A wicked witch attacks the formation at random with different abilities.
  • Reach area 800

What Big Teeth You Have
  • Whenever a wolf is spawned, your gold find is reduced to 0 (and for a few seconds afterwards).
  • Reach area 850

Sleeping Beauty
  • A hunky prince attacks your formation, automatically killing any Crusader he reaches with his death kiss.
  • Reach area 850

Down the Rabbit Hole
  • The Card Minions are even more dastardly.
  • Reach area 900

Let It Go
  • The freezing cold slowly kills your formation over time.
  • Reach area 900

I Like Potatoes
  • Idols don't award bonus DPS or Gold Find, and Talents have no effect – only equipment remains.
  • Reach area 300

The Lion King
  • Several lion tamers spawn attempting to tame Artaxes, but he cannot be tamed.
  • Reach area 950

Holiday Hoopla
  • Jealous original Crusaders attack your formation with various annoying abilities.
  • Reach area 950
August 3rd, 2017
Updated Event! Littlefoot's Big Adventure 

Now that the sun is out in full force, the Great Outdoors is calling you for your annual Crusaders camping trip. Grab the old bivouac, tent, or yurt and get out there and enjoy that fresh air.

Last year we introduced you to Ranger Rayna and Littlefoot. This time you've introduced us to the new Tier 2 Crusaders! Well, you the community have named them after answering the call to help celebrate our second anniversary! The winning names are: Beary McBearFace and Penny the Park Planner.

The Littlefoot's Big Adventure event runs from today through to August 15th at Noon PDT. For those players who haven't unlocked them already, this is your chance to add both Ranger Rayna and Littlefoot to your roster.

The two new Tier 2 Crusaders, Beary and Penny, will be available to recruit after you've completed all the Tier 1 objectives and if you have the talent "Doing it Again" purchased.

New Crusader: Beary McBearFace.

At level 150, Beary unlocks Controlled Burn which lights a random monster on fire every 2.5 seconds. The monster stays on fire until it dies, taking 20% more damage from all sources.

At level 300, Beary unlocks Stomp Out Campfire which increases his DPS addtively +100% for each enemy on fire from Controlled Burn.

The second new Tier 2 Crusader is Penny the Park Planner.

New Crusader: Penny the Park Planner.

Once recruited, Penny unlocks Trash Pickup at level 100 where you'll automatically pick up gold and quest items after they've been lying on the ground for five seconds. Good news, the timer gets decreased with her gear!

At level 300, her ability Troupe Trooper gives all the Crusaders in the same column as Penny a +50% DPS boost.

Once you've recruited both Beary and Penny, there are three new side objectives to tackle in your quest.

New Objective: Firefighters.

In Firefighters, A random number of fire enemies spawn. They have a lot of health and do not drop gold.

New Objective: Primal Rage.

In the objective Primal Rage, only Crusaders with the DPS tag can be used to craft your formation and conquer the forest.

New Objective: Burnt Out.

The final new objective is Burnt Out. XP is replaced with 'Exhaustion.' A point of Exhaustion is earned once an hour and each point reduces hero damage by 95%. Clear the objective before your Crusaders become too tired to continue.

Equipment for all the Crusaders can be found in Silver and Jeweled Bigfoot chests.

Once again, you'll have until August 15th at Noon PDT to complete the event. Happy camping!
July 15th, 2016
New! Idols Through Time Campaign 

We are delighted to tell you about a very special permanent campaign this week. We've partnered up with our good friends at HyperHippo Games, the creators of AdVenture Capitalist for a special addition to Crusaders of the Lost Idols.

But first, let us tell you more about your impending adventure through time. That's right; the brand new permanent campaign is all about time travel.

Our dauntless Crusaders are tasked with hunting down rogue robots that are wreaking havoc on their friend Doctor Finklebottom's laboratory. It's a desperate race to save Finklebottom's breakthrough experiments that concern matters of quantum physics and black holes that enable him to invent time travel.

Sobbing Cherubs can only be killed by clicking

His experiments have made history, figuratively and literally, as now the Crusaders can travel through time from the age of the dinosaurs all the way through to the future!

Featuring a new Flux Capacitor formation, the Idols Through Time campaign will require a minimum of 5,000 Idols to start the first objective. Things get increasingly more demanding from there as the final objective requires a whopping 10,000 Idols minimum!

The Lost in Time objective will see slots in your formation blocked with relics from each epoch you visit. In the Time-Lost Bosses objective, you'll encounter much more powerful bosses than you're used to battling.

The final two objectives are Nostalgia Trip, where only the original 20 Crusaders are available for selection (no Event Crusaders), and Lone Pine Mall where you're going to try your best to clear area 600.

Dr Finklebottom creates a wormhole to Adventure Capitalist

Dr Finklebottom's work has also had another perverse effect of linking universes. Incredibly the ingenious professor has opened a portal to a parallel universe of AdVenture Capitalist.

It's in these boom years of industrialization and economic growth the Crusaders will meet the celebrity managers from the enormously popular clicker game, AdVenture Capitalist.

It's not going to be easy to 'out-entrepreneur' history's best entrepreneurs from the 1950s, but that is what the team must do to have a chance of beating any objective between areas 71 and 85.

You have to 'out-entrepreneur' the AdVenture Capitalist managers

The popular celebrity managers W. W. Heisenbird, Jim Thorton, Forest Trump and more will all try and stop our Crusaders' money-making ways enabling them to leave for the next time zone.

But wait, there's more! We're also launching a brand new weekend buff. It's Wibbly Wobbly Wackiness here are Codename Entertainment and for the duration of the weekend, five Crusaders will be receiving massive buffs to their abilities.

The Bush Whacker, Detective Kaine, the Dark Gryphon, Sal and Bat Billionaire will all get a limited time buff applied automatically this weekend. Plus, there's a unique Wobbly chest featuring gear just for those five Crusaders!

  • The Bush Whacker - +5% increase in Critical Click Chance.
  • Detective Kaine - Increase all gold found by 100%
  • Dark Gryphon - +100% increase in DPS for all Crusaders.
  • Sal, the Merman - Increase the Base DPS for Sal +400%
  • The Bat Billionaire - +100% increase in DPS for all Crusaders.

Weekend Wibbly Wobbly Buff!