- Môrgæn is a solver of problems, at great range and with terrible efficiency. I don’t mean terrible like: “she can’t do it;†I mean terrible like: “scary.†With Jim, I pay when I get around to it. I don’t know the last time I paid Viari. But Môrgæn? She’s an elf from the Elsewynn and she shoots arrows she makes herself. Some of these arrows are made with some kind of evil tooth on the front. So, she gets paid a month in advance. It’s not in the contract! I just like how my head is all in one piece right now and that seems like a good investment.
~Omin Dran
If you're in the market for a High Elf Hunter who specializes in killing enemies and making you money, look no further than Môrgæn, the ruthless and efficient Ranger played by Morgan Webb on Acquisitions Incorporated!
Would you like to know more?
I. A solver of problems...

- The ranger Môrgæn is a renowned tracker and hunter, able to pinpoint-target foes at any range, then vanish into the woods with no one the wiser. Her legendary ability with the longbow and the custom arrows she crafts instills fear into the hearts of her many enemies -- and more than a few of her coworkers. Famously, she is the only member of Acquisitions Incorporated known to be paid in advance, lest a missed invoice lead to dire repercussions.
Môrgæn is a Support Champion who takes a percentage of your gold find in exchange for a powerful DPS buff with her Paid Up-Front ability. The more gold Môrgæn takes, the greater the power of the buff, which persists through resets. When you wish to add Môrgæn to the formation, you can swap her with Makos (Slot 9).
II. Môrgæn's Stats
Race: High Elf | Alignment: Chaotic Neutral |
Class: Ranger (Hunter) | Gender: Female |
Age: 150 | Affiliation: Acquisitions Incorporated |
STR: 12 | DEX: 20 | CON: 12 |
INT: 14 | WIS: 15 | CHA: 10 |

III. Môrgæn's Design
Since Môrgæn is in many ways a highly skilled mercenary, we wanted to make sure that she took her 'cut' of the profits, so Môrgæn will take a percentage of your Gold Find with her Paid Up-Front ability, and in exchange she will increase the damage of other Champions and help you kill enemies. She has multiple sets of specializations that allow you to customize Paid Up-Front further, so you can make sure that she's helping your favorite DPS Champions. And did we mention that this buff is boosted by all the gold Môrgæn collects, persisting through all her adventures? We probably should have mentioned that :)Môrgæn's second ability is Friends in Wealth, which increases the formation's damage with the aid of Gold Find Champions (and stacks multiplicatively for each one you field), giving her some extra oomph when grouped with Champions like the dashing and debonair Jarlaxle, who may have poisoned a certain roguish AI employee once.
Finally, Môrgæn's last formation ability is Double Tap: whenever Môrgæn's first arrow kills a target, the second arrow fired through her Rapid Shot basic attack not only makes sure the enemy is dead, but miraculously doubles the amount of gold dropped. How does she do it? We don't know*, and we certainly aren't complaining!
When you really feel like messing up some enemies, use Môrgæn's ultimate ability, Customized Arrow, can kill groups of enemies together, in a line, or even cause significant damage over time to an enemy.
(*Note: we definitely 'know')
IV. Môrgæn's Abilities
Basic Attack
- Rapid Shot — Môrgæn shoots an arrow at a random target, then quickly follows up with a second arrow.
Formation Abilities
- Paid Up-Front — Môrgæn collects 25% of the gold dropped by enemies, but in turn increases the damage of all adjacent Champions by 100%. This buff is increased by 5% for each order of magnitude of gold that she collects (stacking additively and then applying multiplicatively), with the sum persisting through resets.
- Friends In Wealth — Môrgæn increases the damage of all Champions by 100% for each Champion with the Gold Find role (stacking multiplicatively).
- Double Tap — If Môrgæn's first arrow kills her target, the second arrow hits the now-dead(?) target again, causing it to drop a second set of gold.
- Buff Targets — The first Specialization determines which other Champions Paid Up-Front applies to:
- Fine As Is — Paid Up-Front continues to only apply to adjacent Champions.
- Keep Your Distance — Paid Up-Front now only applies to all non-adjacent Champions.
- Monster Fodder — Paid Up-Front now only applies to all Champions in front of Môrgæn.
- Stay Out Of My Way — Paid Up-Front now only applies to all Champions behind Môrgæn.
- Buff Modifiers — The second Specialization determines what additional factor modifies Paid Up-Front's magnitude:
- Keep It Simple — Paid Up-Front's buff is increased by 300%.
- Tight Formation — Paid Up-Front is increased by 75% for each Champion adjacent to Môrgæn (stacking additively, then applying multiplication; 6 adjacent = 450%).
- Calm Under Pressure — Paid Up-Front is increased by 20% for each enemy attacking a Champion within 2 slots of herself (additively), up to a max of 20 enemies (max 400%); each enemy can only count once, even if it's attacking multiple Champions.
- The Long Game — Paid Up-Front is increased by 10% each second an enemy is not killed (additively), stacking up to 60 times (max 600%); any enemy dying resets the stack amount to 0.
- Buff Modifiers 2 — Choose a second Specialization choice from Buff Modifiers.
Ultimate Ability
- Customized Arrow — Môrgæn pulls a customized arrow from her quiver at random and fires this more powerful arrow towards her enemies. This ultimate can have one of three effects at random:
- Skull-carved Arrow — Môrgæn's arrow rips through all enemies it hits, continuing in a straight line until it leaves the screen.
- Smokepowder Arrow — Môrgæn's arrow explodes on the enemy it hits, dealing damage to all other enemies nearby.
- Green-leaf Arrow — Môrgæn's arrow causes the enemy it hits to take damage over time.
V. Môrgæn's Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS |
Slot 2: Global DPS |
Slot 3: Paid Up-Front |
Slot 4: Friends In Wealth |
Slot 5: Ultimate Damage |
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown |
VI. Conclusion
What do you think of Môrgæn? Have we done justice to Acquisitions Incorporated's most dangerous employee? Let us know!Feel free to send us feedback on via the Idle Champions Subreddit, Steam forum, or the Idle Champions Discord!